Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 14 Jun 1951, p. 5

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vVsVV Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired Service Sales and Service II Drilling N Y ONTARIO Phone 1 GRADING BULLDOZING LOADING ETC PHONE 373W RICHMOND HILL DONALD STEPHENS Stop No St RICHMOND I KESWICK editor are always welcome i f writers Mat fee to tie editor The editor In some of your editorials you ask the question Does the farmer wish to sacrifice independence for the advan tage of organization Today in the commercial world the farmer has no inde pendence To get in the best price range hogs and calves must be sold at to 220 lbs milk must be sold in hours eggs less than one week cream one week only thing the farmer can hold for a price is beef and grain The trucking for farm produce is at a set price and in many pro ducts the farmer cannot truck his own There are so few buy ers of farm produce now that the price is set without any bargain ing In the past before we had organized massed production con trols the farmer could and did use his individual purchasing power to hold a fair relation be tween farm buying and farm selling prices Those- days our manufacturers were in small units and there was no price fixing The farm er could and would only buy ac cording to the price paid for his farm produce The farmer did hold control and the idea of the independence of the farmer was built around this system In our farm organizations we are trying by what is known as farm parity prices to get a fair relation between what the farm er sells and what they must buy We have never met any farmers that will not agree to parity farm prices There arc some farmers that do object to our approach It would be interesting to know what was on the editors mind when he made the suggestion that we could change things by the ballot with less than 50 per cent of our people voting in our municipal provincial and dom inion elections and with the majority voting party and only a few voting policy There are suggestions coming to have what is called a recall vote that the riding has the right to recall the member and replace him This system would make the member responsible to the people and not the party A system of this kind would stop all special interest or pressure groups from working on our governments It would become very difficult for any special group to contact each riding committee with any thing that was not in the good interests of all the people Ross Armitage Newmarket 3 WILL HELP CHILDREN The Optimist club of Keswick is anxious to be able to help any child in cither East or North Gwillimbury needing medical or orthopaedic treatment who is un able to this treatment for financial reasons If you know of any such child contact the club president Percy Ma- honey or welfare vice president J Purdy They will consider it a privilege to attend to the matter promptly THE HOPE HOBBY CLUB The bus trip and pic nic of the Hope Hobby club will be held this year a Park on June All members going are re quested to get in touch with Mrs Herb Wright or Mrs Jack regarding reserva tions and where to meet the bus not later than Saturday June 16 Statistics indicate that Ihundersorms bellow over the earths surface every instant The stroke of a whales tail which can smash even a large boat is the fiercest blow that can be struck by any animal wag vw t AURORA J H MONDAY JUNE 25 ff I ingDays i out of the Blue r i wi ST r iriJTtS xz DAY THEYD I my J Mr and Mrs Jim Porter Mrs Fraser and Mrs Ben spent the weekend in Ottawa Sympathy is extended to Mrs- Jack Winch Her father Mr Moses Eames of Toronto and for many years a resident of Keswick passed away Friday June Interment was at Point The Evening Auxiliary of the will meet Tuesday June at the home of Mrs Lloyd This will be the closing meeting of the year Mrs Lang will take the devo tional and several members of the Afternoon Auxiliary will take the study chapter- Mr and Mrs Perry Winch Sr attended a graduation and ordin ation service at University of Toronto Thursday evening June The grade VIII pupils of the public school visited Newmar ket high school Monday and registered for the coming year Miss Mary Morton Moulton College was at home for the weekend The piano recital by the pupils of Mrs Pollard was a great success It was an excellent concert and enjoyed by a good crowd Miss Carol Knights de lighted her audience with several solos Mr K sang well and the pupils did honor to their teacher Mrs Cowieson and Mrs Pollard played two piano and organ duets which were beautiful A good offering was received and donated to the nur sery department piano fund of the Sundayschool The members of the mission band directed by Mrs Art Pol lock and Mrs Walsh presented The Bridge of Peace last week in the Sundayschool room Mrs Don Baldwin sang sev eral pleasing solos Tea was served It was an excellent per formance the girls and their leaders deserve much credit Keswick Christian church will open Wednesday evening for conference which will remain in session for Thursday Friday and again on Sunday Mr and Mrs Cecil Grant Mrs Mrs Peel and Mrs Hogg enjoyed a motor trip and picnic to and other points north on June Mrs Harry and Mrs Kettcll arc away on a visit with Judge and Mrs Brock at Gore Bay Is land Mr Moses Eames formerly of Keswick passed away in Toronto Friday June Interment in the English church grounds at Roches Point on Monday Mr has been a boat builder in Keswick for many years later in the summer only while mak ing Toronto his permanent home Many years he was the light house keeper on Fox Island He leaves six daughters to mourn his passing Eames Audrey Elsie Gra ham Doris Winch and Gwen MacDonnell Quite a few friends from Kes wick attended the service at Roches Point Mr and Mrs Wm Toronto recently returned from their New York honeymoon and Elton Toronto were Sunday guests of Miss Terry Mr and Mrs Harry Sutton West spent Wednesday evening June as guests of Mr and Mrs Cecil Grant The resurfacing of the road from Keswick corner to the lake was finished on Monday Mrs Hobson Jr and son of are guests of Mr and Mrs The Optimist club held a civic night this week Its guests were the North reeve and council twp clerk road sup erintendent assessor and as guest speaker the warden of York county The junior citizenship award will be made at the clubs next dinner meeting This award and all school year contest has arous ed a good deal of interest even in the international organization es News MBS LAURA ROLLING CORRESPONDENT PHONE KING KETTLEBY PLAN ICE CREAM SOCIAL The Womens Association of the Kcttlcby United church met in hall June with the pre sident Mrs V pre siding assisted in the worship period by Mrs Carl Black Mrs Harry Burns and Mrs Jerry Black Mrs Burns reported a very interesting and entertain ing evening was enjoyed by all those members who attended the meeting at King last week It was decided to hold an Ice Cream Social again this year on Aug Further details later Miss Mary sang the Lords Prayer Mrs Cook introduced the speaker of the evening Mr Snyder who is the associate direcior of Zoology at the Royal Ontario Museum Tor onto Mr Snyder gave a very interesting talk on the birds fa miliar to Ontario The several specimens he brought along ad ded much to our pleasure The beautiful coloring of some of the birds was amazing Mr Snyder said of the or more species known in the world Ontario has It is the habit of the parent birds to re turn each spring to the same location the younger birds conic to the same latitude but not of ten to the location of their nativ ity Mr Snyder said Mrs thanked Mr Sny der for his instructive talk and closed the meeting with the use of our theme hymn and prayer Under Noted Miss Anne Stephenson will study voice under the noted teacher Dr Ernesto Vinci of the Royal Conservatory of Music commencing in September This is a further step toward her Bachelor of Music Degree a goal set by Anne some time ago In auditioning the young singer Dr Vinci commented on her fine voice also realizing her ability in intensive application of her studies She has studied voice for two years and in that time has won two musical scholarships as well as certificates and medals in various music festivals She is a member of the Lawrence Dafoe choir and the United church choir of Aurora Em barking on a degree course it was found last year she must have grade six piano and grade three theory These examina tions are being tried this month In February the conservatory ex aminer the late Albert White head awarded Anne marks the highest standing in a class of 30 vocalists It will be called scholastic achievement gave her the John Stuart prize and the King twp scholarship upon completion of matricula tion examinations as a pupil of Aurora high school Home and School Conveners At the final meeting of the season of the executive of Oak Ridges Home and School Associ ation chaired by Mrs Stuart Acheson the new president com mittee conveners were named Mrs Sprague Troyer aids Mrs Gilroy citizenship Mrs J- Gimmell music and arts Mrs Stan health Mrs O Harrison home education Mrs Bob Woolley Jr membership Mrs W press Mr Anderson radio Miss Nicholson publication and Mrs Ash social After assigning monthly meetings to conveners for the coming year it was agreed a meeting of the executive and conveners be held during Aug ust The first meeting in Sep tember will be open night with a special speaker The newly ap pointed public school inspector will be introduced at that time As a closing gesture of fellow ship Mrs Ash convened light re freshments for the meeting held on Monday evening Mr Grant proprie tor of Ridge Inn returned home last Friday from Sunnybrook hospital where he underwent medical treatment entering hos pital on April Miss Barbara a daughter has re ceived a position in the Lillian Street school to teach grade four which she will accept if her examination re sults at Toronto Normal school prove successful Her appoint ment is naturally indicative of success Score Wins at Aurora Show Oak Ridges Riding Club again distinguished itself winning rib bons at the Aurora Horse Show on June Katherine Gunn plac ed second in the amateur jump ing class on owned by Ruby The jump off was tak en twice with Don Christian on Town Casino placing third It was the first time had ridden the Ruby horse In the consolation jumping class Don Christian placed third on Town Casino Shirley took fourth in the equitation class on Surrender while young John placed second on Teddy in the saddle pony class Betty of the Oak Ridges stables took a third class ribbon in the brood hunter mare class Her foal placed first in the hunter foal class Spanish Baby a fouryearold thoroughbred owned by Gordon Ratz Tavistock has a new boarding home at the Hawman stables Today four horses left the club stables for Gait show They are being ridden by mem bers of the Riding club Mr and Mrs William Ashby are happy to announce the birth of a baby daughter born on Monday evening at York County hospital Newmarket The event holds special interest for the many friends and neighbors of the Ashbys No one is more pleased that mother and daugh ter are doing well than grandpa and Dan Cook the parents of Mrs Mr and Mrs Roy Renwick of Brampton are planning to re turn to their cottage on Wild- wood Ave Lake Wilcox early in July Flew to Calgary for Funeral Mrs Kenneth Arnold flew to Calgary for the funeral of her brother Willard who passed away suddenly on May 30 in Holy Cross hospital Rev Dr Gordon Lapp formerly of Keswick assisted Rev Dr D in the service Mrs Arnold returned home on Wed nesday June after ten days at Calgary with her people there Mr Carley was yard office man ager with the A B Cushing Lumber Company in Calgary Mr and Mrs Stephenson spent a long and restful week end at Dorset a scenic resort on the Lake of Bays The weather was fine and the countryside beautiful in fresh green color ings Miss A E Bull of Winnipeg is spending a month with her niece Mrs Silvio her par ents Mr and Mrs John Bull and her brother Mr Richard Bull It is three years since Miss Bull has seen her parents and she is glad to be near her father who does not have the best of health Her sister Mrs Leon Nichols also lives in Winnipeg Mr and Mrs Arthur Barkey and their children Roy Donald and Gary of Toronto spent Sun day at their cottage on Wild- wood Ave Lake Wilcox and with them were Mr and Mrs A Ralph Fire Department Guards Cottage Danger of an explosion from an oil space heater in the home of Mrs Sue Mosely brought Aurora fire department to the scene of the threat on Sunday morning Lighting the stove to take the chill of dampness from her house Mrs was al armed when unusual sounds in trouble in the heater The fire brigade came to the scene when the nature of the danger was learned Apparent ly the flow of oil had not been completely turned off when the stove was not in use causing an inflow to the fire pot The de partment remained nearly an hour ready for any emergency KETTLE CARNIVAL The executive members of the Kettleby Community met on Friday June to make final arrangements for the monster carnival and m dance to be held Jane at Kettleby This will be their most ambitious effort and the president or the club Mr Shipley hopes that this will be a great success There will be bingo and many other Hems of interest an excell ent refreshment booth and of coarse dancing Admission win be which will in clude dancing Children will be admitted free of charge There will also he a draw for a ladles or mens made to measure snit and a gold watch also other items Everyone will be welcome and an enjoyable evening should be spent KETTLEBY Christ church has had its an nual spring cleaning thanks to the members of the Ladies Guild We should like to give special thanks to Miss Ruby Wil son for the wonderful job she made painting the fence its a great improvement Sorry to hear Mrs Abbott is in bed again with a heart con dition We all wish her a speedy recovery Mrs Meagher has been going to the hospital for several treat ments in the last two weeks Aurora fire brigade responded to a call from Mrs on the last week Fortunately it was only a chimney fire and no great damage was done Next Sunday June will be Fathers Day so bring him along with you for the service in Christ church St Mary Magdalenes is celebrating its an niversary on Sunday June 24 Please keep this date open as we should like all our members to be present at cither morning or evening service There will be no service in Christ church on that date Services at Christ church next Sunday will be am for both Sundayschool and morning service Vandorf News Wesley United Church Wom ens Association meeting was held at the home of Mrs on Wednesday afternoon June 6 There was a large at tendance with Mrs Grant Mot ley the president presiding The topic and Devotional was by Mrs R and Mrs Dibb Special music was pro- given by Mrs Carr and Mrs trio namely Mrs Roy Mrs William Powell and Mrs Herbert who sang a beautiful selection Mrs Harvey Preston sang two solos and two piano duets by Miss Reyn olds and Mrs Herbert Grim It was decided to hold a bak ing sale at Wesley church grounds on Juno 30 Meeting was closed with the Benediction and a lovely lunch was served by Mrs Scott Mrs A Van and Mrs Grant Morley The Womens Insti tute is sponsoring a minstrel show by members of the Mal vern near Agincourt Womens Institute to be held in hall Friday June 22 at pm Mr and Mrs Powell and Mary and Mrs William Powell motored to on Satur day Their son Master Bryson Powell returned home with Mr and Mrs John Irwin Johnny and Barbara had Sun day dinner with Mr and Mrs Kenneth Bacon and Wayne of Mr and Mrs Sidney and family visited on Sunday Mr and Mrs Albert Dunn of Islington Mr Dan Crosby of King visit ed on Sunday Mr Bill Kingdon Mr and Mrs Carr Mr and Mrs W Kingdon and Mrs James Oliver attended the Ordination services on Friday night which were held in Don- forth Avenue United church Rev Harold Moddle son of Rev and Mrs Moddle was one of the young men who were ordained to the ministry Wes ley United church presented Harold with a lovely hymn book Miss Sylvia Smith of Toronto was a weekend guest Miss Ruth Oliver and Mr and Mrs James Oliver Mr and Mrs Herbert Oliver Mr and Mrs Donald Stokes and family attended the Jersey Breeders picnic at Valley Anna Farms on Saturday Mr John White who is sta tioned at spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs A White Mr and Mis C Loveless and children of Agincourt Mr Ross Smith of Gormley and Miss Jennie Herman of Scarboro were Sunday tea guests of Mr and Mrs A White Mrs Powell Mrs Fred Van Mrs George Mrs J Sullivan Miss Carroll Mrs Clayton and Mrs White attended the District Annual meeting at Pine Orchard last Tuesday Congratulations to the mem bers of Gormley Womens Insti tute on receiving first prize for their quilt at the District meet ing We extend our best wishes to you when you enter it at the Convention Area meeting in Tor onto An enjoyable evening was spent at school at a farewell parly and presentation in honor of Mr and Mrs L and Mr and Mrs S Stev enson who are moving from this community After a program of two short skits by several chil dren of the school and special music by Ellas Elsie and Ann Crawford Mr A Robinson and Barbara Mrs Harvey Pres ton Mrs Slater and the Van ladies sextette Mr and Mrs and Mr and Mrs Stevenson were each presented with lovely table lamps and el ectric tea kettles by Mrs A Richardson and Mrs and Mrs Wilson read the ad dress A lovely lunch was served by the ladies Friends and neighbors gather ed at the home of Mr and Mrs If Hillary last week and present ed Mr and Mrs George van with a miscellaneous shower They received many beautiful and useful gifts The Community Club picnic will be held on Sat urday June 23 at Lake Wilcox Dinner served at oclock sharp Therell be an afternoon of sports Miss Dorothy was a Sunday dinner guest at the home of Mr Glover Mrs accompanied Ronald and son Ralph of Ottawa to Simcoc last week to visit Mr and Mrs Tom Cleaver Guests at the home of Mrs G McClurc for Sunday dinner in cluded Mr and Mrs A Jewitt Mr and Mrs Jewitt and of Kettleby also student min ister Alex of Toronto Miss Sadie McQueen of Stayn- visited on Sunday at the home of the Williams Bogart Miss Edith Walker of Ohio also Mr Tom of North Carolina are guests for an indefinite time at the home of Mr W Walker Mr and Mrs Sheridan and Miss Mary Sheridan spent part of Saturday with Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs A atten ded a musical recital at the Ham- Conservatory in Toronto on Saturday afternoon A large number of parents at tended the music festival by public school choruses school included in Mark- ham arena on Friday night A very good attendance at the weekly prayer service on Mon day night at the home of Mrs Next week Mr Parks Newmarket BEACH The ladies of St Pauls church Jersey are holding a euchre in the basement of the church every Tuesday evening at pm Everyone welcome Prizes and refreshments It seems to have been a week of accidents around the beach all injuries to the hand Mrs caught her thumb in the food churn and was taken to Newmarket hospital Mrs J J Williams injured her left hand working in the garden and final ly Mr Joe Williams received a crushed right thumb in the rol lers of a lumber truck We sin cerely hope these folks will soon be well again Mrs Williams would like to take this opportunity of thank ing her kind neighbors and friends for their wonderful as- sistance while Joe and Louise have been so handicapped Wo would like to welcome lit tle Freddie home once more from hospital He has spent a great deal of his life in hospital although only five years of age He is a victim of polio and lives on Royal Road Beach He is a happy little fellow and it would help to keep him that way if you care to send him a card Guests at the Williams resi dence were Mr and Mrs John Jenkins and their daughter Mama Mrs Jenkins is the el dest daughter of Mr and Mrs Williams who have arrived to help with the chores In the ten years from to salaries and supple mentary labor income in Canada rose from a base of to net in come of companies rose from to and dividends paid from 100 to The original fortifications Old Quebec date back to The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday June Page AUTO WRECKERS TRUCKS TRACTORS FOR SALE USED PARTS TIRES GENERATORS AND STARTERS Harry Goodman prop Davis Dr Just east of hospital PLEASE NOTICE In order that we may have a vacation the following will be the store hours for two periods JULY 3 TO JULY 14 and JULY 30 TO AUGUST MONDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY AND FRIDAY am pm Wednesday am to noon Saturday am to pm Many thanks for your cooperation Sincerely Harvey Lane Harvey Lanes Drug Store Newmarket Main St Phone USE ERA AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS IN TWINING ARTICLES YOU NO LONGER NEED INTO CASH AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Prices start at for 5passenger coach Authorized Dodge and Dealers PARTS AND REPAIRS Open Evenings Until pm Sanderson Motors Limited MAIN ST NEWMARKET PHONE t- This Week GENUINE MAHOGANY BEDROOM SUITES Featuring A Double Dresser With Plate Glass Mirror Chiffonier And Double Bed With FREE Marshall Mattress 3PIECE BEDROOM SUITES walnut finish DYERS Main St t WUHSH THIS SUNDAY IS FATHERS DAY Fathers Day WHITE SHIRTS sizes 14 M Shirt CAM A FORSYTH SHIRT ruins stripes and a Double Cuffs Available I A Selection of To With That Shirt It Shirts Reg Sleeves Nylon Shirts white or RANGE OK Nylon Sox areaa See pur Window iNm si

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