jK I Womans World By Caroune For 27 adults from York North last week was backtoschool For four days grey heads and brown heads of urban and rural residents were bent over their desks- as the enumeration manual for the ninth census of Canada was studied IS PROGRESSING Mr George who un derwent a serious operation in St Michaels hospital Toronto on Wednesday of last week is progressing favorably i Ill ff mi V HALF SLICED OR CENTRE CUT i HOME MADE ms- i I t Following the passing of an in telligence and general knowledge test they had been appointed as enumerators for the 1951 cen sus After taking the oath of secrecy the prospective enumer ators got down to the serious business of preparing to take the local census This will begin on Friday June Not only must they be ready to collect information in confi dence but enumerators must be thoroughly familiar with the many forms and papers they will use in the course of their duties They must be able to help in making this national in ventory accurate so- that it will be useful for the benefit of all It was pointed out that it each of the enumerators were to miss only one person in his territory a population equal to that of Chatham or Brandon would be dropped out of the total Enumerators will carry an identification card For New market the enumerators are Mrs Jos Greer Mrs Sinclair Harvey and myself The remainder of our school mates handle the other urban and the rural areas of York North with Fred Hare as field supervisor Information collected by the census enumerators by law can not be disclosed to other govern ment agencies such as income tax national defence or to any private organization Census en umerators are collecting statis tics about individuals in order to total statistics The fact that Mrs John Jones Market St is of Icelandic origin or lives in a brick veneer house is of no personal interest to the census enumerators or the department of but those questions are being asked of oth er Canadian householders and a WE CARRY HIGH QUALITY MEATS ALL GROCERIES SOLD AT PRICES TO COMPETE WITH ALL CASH AND CARRY STORES i rf On Sale At SENECAL DRY GOODS Aurora and Newmarket composite picture of our popula tion will result Before tabulat ing the of the forms com pleted by tile enumerators the individuals name is removed Some of the questions particu larly stressed in the population form relate to place of birth origin occupation salary and age In the case of the birth places If the person was born outside Canada the country of birth is marked as it is now con stituted This has particu lar bearing for persons born in certain parts Continental Europe in which there have been recent changes in national boun daries If the person is uncer tain of this he should give the province or district in which he was born as AlsaceLorraine or the nearest city as Warsaw In the case of origin for cen sus purposes a persons origin is traced through his father It can be most easily established by determining the language which the person or his parental ances tors spoke on first coming to Canada In the case of occupation it is necessary to know in detail the name of the firm or business the type of business or industry and the actual work done by the person For example it would be wholesale grocery retail hardware or dairy farming and not just grocery hardware or farming Specific terms must be used in describing the persons occupation It is not sufficient to merely list clerk as the occupa tion It must be qualified such as file clerk time clerk typist etc In the question on salary broad groupings of 500 are all that are necessary Income from investments unemployment in surance benefits workmens com pensation etc is not included Life insurance premium tables are based on the ages of the Canadian people as recorded in the census Over past years the average Canadian life span has increased making it necessary at every census to ask what is your age If householders are ready with the information necessary for the censustaking if they realize the great importance of accuracy in reporting their an swers and if they remember that the census is not concerned with each man or woman as an indiv idual but is interested in total statistics then this job of making an inventory of the Canadian people will be done more effic iently and accurately BIRTHDAY CLUB SHORTER HAIR IS COOL AND SMART FOR SUMMER So come in early Our expert kneed hair stylist will clip and shape your hair for the summer months ahead into a nattering easy to keep and always cool new coiffure Beauty Salon Newmarket Phone 1 r w Pictured following their recent wedding are Mr and Mrs Gerard with their The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Joseph Kearns Holland Landing Pictured from left to right are Helen Kearns and Doris Hill bridesmaids Ruth Kearns maid of honor Mr and Mrs Johnny best man Bert and Devald Photo by NEIGHBORS SHOWER RECENT BRIDE Mrs Bruce Collings was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower prior to her marriage at the home of Mrs Donald About neighbors gathered for the occasion Mrs Collings was the recipient of many lovely gifts At the close of a pleasant evening re freshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs William Shedlowich Formerly Of Pine Orchard Harper 90 Years SHOWER Mrs Stallard Mrs J Kill er and Mrs J Little entertain ed at a buffet supper and per sonal shower at the home of Mrs J O Little on a recent evening for Miss Velma Thompson a bridetobe of next month w Aurora Social News Mrs Willis and Mrs J Sinclair were guests to tea of Mrs Webster who was assisted by her daughter Mrs last week The guests greatly admired the beau tiful display of tulips in Mrs Websters garden Mr and Mrs were visiting for a few days last week at Buffalo Mr and Mrs Murray Young have returned from their honey moon trip to the United States mm r -r- WSCO Iff of your form building Roofing and Siding your and born art aiy to or and Wo your So your now I Birthday wishes are extended this week to Helen Andrews seven years old on Saturday May Wayne Burling Newmarket five years old on Wednesday May 30 Hill years old on Sunday May Murray Anthony Wilcox Lake years old on Sunday May 27 Robert Charles Archibald ten years old on Sunday May Donna Kay years old on Sunday May Douglas Arthur Cole Toronto eight years old on Sunday May Carole Anne New market year old on Monday May 28 Newmar ket years old on Tuesday May Peter Aurora years old on Wednesday May Send in your name address age and become a member of The Newmarket Era and club ST ANDREWS PLANS BAKE SALES The Womens Association of St Andrews Presbyterian church Newmarket will hold weekly bake sales throughout the summer A discussion re garding this annual means of raising funds for the group was held at the May meeting of the association Held in the home of Mrs Wil liam Dixon Timothy St with Mrs Grant Sine as the assistant hostess the meeting was well attended Mrs Joseph Greer presided The devotional period was conducted by Mrs A dim ming and Mrs it Allen Two articles Food for Thought and Appreciation were read by Mrs Lit tle and Mrs McDonald Mrs Ralph Evans invited the group to hold the June meeting at her place at McRac Reach Lake Following business session social half- hour was spent when delicious refreshments vere served by the hostesses On Wednesday one of Stouff- villes eldest residents Mrs James Harper celebrated her birthday Born in Scotland in the year 1861 Mrs- Harper at tended public school there until coming across to Canada at the age of eight years old- She remembers well the long trip across which in those days took several weeks Her father made the trip three weeks before while she was accompanied by her mother and sister At the age of nine her mother died and three years later her father pas sed away Mrs Harper married and settled at for a time also residing in Toronto for a few years For the past 30 years Mrs I Harper has lived with her son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Leslie Harper Pine Orch ard Last February she moved to Stouffville to live with her daughter- Mrs Douglas Booth For the last ten to years Mrs Harper has been without her eyesight so the present to her isnt as clear as the days of her childhood The public school that Mrs Harper attended was an uptodate room com pared to some of the other schools of that day There were no long tables like some of our forefathers used and carved their initials and the teacher wasnt grimfaced with a birch bark rod hold high The pupils sat at separate desks and had a po lite easy going teacher who was considerate of the pupils at all I times The room was heated I with two stoves one at each end of the class Her husband passed away some six years ago after he had also reached the age of Gra vel roads horse and buggies and the first automobile arc as yes terday with Mrs Harper who recalls them all clearly Mrs Harper has three daugh ters Mrs Chapman Pine Orchard Mrs Booth ville Irene a registered nurse in Toronto a son Leslie as sistant clerk of Whitchurch Township One sister Mrs Pingle Toronto also survives with Mrs Harper There are nine grand children and great grandchil dren Mrs Harper attended the Pine Orchard church as long as she was able ELECTROLUX m m Cleaner and Air Purifier The worlds most imitated Cleaner Fred Palmer Sales and Service Newmarket Phone IDA 18th BIRTHDAY SALE Specials All This Week BE SURE TO COME IN AND AVAIL YOURSELF OF THESE AND DOZENS OF OTHER BIRTHDAY SALE SPECIALS Mineral Oil Wax Paper roll for Toilet Tissue rolls for Coconut Oil Shampoo J 23 Epsom Salts lb tin Writing Pads note size for 15 Large size for Envelopes for 15 Seidlitz Powders 23 Milk of Magnesia Wash Cloths for 29 Powder Puffs for 15 Calamine Lotion 39 Magnesia Tablets 49 Shave Cream 50c value I Atkinson Phone We Deliver Newmarket J 1 L fa JR LADIES AID TEA SUCCESSFUL A successful afternoon tea was held by the Junior Ladies Aid of the Christian Baptist church Newmarket May 10 Receiving the guests by a flower- covered arbor inside the doorway were Mrs Fred and Mrs- Robert Dick The individual tea tables- were centred with daffodils and the re mainder of the room vas bright with spring flowers The sale of homemade candy baking and fancy work received the atten tions of the visiting ladies prior to their enjoyment of a delicious salad and duinty sweets Mrs Adams convened the candy sale Mm God son was in charge of the hake table and the fancy work and aprons under Mrs William Robinsons direction In charge of the kitchen were Mrs Adams and Mrs Frank Hop per Serving wore Mrs Kenneth Bennington Mrs Donald Clark- son Mrs Max Mrs George Stuart Mrs Sydney Jones Mrs Roy Gibson Mrs Charles Woss Mrs Ivan Wink worth and Mrs Ray Among those entertaining in honor of Miss daughter of Mr and Mrs St Aurora prior to her marriage to Mr Murray Young on May in the Aurora United church were the girls of the staff of the Continen tal Life Insurance Company kitchen shower Mrs Cope- land Mrs Lambert and Mrs Howard Oliver a miscel laneous shower the choir of the United church a party and pres entation and the general staff of the Continental Insurance Company a presentation of a cabinet of silver BOWL IN AURORA TO END SEASON The Thursday Night Rowling Girls who bowl weekly through out the winter at Smiths closed their regular season on May It The group had dinner at Country Acres followed by bowling in Aurora Lunch at Bells Corners completed the ev ening Prizes for the years bowling presented at the Myrtle Dunn was the outstanding bowler with ah average of 105 with a score of won high three and Betty VnnZant won high single with Special prizes were award ed to Lloyd and Fran The lowest team presented the members of the high team with timely and amusing gifts to the enjoyment of On Thursday the girls finished bowling for the Herman Bennitz trophy Myrtle was the winner- SCULPTURED TO Ml t j 7 i quick i few from a o a Uk cooler War Two yndtfOAhd top WfDMt Get 11 and more in enl cooking clock and at extra coat I Out of the west ROSE MARIE gay colorful sculptured to fit Swim Suits out for fnn t liwioh in any one of the many stylos and colors two or Mario own exclusive In satin Clustered nylon in classic and divssmakor styles in one and twopiece designs A PRICED FROM TO i A a J ROSE MARIE REID WOODS r Mens Suits and Trunks r I Priced from 395 up Safely at the safety floats and children Dont take chances m X A iT J-