i- a j I BJL it- te- KJIILLS Notary at VIOLET MacNAUSHTON iciiijf Insurance St Phone -r- DENTAL DR NOBLE 1 DENTIST MUNICIPAL OFFICI w VanderVooK DENTIST CONTRACTOR Farm Wiring DOUG BAIN General OH Burner Space Heater Electrical Household Appliances Phone Bo Ontario St LETTER a c North York RADIO PARTS TUBES BATTERIES ETC Main St A STXUFFER It St Piano Tuner and Repairer Pianos Bought Sold and Rented Phone James J Wall PLUMBING HEATING CONTRACTOR Dealer for Water Freeware Systems Oil Burners Cement Senile Tanks Constructed i OAK RIDGES Phone Kins 111 Phone Aurora J MEDICAL S J BOYD t Indian Road TORONTO MB 1 Consultation by Appointment M At residence corner of Tecunueb St 3J 3 and Surgeon MARGARET Physician Prospect St by Appointment Office Residence newmarket Coal Coke Wood And Stoker Coal phone Orders taken for gravel and crushed stone and general hauling JOHN DALY Expert and Repair Gotham Street Phone Newmarket ALL WORK GUARANTEED MISCELLANEOUS Dr Sinclair Examined Glasses Fitted it a pan by Appointment Park Ave Newmarket Teh OPT oft a THE VARIETY OF DESIGNS ONE OPTOMETRIST CLONIC only Phono In oar collection of MONU MENTS Is sack that we can meet any requirement both aa to kind and ost We also soke memorials to order of every des cription Youll find oar week excellent always and oar prompt and reasonably priced says These warm sunny days and I hear we have broken another record this time it is for a heat wave in May or as early as May at any rate Yes the records show we have never had such a warm day as this so early and the weatherman promises it will go even higher tomorrow But I am no weather prophet I am content to enjoy it while we What I am getting at is that this weather has brought every green thing on top of the earth along with double speed The tardiest trees to leaf out are showing green and that earlier fluffy tender green is quickly giving way to a darker shade And it makes you want to take a trip to gather May flowers in the woods You picture the marsh marigolds shining from every swamp meadow and at the side of the road where there is a ditch with water in it You see banks blue with purple vio letsyou see the adder tongue the yellow lily and the squirrels corn or ladyslipper You the pure white blood root flow ers the stems of which really do bleed and the gay with its heartshaped leaf You see the wild iris and the arrowshaped leaves of the water lilies You see the hawthorn trees covered with blossoms and you imagine you hear the bees humming as they busily collect nectar You see the darling and if you are lucky you find some wintergrcen berries and maybe some hemlock But above all you will find our provincial flower the lovely that dainty threeleafed lily so dainty and so fragile It is what the poet calls the wakerobin Isnt that a pretty name I have several clumps in my garden with Solomons Seal with its pretty yellow flowerets hang ing from its tender stem and some cohosh with the feathery green leaves But those white lilies shine through the dusk in the moonlight from my bedroom window down beside a cedar bush and a tamarisk brought from Vivian woods down below under my big maple trees and ferns and other wild flowers brought years ago from the woods I had a treat today and it recalled the time we were at Niagara Falls at this time of the year and in the park just across the Rainbow Bridge where there were hundreds of trilliums all in full bloom was at Mr and Mrs Fred home where daughter Audrey has a wild flower garden and it was full of white lilies all in bloom and red lilies the original wake robin with one specimen having white blossoms streaked with green Audrey has plenty of other wild flowers as well and having a wild flower garden of my own I sure did appreciate this one I dont know of anything more in teresting than a wild flower gar den for every additional you acquire means memories of a pleasant ramble in the woods and you recall the exact spot where this one or that one was found and carefully transferred with a trowel to your basket Maybe its a specimen of the now almost extinct fern or like Mrs Kidct in her lovely garden a clump of wild orchids and huntsmans cup Yes a wild flower garden can be a delightful spot a garden of mem ories Parliament this week passed legislation formally accepting the bequests of former Prime Minister King which included House in Ottawa and Kings- mere his country home miles north in the Gatineau hills The Newmarket Era and Thursday May In his will Mr King expressed the hope that these possessions would become the possessions of the people of Canada Beautiful will be a public park and House will be a mus eum housing the many interest ing of his long public career Both properties it is hoped will be open to the public some time before the end of this yean Reception For the first time a Canadian from the campaign now being fought in Korea It would be an atomic war which would result in the death of hundreds of thousands of people at one stroke and which would leave the earth pockmarked and in fected with radioactivity for years to come even if it did not as is conceivable result in some thing far worse That is the nightmare we are trying by ev ery means in our power to avoid When viewed in that light I WiTmg Fourteen from Newmarket were among nearly Bell Tel ephone drivers to receive safe driving awards for from the Ontario Safety League The awards are buttons inscribed with the number of years of safe driving and certificates C McDonald won an award for five years behind the wheel without an accident arid N F Garrett H La PI ante and A J More received fouryear awards Threeyear awards went to five Bell men twoyear but tons to three and oneyear to two others Of the grand total of some awards six were consecutive years driving of a Bell motor vehicle without an accident of any kind and one for I years prime minister held a reception brieve that our soldiers in for members and their wives at and the soldiers from other countries of the United Nations will see that their task however disagreeable and dangerous it may be is supremely worth while the official residence Prime j Minister and Mrs St Laurent recently moved into the residence and this week were hosts to members and senators at delight ful receptions We hope to give more details of this delightful social event and the official resi dence in bur next letter in Korea The minister of external af fairs Hon B Pearson this week gave the house a full dress statement on world conditions Among many thought provoking statements the popular and well informed diplomat said To the infantryman slogging over the muddy fields of Korea it may seem odd to hear some one say that his mission is to prevent a third world war He may well be forgiven for not see ing very much difference be tween a world war and the bloody business in which he Is now engaged I certainly sym pathise with that view But it is necessary to remember that in the present circumstances a new world war will be very and Express Classifieds Bring Results WANTE Tons of Scrap Iron m Attention Truckers HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SCRAP STEEL CAST IRON AND METALS Truck unloaded by magnet Son Corner Old Weston Ed and lOwnsKj an st PHONE TORONTO USE ERA AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS IN TURNING ARTICLES YOU NO LONGER NEED INTO CASH mm exevexyoutr mm J AUTO SON MAIN ST BRICK BLOCK an CARPENTRY WORK TILE SETTING LAYOUT and ESTIMATES J Brookes Main Si Newmarket j J Main St u i Office and Showroom fe mm Jii Newmarket iK- Consult us regarding INSULATION ASPHALT ROOMING SIDING ROOFS f BOND for or Terms Arranged PHONES Ml M9W and WW -V- VLA Group Started On Park Work Concrete evidence of the com munity spirit which prompted the formation of the Sunny Hills Home Owners association on the VLA property in Newmarket is apparent in landscaping of the Sunny Hills park development of the childrens playground now under discussion The funds in part to make these undertakings possible have been provided The members have transplant ed lilacs and a few hardwood Irees to their permanent locations in the Sunny Hills park Furth er measures will follow At the special meeting of the association last week authority was given to the parks chairman George Phimister to proceed with the development of the childrens playground and the park Swings sand boxes and other equipment will be con structed or purchased for use this summer at the park The dance at Newmarket high school was successful Arthur Lloyd VLA district office ex tended a vote of thanks to the wives of the associations mem bers for the delicious lunch which they had provided His remarks were echoed by the president Mickey Smith and the general Reservation Notes NEWS OF THE INDIANS ON ISLAND By BILL The other night on the radio we heard a lady give a very in teresting talk on Should Indi ans have the right to vote Clarence Porte is a member of the Georgtna Island council He is a carpenter and has lived on the island all his life When we asked him his opinion on this he thought for a moment and then replied certainly would be in favor of it After all Indians are governed by whitemans laws and yet we have no say in their making imagine that the majority of the Indians would be in favor of having a franchise Of course we would like to keep the few treaty rights that we have I expect that some day we will get it but then again it is en tirely up to the Department of Indian Affairs I imagine that when we do get it it will be done by zoning The more advanced Indians will get the vote before the others I believe that the Indians to the south and that includes the residents of Island will have a vote be fore some of the northern tribes who are less advanced than we ore William John Asquabe also had an opinion on this subject According to him Indians should be able to vote because they do their work just as well as any white man if not a little bettor Were fighting for it and somebody I hope that we get it There you have the opinions of two prominent citizens of Island Their only hope of getting a vote seems to lie in the belief that patience is a virtue Is it fair that per cent of Canadians should deprive one percent the right to vote simply because they havent time or cant be bothered to take time to consider this ageold question Immigration There were immigrants admitted to Canada last year The nationality of immigrants was Albanian Austrian Belgian British 15399 Bul garian 95 Central American 14 Chinese Czechosolvakian Danish 905 Dutch Estonian Finnish French 1209 German Greek Hungarian Icelandic nine Irish Republican Israelite 103 Italian Japanese Latvian Lithuanian Mexican six Norwegian 239 Polish Portuguese Roumanian Russian South Am erican Spanish Swedish Swiss Syrian Tur kish Ukranian USA citizens West Indian not British Yugoslavian others Total Government has so extended in recent years that it touches dir ectly the lives and living of all our people There was a day when only a few people had business with the government Now almost everyone has some business or contact with government- If in any of these necessary contacts difficulties are encountered your member is always happy to give what assistance he can Your letters are welcome and apprec iated and hope no one will hesitate in getting in touch with me if my help is required The address is parliament buildings Ottawa fltft fesKWOXvoS 3 AND A ERE i- i v- I rt v v TAVT i v ktfet usS- W viwrv 9 a s SNA lv VNWLl NEW PRODUCTS uth at Cellophoiw with to day welfare and comfort welt improvemnh to existing from like the JUNE winner of the of Tomorrow Grand Award her from Dr EdMid retired General Manager of the Opera York 3000 in CM awatdi were won this radio membership All the lunch was donated by the ladies who likewise attended to the serving A special mention Is due Mrs and Mrs Ernie McCaffrey who worked in the kitchen for the evening The floral centrepiece was donated by McCaffreys Flowers The dance was convened by Myles who was assisted in his task by nil the members Prizes were awarded in novelty dances A motion of thanks was passed at the meeting to those who patronized the affair to those who though unable to attend purchased ticket to swell the fund to Bruce Smith and Glover Toronto who ad vertised the dance and to the editor of The Era and Express John Meyer for the advance publicity given the project The meeting was held at the air force wing hall with an at tendance of YOUR NEEDS SPEEDEAST SATIN a new CM wall with a synthetic rubber bate In lo no time and con be dean time and again ARE THE SPUR Everybody in Canada benefits from chemical research Your health your comfort the many attributes of better living form the basis of the service extends to home farm and industry A better brush a finer paint more efficient explosives and count less new and improved materials all owe their origin to chemical enterprise Through such enterprise Canadian Industries Limited is Serving Canadians Through Chemistry UBf s EASY TO and oaiy to with new nylon old painting of or rJV tteeU THINGS Proper plant feeding CM an Important the early of CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED MONTREAL THE WAY port In the build of M railways and buUdlngs r iij r fri Evc-