SK rt CI- r 17 24tfc ij r ORDER AND OR NEW r SOME ITEMS TO IT ORDERING EARLY are i v v a- I EQUIPMENT and Service 3600 Are Saying NEWS PAGE iV J A vj V as ir- 1 J J v I the fortunes of our worthy fire men We shall bring more news to our readers of this coming event In the meantime we take great pleasure in making these pre liminary announcements We went down to the meeting of the Recreation Commission on Thursday night May under the chairmanship of Don Glass Others present were Councillors and Fielding Rev G Allan Dick Bucha nan Tom Swindle Stead- man Recreation Director Tom Dickson Mrs Helen Dickson secretarytreasurer and Mrs St avert director of handicrafts It was a businesslike and in some respects a lively meeting Minutes of the previous meeting correspondence accounts treas urers report and committee re ports took up considerable time After which chairman Don Glass extended a hearty welcome to the new members of the Com mission Rev Purchase and Mr Allan Members of the Commission are still feeling sore over the I sum of 2600 appearing on the tax accounts which members assert is likely to mislead tax payers into the erroneous belief that the town is paying the Com mission that amount for working expenses As has already been pointed out the sum of 2600 includes which it is expected will be the amount of a grant by the provincial department to the Commission The remaining balance of represents nor mal wages expenses borne by the town That is the under standing in regard to the shown on the tax bills If the Commission were sore on the matter of the tax sum it appeared from what Councillor Fielding had to say that the Council mad with the Commission And for this j son In the brochure recently published by the Commission telling of its history occur these words Early in 1947 an attempt was made to induce the town a a iSP I THE TRACTOR Oak Ridges Phone King One Two and Four Tractors CHOREMASTER BEAVER CLINTOH Sales Service Custom Work council to purchase a modest amount of playground equip ment to be installed in the park but they failed to approve of the project However they did agree to purchase the material for three sand boxes which were duly installed- Undaunted by the indiffer ence of the council the sponsors of the movement the original members of the Commission proceeded to establish a chil drens playground on a vacant lot on Tyler street etc Mrs Fielding said that coun cil took strong exception to the words indifference of the Expressions of support for the wording 6f the paragraph came several members of the especially from Mr this instance A motion by Councillor Field ing seconded by Mr Allan that the words complained of be deleted from the brocnure was lost only the mover and second er voting for it We greatly wander why the council should be so sensi tive about some mild criticism directed against their ancestors dating from the year Are they being sparked into action by their ancestors who resent the facts being made known of their indifference to the provi sion of amenities by the Recrea tion Commission which in spite of the indifference of the council remained undaunted and went on to great success Resentment of criticism by men holding public office is a form of delayed mental develop ment The public man said the great Churchill who cannot take criticism should go to bed and stay there In the above instance as the facts abundantly prove the council of were lacking in an understanding of communal needs It was fortu nate that there were men like Tom Swindle who remained un daunted and proceeded to sup ply an urgent need backed by their personal resources Chairman Don Glass report ing on the work initiated by the late Garnet in connec tion with the formation of an art class stated that the wellknown artist Mr had most generously agreed to take 18 ap proved students from the public school for free tuition Mr Glass stated that Mr an ticipates the formation of the classes in the early autumn The Commission paid tribute to Mr generous assistance to the culture committees activi ties Then followed a tribute by Mr Swindle to the work of the chairman in arranging the Band display in the town park on Sun day evening May 20 at as advertised in last weeks AU RORA NEWS Present at the Display will be the St Andrews Small House Plans THE BLAKE has a long but narrow plan with hip roof and eaves The brick fireplace in front forms a recess for front door Entrance door is shielded from living room by corru gated glass partition Two large bedrooms have ample space for furniture placement including twin beds one Each has two wardrobe type closets with storage Side entrance leads to kitchen and bedroom and has both broom and coat closet Kitchen and dinette are combined with sink under front window work counter under refrigerator window Stove and serving counter are on inside wall Plans call for frame construction with a full basement Ex terior is finished with siding and an asphalt shingle roof The overall dimensions of the Blake are 26 with the floor area amounting to ft while the complete cubage equals cubic ft For further information about THE BLAKE write the Small House Planning Bureau The Newmarket Era and Express New market AURORA COUNCIL Continued Page Councillor Gundy presented a report from the planning board the projected purchase of the land proposed to be used as a park adjacent to the new high school area This matter will be dealt with in our Council Sidelights in next weeks issue after we have had the oppor tunity to study the planning board report Editor Councillor Gundy once more brought up the subject of the purchase of the land offered for I sale to the town by Mr Ross Linton It was stated that Mr Linton required a decision from council by June latest It was decided that members of council would inspect Mr Lin tons land on Monday May to enable a decision being arrived at at council meeting on Juno More land was discussed when the subject of a gift by Mr Cou sins was again revived This is a piece of land from Cousins Drive to Edward St and accord ing to Councillor the done to alleviate the traffic situ- The board of trade had undertaken to solve the parking problem but as Councillor Cor- averred the situation was just where it was Mayor Bell was more dent Its coming along he said t- Yes but when Not a sod turned yet repeated Councillor Council resolved that the park ing site problem be taken up with the board of trade asking that an explanation be furnished concerning the delay in getting underway Parking Meiers An animated discussion took place on the suggested C of the installation of meters Mayor Bell supported the peti tion for installation of meters but Councillor provided a schedule of figures that appeared to show no favorable side to the matter Nor did Councillor consider that meters would solve their parking problems- The mayor pointed to the New in subject of accepting or not market meter system as a model the offer from Mr Coulof success Councillor a JIWJ questioned the success of the I SMALL HOUSE PLANNING BUREAU NEWMARKET ERA AND EXPRESS NEWMARKET Please send me more information without obligation the plan features and the type of construction used in the house as pictured in the issue of May NAME ADDRESS Know Your s College Pipe Band and the Auro ra High School Cadot Band We trust the weather will be favor able for this outstanding local event Recreation Commission direc tor Tom Dickson gave a lively report on summer sports activi ties referring to the demand for fleetfooted deer He has out that there every evidence of a rejuvenated tennis season and that members were al ready enrolled The Aurora Recreation Com- mission is to be commended on the fine work it is doing on be half of the young people and in the promotion of healthful town enterprises The Aurora Agricultural Soci ety will sponsor its annual Horse indie Who said that Show in the town park on Sat- the council was urday June Judging will true If the statement true of the council of had the council of 1951 to about Asked for his opinion gnibf said that if deserved a rap then they should take the rap He did not consider that the council had any real reason to object to a rap in m J Av jf j v- it aS ft fc- IS ti 7 Xi i ir5via J mm m and Cold V- it againtt All TV Besides Insulated Sidings is i A v and materials IN COLONIAL STONE A NO DESIGNS commence at Midway on Friday evening June will continued through Saturday In the ladies section there will be a display of home cooking day and an arts and crafts exposition I in the high school auditorium on Juno Further details concerning this important Aurora annual event will he found in our NEWS PAGE in next weeks issue Congratulations to Murray Oliver on his winning a scholar ship to the Ontario College of Art- Murrays exhibitions at the Aurora Art Club have been ah attractive feature for the past few years On enquiry we wore glad to that 2Mb year old daughter of Mr and Mrs is back from York Coun ty hospital and is making a good recovery The many friends of the Readers were grieved to hear of the accident that befell little Just before going press we received a telephone call from Irwin Watts who informal us thai May will ho the official opening date of the Aurora Lawn Bowling dubs season It is hoped that Mayor Bell himself a keen lawn bowl er will be present to deliver the first official howl of the season The club lias many engagements on their seasons program and are looking forward to a very successful year Continued from Page 11 Zephyr Ont Frank Smith has been a member of the Zephyr Hunt club for years His mer colleagues have all long since departed and he now hunts with his sons and even their grand sons He likes to fish for bass and speckled trout- But above all ho loves to give chase to the a hunting lodge between Parry Sound and Burton The hunting gang he originated years ago have all gone the way of mortal man but Frank Smith is as keen as ever He has been doing the cooking for the hunting gang for over years He looks forward to continuing the art of cooking for the hunting gang for many years to come Old Aurora hunters of the past he remembers Joseph Watts Bert Alf Love Jim Knowles Lou Banbury Orlanda Brett Wash Haycock and Smith Frank Smith recalls all of them as grand hunters of a has pride in his son Cyril who was a high school student under Principal J Later he went to Uni versity graduated and began his business life as a consulting en gineer with Dominion Steel and Coal Company Sydney He is still with that company and resides at Sydney He is married and has one son To Mr and Mrs Frank Smith AURORA NEWS PAGE express es good wishes and good fortune in the days to come sins had been debated off and on during the past three or four years The mayor thought it was high time the matter was settled Its going to cost us nothing he said and It would make a nice little park arid playground for children Wheres the money coming from for upkeep questioned the deputyreeve his doubts being shared by Councillor On a motion by Deputy Reeve Murray seconded by Councillor Gundy it was resolved to hold a decision over until next coun cil meeting A further planning board re port affecting Wellington St properties was presented by Councillor Gundy and it will re ceive attention in our Council Sidelights in next weeks issue when study of the report has been made Parking Site We were to have a parking site by the United church and so far not a single sod has been turned asserted Councillor I very much doubt if anything will be done about it this year Councillor Corbetts criticism was directed against the board of trades delay in getting anything success meter system in Newmarket solving the parking problem Reeve Cook took the view that the matter of parking space- should be settled before council came to any decision on meters Councillors Fielding and Gundy were in favor of the installation of meters A motion by Councillor seconded by Councillor Davies that meters be left over until the question of a packing site was settled was carried by a majority vote- A petition signed 100 percent by the Aurora barbers asked for a bylaw regulating new working hours arid instituting Wednesday as a full closing was accepted by ByLaws Two bylaws introduced by Councillor received sec readings respectively The first was for a deben ture loan for the public school board and the second was tor for the Aurora Hydro El Frequency- Standardization System These and other matters by council will receive full attention in next weeks issue of A- AURORA NEWS PAGE in Council Sidelights Ed VIBRATED and plain Styles of Blocks PINE ORCHARD CEMENT BLOCK CO Phone Mount Albert 2911 Classifieds Bring Results r I Frank Smith will tell you that he has had a life His cheerful manner is known to ev eryone His age if we were to give it would surprise most peo ple It surprised us We see no reason why he should not be hunting for many years to come SCHOMBERG Mrs Ross Moody gave a show er in honor of Miss Marie Wilson on Saturday prior to her wed ding Quite a number of our local neighbors spent the weekend in the district fishing Mrs Roy Dixon and Mrs J spent Wednesday in Tor onto Miss visitcl Mr and Mis Ken I canard re cently Quite a number of ladies of the Anglican WA attended the deanery meeting at Bradford on Thursday Mrs J Tottenham visited her aunt Mrs Win Kinley on Friday evening HERE MARTINSENOUR HOUSE STAYS YEARS Jff 1 J Now an outside white paint that washes Itself sheds all dirt stains and soot M each time stays crisp white and clean for years longer THE SECRET IS IN A 1 i m km i rf Winnipto Vancouvf to your Barrett Dealer 1 I rtrdB Insulation Shingling Siding Built Up Roofing main newmarket I l 9 1 mm v 3i ZEPHYR Mr Emm is receiving treat ment in Toronto General hospi tal We wish him renewed health and a speedy return Mr Stuart Graham spent the at his home here Mrs A p left on Thursday fop Quebec from where she will salt on tho Empress of Scotland to spend the summer in to Mr and Mrs Bruce Miami Beach on the birth of a baby daughter at York County hospital on Sat urday May Some friends from here at tended the and Blair wedding in the San ford church on Saturday We are sorry to report the ser illness of Mr John Shaw Mr and Mrs A Armstrong visited Mrs Julius nard on Sunday Mr Harold and Harriet Sun- M lis Aw Planning To Build This Spring TO REPAIR OR TO RENOVATE WE CAN START IMMEDIATELY CONSULT AN H A The YOUR BUILDER Phone or 783w NEWMARKET i GET HELPFUL FOLDERS Your dealer has Color Cards for the complete range of products and Service Sheers giving detailed instructions on the correct use of paints varnishes and enamel Before ask him for these and for any other advice you need Hell he glad to help you YOUR WW HEADQUARTERS FOR or nh Controlled Chalking permits- a minute quantity of cbatk to off with tain fall carrying ail dirt an J stains leaving a completely bright surf Chalking is so controlled that Pure Exterior White actually ordinary paint by much as three years Because there is no cricking checking or flaking no ere v for water to seep woodwork is completely protected for the full life of riic paint RANGE Of COlOtS In to whit r iyrTJ I ii A I A Jmi