ff J it The Newmarket Eta and May PLAYER TO BE GUEST The Optimist club which is doing a bangup job of living up to its motto Friend of the Boy has finalized plans for a banquet Friday to write finish to the season During the past winter the Optimists financed the six- team circuit and proximately boys are expect ed to attend the banquet Guest of honor will be Ray Timgren of the Toronto Maple Leafs Stanley Cup winners Vie- for top billing with well fill ed tummies will be the presenta tion of awards won over the past season All players of bantam and mid get age on the six teams are asked to report to the Trin ity United church Sundayschool rooms at pm sharp Friday May 4 Jack Hamilton Optimist club president adds an aside asking all players who still have sweat ers to turn them in Friday even- fog JUNIOR LADIES LEAGUE The annual meeting of the Lake Junior Ladies Soft ball League will be held at Ken store Keswick on Fri day May at pm AH four teams of last year are requested to have delegates pres ent The league Is to in crease its membership this year and any new teams seeking ad mission will be welcome Lr iririiri THE A IQa mm ao THEATRE PHONE NEWMARKET Nightly Saturday pm Matinee Saturday and Holidays Z i STARTS THURSDAY MAY 3 FOR 3 DAYS f i V HT fa J First signals of another banner season in the Lake Soft ball League were hoisted Friday at the annual meeting in Sharon hail Approximately delegates representing nine teams were present Ross Chapman was returned for his fifth term as president Other officers named were Ken first vice Clark Arnold second vice pros Harry sec Floyd treas Publicity agents are Doug Hope Claude Pollock and Percy Rich mond Eight teams are definite start ers it was indicated They are Pine Orchard Hope Keswick Zephyr Willow Beach and The latter a new team had a strong delegation present Mount Al bert last years finalist was not represented and Harry Holmes Newmarket Corner Cupboard sportsman filed an entry from Newmarkets north end The latter was tabled by the league delegates for future considera tion Retiring treasurer Archie Dikes report indicated the league would start this season with a surplus of 22761 Delegates de cided that teams wishing to enter would have until Friday May to file entries Players list must be in the hands of the ex- by May Executive plans to meet May The fivemile radius and May residence rules usual bone of contention between the dele gates remain unchanged The executive was left with the job of selecting umpires for the sea son Three names mentioned were Bob Peters Bill and Mount Albert ousted last year as the top team by Zephyr is doubtful starter this season re ports Horace Pearson Mounts perennial worker and booster Ken Red Mitchell pitching mainstay Harold Watts and Kelly Case veteran cam paigners are all retiring Ross Draper bulwark of the catching department has been shifted to Oshawa by his employers Ex pect well try to have a meeting this week and get a definite an swer on an entry reports Mr Pearson Morley Bain and Ar nold Zephyr delegates report Weve definitely lost three of last years championship crew Roy Taylor serving with Canadi an forces in Korea working in and Lunney unlikely to return be cause of an injury in the hockey season Officers are Cecil Har rison treasurer and has been named manager and coach SPORTS May Aurora Town Softball League organization meeting East Room Fire Hall pm grounds practice grounds practice Junior Ladies Softball team pm grounds Office Specialty prac tice May Last day for filing en tries in Lake Softball League pm Minor Hockey League banquet Trinity United Sunday school rooms Lake Junior Ladies League annual meeting Ken Davies store Kes wick May Newmarket Town League executive meeting Bell Telephone offices 7 pm SS grounds Hoffman practice May 7 pm grounds Junior Ladies practice pm grounds Senior Ladies prac tice JV I i J- EISA JOHN EMERY SAME PROGRAM I FIRST TIME ON Roller racing worlds dangerous oo Five Sure Possibly Seven Entries In Town Mondays Newmarket Town Softball League executive con- flab cleared the air to some ex tent Five teams are definite starters Office Specialty defend ing champion Hoffman Bell Tel ephone Cyril Keats South and Ray Smiths Newmarket Sports Cycle Shop latter a new entry is likely to concen trate on junior players Fate of Harry Holmes North End Corner Cupboard team to be known on Monday Optimist club definitely wants in Ernie Miller has been named playing coach Decided At Bennys Alleys Exciting games were witnessed at the Trophy semifinal playoffs at Bennys Alleys Aur ora on Monday night in both ladies and mens sections In the mens section the fol lowing four teams occupied the alleys Maple Essos Harts Town Team and Maple Lions The re sults were Maple Essos Harts Town Team Maple Lions The highlight of the evening was the score of by Alex Strachan Allen Woods Harts bowled high single of 341 The series will be completed on Wednesday night May 3 when total pins of the six games will decide the holder of the A Trophy It was generally conceded on Monday night the Maple Lions and Town Teams were completely off form Ladies Section Playoffs in the ladies section were between Ai Wilsons Ladies and Maple Ladies A teams with Ditch Diggers are Aurora Town League Hockey champs The Diggers provided an upset by flooring Pete Hermans Leather Tanners The Diggers climaxed their rush with a two games to one victory in the finals Back row 1 to Paul Knowles Frank Young Doug Miller Earl Ron Smith Front row to Mickey Sutton coach Dave Bachly Harold Stephenson Harold Mouse Don Watson Ted Shorty Sutton Photo by Joe Voted Spits Most Valuable Joe outstanding shot- blocking display in the Spitfires cage over the past winter isnt going to pass by without recogni tion it seems Joe was voted the teams most valuable player In due course Stonewall will receive the most able player award The selec tion is made by a vote of the players- Maple ladies capturing all three games The outstanding player of the evening was Rita Hall who scored a high triple of This result left the two Maple teams tied for second place with 14 points each The con test to decide the winning team for second place will be played on Wednesday night A final game with Harts will decide lady champions AURORA SAT UK MAY 4 RUTH It f-t- r mi 1 mm i ROMAN E0WIMLMARIN and CARTOON MATINEE SAT 2 PM i MAY FOR DAYS MAY The executive and delegates a proposal submitted by retiring president Mickey Smith to allow players within a radius of three miles of town to play in the town league A proposed interlocking schedule with Aur ora Town League was turned down though a suggestion to ar range a playoff series between the two winners later was ap proved Harry Holmes offered a trophy to the leagues most valuable player and the batting champion and these were accepted whole heartedly Most valuable player will be selected by a vote of the managers president Jack Teas- dale vice president Albert Top- ham and Geo of Era and Express Plans to start the league away on May hit a snag when filing date of players list came up for discussion Tins important mat ter was left over for first con sideration at next Mondays ex ecutive meeting at at the Bell Telephone offices behind the King George hotel The Bell Telephone entry is being touted as the surprise package In any event itll be strong in the coaching and man aging departments Mickey Smith was named as coach and Charles Mac McDonald was handed the managership reins at a meeting of the players Wed nesday in the Bell offices On the alleys One week to go in Town La dies League Race lias narrowed down to two teams Spark Plugs and Keeps Wizards next followed by Cubs Fern- and Dubs Mon days results 3 Cubs Dubs 3 Wizards Spark Plugs 3 I Edith Hall had Mary Osborne Edna McGrath Claire Pollock Pearl Codlin Hester Clark Alice Gibson 580 Sttcktand Aud rey Stevens Dean Jeanne Gatti 557 Muriel Gtinn 507 Thelma Den Oldhams team won first place in the Mount Albert League with Jimmy Ham- melts and Doug Campbells crews tied with As always in the playoffs season form was tossed out and Lome Mainprizes crew captured top honors with Lloyd Jimmy and Wrights In the mens di vision Murray Stokes high av erage 18793 high three flat Murray Stokes Davis 714 high three handicap Davis Young high single J Oliver high single han dicap W J Oli ver 340 Ladies sector high average Marion Case Mina Stokes high three flat Marian Case Stokes 639 high three handicap Marian Case Stokes high single flat Marian Case Parks 264 high single handicap Marian Case Parks 274 Bladings Trophy that goes to high single scorer over the sea son at the North End Alleys in the mens division was won by Barney Revolt with a 390 single with the Friday Night Club In the ladies division Catlag- reeled off a 353 single howl ing with Don Monday Night League Neil Lothian Alexander public school teacher has been bringing down a few of his pu pils of a Saturday morning to the North End Alleys Heres some of the top scorers Susan Burling old and games Geo Case and games Hoffman League will hold their banquet at May IK DOWN THE CENTRE by t VlvJf DRAMA WITH DYNAMITE IN ITS KiSSESJ i Going To Enforce Resident Rule f 1 -L- r I MR Him fUMKX 0 GARDINER vjj and 111 The Expecting Picture YOUNG HALE LA M-M- Showing only pm Till IAV Simmons Long at the Fair a J U3 WW SOON L i l n V As a final windup to hockey for the year except for an odd spot note lets see what happen ed lie A convention in Toronto Saturday Stan Smith represented Newmarket and en tered an intermediate A club The Rockets werent represent ed Andy and Tom Dick- soli on hand for Aurora with a junior entry ami the Aurora Indians were Markham and Wood- bridge completed the representa tion from the area The residence rule continues in the book despite the fact that the majority of the ex ecutive wanted to wipe it out Wo have long since felt that it was a rule that was so antiquated it should be off the books unless the would really put some teeth into the interpretation George Dudley treasur er led the fight to retain the rule and despite his confreres in office the delegates voted over whelmingly to retain the old rule As a result if springtime promises mean anything the intends to really enforce the rule this year Imports will he actual bona fide imports and not roomers and m commuters It was suggested that clubs of fending will he suspended for a year If the really lives up to the letter of the law well and good Hut weakkneed hand ling as has been the case the past few years will again make the situation archil Abusive talk draws a fine now hi place of a suspension It WHS felt this pen- the club and not the play er Since Hie club will likely pay the fine we doubt that the new will do much good Ed Williams and Ian Barron Aurora Bears both drew loat winter and while it hurt the club temporarily it did the team and the individual play ers a lot of good There is a onegame suspension for a second offence A third offence calls for both cash and time penalties Frankly a player who offends more than once should be out for the season as we see it A match misconduct penalty calls for a fine as does an expulsion from the players bench by players or officials To curb f ihliiifr the convention requested the to provide a match penalty for players striking an other with their first The moot ed change in age for junior play ers from to was defeated Jack Christie of the OMHA led the fight for the change and veteran secretary Billy Hewitt was the opposition spokesman The vote was close for the old rule There were some other minor amendments but those were the main changes Coinciding with the conven tion the last OHA champion ship was decided on Saturday night in Sanaa as won the junior championship from the fancied Weston Dukes win ner of the local group Sarnia is by Detroit Wed Wings It was the second straight season the Dukes have lost out in the finals- They looked stale and couldnt really get going The champions are sen ior A Toronto sen ior inter mediate A Ship builders intermediate Bridge port Vets junior A Barrio Fly ers Junior Sailors junior Green- shirts junior Legion Among familiar faces at the convention were Red Mitchell Lindsay Chuck Shannon Niag ara Falls Fred Tor onto Matthews who coached Aurora junior back in Eddie arid many more Its been a long sea son and locally itll be even long er next year as the artificial ice clubs will be out in full force Added to the list of new arenas in the area will be East York and Joint goes Into hospi tal next week for an operation to his injured shoulder is unable to lift anything of any weight at present as a result of a separated shoulder and bone growth There is absolutely no truth to rumor that ho will not return to St louis next winter The advance medical advice is that his shoulder will be as good as ever after the operation- Joluuiy aiathowson former Newmarket boy who back in the has been played junior hockey in Aurora pointed civilian defence coordin ator for Stouffville The Trophy emble matical of secondary school track supremacy in North York will be on the line at Newmarket oil Wednesday May when for the first time since the cup was donated back in the meet will be held in the spring Aur ora are the defending champions and both Aurora and Newmarket have equally hold the trophy Aurora and Hill held their school meets in the fall and the purple and gold war riors at Newmarket may have an edge on them with their own meet being held this month In addition both Aurora and Rich mond Hill schools are concen trating on cadet corps work for both boys and girls now and there ore no cadets at Newmar ket It makes for an exceeding ly busy spring but both the doub le blue and red and white will make the best of It The track meet between the schools is al ways one of the most colorful events of the year and all thats needed is some fine weather make the event a success Made by English Craftsmen Compare Price and Quality Strong Durable Onepiece Steel Side Frame Blade Tension Adjustment Nonskid Threesection Blade Five Blade reinforced SUFFOLK VICEROY 14 WHEELS SEARING SUFFOLK CLIPPER 16 RUSH WITH SUFFOLK CLIPPER DELUXE STRONG STEEL HANDLES GREAT CANADIAN 1425 ENGINE CUT SELF- SHARPENING Newmarket MAIN ST PHONE No Madame We dont guarantee to find any lost hairpins Hut we will gladly check ami road test your ear change transmission and differential lubricants for summer driving flush radiator change motor oil lubricate springs and chassis change oil filter If required SERVICE IS YOU PAY ONLY FOR MATERIALS Sanderson Motors ltd Dodge and Sales and Service Main and Newmarket DODGE CARS AND TRUCKS AND Available for Immediate Delivery X i rC A- iJ v CLUB OF NEWMARKET PRESENTS ITS ring t Ferris Wheel Airplaner Chills Thrills Prizes All Kinds Of Rides i MONDAY r ism S ii tiy ice cream pop carnival fun for Bring the Kids