Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 26 Apr 1951, p. 7

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A r ft- For sale Wooden slabs Phone Blizzard 202w2 Newmarket between and oclock or and pm For Several cords of mixed wood already cut Phone Aurora NOTICE to CREDITORS THE ESTATE OF CHARLES CHURCHILL DECEASED All persons having claims against Charles Churchill late of the Town of Newmarket in the County of York machinist deceas ed who died on or about the day of December are hereby notified to send to the un dersigned on or before the 19th day of May full par ticulars of their claims After the said date the executors will dis tribute the assets of the said de ceased having regard only to the claims of which they shall then nave notice Dated at Newmarket Ontario this day of April AD Allan M Mills Newmarket Ontario Solicitor for the Executors NOTICE I will not be responsible for any debts contracted against me in my name Joseph Newell Zephyr c3wl6 TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH TENDERS FOR GARBAGE COLLECTION Tenders will he received at the office of the township clerk Van- dorf until noon Saturday May for the collection removal and disposal of garbage and other refuse in the vicinity of Wilcox Lake commencing until May 31 1952 MusseJmans Lake com mencing June 1951 until Sep tember Prestons Lake commenc ing June until September The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted John Crawford Township Clerk Vandorf TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH TENDERS FOR A IM PROVEMENT Tenders will be received the office of the township clerk Ont until noon Saturday April for the improve- meht of the north Wilcox Lake to ad comprising approximately lineal feet of grading shap ing gravelling and installation of culverts and ditching Plans and specifications may be seen the office of the engineers The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Consulting Engineers Isabella St Toronto John Crawford Township Clerk COURT OF REVISION Take Notice That Council of the Corpora tion of the Town of Newmarket has constructed as a local improve ment sewers on Davis Drive West from Main Street a distance of feet west The cost of the work is of which Is to be paid by the The rate per foot frontage Is equal to an annual charge of cents The special assess ment is be paid in fifteen an nual instalments The estimated lifetime of the work is fifteen years A Court of Revision will be held- on Friday the day of May pm at the Council Cham Main Street Newmarket Ontario for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assessments or the accuracy of frontage measurements any other coin- plaint which persons interested may desire to make and which is by law cognizable by the Court Dated this 24th day of April Brooks Clerk NOTICE Take notice that The Council of the Corpora- of the Town of Newmarket has constructed as a local improve- mcnl sidewalks on Park Ave The cost of the work is of which Is to be paid by the corporation The rate per foot frontage of to an annual charge of cents on north side and cents on south side The assessment is to he paid in annual instalments The estimated lifetime of the work Is years The Court of Revision will be held on Friday the of May 1951 pm at the Council Chambers Main St Newmar ket Ontario for the purpose of hearing complaints against the pro faned assessments or the accuracy of frontage measurements and other complaint which persons in terested may desire to make and which is by law cognizable by the Court Dated at Newmarket this day of April WESLEY BROOKS Clerk NOTICE To CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ELIZA BETH SMART LATE OF THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET IN THE COUNTY OF YORK WI DOW DECEASED Creditors of the abovenamed deceased who died at the Town of Newmarket In the County of York on or about the day of January 195 are hereby noti fied pursuant to The Trustee Act to send to the undersigned proof of their claim on or before the day of May after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the under signed will then have notice DATED at Newmarket this day of April 1951 ANN Administratrix by her solicitors Mathews Stiver Lyons Vale Newmarket Ontario NOTICE NEWMARKET HUMANE SOCIETY Take notice that a general meet ing of the members of the New market Humane Society will be held on Tuesday May 1951 at pm in the Presbyterian church Newmarket Election of officers will be held and plans will be discussed for the carrying on of the work of the society All members of the society and other persons interested in this work are invited to be present Dated this day of April AD WESLEY BROOKS Secretary COURT OF REVISION Take Notice That The Council of Corpora tion of the Town of Newmarket has constructed as a local improve ment sanitary sewers on Lome Ave and Stanley Streets 2 The cost of the work is Of which is to he paid by the Corporation The spe cial rate per foot frontage of main sewer is equal to an annual charge of cents The special assessment is to be paid in fifteen annual instalments 3 The estimated lifetime of the work is fifteen years 4 A Court of Revision will be held on Friday the day of May at pm at the Council Cham r Main Street Newmarket Ontario for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assessments or the accuracy of frontage measurements and any other com plaint which persons interested may desire to make and which is by law cognizable by the Court Dated at Newmarket this day of April Wesley Brooks Clerk Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK IMPLE MENTS GRAIN ETC The undersigned will sell by pub lic auction the property of C VanDerVOORT on hi premises rear lot A3 in Whitchurch enter by eon mile south Wilcox I a lie on SATURDAY APRIL 28 IMPLEMENTS Threshing machine Oliver tractor plough 2- furrow tractor plough row walking plough seed drill grain and fertilizer attachments International riding Walking Single plough Roller Cultivator Tractor cultivator Hay racks Set of Oliver disc harrows Hay tedder Hay Rake Hay mower Cement mixer Set of bob sleighs Cutter Rubber tired wagon Fanning mill Set of scales Chain grinder Turnpike tractor model on steel Hoot pulpcr Trailer binder Del aval milking machine HARNESS Seta double harness HORSES Ray mare years old Hay mare 9 years old mare years old Gray gelding years old CATTLE cow full flow cow full flow cow full flow cow bred Aged cow calf at side cow full flow cow full flow Heifer first calf full flow Heifer year old Heifer months old FOWL Geese Rock hens GRAIN Appro of oats of wheat PROPERTY OF GRAVES 37 Chevrolet truck suitable for buck rake Chevrolet stake truck Ford sedan good condition 32 Chevrolet roach good condi tion good tires Cabinet radio with automatic re cord player Day bed couch with mattress Extension table Buffet and chairs Electric drill inch Hat at Mil SMITH Auctioneer 1 BIRTHS Brock At York County hospital Monday April to Mr and Mrs Lester Brock King a son Corbett At York County hospi tal Tuesday April 24 to Mr and Mrs John Richmond Hill a daughter At York County hos pital Sunday April to Mr and Mrs James Crowder Baldwin a son Elliott At York County hospi tal Saturday April to Mr and Mrs Carl Elliott Kes wick a daughter Ferguson At Toronto East General hospital Saturday April to Mr and Mrs Ferguson Newmarket a son Robert Louis Junior At York County hospi tal Monday April to Mr and Mrs Joseph Gibson Queens- a daughter At York County hospi tal Wednesday April to Mr and Mrs Roy Aurora a son At York County hospi tal Saturday April 21 to Mr and Mrs John Newmarket a daughter Miller At York County hospi tal Wednesday April to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Miller Kettleby a daughter MacKinnon At York County hospital Saturday April to Mr and Mrs Neil MacKinnon Sutton a daughter At York County hos pital Sunday April 22 to Mr and Mrs Hendrikus Bradford a son At York County hospi tal Tuesday April to Mr and Mrs Paton King a daughter At York County hospi tal April to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Newmarket a daughter At York County hospi tal Monday April 1951 to Mr and Mrs Anthony Brad ford a son Stephens At York County hos pital Saturday April to Mr and Mrs Frank Stephens Newmarket a son At York County hospi tal Monday April to Mr and Mrs Clifford Tilley a son DEATHS Dunham At Sunnybrook hospi tal Toronto on Tuesday April LtCol Frederick Harold Dunham MC husband of Norma Dunham father of Her bert of Newmarket Mrs Eric Stephen Winifred of Montreal Mrs J Mrs Geoffrey Smith Emily Joy Resting at Yorke Bros Chapel St W Ave Funeral service at the chapel pm Friday Interment Park cemetery- At her home Concession East on Saturday April 21 Catherine Re main wife James mother of Mrs V Hughes Gander 15 an tics NOTICE FRED HOIDEN Pine St Newmarket Phono Dealer In cool and wood f CARD OF THANKS Mr Mrs Reg Harrison wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their kind expression of sympathy and floral offerings especially thanking Dr Dr Arkinstall Mrs Ernie Rank Mrs Jack and Rev Cot ton during their recent bereave ment ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Jack Toron to announce the engagement of their daughter Jeanne Blanche to Mr William Gordon son of Mr and Mrs Ross Queens lie the marriage to take place on May 6 pm at Calvary Anglican church Silver- thorn Ave Toronto CARD OF THANKS I wish thank Dr Edwards Dr Ritchie my special nurses nur ses and staff of York County hos pital also relatives neighbors and friends for their cards and flowers which I received while in hospital Mrs IN Rales In loving memory of our door son Terry who passed away April Fondly loved and deeply mourned Heart of my heart I miss you so Often my darling my tears will flow Dimming your picture before my eyes But never the one in my heart thai lies The stars seem dim I whisper low My own darling boy I miss von so Lovingly remembered by daddy mummy and Susan Hale In loving memory of our dear grandson Terry Bales who was kilted by a train on April The memory of bis dear wee ways Will linger with us all our days Sweetest flower too sweet to stay God took him home to show us the way From grandad and grandma Miller loving memory of a dear mother Bertha ton who passed away April Sleep on dear good mother it has been long year Since you left our hearts filled with sadness and tears Yours was heart that wits blithe some and gay Scattering sunshine all along the way You know how we loved you and yes love you yet Though God took you from us we cannot forget Lovingly remembered by sons daughters grandchildren SALE REGISTER Wednesday May Auction sale the property of Clifford Mill er north half of lot con West second lot east of on the broken front Farm stock Implements feed Including new Case model trac tor threshing machine 33 head of cattle pigs horses and full line of equipment Terms cash except for thresher and tractor Sale pm C Sproule auction eer phone Stroud Saturday fl Auction sale of household effects the property belonging to Mrs George lot con East miles south of Sharon Sale at pm Terms cash Smith auctioneer Mrs George Jennie Mrs Edward Robbins Annie Herbert and Mrs Arthur Warner Angela Interment St Johns cemetery Monday Hamilton At Sutton West on Monday April Martha Stephens wife of the late John Hamilton in her year mother of Edith Mrs Bong Mae Mrs Lapp Gertrude Mrs Myrtle Mrs Corner Wil liam Alex and Elmer Interment in cemetery on Thurs day Howell At Newmarket on Wednesday April Bea trice May Howell wife of Eric Howell R 3 Interment in Grove cemetery on Saturday Kelllngton At hospital on Monday April Robert A Kellington husband of Minnie Thompson and brother of Mrs Robert A Davidson In his 73rd year Interment In North Portal cemetery McKay At the Toronto Wes tern hospital on Thursday April Gordon Bray McKay of Willow Beach formerly with New Toronto husband of Mary son of Mabel the late Alexander McKay of Willow Beach and brother of Harold of Belmont Mass Interment Park Lawn cemetery on Monday OConnor At Toronto on Tues day April Mary wife of the late OConnor mother of Stephen and Vincent in her year Funer al on Friday at St Johns Roman Catholic church Newmarket for mass at oclock Inter ment St Johns cemetery Pierre On Saturday April at Albert hus band of Julia Pierre formerly of Toronto brother of Mrs Helen and Pierre of Win nipeg Man Interment Mount Hope ceme tery on Tuesday At the Toronto Gener al hospital on Friday April Joseph Rctter late of Kes wick husband of Constance ter Ave Toronto fath er of Doris Mrs Con stance and the late PO Alan Interment Mount Pleasant cemetery on Monday Weir At his home Harrison Ave Aurora on Tuesday April Frank Weir formerly of husband of Mary and father of Percy Toronto Herbert Oshawa Mil dred Montreal Mrs J Parsons King and Eleanor Mrs Robinson Newmar ket Interment cemetery adjoin ing St Andrews Presbyterian church Scarhoro twp on Thursday LAWN BOWLING At a meeting of the Ladies Lawn Bowling club held at the home of the president Mrs Gibson it was decided to have the usual Opening of Seasons dinner combining the ladies and mens section when the weather and the greens were in suitable condition The seasons tournament dates are June 21 ladies trebles pm Mrs Lyons trophy July 19 mixed trebles pm July 28 mixed doubles pm Aug mixed trebles local civic holiday Aug ladies trebles pm Aug mixed trebles 7 pm Sept mixed trebles J Little tro phy pm Sept 20 ladies trebles P trophy Oct mixed rinks am Last Thursday in each month to be night Mrs Mc Caffrey Mrs I and Mrs Geo Osborne are cocon veners of games committee for June and July Mrs C Wain- man Mrs A Goring and Mrs Wright for August and Sep tember Mrs J and its Womans World By Caroline Ion Newmarket may be located in North York but at Minstrel Show time its heart is with the south Even amalgamation seems less threatening Didnt all that Lions show honey Anyone humming a Yankee the names on the program with The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday April Page on their fine effort To Bill Greig and his orchestra Fred whose excellent back drop added the professional touch to another local presenta tion and to all the cast and those behind the scenes we add our thanks for a very pleasant evening tune is risking exile from this warm southern clime The cur tain rises those perennial dark- j ies the Newmarket Lions join the orchestra in a Dixie melody and the spring festival of good humor is underway The sight of colored gentlemen in our midst is unusual But not as much as the antics per formed by them It is difficult to realize that they are the towns leading merchants busi ness and professional men Here they are caught as one might say with their inhibitions down There is Snake Hips Evans the same one who took up col lection in church so sedately Mrs McCaffrey for October hut rr A i urday evenings were suggested for local weekly tournaments when green is not in use for scheduled tournaments Mrs C F Willis sec CALL SUSTAINED At a meeting of East Toronto Presbytery held in Presbyterian church on Tuesday April 24 a call from Norwood church Winnipeg to Rev M E Boudreau minister of St An drews church Newmarket was sustained translation to take ef fect June Mr J Malcolm represented St Andrews con gregation and Rev Henry Mat thews minister of Davenport Road church acted for the Nor wood congregation NURSES TO MEET The regular meeting of York County Nurses association will be held on Tuesday May pm at Prince Charles school Dr superintendent of the Ontario hospital Aurora will be the guest speaker All nurses in the district are cordial ly invited to attend On the alleys Press Shop are champs in I Hoffman League They racked up a total over the season Vorelone Sheet Metal Office and Machine Shop Sheet Metal skunked Vorelone in the final week Office gathered in points to allowed Press Shop Top bowl ers last week McDon ald including a single game Frank Bill Top ten aver ages over the season Frank Daniels 2028 Frank Grant Blight Bob Murray Alan Daniels Jack McDonald Lev Bob Joe Keith Davis Grant Blights triple compiled Feb was high for the year Les shot a 341 single game Apr to cap the prize in that depart ment Betty VanZant slammed par for a loop in the Thursday Night Ladies League with a 225321 Other top scorers were Dunn Ruth Pen rose Hazel Nor ma Peel Vi Dales Marie Olive King Farmer Injured As Tractor Topples Pins Him To Ground Silvio farmer on the fifth line of King suffered serious injuries late Monday afternoon when a tractor he crated pinning him underneath He suffered two broken vertebrae of the spine a broken arm and shock Removed to York County hospi tal Newmarket Mr is reported in favorable condition When released from beneath the tractor Mr walked to his house and was lying on a couch awaiting the arrival of Dr Crawford Rose Aurora who had walked a third of a mile on the fifth to reach the injured man a car bogged in a bad spot held up the doctors care Help was summoned from Richmond Hill Frank Steffan and his triplet brothers arrived to help others carry their father on a set of to the ambulance waiting some distance from the house Mr was using the tractor to draw a shovel for grad ing the grounds near his house when an uphill climb caused the machine to topple over Last year he fell from the machine and was hurt He has been In Canada for several years and has a large family His triplet sons Secondo and Torso came from Italy about a month ago Two weeks to go and the race is sizsding in Monday Night Ladies League Spark Plugs are front runners at the moment with points in hot pursuit are Wizards Cubs 57 ami Dubs Tills weeks results Spark Plugs 3 Cubs Wizards Feeps Dubs I Traffic heavy in 500 and COO brackets Top pin Pearl 284162 Annie Stick kind 650 Dean 313161167 other over bowlers Hall by Clark Nulla Audrey Stevens Jeanne Alice Rose Mary Osborne Mary Austin Alice Gibson Fine scores Claire Pollock Hester real estate worries in a southern lullaby Farmer has for saken the plow for a sailors life as he sings Three For Jack Gene McCaffrey alias Peony alias Ted Brewster now makes like a hot canary Jim Walker who has been referred to so fre quently as that genial master of ceremonies that he is con sidering changing his initials to M adds a few more songs to his collection of favorite airs That partly accounts for the unusual success with which these shows have been greeted Sell out houses for five performances is an enviable record for any en tertainment That means a to tal audience of over The audience appreciates the goodnatured clowning which makes these shows possible They admire the cast for its willingness to forget their per sonal dignities in an effort to provide amusing situations They are aware of the drain on time and energies such practices have entailed for the orchestra and cast Part of the audiences fun is derived from trying to couple Electrical Service INSTALLATIONS ALTERATIONS REPAIRS Wiring a PHONE A Rowland Garage NEWMARKET those characters on stage mas querading behind the paint wigs and costumes Another reason there is so much enjoyment from a club minstrel show is in the audience participation and the impromptu additions of lo cal They enjoy having their neighbor ribbed or the play on some silly bit of town gossip But the great appeal of the show is in the universal liking for corn not the variety which graces our tables in the fall but the jokes which Mr Interlocutor and the End Men tell at the minstrel show In that there is a similarity they both bear whiskers Oh try next year to arrange for a few snap per ones Keep the corn but try the popping variety Its impossible to mention all the members of the cast and by and large they deserve mention Jack Luesby is carving himself a spot as one of the towns lead ing comics Everyone with whom we were talking began to chuckle when theyd remember some of Jacks performances It was unfortunate that Bro ther was unable to assist with the first two shows His appearance on Thursday in the cast was greeted with shouts of glee by cast and audience alike They leaned forward in anticipa tion of the flow of wit which would naturally follow his ap pearance His unrestrained spontaneity added zest and col or to the show Congratulations to the Lions Starting Sunday April 29 Gray Coach Lines Buses WILL RUN ON Daylight Time Service on this route will remain unchanged Gray Coach Lines GIBBONS TRANSPORT LOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND CARTAGE Furniture Storage PHONE NEWMARKET She that in pleasure is dead while she Dead lit trespasses and sins Lazarus is dead He cried come forth and he came forth I am the life He that hath the son hath life am Intercessory Prayer Gardens Chapel TAKE WARNING Exploding of Firecrackers except on May 24 IS Prohibited in Newmarket Shooting of air guns rifles and other firearms bows and arrows and catapults is also prohibited BYRON Chief of Police Jim Cook burst out with a count to top the Office Specialty Of fieemens League last week Single game honors went to Herb Atkins Roy a n Stew Parks dropping into runnerup role with each Present stand ing Bennetts Giles 2B One week to go LADIES LEAGUE Charlie Stevens of the Lake Simcoe Ladies Softball League semis out a hurry up call to all teams interested in play- in the circuit this season to file their entries at once Teams wishing to enter are also asked to state most suitable time to hold the leagues annual meeting As soon the entries are in league meeting date will be set Entries should be sent to secre tarytreasurer Joyce Porter Keswick MODEL PRICE Sportsman 110 Sportwln Big Twin DISTRIBUTORS FOR Motors and Ross Boats EASY TERMS Now on display at If SPORTING GOODS Main St Phone The Gospel Tabernacle Millard Ave Newmarket am Pastors subject The Mystery of Godliness pm Subject The King Who Burnt the Word will be illustrated by a drawing by the pastor using colored chalk and black light for illumination SPECIAL MUSICAL numbers by Miss V Curtis A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL You never need to defrost this W MARKET Youth for Christ DIRECTOR SATURDAY APRIL 28 730 PM Rev Palmer Christian Missionary Alliance Church Midland SPECIAL MUSIC Friends Meeting House and Church Sts HP NORGE The only refrigerator in Canada that defrosts automatically If clean quiet complete Over ft storage space Holds 33 of frozen foods make room for tall bottom for staple foods Only AddisonNorge has the Holla tor Cold maker for com trouble- free operation A few models at price of 429oo MEETINGS lances Main St Church of the Nazarene EACH NIGHT SATURDAY MAY Rev and Mrs J H MacGregor WORKERS Amherst Nova Scotia Rev endeared himself to the people last January when he spoke for one week He comes back on special invitation accompanied by his wife who is a chalk artist COME AND ENJOY THE RICH MINISTRY IN WORD AND

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