-j- i j- CUSHION GRIP Wf your plates fit like The Common It initio By Isabel IN SPRINGTIME Of course we all know that in springtime a young mans fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love and just as surely the hearts turn and not lightly to thoughts of gardening bug clicking irritating always remain a powder or pas Only Atkinson Drugs NEWMARKET rfeone We Deliver Eta and Express Classifieds Brim Results V v as 1 A MeatDeot Thanks for he support you gave us on our opening It was beyond ex- We demonstrate by the following prices what your continued support will mean in savings to you FRESH PORK SHOULDER lb LEAN No Extra LEAN FRESH Pork Loin lb EITHER END lb average Watch Thursdays Daily Star for Other Specials IN MEAT GROCERIES FRUIT VEGETABLES OUR IS THE HIGHEST OUR PRICES THE BEST DC I Shod Rib Blade Roast lb lb LEAN Minced Beef lb HOMEMADE Sausage Meat lb 51 the spaghetti was in the oven I left it there and as time went on thought Id look at it She paused to contemplate the past gloomily Go on go on I begged Just as I stooped to look in the oven she said re sentfully the thing exploded When my seeds refused to ger minate I didnt mourn But who says a garden isnt an adornment If your flower seeds grow the cats sit round the tiny trans planted plants a friendly dog buries a bone you gave him just where you put something extra special you forget where you have put a- bulb and plant some thing else on top of it you get acquainted with toads and worms and talk back to the saucy rob ins and song sparrows Oh there are lovely things and funny things in a garden and one often reverts to these exquisite tones One is nearer Gods heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth Miss Marie Hopper is a missionary under the auspices of the Church of the For the past five years she has been stationed in Africa She is now on furlough in the United States Miss Hopper will speak at the Church of the Newmarket on Tuesday April 24 at pm It is a good thing that hope springs eternal in the human breast for rarely do the dream gardens built on wishful think ing based on seed catalogues and magazine pictures become reali ties Marvellous vegetables known and unknown dangle their per- of shape size and color before our envious and alas too credulous eyes We plant the seeds in hope and water them with blood sweat and tears but where oh where is the fulfil ment Listen to the tale of the rase bush Some eight or nine years ago a little hush was given me by Miss I planted it with fear and trem bling in what I thought was a good place But although it liv ed it seemed to do so under pro test Each year a few sad looking leaves appeared and one sickly bud vhich never matured What made me more disgusted was that my neighbor Mrs tin was given the same kind of a plant the same day and on going into her garden on one occasion there was her bush aglow with dozens of rich yellow roses I came home feeling cross and defeated and sulky In an effort to get to the root of the trouble the man of the house said sup pose we try it in an other place Well when in despair one catch es at straws so move it we did and the next year it had three yellow beauties But alas and alack perhaps Im not meant to have yellow roses or maybe yellow roses dont like me At any rate we were changing our flowers round and it had to be moved again so last summer the greater part After the business of it gave up the struggle and if se5sion J- any part survived the winter it completed for the Blossom department on May a dainty lunch was PEACE BY PRAYER LADIES AID THEME A meeting of the Junior Lad ies Aid of the Christian Baptist church Newmarket was held at the home of Mrs Young on Tuesday April A recording of the sermon given the previous Sunday in Weston Baptist church by Rev A Greer was presented The theme of this message was Peace Brought Through Prayer The meeting was opened with the repeating of the Lords Prayer in unison Mrs read the lesson followed SPRING FLOWERS DECORATE AT TEA A delightful spring tea was held at Trinity United church Newmarket by the Evangeline auxiliary of the on Fri day afternoon April 6 The beautiful bright spring sunshine filtered in through the stained glass windows on the dining tables centred with yellow daf fodils Tall white candles and a bowl of spring flowers decorated the serving table from which tea was poured by Mrs S King Mrs L Dr M Arkinstali and Miss The guests were greeted at the door by the president Mrs Walton Those serving in the dining room included Mrs J H King Mrs Gilbert Mrs J Mrs A Eves Mrs Mrs Carter Mrs M Wood Mrs Brown and Mrs H Walker The homemake baking at the by a poem read by Mrs Bruce t and soon disappeared will be a surprise to me One year I was greatly in- served by I saw in a about vegetable spaghetti wr and vegetable oranges So said VICTOR WORK I to the other half of the family Lets try them I never had much faith in those fancy things he told me but with my eyes glued to the catalogue and a vis ion of fine new vegetable dishes before my eyes I ordered the seed My enthusiasm was a trifle dampened when a friend told me experience Did they grow I wanted to know and she said Oh yes they grew Well I asked Weil she said and not well Go on I urged 1 put the vegetable spaghetti in the oven it looked like a melon and it was sup posed to come out be opened and there be the spaghetti ready to fix up and serve That sounds good said I Sounds good yes said she bit terly Shall I tell you the se quel or will let you go on and learn the hard way You cant do this to me told her Tell me the worst Very well said my friend in a resigned way I left off where DESCRIBED TO Mrs K Toronto gave an interesting talk on the Victor Home for Girls Toronto at the meeting of the Womens Association of Trinity United church Newmarket The regu lar meeting which was held In the school room on Thursday April was chaired by Mrs Mr JJ president Mrs Campbell was in charge of the devotional period It had as its topic The Prodi- gal Son Mass Starr gave a temperance paper on George Bernard Shaw Following her talk Mrs Fock ler extended an invitation to the members of the association to visit the Toronto home and to make plans to attend the annual garden party at the Victor Home on June Following the business session refreshments wore served and a social halfhour was spent The kitchen staff under the efficient management of Mrs G Wainman and Mrs Jack son served a dainty salad plate and a varied assortment of de lectable small cakes The busiest place of ail was the nursery under the supervision of Mrs Noble At times there were as many as tots enjoying themselves while their mothers visited over a cup of tea TABLES PLAY AT AUXILIARY EUCHRE News by Hoy lure Or at lean It around the comer and it ill flurry of cleaning dwelling for itw for audi and for the home unrig lime of wlirii we feel like making start linn after a while we juit wont utile back and rake- life little So put early energy to work tliia year before it wear off You liomemakerft dont have to lie told where ex ert yourtelvee Its ill Jiving room uuI din ette fine a are or at least ami your family I lie winter monSrir Miring dor now you feel that your need many improvement The man of home lia of work giving the am front dour a rout of paint taking down tin and putting away and get- ling die garden In virile Mi to work leaning and and tewing new covering ami mi on hen tin interior deeoraling tain- going on here are a few idea may help you play an important part in appearance of your there are Mime that aw a in one lpe of loom an in another Thin puili true of ruijfih textured vemiall of he girded the period of your furni ture die of your room the modern room you use one of many interesting texture and weaves To mention few textured wool cotton and jit smart and linen faille woven tiiic In modern decorating plain color or twuloiied much more popular than The Ladies auxil iary of the Canadian legion held the regular monthly euchre and party on Thursday April in the Legion Hall There tables Mrs Anne Sanderson convened the affair in the absence of the chairman of that committee Mis Arthur Sheridan who had the mumps Winners of the prizes included euchre ladies Mrs Arthur Daley men Mrs Irene West Mrs Frank fluid with seven lone hands won the lone hand prize first prize went to Mrs Downward Mrs Hill Ingram won the con solation prize A draw for cushion which hud been donated Katun Co Ltd was won by Mis Cam eron Lane The three prizes led packages of soaps donated Canada Mrs A dona ted cream and sugar set Join prize and the con solation prize was donated Mis Anne Sanderson All these donations were voluntary con- as it is policy of the Legion auxiliary not to soli cit prizes were served the close of the evening other hand you can ttte damarkr hloeudee ami rep It dial die colore you for your should In ill harmony the of your loom After youve lunched general re- tilth dip- cover you might waul In add a few louche And what he prettier a hiight doily era color Moral are the hi the of and one of the mint fate hinting Heres a fuvorite the worked in two of yellow into a crocheted harder fur a pule green renter the dully in diameter A leaflet for to you charge if you will lend clfMddreaei paper lKAKK Mrs will be the speaker at a incet- iu of the Womens Missionary tfnitii of the Christian church Newmarket The meet will he held in the basement of the church on Thursday April at a in All ladies of the congregation are invited to at tend Miss To ronto was the weekend uest of Miss Leila and Miss Eva Cleave Newmarket Mrs Stan Evans mid daugh ter Susan spent last week the home of her parents Mr Mrs Campbell Mr and Mrs Lyman and daughter Carol Ann Wood stock spent the weekend with Mrs parents Mr and Mrs Mr Mrs Leo North Hay visited Mrs Frank on Saturday Mrs lancc is Mrs niece Mr and Mrs William War den and family visited Mrs Warden and family New Toron to on Sunday Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Bruce Andrews and family were Mr and Mrs Edward Jarvts Mr and Mrs Ted Andrews and son Ross Toronto Mrs John Walsh and son George Walsh spent Saturday in Toronto and attended the pre sentation of at the Royal Alexandra theatre Michael McCaffrey of the Bank of Montreal Walkcrton is spending his annual holidays home with his parents Mr and Mrs A McCaffrey Mr and Mrs Lewis Knowles of Barrio spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Andrews Donald Nichols son of Mr and Mrs George Nichols Tor onto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Roy Martin and family Mrs Scldon visited for a few days last week in the guest of Mr and Mrs J S Brown and family MRS HARRY FEE NEW CWL HEAD Era and Express Classifieds Bring Results Mr and Harry irhr and children Carol and Stephen vkdted Mr Prices Mr and I Vice over weekend Key- Meadows for mer iff the Newmarket Christian church attend ed and brought to the emigre gallon Mr and Mr William Cov ert by their daughter Marilyn were week end of Mr and Oli ver Gould William WrJghtman for few week in the gueil of Ron- inlaw a daughter Mr and Mrs William Hill Mrs Roy Martin spent Thursday with Mr and Mrs George Nichols Toronto Miss Lou attended the Newmarket school dance on Friday evening and spent the with Miss Marlcne Knowles Mr and Mrs Melbourne Haines and daughter Rhonda Toronto spent Thursday with Mr and Mrs Elliott Haines Mr and Mrs Frank Widdi- field Mrs Lowell Widdifield and daughter Judy visited on day with Mr Lownie Sharon Rev R Morton and Mrs Morton Oshawa are spending a couple of days in town visiting Mr and Mrs Ernie Morton Mr and Mrs Mo- J of the Review j Watcrdown spent the weekend with Mrs- brother Mr Milton Morton and Mrs Morton I Mr Wallace Morton Toront to spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Milton Morton I fairy was elected l president of the Newmarket di vision of the Catholic Womens League at the annual Meeting held in St John School on April Mm Henry More presided Folio the by the committees Mrs V A McCaffrey graciously thanked the retiring oxicutivj for itn excellent leadership dur ing final yiar Ilia em will be tunned at a later date Officer elected past I pre Mrs More pre J Mrs Harry Mi tjd hope Mra wc Mrs VA If BACKACHE is Back Its Oodd You May Need act and and KAtey Ih Mp to normal action Mp he and that baling Kidney for bind Pills Perhaps someone near and dear to you ill doctor called and written a prescription Now waiting tor the medicine is a tim when minutes when you may wonder why the medicine cant be harried waiting period sometimes medicine to be effective vvmanded meticulous care and skill checked re5beekd At Lanes Store we will iafty the sake of speed If you find it to wait we will be glad to deliver the sxfriin it FORMER RESIDENT HAS BIRTHDAY Mrs Anne who lived for many years in Newmarket celebrated her birthday last Monday April 16 Mrs Dayman who has been blind for some years lives with her son Edward and wife at Co- TRADE GROWER TO SPEAK ON CACTI Ben Hamilton com- grower of cacti will speak on this topic at a meeting of the Newmarket Horticultural Society on Tuesday April pm Held in the agricultural board rooms Botsford where they went in meeting is open to the public Mrs- was born in Ley- ton Essex England near Lon don Her husband died in and in she came to Canada and lived in Newmarket until moving to Another son George Long Branch also lived for many years in New market while two other sons still live in England GUIDES SPONSOR YEARLY COOKIE SALE Mrs John is in charge of the program Mr Veldhuis has recently returned from a months business trip to California His greenhouses at and his exhibits of cacti at the are familiar to many from this district He is regarded as one of the foremast growers of cacti A brief report on the annual convention which was held in March at the hotel Hamilton will be given by the president Caldwell- and save with a OVER 700 ATTEND COOKING SCHOOL The Newmarket Girl Guide company is conducting its an nual sale of Guide cookies Guides will he calling at homes throughout the town to take or ders for the cookies which are delivered at a later date Support this active youth movement by placing your order with a Girl Guide when she calls at your door Money raised 14 the attendance through these sales is use I to further Guiding in the District commissioner is Mis Captain is Mrs Thompson and the lieutenant is Mrs Alfred Feet Additional volunteer leaders arc greatly needed ST The April meeting was at home of Mrs Osier with members present This was an apron shower tor the bazaar and la aprons were turned in Next month there will ho a shower for the fish Is wrapped and ln- girl or adult Mrs Thomas read from of supplementary study Harrison Desert Doctor This is an interesting story of the life of a missionary in Arabia and will ho continued next month by Mrs Delegates were appointed the annual meeting to lie held in Toronto from April May Only three dele- gales are allowed hut anyone in- is to attend Over ladies attended the cooking school spon sored on April and by and Dyers and the Newmarket Women institute Club exceeded that of last years by approximately Harry sales of acted as master of ceremonies and Miss Iris Amundsen home economist conducted the school Over prizes awarded to lucky ticket and others selected for special pre senlations Among these were Mrs M Thicken who will be on May and Mrs John Smith A milage who is Tit Those ladies won corsages for being the oldest present at each session Mrs Thicken makes her home tier daughter Mrs Johnson Queen St George p sent behalf the inn to Mrs T A Mitchell president of the Womens Institute tor their assistance the proceedings were served by the Institute Mr flyers also introduced the various staff members of Goer and aczt cut easier uieah and in wen woK weals from vup i Ji discover v tst- you St Phone HAS An evening was spent the Mrs Val Marsh when a miscellaneous shower for Mae I was given There were many lovely gills and Doits Hill also gave a mis- shower at the homes of their mothers for Miss US CLEAN YOUR ATTIC CELLAR UNUSED FURNITURE JACKETS Rivalry Twill and Jackets arc Illicit and available in sizes v it A 1 In priced at your I0i- dis count on with Children Allowance Jill 12 years Phone Newmarket Branch CANADI LEGION Will pick up any article you have no further use for Tables Sacks It AS China Farm Machinery Scrap Metal Old Tires Garden Tools Scrap Lumber Bricks Heirlooms Whatnots WE WILL TAKE ANYTHING OF AND AHBANQKMENTS Will FOR Help the Newmarket Legion carry out its childrens programs essay contests and free Mood donor service