Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 19 Apr 1951, p. 2

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j ir IS- a I The E tad Express April Queensville News Congratulations to Mr and family had dinner on Sunday 1L Mrs Gordon Kennedy on the birth of their daughter on April The Athletic Soc iety entertained the Holland Landing public school hockey team the winner of the public school league at the Marlboro game at Maple Leaf Gardens Toronto on Tuesday night April The boys all re port an enjoyable evening Mrs and Miss Vera Arnold visited Mrs J A Fergu son Richmond Hill on the oc casion of her birthday on Wed nesday Mrs A Smith Brett and Miller and Mrs MH- sted attended the teachers meeting at Jersey school on Friday afternoon Mrs Root Stiles visited Mr and Mrs Harry Horner Sutton on Friday and Saturday Mr Archie who suffered a fall recently is con valescing at the home of his son- inlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs J Dr Margaret is at tending the conference in North Bay this week Miss Betty Griffith spent the weekend at her home Miss Olive Sowerby and Mrs Etta Wilder Toronto were Week end guests of Mrs S Mr and Mrs family of Lansing visited Mr and Mrs J over the weekend We wish a speedy recovery for Miss Gwen who recently underwent an operation in Tor- onto Western hospital We extend the sympathy of our community to the family of the late Mr and Mrs Sharon Mr Deavitt was bur ied on April 2 and Mrs was buried on April One of the groups of the United church is preparing its program for the Sunshine con cert on Friday night May This promises to be a fine entertain ment Those who attended last year remember how successful that evening was Come and en joy this years program too Mr and Mn L and REPEAT ON DAISY The Busy Dozen Dramatic Club is pleased to announce that it plans to present a repeat perform ance of the play Shes My Daisy at Hall on Wednesday April at oclock Plan to come and enjoy a laugh as scares uncle Peter out of eating and Dr Apple who either kills or cures as he effects a cure on Freddies ears PLEAS ANT VILLE On Friday night April the Armitage Community club will be the guest of Bogarttown club Everybody welcome Sorry to report a lot of sick ness- We wish a speedy recovery to Mrs Elmer Starr Master Rog er McCiure Little Miss Miller and those with measles include Mrs Verne Sheridan and John Sheridan and Barbara Sheridan Mr and Mrs Frank Green wood Ruth and George Green wood were Sunday dinner guests at the home of his brother and nephew Messrs and Carl Greenwood Mr Tom Mr and Mrs and Kettleby were at the home of Mrs G McCiure on Tuesday April 10 also attending Mr M Sheridans sale Mr and Mrs Sheridan were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Fisher New market and Mrs Wm Glover Billy and Bever ley Glover were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs Glovers sister and family Mr and Mrs Hart Tor onto Owing to the country roads be ing impassable for vehicles Pine Mr and Mrs spent Orchard church was cancelled on Sunday It is expected time of church service will be at am commencing on Sunday May with Mr Alex Dobson as stu dent minister Mr David Preston Toronto had Sunday tea at Mr Doug home Mr had Tuesday with Mr and Mrs Robt Middle- ton The National Film Board will be showing its next films on Tuesday night April at at Hillside school Every one Is cordially invited to at tend Mr and Mrs Angus Smith and Miss Florence Mainprise Sutton spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Harold Smith Mrs Swift and Edna and Mr Hart Torontowere Sunday callers at the As a result of a motor acci dent at Sharon on Monday after noon Mrs Levi was hos pitalized Mr BUI re ceived a bad shaking up We hope especially for Mrs Weddel that her injuries are not too ser ious The campaign for the blind in this district started this week and will end with a tag day on Saturday May The entire proceeds will be used to support the service carried on by the Canadian National Institute for the Blind The Canadian Nation al Institute for the Blind is a national organization serving more than blind Canadi ans with intent first to ease the conditions of the blind and to assist them in every possible way and secondly to prevent blind ness When our taggers call give generously to help those who are trying so hard to help themselves Mrs J- B is in charge of the campaign here and will be pleased to ac cept any donations Mr and Mrs the weekend with their son in Toronto Mr and Mrs Sidley Port Col- borne were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Aylward Mr G and family of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Port Mount Many rushed out on Thursday from Toronto General Credit visited Mr and Mrs E dinner with Mr and Mrs John last week Mr and Mrs left on Monday for Gilmore where they intend spending the summer Keswick News Show over the weekend and Monday night and cool weather prevails even though the bay is now completely free of Mr and Mrs Mrs ARMITAGE The Armitage community club held its last dance of the season Mrs A motored to To ronto to be dinner guests of Judge and Mrs Brock Mr and Mrs Fergus Taylor Elaine and Myron were Sunday guests at Mr and Freeman Pollocks home Monday evening April at there will he on entertain ment in the United church ar ranged by two WA groups The program will consist of two films New York to Newfoundland and Skating Carnival shown by Mr Kenneth M Smith Toronto a skit How Not to Conduct a Meeting by officers and so los by Mr Ken Davie and Miss Dorothy Rye On Tuesday evening April 24 at the Lakeside Womens In stitute will meet in the memorial hall Petch also spending a few days at A Richardsons home Mr and Mrs Geo Smith and two children attended the South ern Melodies concert in Calv5n Baptist church Toronto on Tues day night April On Sunday Mr and Mrs Geo Smith and children visited the formers mother Mrs Fullerton and sister Mrs in To ronto Mr Raymond Stanley Colum biana Ohio arrived at Elmer Starrs home on Wednesday of last week On Monday Mrs Stanley and two children after a few weeks stay with her par ents returned home with her evening to see where the fire might be when hearing the fire siren only to be told a new one was being tried out which can be heard much farther away than the old one Mr and Mrs Bill Dunn- and Jimmic and Catherine Wright- man spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Steeper On Wednesday evening there was a gathering in the hall of farmers mostly potato growers who were entertained by a firm from which they purchase dust or plant conditioner for potato growing The representative here is Mr J Harrison who was in charge of arranging the evening A speaker Mr Gor don Brandis spoke on Protection of Field Crops against Insects and Blight and also showed pic tures which were interesting and educational A male quartet from were popu lar entertainers and much ap preciated The Womens Insti tute served a cafeteria lunch at the close of the program Un fortunately bad roads kept many from enjoying this fine evening Saturday June 2 will be Mount Alberts annual Sports Day and this year it will be bigger and better than ever Rev David Harrison who has been a missionary in China for some years will be the guest speaker at the United church next Sunday morning Mr and Mrs J Arnold motored to Belleville for the weekend with Mr and Mrs Gordon and Mrs Stokes returned home with them to stay after a visit with nil her family in this part of Ontario Mr and Mrs Harold Clarke and Jane Aurora and Mr and Mrs Wrightntan and Mart a were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Burr Mrs Herbert and Goodwood who have spent the last three weeks at the home of Mrs par ents Mr and Mrs Smith have returned to her home Mr Smith was brought home on Sal- pi Mrs Jessie Williamson Toron to spent the weekend at the home of her son Mr Guy Wil liamson An attendance of was pres ent at the horticultural- meeting on Monday evening The com mittee charge of window shows is Mrs J Rolling Mrs Brown Mrs G Knott Mrs Ah- and Mrs Miss Harmon and Mrs Steeper are to notify all the schools about the essay competition on Save the Wild Flowers Mrs Park and Simpson will look after flowers in Gardens oh the hill Horticultural Sunday MIAMI It is hard to whether its Winter or spring quite a simwstorm on Monday The people of this community wish a speedy recovery Surry to report that Mrs Carl Graham is in York County hospital with her health not much improved Mr Roger has a walk ing east oh his leg and is doing nicely Mrs Dyer Toronto is visiting her niece Mrs Jack Allen for a few days Mrs Cecil MatDonald is spending a few days holiday with her sister in lirantford Mr and Mrs Eddie Vina spent the weekend with Mrs Vines parents Mr and Mrs Bert Baldwin will be third Sunday in June if Sunday guests at the home of speaker can be secured Mrs Mr ami Mrs Oliver King were Walter Rate and Mrs Franklin who were delegates to convention in Hamilton gave re ports They told how window boxes add to appearance of homes Your home is judged by its appearance from the street Now lets all make the best They also gave many good points on growing flowers and shrubs Now is the time to Mr and Mrs Ken and family of and the Misses Jean Ruth and Delia Tomlinson Mr and Mrs Harry Sedore and family and all of Keswick Not many young people attend ed choir practice which was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Em- manuel Miller last Thursday up and make our homes and village a place of beauty We have 63 members and if you still would like to join you may have fall option of bulbs Misses Florence and Martha Bain Scott were Saturday guests of their aunt Mrs Cain Mr and Mrs and Miss Watts Brampton and Mrs Wesley Newmar ket were callers at the home of Mr and Mrs J Slorach on Sun day Mrs Roy has had a pie made of rhubarb grown in her own garden Who can beat this Mrs Arnot Harrison has re turned to her home after con valescing last week at the home of her sister Mrs Dawson Dike Congratulations to John who on Sunday passed his birthday Mr and Mrs and family of Toronto spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Green Mrs Herbert Sullivan won a lovely box of groceries at the euchre held at Keswick arena last Thursday evening The roads are in a terrible condition in Miami Beach PLEASE RESERVE THIS DATE m Sports Day WILL HELD Saturday Aug BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER FUN FOR EVERYONE Mrs Treasurer if egg prices continue to rise increase our prices on chicks we will be forced to News of the WI In North York News for this column must be in the office Monday night Copy must be written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine and announcements will be printed separately branch met in the Program report of standing turned out in spite of the muddy roads We hope to start our dan ces again early next fall The Armitage club has accept ed an invitation to the husband town club on Friday April entertainment committee has been working hard and has a good program lined up so we hope to see the whole common- Miss K Abbott of Winston ity over there to support them spent the weekend with her Glad to hear Mrs Bob Lewis parents Rev and Mrs is home from the hospital we wish her a speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Russell were Master Rickey in Newmarket on a broken leg and many bruises when he was struck by a car at Mulocks sideroad He is still in Mr and Mrs Wilfred son and were in Toronto on Saturday and attended a We hope he mil be home soon Many of the ladies attended the cooking Mr valbce Webb Ways to sponsored by and By- visited Mr and our village Mr and Mrs Jack Adam Tor onto were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs W Cornell Held from last week Master Wayne has been quite ill We wish him a speedy recovery The school teachers and cull ers and held at Club Mrs J Mrs on Sunday J Smith had the honor of being Held from last week the eldest lady present on Mon day afternoon and received orchid corsage an MOUNT Mr Harry Cooper the I weekend with ins orients Mr are busy preparing for the J Mrs Win Crawford spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ma reliant Mrs Hague and Mrs Wm spent Friday in Tor onto Mr and Mrs J Tot tenham spent Sunday with Mr agriculture and Canadian hall on Thursday afternoon There were only members present due to bad wea ther and roads A report of the years work vas given by Mrs Nelson The program in the charge of Mrs Harold Winch began with current ev ents splendidly given by Mrs Ross Mainprise Miss Marie Crittenden gave a piano solo Mrs Lloyd Kay read an article What kind of Citizen are you Miss Marie Crittenden sang a solo which vas enjoyed by all Mrs- Anderson conducted an elimination contest The meet ing closed with the National An them followed by a dainty lunch served by the hostesses Mrs Kydd and Mrs Villoughby The officers for the year 52 arc past pies Mrs- Ross Stiles Mrs W Anderson vice Mrs Mrs Nelson Mrs Don Morton district director Mrs Winch Sunshine committee Mrs Herb Crittenden Mrs Don Morton Mrs Freeman Stephens Mrs Bernard Davidson Mrs Ross Stiles Mrs Lloyd Kay committee and election of offi cers Hostesses Mrs L Irwin Mrs Hall and Mrs and muddy roads seem to be the main topics of discussion Mr and Mrs- Norman King and Floyd visited Mr and Mrs Ernie at Balsam on Sun day in honor of John and Judy eighth birthday Mr and Mrs Frank Kay Sut ton had tea Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Norman Kay Mr and Mrs Lealand Nelson spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs Norman Kay Mr and Mrs Nelson spent Sunday afternoon with I Mr and Mrs Howard Banks Mr and Mrs Davidson j and Betty Anne spent Sunday evening with Mr- and Mrs David Davidson Mr and Mrs Frank To ronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Selby Mr and Mrs Ronnie had tea Sunday evening with Mr and Still Available WE HAVE SOME OPEN DATES FOR BARRED ROCK LIGHT SUSSEX RHODE ISLAND REDS CROSS BREEDS GET YOUR CHICKS NOW CO Chick Hatchery Newmarket Phone Mrs On May Samuel Morse sent the worlds first telegram from Washington to Baltimore I The first university in Canada was founded in Quebec in 1635 seeds etc for flow or box Mrs Wood Mr Williams Mr Blum and Mrs Patrick- k A Mount Albert branch met in the hall on Thursday afternoon with the new president Mrs Irene Stiver in the chair and a desire of all members to do their best to help her in her new pos ition There were ladies present During the totiwnw Aw Albert ladies have had is then receipts MM1 and have pent r committees hand I hey made their absolutions and money by serving meals community parties canvass All nc The regular monthly of Aurora branch will on Thursday April pan at home of Mrs Cull your it fins of in a i Owners of Case Tractors and Farm Equipment ccwe -tuts- imi BROWN van v annual music festival to be held in Wood bridge in May The WA of the United church sponsoring a special evening April at There will be moving pictures along with other items Mr Ben and Mr Jim Porter attended an Optimist club banquet Monday evening at the York hotel Toronto and Mrs Jack Cooper Mr and Mrs Glass have moved to their new home near A special rally of interest to the members of Mount Aim Young Peoples society will he held in on Friday even ing April 20 Sunday services here are Sun day school at am and the regular service at pm THOROUGHBRED STALLION Woodford Lad BY OUT OF is by Sir Galahad lit One hundred percent of his mares in foal Have room for farm mares to breed good jumpers Service fee to farmers Stilling at Carrigaline Farms MISS HINT ON APRIL I PM be held In the arena Richmond Hill Fairgrounds RICHMOND HILL ONT COWS 53 Head and Mrs Wilfred Aitchison Mr Sutton Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mr Fred Sutton Mrs Hairy Matron and baby are visiting with Mr and Mrs in King the past week Mr and Mrs J Henderson and family of Holloa visited Mr aud Mrs Coulter on Sunday Mrs and baby of visited Mrs A Win ter on Sunday The community shocked by the sudden passing of Mr Harry Jennings on Saturday night at Newmarket arena He born where he has always resided and em ployed at Mr fac tory in He leaves to mourn his his wife two sons and one daughter his mother and three sisters and three brothers The funeral was held on Tuesday at the Anglican V Ab bott took charge of the service and burial was in Laurel Hill cemetery tries Mrs Mainprise his research mi on events Mrs Don Morton citizen ship and education Mrs home economics and health Mrs win Winch pub lic relations and community ac tivities Mrs Smith Dont forget the short course sponsored by the WI entitled Canning Ontario Foods in hall on Monday ev ening April at oclock No admission welcome ZEPHYR A number of the Zephyr boys attended the vs Quebec hockey match last Saturday af ternoon at Maple Leaf Mrs A liockie visited friends in St Marys last week end Mrs called on friends last week The WI meeting was held in the community hall Wednes day afternoon Mrs Profit acted as hostess This was the annual meeting and election of officers The roads In the community are almost impassable The branch will meet on Wednesday April the home of Mrs an I toll call a written suggestion for pro- grain planning Mrs Wallace Scott wit tell us about the prov ince of Ontario and Mrs Kays will describe Ontario much talked about wild flower the There wilt be demonstration on smocking at this meeting and the demonstra tor that each bring a small piece of material to smock preferably a small check There will be the annual Houch lake table and also election of officers This month wo have the vcuers reports you are ask ed to bring one grocery article each lo make up a bushel of groceries to be used for a lucky draw at our next euchre Mrs J Hostesses Mrs It Mrs it The April meeting of the branch will be held on Wednesday afternoon April pm at the home of Mrs Chapman Motto The size of your troubles depends on whether they are coming or going Roll call pay your fee iilg for Salvation Army mid Blind Institute proceeds of which were given to these ams Many donations were given tit worthwhile work To Mart new year was given to County Hospital Aid two ladies will he sent as iiilctites I to early in May to a spec ial meeting There will be tag day the blind year on May ft Mrs son gave n fine of tin North York district executive Newmarket- Full re ports of standing commit ices were given- They were prepared by the following liistiuicat re search Mrs Harmon citizen ship education Mrs int Walsh agriculture and Canadian Mrs Sam tome health Crosier resolutions and pub licity Mrs M Is l si ions activities The history of tin creed wast given by Mrs Sleeper This should not be called it is rather a prayer written Maty Stewart in far a organization sin belonged to and she called it a collect for club women She was an American teacher in Colorado this won derful prayer has practically gone around the world Mrs 11 explained this prayer likening It to the Lords Prayer as each line is petition in and saying how much better we would all be if we would only be broader mind ed nod get to knw people before passing a hasty judgment Take time for all things and practice being calm and gentle and forget little petty differences and never forget to bo kind The May meeting wilt have as a speaker Mrs Norman White Die April meeting of Snowball branch wilt be held at the home of the president Mrs Patrick on Wednesday April at 230 pm Motto Time is not tied to a post like a horse to a man ger Rollcull Bring a written tested recipe Reports from all conveners Election and installation of offi cers Piano solo by Catherine Wood Sale of bulbs plants meet inc a IT irS W2VA v mm t4 MILK a costly calf BUT Calves can be grown successfully with very little milk and SHUR- GAIN CALF STARTERGROWER HERE IS A SIMPLE CALF FEEDING PLAN For the first 2 days mothers milk For the next weeks reducing amounts of milk PLUS free access to SHURGAIN CALF STARTERGROWER After weeks No more milk This plan grows big rugged healthy calves at lower cost FEED MILL Ltd I NEWMARKET Phone MOUNT ALBERT Phone Nll ft i i

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