W r W o Solicitor J- At J Dales I Main 81 Prospect Ave Phone Guardian London England DOYLE CMsmft A Barrister Solicitor Notary Public Etc Wellington St MATHEWS STIVER Barristers Solicitor Notaries if Mathews KC M Stiveb B LYONS Joseph Val newmarket office 111 St A MILLS Barrister Solicitor and Notary MAIN ST VIOLET NOTARY ffUILIC Conveyancing Insurance St Phone Newmarket real Bead Office St AD MM City and Country Farms and Small Acreages Industrial and Business Properties rr AV V wr 1 ROTI I fci 1 ti- iKwS ui y Ki 11 J -asl- k- a 1 a TO Si a P- Ok t T- K vt PIS i Bvl tfyflW T A v i iSWSa- V V L1 A v J iV 7TO s IE HAWKINS Contractor for BULLDOZING GRADING CELLAR EXCAVATIONS and travel sand and fill Phone 21 Aurora SAND AND GRAVEL LTD for government approved crush ed stone of various sizes crushed gravel sand concrete gravel and pit run delivered or at bin Plant phone Office phones and DENTAL fe DR O NOBLE DENTIST MUNICIPAL OFFICE Office Residence C E VanderVoort DENTIST Main St Newmarket Phone MEDICAb CONTRACTOR House and Farm Wiring DOUG BAIN General Repairs Timken OH Burners Space Heater All Electrical Household Appliances Phone Box Ontario Si W Newmarket STEWART BEARE RADIO SERVICE RADIO PARTS TUBES BATTERIES ETC 113 Main St lt ft ftj x 4ta i a i fc v s ff4 v 3W v Mt sii 3 iWsM SAyxf ffi i Ivan Kay Vandorf had the winning championship carcass at Bacon Show held at the New market town hall last week Nine townships compete each with three bacon carcasses In the Seed Fair competition was keen Frank Keswick won first three in seed contest Phone A Raglan St Expert Piano Tuner and Repairer Pianos Bought Sold and Rented Phone S J BOYD Indian Road TORONTO Phone ME fir I feI- DR MERVYN and Surgeon Phone r Consultation by Appointment Only At residence corner of Raglan and Physician and Surgeon MARGARET Physician Office Prospect St Consultation by Appointment TELEPHONE Office Residence t MISCELLANEOUS Dr B Sinclair OCULIST Ryes Examined Classes Fitted am pm Evening by Appointment Park Ave Newmarket Tel- Cars Ford Trucks M Main St Over Spillettrt PHONE OPTOMETRIST NEWMARKET CLINIC BLDG by only Phone Private Hospital Saturday only CARS AND FINANCED INSURANCE IEE BURGLARY a Wain St NEWMARKET r T James J Wall HEATING CONTRACTOR Dealer for Water Pressure Systems Oil Burners Cement Septic Tanks Constructed OAK RIDGES Phone King 111 Phone Aurora TOM BIRRELL AND SONS LTD Ford Monarch Ford Tractor Caw Prefect Tractor Dearborn Farm Equipment Genuine Ford Parts Phone Newmarket EVANS FUELS newmarket Coal Coke Wood And Stoker Coal phone Orders taken for gravel sand and crushed stone and general hauling DALY expert Watch and Clock Repair Gotham Street or Phone Newmarket ALL WORK GUARANTEED 1 ANNUAL SHOW 4 Top Price Paid At York Seed Fair With beautiful spring weather over attended the Annual York County Seed Fair and Bacon Show in the Newmarket town hall last week There was a fine display of seeds and bacon carcasses While crops were good in 1950 the poor harvesting weather had spoiled the appearance of a great deal of grain and reduced the entries slightly ft In the auction sale of ten bush el lots of registered seed top price of per bushel was paid by Farm for Beavef oats shown by Frank Keswick Nine townships competed with three bacon carcasses each mak ing a fine display and competi tion was unusually keen Head ed by East and Whitchurch the first four town ships each had two first and one second quality carcasses The championship went to Ivan Kay Gormley in Whit church and the reserve to J Rogers Sharon in East In all were rated as first quality bacon sides and six as good second quality having in mind the eye of lean balance and mixture of fat and lean as shown in the crosssection cut In the Seed Fair which also included commercial classes for hay baled and chopped table turnips table potatoes as well as both shelled and cob corn com petition was quite keen with Frank Keswick winning three firsts Eugene Lemon ville and Bruce Snider Maple each got two first prizes est class was the ten cars of dent corn with ten entries most members of the Bushel Com club in which Elson Miles Mills ken had previously won the high yield contest with bus of dried shelled corn Introduced by Goodin r WALSH Professional Contralto Vocalist Concerts and Terms for Pupils Bay View Drive Orchard Beach KKSW1CK Tel Roches Point BRICK BLOCK and CARPENTRY WORK TILE SETTING LAYOUT and ESTIMATES PHONE J Brookes Main St Newmarket ration Life Association representative Newmarket pEMBrf THE VARIETY OF DESIGNS in oar coUectkm of MOIW MNTS that we can mart almost any requirement both toUndMulct We alto make memorials to order of every find our wort excellent always and otrvfoo eMonaDly HEAL ESTATE Listings invited for town and farm properties also small acre ages and cottages IVAItOY MILLER Your 39 St Newmarket a W LUESBY Ward Allan Co Office and Showroom 129 Main St Newmarket Consult us regarding INSULATION ASPHALT ROOFING SIDING BUILTUP ROOFS We BOND for or Estimate Budget Terms Arranged and associate director of the Ontario crops branch Prof Laugh- land of the field husbandry de partment of the Ontario Agricul tural College in his address gave a much appreciated discussion of the merits of the various vari eties in several crops and answer ed a number of questions The combined show was spon sored by the Crop Improvement and Hog Producers Associations of York county Albert Ruther ford presided for the afternoon meeting and called on Allan Loveless president of the hog producers to introduce Mr of the Dominion Pro duction Services who had judged the bacon show to discuss the exhibits Judges for the seed fair were seeds plant pro ducts division Toronto and Geo Gray plant products divis ion hay and grain Prof Jas Laughland Guelph potatoes and turnips crops branch Toronto Vice president is Frank and agricultural rep resentative is secretarytreasurer The prizewinners Class 1 Cor nell Frank Keswick J A Mack I in court Eugene Lemon Class 2 winter wheat Bruce Snider Maple J Crang Newmarket Class sixrowed barley Eugene Lemon Norman Payne Maple Mrs Levi Sharon Class early oats Eugene Lemon Alfred Mrs G Dowty Cheltenham England arrived by plane via Now York to be with her moth er Mrs A who has been ill Mr and Mrs Model gave a party to the young people of the congregation on Saturday even ing All report a pleasant and happy evening Mr and Mrs Ken Smockum and family of Vachell Hill spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Cecil Harrison The Zephyr WI held its March meeting on Wednesday Mrs Pickering was hostess of the meeting Mr and Mrs Stan Auckland and family have moved to Mount Albert to live Miss Mina Ferguson Sun derland spent a few days on nursing duty in Zephyr last week Mr Bob Stark is en gaged to work for Mr Carl Meyers for the summer The of the United church will hold a box social in the Sundayschool room on the even ing of March 27 Sec particulars later The April meeting of the Unit ed church will bo held at the home of Mrs A Arnold on April It will bo the Easter thank offering meeting Come and join us and enjoy a pleasant and profitable afternoon An Easter service will be held in the Zephyr United church on Good Friday at am The meeting will bo held on Thursday March at 230 pm at the homo of Mrs Gordon This meeting wilt take the form of a shower for the bazaar which is to be held in April Reservation Motes NEWS OF THE INDIANS ON ISLAND By BILL This is the first of a series of newsnotes about the Indians on Island But first a brief history of the island in habitants The Indians of Island are descendents of the Algonquin and Ojibuay Indians About years ago they moved from Lake Superior to where they assembled under three chiefs and Joseph Snake Soon the band became too large for hunting and so the three chiefs agreed to divide in to separate bands Assance mov ed north to and even tually to the Christian Islands which later was made an Indian reserve stayed around and eventually the present Rama reserve was estab lished Chief Joseph Snake and his little band moved to the south of Lake and settled at first on Snake island which was named after him Chief Snake fought in the war of on the side of the British He was an ancestor of Chief Lorenzo Big- canoe of Island The first settler on Island was Jim Porte He moved over to Island because he found that the hunting and fishing was superior to that of Snake Island and that it was farther removed from the whites Soon all of the Indians except one family of BigSails moved over to the presentday of Georgina Island Next week we plan to tell ley Clifford Winger something about Indian pensions Class oats David Gray Stouffville Clifford Norman Payne Maple Class late oats Frank Keswick J H Newmarket King Mark- ham Class field peas no en tries Class field beans Jack Frisby Class soy beans Geo Jackson Downs- view Howard Sutton West Class 10 dent corn Chas Ingle- ton J Darlington Maple Davidson Bros Class shelled corn Chas Agincourt Miles Davidson Bros Class Alsike no entries Class red clover no en tries Class alfalfa no entries Class latlino Clifford Winger Class sweet clover entries Class timothy Al fred Class IS reg istered oats Frank Kes wick Alfred Edgelcy Clark Young Class registered barley Clark Young Class 20 early potatoes no entries Class 21 late potatoes J and Son Unionville Cliffosd Class table pota toes Clifford David Gray Stouffville Class 23 turnips John Snider Dav idson Bros Jack Fris by Markham Class waxed turnips Davidson Bros Class 25 hay Bruce Snider Maple Eugene Lemon Stouff Alfred Class chopped hay Carl Boyntou Davidson Bros Agincourt King In the bacon show the standing by townships was 1 East Whitchurch Scar- first quality carcasses Howard Col- lard Geo Snider Maple J Rogers Newmarket Garnet Parks Mount Albert Eric Pefferlaw Dr Van Ivan Kay Newmarket Glass King Harry Morgan Agincourt Watson Jim Porter Keswick Second quality Rich ard Glen Micks Sharon Edward Arnold Pefferlaw Art Baxter Newmar ket Alfred Mason Agincourt Clark Peters Weston Third quality Bros Sut ton Morgan Don Cooper Sutton West Bern ard Davidson The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday March Pace CEMENT PRODUCTS BLOCKS BRICKS FOUNDATION WELL TILE BASES CHURCHILL KESWICK BROS Phone Roches Point 95r5 AUTO WRECKERS TRUCKS TRACTORS FOR SALE USED PARTS TIRES TUBES GENERATORS AND STARTERS Harry Goodman prop Davis Or Just cast of hospital Check Them Fast for SOLD EVERYWHERE BUCKLEYS Oak Ridges Glass Mirror Co PHONE 59rl3 KING PLATE GLASS WINDOW GLASS MIRRORS MADE TO ORDER OLD MIRRORS RESILVERED CATS Urgently Wanted HUMANELY DESTROYED BODIES EMBALMED FOR ESSENTIAL MEDICAL TRAINING Phone write or deliver to TROYER NATURAL SCIENCE SERVICE Oak Ridges Ont PHONE KING 59R38 What Our holidays for 500 Its no secret to a banker If you really want enough money available at vacation time you dont have to wreck your budget or go into debt All you need is a little will power Open a Bank of Toronto special vacation account now Start by setting aside 5 each week Regular saving soon adds up HI BANKTORONID rT7 1 Iff SERVICE I HEAR THOSE LOW- PRESSURE SUPER- CUSHIONS ARE BEARS FOR MILEAGE YOU BET AND THEY SURE VE A COMFORTABLE TOO- MORE TREAD ON THE ROAD MEANS QUICKER STOPS LESS SKIPPING AND DOWN REPAIRS BECAUSE THEY SOAK UP VIBRATION IM REALLY SOLD ON THEM 3 TIRES In rib See us fir Car makers use and the public buys more Goodyear Super Cushions than any other lowpressure tire V fcL- v S