Ankle Length Full Length Wee McGregor for Lad MENS mud BOYS WEAR Main St Newmarket write r 1 APPOINTMENT fee n kit rf to to editor For Moflthi Makes your plates fit new stops rocking rub bing clicking irritating dentures always remains a cushion or your gums Not a powder or paste NEWMARKET m I Phone Drags We Deliver NUTRITIONS PASTURE The editor As one of your readers who has a very direct interest in livestock I have read with deep concern that item on your editorial page intimating that according to the experts our cattle numbers are not keep ing pace with the increase in Canadas population From my grassroots angle every Cana dian has a nutritional not to speak of a pocketbook relation ship to this trend We are hearing plenty about soil conservation and the need for better farming practice also fairer prices and steadier if the nations are to win the global battle against HUNGER On the other hand it seems to me that too many Canadians particular ly among the folks who live and work in the towns and cities are busy following the will the wisp of easy money and working as little as possible for as many dollars as possible So as one of the bank leaders point ed out the other day and very much on the target I think We should not be surprised if the dollar works less and less for us- For the benefit of those urban Canadians who arc straining to save 25000000 a year on a variety of substitutes for the dairy farmers products and to heck with the basic dairylive stock economy I beg the privi lege of bringing the following wise thoughts from my farm journal to the attention of your readers in town and country Livestock farming has been found to provide the least drain on soil richness because less plant food is exported in animal products than when crops are sold off the farm and a greater portion of fertility is retained in the form of manures However livestock raise other problems Regular and adequate supplies of by experiment in India that health and disease are the re sult of the quality of the food eaten He produced at will al most any disease he desired sim ply by varying the diet of the rats with which he was experi menting There- are two inter esting ways of judging the qual ity of crops grown for animal feed A deficiency in soil nutri ment may affect the plant by limiting its growth or it may be a deficiency in some mineral which is not needed by the plant but should be passed on by it to the animal Pasture for live stock belongs on good soil not any old goodfornothingelse corner of the farm It should be seeded to productive grasses and legumes fertilized to maintain high yields and managed so that the herbage is grazed uni formly The good pasture should have several types in its make up permanent rotational and temporary thus providing plentiful grazing all season From Better Blades of Grass J C Jr MURRAY ROBERTS from to become man- at in fcW King City And District CORRESPONDENT AIRS E ROLLING PHONE KING bought Highland farm owned by his father John a mile east on the Mr Car son Robinson King sideroad east has sold his farm to a Toronto man while the Ross homestead King west of Strange has been purchased by George Price Toronto Ross will hold an auction sale on March 29 The latter farmland composing 119 acres was cleared by Robert Ross Scotland in 1835 remaining in the family since that time Many relics of pioneer days will be offered for sale Mr and Mrs I L Scott holi daying in Florida spoke to their son Douglas by telephone last weekend They were at Edge- water west coast enjoying tem peratures of to degrees They expect to be back at their home in King by March Mr and Mrs Norman Kec and two children have taken an apartment in the home of their parents Mr and Mrs Wesley King Norman is employed at the Binnington Electric Tor onto Has Birthday Mrs Alfred cel ebrated her birthday at the home of her daughter Mrs Jack United Church Choir m Under the leadership of Mrs John Smith PRESENTS SPECIAL EASTER MUSIC FEDERATION GRANT The editor Your report of the grant made to the Federa tion of Agriculture by the East council is rather misleading and unless corrected cannot hut damage the prestige of the local Federation This grant will not be used in support of the Federation of Agriculture in the township but will go to head office to support the provincial budget The Federation is so short of money that it cannot retain the legal services required to give the farmers the protection they need in the market and until the time arrives when sufficient funds become available will continue at the mercy of specu lator and broker J Those who attended the meet- certain minerals in the diet of at Sharon March learned animals are necessary if they are to grow and produce and re main healthy Some such as calcium and phosphorus are re quired in considerable amounts to provide for proper bone de velopment Others such as copper and cobalt are equally necessary though in much smal ler quantities Common sense tells us that dairy or meat pro ducts from rundown pastures locking in these minerals can not possibly have the nourishing values of similar products from wellbred and healthy animals reared on balanced nutritious forage and pastures Sir Robert show- the guest sneaker Lloyd Jasper that as a result of Fed eration activity the farmers of East Gwillimbury benefitted far in access of all grants made by the council The packing house strike of 1048 was only one illustration of how the federation operates in this regard Thanking you sir for the sup port you have always given the Federation of Agriculture am yours truly Robert Knights President East Federation of Ag riculture THIRD IN SERIES 4year guarantee Thermo tub Autowrlnger up GET THE BEST TRADEIN ALLOWANCE IN TOWN AT Planning Is Preventative As Well As Cure For Problems Civil Defence Organization A public meeting will be held to organize a civil defence pro- gram for King on Monday March at pm in McDonald and Weils hall There will be a speaker Reeve Elton Arm strong will be present It is hoped all community organiza tions will be present Lake Marie and King Athletic Association will secure a new Mercury car on which tickets arc now being sold for a draw to be made at the annual carnival and dance sponsored by the association on Wednesday July King Legion is making ar rangements for the annual car nivaldance of August The Legion Ladies Auxiliary will take part in the event Embarkation Leave Henry Hood Alexander and his brother Cpl Peter Alex ander army provost corps have recently had embarkation leaves at the home of their parents Mr and Mrs Alexander King II LAC Alexander who was married on February to Ruth Lorraine Allen Arnprior has left for Wash to Honolulu and the Far East as a member of the squadron His brother has gone to Fort Lewis Wash and will j proceed to Korea this month on I special police duty He cam from Calgary to King for his last leave Mrs Frank is slowly recovering from an attack of the flu which sent her to bed for the third lime Mrs Will is on the very sick list with pneu monia She developed flu over finishing his fourth year With them were Mr and Mrs Forester Oliver who arc Mrs Roy Richards parents On March Mr and Mrs Jesse Richards were entertained at the home of Miss Marion Wat son Miss Watson had a birthday on the same day that the Richards celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary Winners of prizes at the ladies bridge club held at the home of Mrs Smith cohostess with Mrs Hood March 8 were Mrs Clarke Archibald first prize ami Miss Doris Patton consola tion Four tables played Mr Ivan is playing in the Spoilsmans show orchestra during the exhibition at Toronto Mrs Williams returned from a two weeks visit at the horn of her brother Duncan Sinclair Lindsay She will be present at a shower this Friday night for her niece Mildred Sin clair Toronto and will attend the wedding of Miss Sinclair and Robert Gaston on March in Toronto The brideelect is the daughter of the late Gordon Sin clair Mr James D Gray formerly of King has been transferred by the Eaton Company from Ot- 1 tawa to His wife and two children are staying in Tor onto until a permanent home can bo secured by Mr Gray at Mrs Grays parents are both in poor health at present Tractor Sinks in Pond Striking an air hole formed in the ice on the farm pond of Whatley Finch a new Major lb tractor sank to the bot tom in four feet of water and ice Mr Finch was able to leave Gould 5th con on Sunday March 10 She received her neighbors other friends and members of her family during the weekend Gift packages flowers and congratulation cards were received Mrs has recently had the flu but is gain ing in strength and Sunday was one of her best days She has lived the most of her life in King on the con Pos sessing a bright and cheerful dis position she takes an interest in everything about her and is good company for her many friends She has five children Henry liv ing on the con Alfred at the con of King the eldest daughter Selena Mrs Gould with whom she lives Mrs Wil fred Martin and Mrs Maurice Wickett both of Toronto She has five grandchildren and two great grandchildren A demonstration of a fire en gine was given in the village on Tuesday afternoon It was the and Rural Area fire fighting equipment which is to be delivered there this Friday The machine is practically the same type with gallon capa city as was described at a rate payers meeting recently PALM SUNDAY MARCH am Regular service 8 pm An evening of sacred music Stainers Crucifixion Tenor Murray Huntley Baritone Terry EASTER SUNDAY MARCH 1 am Easier Service MUSIC BY COMBINED SENIOR JUNIOR CHOIRS EVERYONE WELCOME Minister Rev Eric Warren Choir president Murray Huntley INCOME TAX RETURNS Prepared in your home or place of business Financial statements and complete accounting service W MURRAY CONCESSION I KING PHONE KING 29R22 I I VIBRATED Cement Blocks and 10 plain Also Styles of Blocks PINE ORCHARD CEMENT BLOCK CO Phone Mount Albert I two weeks ago which turned to the machine when the front pneumonia Mrs Bessie wheel broke through of t 9 nces St i STUART Vice Chairman Aurora Planning Hoard In prior articles a general pic ture of world planning activities and a short discussion of the On tario Planning Act have been presented Now to outline the Aurora planning problem Newspaper headlines can easily create a misconception of plan ning The reason is that in many urban areas the spectacular aspects of the program are in reality corrective measures made necessary by lack of planning The large sums spent to move is an accurate map showing not only streets but also topography and structures Such a map was developed in the most economical way possible that is by aerial photography This map together vith tracings taken from it have been in constant use and the ten tative zoning plan that will shortly be offered for criticism shows much basic data all of which was taken from the aerial map There are two fundamental ways in which planning can help keep expenses down The first is to provide where possible street patterns that permit yards w necessary obsolete housing or to IPf services the second and also been giving assistance since Mrs daughter Mrs Dun- tan Thompson is over an attack of flu Miss Roberta Gillies and formerly of King has been transferred to a place of population where she is business manager of the tele phone office there Now known as Lac Telephone Co it will he taken over by the Bell Company before long Mr and Mrs Jack Archibald Toronto were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Alfred Mr and Mrs Jesse Richards attended the annual College Royal at the last week where their son Roy is Toronto is the nurse in charge I face ice of the pond lie was Mrs Toronto has j making a routine trip to draw water for his stock and was half way across the wide body of only getting water at the time There had been of ice but the mild weather and warm sun had caused the sheet of ice to weak- J en Nothing but the top of the headlights of the machine were visible above the surface of the pond Pete Glass King City Motors hauled the tractor out with the tow truck found the water more than ice cold as he attached a chain to the tractor below the surface level District farms will pass into the hands of Toronto buyers this spring has sold his farm on the 3rd con King and Vaughan and has i Choose from our selection of HYDRANGEAS EASTER LILIES AFRICAN VIOLETS MIXED TANS FRESH CUT FLOWERS FROM OUR OWN GREENHOUSES CARNATIONS SNAPDRAGONS HOSES TULIPS IRIS AND DAFFODILS PERRINS Flower Shop MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Phone carry out large remedial meas ures for the facilitation of traffic make headlines Such projects however dramatic are incidental to basic planning and arc simply the best available Way out of difficult circumstance here not at present in Aurora the necessity of carrying out any large or cost ly remedial project The plan ning problem here is largely preventive ami the method Is to seek a plan which if used as a guide by future councils will create an orderly growth and thus avoid depreciation of prop erty values The statutory instructions to planning boards in Ontario in- more Important means is by the stabilization of property values through the prevention of the misuse of Itmd and consequent lowering of values in the ureal this matter chairman of board Few councils have devoted sufficient time to the formulation of any longterm land policy How many hours given to the annual estimate and mill rate How few to the use of public and private lands from the present and future val ues of which the taxes must come We employ the best available technical consultants to plan our waterworks streets elude the preparation of a zoning schools and other important but map or plan Since Its inception limited projects Is there not a much of the time of the plan- more pressing obligation to ning board has been occupied with this problem and the devel opment of ideas as what in the pare and adopt a considered plan for the most efficient use of the entire area of land within our public interest constitutes the jurisdiction best use of the land within the municipality The basic objective in this mat ter is simply to create a comfor table environment for living Hard facts of various sorts are of course immediately and most effectively modify the shape and character of planning ideas for practicality is obviously primary requisite In dealing broadly with problems of land use and to de velop zoning tics it Is common practise to categorize type of land use The Aurora planning board has utilized three types of residential two types of commercial and two types of industrial occupancy in their tentative plans The defin ition appropriate areas desig nated for these various uses has boon given much and detailed consideration An es sential tool for such We can in this light reject the idea that the general zoning by law is primarily for the regula tion of various types of nuisance It can bo distinguished from all other types of regulatory by laws because the zoning by law is passed so as to exercise public control over the municipality in the Interests of the entire com- It Is with the foregoing thoughts In mind and with the realization that the task of or- gunixing a use plan the of multitude of detailed Informa tion thai the planning hoard will ask for criticism ana on the zoning plan There are of course other aspects municipal and some of these with which planning board concerned Itself will form the subject another MORB MILES PER GALLON die PJuvFowtr engine ROOMY COMFORT for family luggage all EYECATCHING la very trim line SMOOTH Handle like in heavy traffic EASY TO PARK ami fir more linn bulkier fancier cm AS SURE AS YOU DRIVE- youll like the 1951 MINX Se It jour dealer NOW MOTORS CANADA St Newmarket DISTRIBUTOR I-