Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 1 Mar 1951, p. 3

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BySTANLEY Years FEBRUARY WW The annua father and son banquet was held in he gym- of Trinity United church last Friday evening One hundred and fifty attend ed Toasts given by Donald Patterson and A J Mann were responded to by Mr Pat terson and Alex Rev Wallace was guest At a regular meeting the Newmarket public hoard held recently Mis P Hamil ton was appointed attendance officer Dr and members present were Mrs Stephens Messrs lor Manning and fives large number people journeyed Toron to last Monday for cham pionship hockey match of New- Si market juniors and St An- Jr Farmers To Compete In Grain Judging Again At Annual Seed Fair week groups of farmers from Georgina and North Gwil- townships have visited one of the large packing plants in Toronto to study hog market ing grading and processing first hand as part of a program ar ranged by the York County Hog Producers Association Next Thursday March a group of hog producers from East Gwillirnbury wilt make the trip under the guidance of their township committee Harold Rose of Mount Albert J Ro gers Sharon and Howard Cun ningham Holt On Friday March the pack- will be hosts to a similar group from Whitchurch being by Edgar Dennis of Aurora McMillen Newmarket and J Aurora who like other township committees were comb ing the last week for hogs for the Bacon Show at New market As a limited number can be accommodated at the plant any one interested in making the trip must make application to members of the committee for their respective townships TORONTO TO THREE MILE open Whirlpool NEW PLANTS NEW WATERWAYS QUEEN EUCHRE PARTY Another euchre party and dance was held in the Coll is Leather auditorium last Friday evening Prize winners were ladies high Mrs Mary Burling second Mrs Stephenson low Mrs Julius Smith mens high Gordon second Fred White low George The door prize was won by Bert Long The next euchre and dance will be on March at a pm The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday March I Page fcgrR PROPOSED AMD POWER When turned loose to feed at will a horse will eat himself to j death while a mule will eat only his fill DONT Just ask whats good for a COUGH ASK FOR A SINGLE SIP TELLS WHY the Niagara river Work has begun on the horsepower hydroelectric development of at When completed it will be the biggest single power plant in the world Ontario Hydro Chairman Robert Saunders says that the men employed on the site now will increase to men next year He believes it may be necessary to fly in 2000 men from Britain to work on the project College team wnju was defeated Players Thorns and errnult w Mur ray and Marshall subs Bill and Holland Mr and Mrs moved into Hope Vicinity last week A congregational meeting of Keswick United church held n Monday night Officers ap pointed were elders Ira Morton John Marritt A and Win stewards K Mor ton A King Cole ami Mr clerk of session A Mr Browns farm on south Aurora lias been pur chased by Mr Carlton Rich ardson Toronto The new owner is making extensive al terations to the stable and is putting in box stalls for Ins hunting and saddle horse- MARCH 1 Mr Fletcher who has been in charge of the hardware de partment at Roches store for over two years expects to leave next Tuesday to go into busi ness for himself at Mr Ferdinand J Toronto left last week for Lon don England to visit his sister Mrs Waller the former Florence There was a large market last Saturday and a big crowd of people in town Not much change in price of butter and eggs butter running from to cents and eggs to cents Quite a quantity of poultry for this time of year Dressed sold from 12 to 13 cents per lb dressed geese from to a cents per lb ducks GO cents a pair dressed chickens to cents per pair Mr Andrew house hold effects were shipped to Montreal yesterday Mrs Gil who is a daughter of Mrs John Hodge will not he moving for a couple of weeks Mr Samuel who has resided on Street for several years is moving to a farm near Holt next Monday The carnival held at Mr Jew ells skating rink at Zephyr was most successful Prizewinners for best costumes were Miss Edith Pegg Hoy Will bee Wes ley races Asa Jewell Stewart Terry Alex Wallace Asa Jewell The hock ey match between farmers and dudes was much enjoyed Mr Hamilton has sold his butcher shop at Point to Mr John VanNorman It will be moved to Orchard Heath and run as a candy store in the summer PINE ORCHARD On Sunday March Mr Na than of Union church will continue series of talks on sub ject God Thought for the week Fill your life with worth while things Then should the light go out you will have something to think about We welcome Mr and Mrs Ough of Newmarket to our com munity They have bought Mr William house and lot Best wishes for an early re covery to all the flu victims The gravel roads are extreme ly muddy and are in the worst condition on record for this time of year Willing Workers of Union church will meet at the home of Mrs Ross on Wednes day afternoon March at 230 oclock call and verses Of Psalm Come prepared to sew and knit Hostesses Mrs and Mrs party at the school on Friday night March 2 Prizes and lunch Everyone welcome Outstanding quality has made Salada Canadas largest selling tea fun a ahm OTTAWA LETTER by Jack Smith North York The government has introduced legislation provid ing standby authority muter a Emergency Powers Act This will give the Cabinet power to authorize such acts and make such orders and regulations as may by reason of international emergency be deemed necessary or advisable for the security defence peace order and welfare of Canada subject only to certain listed restrictions Such authority is only granted the Chamber could make a the executive branch of govern ment in time of war or national emergency In passing this leg islation Parliament recognizes that the government must have authority for quick action in case by Dairy Farmer Top Six Inches Mr Chatham was the guest of Mr and Mrs Flack for a few days A number of people have been suffering from the flu We hope everyone will soon recover The extremely mild weather of the last few days has loft the Marsh roads in poor condition It is to be hoped this situation will be remedied ft has been pointed out to all farmers and continuously emphasized the that the sheep population of this country a s been inclining steadily and that an a result trend prices will be very high in the next few AH ready it is almost impossible to vget the owner of a flock to price a sheep of any are told all the good and valid reasons for Ibis unsatis factory state of affairs- We are told that in some district the roaming of dogs and make sheep raising im- possible We are told lio thai for years raising of sheep was not profitable that vtry few people in this malty will eat mutton This that the final salvage value of sheep is very small and the only way that sheep can be sold for is a lamb Somehow or other our suspi cious nature isnt satisfied with those solutions First all it gileems to us that had it really mattered the dog question have been solved We re fuse to believe that the Ontario fanner is going to be licked by canine Anyway that is a difficulty which could he re duced considerably As for the blher difficulty that of price simply dont think that ever mattered very much in production After all do we worry about selling price when it comes to any thing else Have we not pro duced milk cream eggs beef mid pork and all other things without worrying turns Arent we still doing it The Ontario farmers a ways produced for the pleasure and profit of others as long as they could have the privilege of working hours day We doubt if the sheep raising would have changed our way of thinking J We believe that sheep rais- log is declining because there are very few farmem who know how and they are getting fewer and fewer year I think that are par ticularly difficult to handle and Utile emphasis is placed these days in teaching young people how to handle them As iyVie number of breeders and farmers keeping sheep declines the circle of sheep raisers gets smaller the show standards get tame and more unreasonable until it gets quite forbidding for the average farmer to gel into the business The small breeds become and the onus with wool on the head get blinder and the whole industry seems to be getting into a blind We think that the solution is as it is in so many other case an educational effort to inter est young people in sheep We have calf clubs tractor clubs and other clubs we should have a lamb club We think 1 Kit a sheep is one of the most difficult animals handle they took nice and peaceful grazing around the Little Carolyn Day had the misfortune to burn four of her fingers on Wednesday Mr Harry had a very successful auction sale on Wednesday We are very sorry Mr and Mrs and Joyce will soon be leaving our community as they have purch ased a home in Newmarket Mr Win of Toronto has the farm Mrs Albert Milne has been visiting her friend Mrs Vernon in Newmarket for a couple of weeks Mr and Mrs Harold and Mr and Mrs Ed Cole of Aurora had Sunday dinner with the family Mr Kay and Mr Barry of Halifax who are both stationed at the It A station spent the weekend with Mr arid Mrs Congratulations to the hockey team in winning the Lake league trophy Our team played well but lost the seventh game to Mr Wilbert Dew had an un fortunate accident on Friday when a cow fell on his leg it of any emergency Canada in common with other democracies is facing a critical world situation We must de vote our utmost in energy and resources to building up strong defences which we in the long run will convince those with ideas of aggression that it will not and cannot succeed This is the basis of our hope for maintaining peace In such a program the dangers to our economy of inflation are very real Recognizing that such a condition may continue for a greater contribution to the wel fare of the Canadian people The fact that the Liberal parly has been in power for a consid erable number of years has meant that the political complex ion of the Senate is now predo minantly Liberal and this has Jed to many suggestions regard ing appointments so that other bodies of political thought might be represented At present the political stand ing in the Senate is Liberals Conservatives vacant The suggestion has been made that the Senate might be made wholly or at least partly elective and that there should be a retir ing age of The present aver age age of Senators is The suggestion has been made also long time the government is that some appointments be made hesitant to introduce a system of the provincial governments overall controls at least until it is absolutely necessary or until other methods have failed Therefore we have the present Emergency Powers Act to give Senator J T Conserva tive leader in the Senate who under sent circumstances might be expected to favor some kind of reform came out ihe government the power to in- as opposed to any extensive change He opposed the govern ment motion that a committee be set up to consider the question The discussion as it continues controls when considered in the public interest Senate From time to time over a con- WILLOW BEACH The lovely springlike weather brought quite a number of cot tagers to Willow Beach for the weekend Mr and Mrs Gordon Millar have moved into their new home We all wish them well Doug Graves visited his par ents Mr and Mrs Perry Graves for the weekend We are sorry to hear that Mrs Herb Crittenden has been taken to the Western hospital in Tor onto for observation Mrs Reynolds and Mr Jack Rout were callers at the home of Mr and Mrs Ed Jacobs last Sunday Mr and Mrs Ace Chapman and family spent last Sunday in Woodville visiting Mrs Chap mans sisters Quite a number of the Base Line School children have been absent with the flu and bad colds Mrs J McNeil Jr held a quil ting party last week Quite a number of the neighbors attend ed are pleased to see that Mrs Clyde Draper is better and able to be out again Bill Thompson spent the week end with his family Everyone is very sorry to hear of the illness of Mr Gordon Mc Kay We wish him a speedy recovery Mr Austin Thayer spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Dave Mr and Mrs Lloyd St John and daughter visited Mr and Mrs Dave Magee on Sunday Mrs has gone to Toronto for a few days Mrs mother of Mrs Ed Jacobs has not been very well lately We hope that will improve soon Pack op your tegs and enjoy the fun and at the skiing spots The bus will take you there and again carefree J FAKES ARK Hound Trip Subject to change 383 GKAVEXUURST KING GEORGE HOTEL HONE siderable period of years there will be interesting ami helpful have been suggestions from but it is my humble opinion that bouse and lane Yes they will cracked bone in his knee and keep the weeds down They will eat poor quality roughage and they can stand a lot of weather Hut they will also do Home gracing thats much close to the ground for the good of the pasture They will in fest a pasture unless they ivu rotated They are not too cany to handle unless one has the experience and lambing time eon he quite a trial un less one has the experience and knowledge and most farmer lack it today 11 fa not reasonable to assume that as the wheels of prosperity turn a farmer can go in and out of various Enterprises Un ions the knack and the know- how is kept on the farm and the young generation is taught how 16 work with a type of livestock no matter how good the price is farmers will not keep that type of As a second solution we sug gest that a new type of sheep or a breed of sheep be develop ed and be made available Ve need a larger animal with a good yield of fleece and hardi ness which will Hive us lamb and which will have not only weight for age but lean fleshy carcass instead of too much fat There are several new breeds in the United States and Australia have a new Canadian breed more suitable than the existing ones These two factors will go a long way to make the In dustry a thriving one again he now has a cast on Mr and Mrs Charles and family of Lansing spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs J Congratulations Master Mi chael Murphy who came first in the intermediate class of the temperance contest winning the Walton trophy on Friday Miss Audrey came second in the same class Mrs who is years old is now convalescing at the home of Mrs J Alleyne Mrs is the oldest person in Canada to have a broken hip pinned Mr Irving Arnold attended an insurance luncheon at Richmond Hill on Tuesday Miss Vera Arnold Mrs Hol land and Gregory visited Mrs Ferguson in Richmond Hill on Tuesday Miss of Toronto visiting Mr and Mrs The National Film Hoard is showing its next films at Hillside school on Tuesday night March at a pm Everybody welcome The March meeting of the A will be held In the United church basement on Tuesday af ternoon March Plans will be completed for the bazaar which is to be held on March 17 The hostesses for the supper are Mrs Wen Hall Mrs J Mrs K Mrs Son- and Mrs will be presenting Us ploy Ills First Shave in within and from without for reform of the Senate The Senate of Canada is com posed of 102 member In the House of Commons representa tion is given each province in proportion to population in the Senate representation is arrang ed so as to give represen tation to different sections of the country Thus the seals are allotted each to the four major sections of the country Ontario Quebec the Maritime provinces and Western Canada with six being given the newest province of Newfoundland Members of the Senate are ap pointed for life by the Governor on the advice of the Prime Minister that is in effect they are appointed by the gov ernment in office A Senator must reside in the province which he or she repre sents must be at least HO years of age and a British subject must own real properly within the province to the net value of and must be worth at least apart from nil debts Sen ators ore paid a salary of a year The suggestion is made that the work of the Senate is not commensurate with the abilities of its members or lis cost to the country and that there is a ten dency load the Senate with tired or retired politicians reward for service Granted that some reforms are long over due these charges should not be taken too literally without con siderable thought as the accom plishments of the Semite are not always apparent either in the official records or in press re ports A great deal of the Sen ates work is done in committee and behind the scenes and in reality it has some very useful unctions and renders great na tional service This session Senate itself Is considering tho question of its own usefulness A resolution Introduced by the government leader calls for the appointment of a committee to consider how any substantial reform in the Upper House is still quite a way in the future SHARON The regular monthly meeting of the Womens Association will he held at the hall on Thursday March ft at am Will all the ladies please come early as there is a quilt to he done and brine something fur luck dinner All the ladies are wel come Mr and Mrs It Fry spent the weekend in Toronto Mr and Mrs Arthur of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Miss Jean of Toronto spent Ihe weekend with her par ents Miss May Stevens spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Gor don Stevens Would the people who have the big pitchers from the hall please bring them back as they needed there ID PICE I 1 upon a time was a writer Hit nam wot Horatio Alger if And when Father wot a boy not so old either book are the United church basement on Thursday night March at pm This ploy to ed for the drama festival Come and support our young people their sad bereavement ZEPHYR The of the United church was held at the home of Mrs A Arnold last Wednesday The guest speaker was Mrs Mcpher son The meeting was well at tended Mr and Mrs J Thompson spent the weekend with Or and Mrs Thompson Welling ton hockey team play ed last week The score was to in favor of Miss Annie Kings ley Toronto visited at the home of Mr ami Mrs A Arnold last Sunday There will be a pot luck din ner tul quilting In the Zephyr United church Sunday school room on Wednesday March The men arc cordially invited to come along and have a good lint dinner which will be served dur ing the noon hour An old resident of this com munity Ashton died recently While he had resided for the past few years at Cedar lie had previously spent number of years around here His wife predeceased him a short while ago Our sympathy goes out to the family and friends In like Bound to Rise and end Succeed very popular Almott all Algols told of a poor boy who saved a itch man SQii2vi or wano And ifwoytj poor boy Locarno himself Today wo at not all this it boil way to rich Rich men ore few And most of thorn seem from under feet of runaway horses automobiles However all of us confidently fo1 wo Bound to Our desire It and Succeed And wo of the best ways to do this It by opening a Savings Account the Dominion Bonk goo J thing to read book about how succeed It It fcetfer thing to plan your social and life so it A Savings Account Dominion Bonk will help lo help your family business your self A Savings Account con ensure your success ww THE DOMINION BANK

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