Era and Thai 7 J The Em Feb We wish alt our sick a speedy recovery from the flu They are Stuart Starr Cecil Wood Stuart Toole Garnet Williams little Miss Shirley Smith and Mrs D also Mr Elmer who was rushed to York County hospital for an appendix operation last Thursday The community was saddened to learn of the sudden passing of Mrs Albert Starr on Wednesday of last week The late Mr and Mrs Starr re sided for several years on the farm now owned by Mr On Friday night at Bogarttown club supper folk were in at tendance After a bountiful sup per the business was conducted and films from the department were shown Next meeting is March Mr and Mrs David Sharon had Sunday night tea at the home of Mr Mr and Mrs Will Robinson Aurora had Thursday dinner with Mr and Mrs West Mr and Mrs Douglas Sheridan and three children of Toronto spent the weekend at the home of Mr M Sheridan For Friday dinner Mr and Mrs and also Mrs A Jewitt Kettleby had dinner with Mrs G and Mr Mr Sheridan has sold his farm to Mr Claremont We welcome them to our burg Mr and Mrs Chas Greenwood Mr and Mrs Carl Greenwood and Charles spent most of Satur day with Mr and Mrs Cole and family at Ravenshoe Enioy Social Gathering About enthusiasts gathered in the roams at Newmarket for a social evening on Friday with euchre and croquinole and gags and stunts presented by the commit tee of John Ernest Crossland Jim McCullough and president Allan Balsdon of the Guernsey club Robert McKay Kteinburg en tertained after lunch with some comic songs including a special version of The Thing v HUMANELY DESTROYED BODIES EMBALMED FOB ESSENTIAL MEDICAL TRAINING Phone write or deliver to NATURAL SCIENCE SERVICE Oak Ont PHONE KING 59R32 Mm w Small houses can give big ideas t m J Sounds funny I know But this house might have given you the same idea I had if youd been in my shoes the other day Id just dropped around with my son Bob and his fam ily to see how their new house was getting on It seemed to me to be just perfect for them Cute trim and practical But small There certainly would nt be room for anyone but them Suddenly the thought hit me What if I had to move with them because I didnt have enough to live on after Id retired Then and there I resolved never to let thathappen Sure there may be plans for paying oldage benefits to everyone someday But Ill need extra income to make sure that Ill be completely independent And the best way to it is by increasing life insurance That plan seemed so logi cal I wondered why I hadnt thought of it before And when I saw my agent I dis covered how flexible life in surance can be how it fits my own needs and my wifes need for protection So now Im building secur ity for myself and my family the best possible way with life insurance The LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES in Canada and WORKING NATIONAL PROGRESS Mr Lloyd his daughter Betty and wife spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs A Holstocks Several in the community are sick with bad colds and flu Mr and Mrs Perry and girls spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs James Wight Kes wick Mr and Mrs Emery called on Mr Lyons Vir ginia on Sunday The sympathy of the commun ity is extended to Mrs Kay on the death of her sister Mrs C Doidge Virginia Mr and Mrs J Taylor and baby spent the weekend with Mrs Taylors parents Mr and Mrs Ross Mainprize We are pleased to welcome Mr Smith home from nybrook hospital Mr and Mrs Ross Holstocks Holt called on his parents Mr and Mrs- A- Holstocks on Mon day Mr and Mrs Norman King and Floyd called on Mrs Kings sister and husband Mr and Mrs Ernie Balsam Weekend visitors at the homo of Mr and Mrs were Mr and Mrs J and family Toronto and Mr and Mrs G McGuickon Mount Al bert Mr and Mrs Jack Chalmers and boys spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Nelson Mr and Mrs Ivan Mann arc spending a few weeks in Toronto We are sorry to report that Mrs Mann is not loo well On Friday night Feb 23 the ladies of Bethel United church are having an oyster supper in community hall A good program is included in the evenings entertainment The Mount Albert concert group is providing the music Bethel lad ies are known for their good suppers The concert group is known to provide excellent en tertainment and the hall should be comfortable because it was in sulated recently Mr Smith returned home on Mount Albert News The Cheerio club will meet and seals for last year will Saturday Feb 24 at the home of Mrs Jos Slorach pm Mr Win Mr Stew art and Mr Roy attended the regular meeting of the Scarlet Chapter in Aurora on Thursday evening Mr and Mrs Roy Carr visit ed Mr and Mrs Stephen Carr in on Sunday Mrs Roy Carr spent Thursday evening with Mrs Hope Donald Ross Jr dropped in for a short visit on Saturday at the home of his aunt Mrs J Donald has been at Ketchican Alaska where he has been teaching in a training school of the air force and was on his way to New York City Mrs Bruce Rolling who spent last week in Toronto returned home Sunday and left Betty still in the Hospital for Sick Children but slowly improving Betty was the first patient from this community to be taken to the new hospital We were pleased to take this item from an Ottawa paper in which an old Mount Albert boy Dr J Doug Shields won high honors in curling at Mont real Dr Shields won the Royal Victoria Jubilee Trophy emblem atic of the worlds single rink irons championship He is a member of the Ottawa Curling Mr Robertson Fort Erie was in town over the weekend owing to the illness of his fath er His mother Mrs Robertson returned home with him for a few days The United church school will hold its at home on Friday March Next Sunday morning those who have won diplomas them at the Sundayschool Mr and Mrs Art and Miss Belle Cook Toronto were Sun day guests of Mr and Mrs Bev erly Sinclair The library board is sponsor ing a minstrel show from the King St United church Happy Doubles tiub in the town hall on Saturday March at pm There will be also ac companying pianists Miss Hazel ATCM and Mrs Mer edith Moffat ATCM The pro gram includes solos duets trios quartettes and chorus all of which go for a grand evening of entertainment Get your ticket now and help the public library Mrs Fred Watts and Mrs Stiver have had as their guest their sister Mrs and Mr Mains Man Mr and Mrs Gordon Husband Harris spent several days last week with Mr and Mrs Geo Mrs Rennie Sr was taken to York County hospital on Friday Mr Robertson suffered a relapse on Friday last and has been taken back to York County hospital Mrs Ross Sr Mrs Bruce Ross Lansing Misses and Muriel Ross Toronto spent Sat urday with Mr and Mrs A family party was held on Saturday evening at the home of Mr Milton Best near Sandford when he was host at a turkey supper to his sisters and their families Present were Mr and Mrs Stiver Mrs Fred Watts both of Mount Albert Mr and Mrs J Souris Man Mr and Mrs W Otto and Mrs Perry Man Toronto Seventeen in all enjoyed a love ly supper and reunion York Jersey Meet At Don Head Feb 27 As announced at the annual meeting the York County Jersey club has been invited to hold its barn meeting at Don Head Farms Richmond Hill on Tuesday Feb and the executive has com pleted for an in teresting afternoons program starting at A tour of the various barns will be made to give the members an opportunity to see the entire herd of some head A feature of the afternoon will be a herd classification demon stration by Professor George of the Ontario Agricul tural College who is so well known to all Jersey breeders As there is a full president Hugh hopes everyone will make a special effort to be on hand at so the program can be completed before oclock Hog Producers To Visit Meat Packing Plants At the annual meeting of the York County Hog Producers Association it was decided to make a first hand study of hog marketing by organizing tours from each township to a local packing plant Canada Packers has extended an invita tion to the members to visit their plant on St Clair Ave during March At the request of the executive agricultural representative M Cockburn Newmarket was ask ed to arrange for and assign the dales so every Thursday and Fri day in March except Good Fri- Saturday day has been reserved for York Feb after spending three County groups The township weeks in Sunnybrook hospital committees are asked to have a Guests at the home of Mr party of or at the west and Mrs Walter Kydd over the J plant at oclock where they weekend were Mrs sister will be met by guides with her husband and children A study of a group of live Mr and Mrs j before they to The WMS will meet at the home of Mrs Irvine Rose on Wednesday Fob at pm Rollcall a Scripture verse con taining the word eternity Mrs will be in charge of the study book All ladies welcome Farm Mechanics Course Proves Popular A full house greeted instructor G Gregg of the department of agricultural engineering from the Ontario Agricultural College when he arrived at the agricultural office Newmarket for the tractor and farm mach inery short course last week W agricultural representative welcomed the who were present and called on his assistant J W to introduce the speaker Monday afternoon was devoted to proper lubrication of tractors winterizing care and adjustment of ignition and carbureters fol lowed by a motion picture film on tractor operation and main tenance As an added feature Mr Gregg showed a film on con tour cultivation Tuesday afternoon brought out an equally large crowd for the discussion of care of farm mach inery which included adjustment of plows illustrated by charts and a motion picture on care and adjustment of mowers While many are going into combines several questions on binder knot- tors came up for discussion DONT It saves me time and steps keeps me in touch my family ami frkmlt ready in emergencies And its vaii growing all tit Willi ami more families get- liny telephones you tan each twice as many people as you ten years ago And the traditionally friendly service being improved Vet today your telephone actually takes a smaller pari of your family budget than it did some years ago Friendly and efficient telephone service at a reasonable price one of todays big bargains Just ask whats good for a COUGH ASK FOR BUCKLEYS MIXTURE i j Rales arc given a special tattoo for the kill will be made in the morning Part of the plant will be visited before lunch in the diningroom as guests of the company Fol lowing lunch the party will see the rest of the plant By this time the hogs studied in the morning will be hanging in the cooler for study and comparison on the rail To enable the township com mittees to keep their groups to the specified number it will be necessary for producers to con tact a member of the local town ship committee for reservations starts the program on Thursday March 1 and the chairman is J Latimer Sut ton Other members of his com mittee are Titos- ONeil Virginia and Seriate Sutton North will have Friday March 2 and Bernard Davidson is chairman of the committee with Allister Sutton West and Jack East and Whitchurch will go on March and respectively per year per year per year per year you havent vat got You can your neighbour hood will be served and your place on the protected Taking care vCtjjpJ VlBlMlt service quick one of our an J Important The following rales were op- proved by the Ontario Municipal Hoard and will be applicable to Mount Albert subscribers March I and subscrib ers April Individual Jlne Twoparty line Threeparty line Four or more parly line For individual lines outside the villages of Mount Albert and a charge of per onequarter mile per year extra For twoparty lines outside the villages of or Mount Albert a charge of per party per onequarter mile per year extra The above charges are subject to a discount of per quarter if paid within days from of billing COMPANY OF CANADA KETTLEBY Christ Church Ladies Guild met at the home of Mrs J Har mon on Tuesday Feb for 1 heir monthly meeting A pro gram for the years activities was drawn It was decided to help the Sunday School purthuse a piano If any of our mem bers have one to dispose of at a reasonable price please get in touch with Mr Realty Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Archibald who celebrat ed their wedding anniver sary on Feb We wish them many more anniversaries We were all sorry to hear Mrs F Crane is quite ill home with bronchitis and wish her a speedy recovery Farm Forum met at the home of Mr and Mrs J Harmon on Monday Feb The subject discussed was What has the I FAR accomplished The next meeting will he at the home of Mr and Mrs Webster on Monday Feb at pm Services next Sunday nt Christ Church will be Sunday School pm evening service 3 Intended for lost week Mr and Mrs Anson spent Sunday in Toronto with Mrs Darker Mr and Mrs Dudley and Helen Schomberg were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Horry Stephenson KESWICK The held its first meeting of 1951 at the home of Mrs Freeman Pollock on Tues day night Feb with 13 lad ies present Two splendid de votional topics were taken one by Mrs K and one by Mrs The chip sheet on the life of Francis was used An allocation was made to the county and also the provincial fund The next meeting will be held in March at the home of Mrs Campbell A pleasant social hour with lunch was enjoyed after the meeting Mrs Joel Sedore spent last week as a guest of her son Mr Norman in Newmarket The Christian church held its monthly missionary meeting Fri day evening The new presi dent Mrs Crittenden presid ed Mrs Taylor and daughter Elaine gave a duet A lot of business was attended to After the meeting those present en joyed a box social and a Valen tine PO box made added in terest Mrs Amy KetteJ Mrs and Mrs Agar are among those who are ill with fiu The cold wave has been followed by much milder weather Mr and Mrs Walter Draper and Mr and Mrs Will Draper visited Mrs J Williamson Shar on last week on the occasion of her birthday Mr and Mrs Gordon and Ronnie were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs A Morton On Friday Feb Mrs Mar garet Sherman Island drove celebrated her birthday Many friends called to of for their congratulations Mr and Mrs were guests of Mr and Mrs Bruce on Sunday Miss Mary Jean spent Sunday at her home Mrs Perry Winch ami Mrs Frank attended the presidents luncheon in Toronto on Wednesday Rev George Campbell and Mr Perry Winch attended the Presbytery dinner meeting at St Columba United church To ronto on Wednesday evening Miss Eva spent a few days at her home here last week but returned to on Sun day Mr ami Mrs Ralph and son Rickey Port Credit were weekend guests of Mr ami Mrs P Mnhoney Miss Ella Morton has returned this week horn a two months holiday in St Petersburg Lloyd Jasper To Speak At East Gwill Meeting Lloyd Jasper president of the Bruce County Federation of Agriculture and a member the provincial executive will be the guest speaker at a public j meeting sponsored by the Fast Federation of Agri culture in Sharon Hall on Thurs day March Included in the program are films on cooperatives musical entertainment and refreshments followed by a social gettogether Mr Jasper spoke at the or ganization meeting of the King township federation recently Me comes from ami the theme of his talk will be what the federation moans to the far mers The sponsorship of this public meeting is part of the East Gwil federations yearly pro gram Other speakers are in tended for future meetings ELECTRIC RANGE MODEL E4C Mr and Mrs George Storey Sutton spent Sunday with Mr tid Jack A number of young couples en tertained Mr ami Mrs Jack dimming Grace lUatchford at Gray stones In Aurora Satur day They are moving to Montreal After dancing they returned Miss Jean Archibalds home for refreshments Mr and Mrs Tor onto were Sunday guests Mr and Mrs Murray Cook Mr Roberts Maple Is spending a few days with Mr and Mrs I from a unit a 3bcmr with Warming Two lop and element Get nil features and ninny more in thin efficient economi cal inexpensive cooking muster clock and tinier at slightly extra cost Ask about our easy terms I Mala St NEWMARKET PHONE ITS YOUR WEEKLY HIT PARADE ft TENNESSEE WALTZ MY OKIES FOR YOU BE MY LOVE HARBOUR LIGHTS SO LONG It3 Been Good to Know You ROVING KIND YOURE JUST IN LOVE Newmarket frl Main St Newmarket Phone IKSLEYS GREAT OVERCOAT SALE is the talk of the town Prices slashed more than 33 percent We have been asked why when wool prices are soaring a clearance of this nature takes place Well owing to a much larger than usual purchase of suitings and an early Easter need space NOW to display their fine spring suits SATURDAY IS THE DEADLINE Yes men you would be very very wise to BUY NOW But youve got to be quick ONLY LEFT Value to r Watch for Insleys Exceptionally Fine Array of SUITS and TOPCOATS CUFF BOYS WEAR Mens and Boys Parkas Bomber Jackets Bench Coats Plaid Coats Slashed to at Insleys p ft AND THAIS HOW I the biggest contract I ever went after so I lost no time in getting over to my rr bank manager George 1 said Ill need some help to handle a job this size We went over the whole thing discussed how much I would need When I landed the contract he gave me a line of credit and was able to go right ahead Now the schools as good as built m It is an everyday part of you local bank managers job to provide shortterm credit so that payrolls can be met material bought goods produced and marketed SPONSORED BY I i fe ii