i Blocks and 10 plain Also Styles of Blocks NOT AVAILABLE AT PRESENT PINE ORCHARD CEMENT BLOCK Phone Mount Albert CO r rr lijyr SNOWBALL Mrs Ivan and daugh ter Joanne Sharon visited her parents Mr and Mrs Will- son recently Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Mitchell were Mr and Mrs Jim Gillham and sons of Temp era Mr Mrs G Sherwood and Mrs Toronto Ths and held February meeting at the home of Mrs en Mr Frank of second tine is now home after spending some time the hospital We- wish him a speedy recovery Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs- Gould were Mr and Mrs Del King and- Mr and Mrs Dave Gould j T ST yv JP Notice to Formers CASH PRICES PAID FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES 7 00 each CATTLE each SMALL ANIMALS REMOVED FREE FOR SPEEDY PICKUP PHONE COLLECT Banner Rendering Packing Co Limited r -t- l n s i a s AL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND CARTAOl c a Furniture Storage PHONE NEWMARKET Authorized Dealers in Master Feeds I Humane Society officials seized the herd of goats William Pictured here are Inspector Frank left of the Humane Sec- Linton eat of Pine Orchard after farmers that the Chief Constable Richard Inspector animals were running wild and that some had died for lack of care Mr Linton 81 a recluse who has liyed amid the for years and is sometimes known as the Hermit of Vivian Johnstone and Mr Linton The latter broke leg 1949 later had to have it amputated His home is shack Six by four feet r ft EST T I All Standard Types Installation Extra TWO AND COMPLETELY REBUILT GUARANTEED DAYS All Popular Units In Stock SEE LOCAL Queensville News j and Guaranteed by AUTO PRODUCTS CO Newmarket Generators Water Pumps Regulators Editors note This is the fifth of a series of weekly stories which V Porteous a director of the Ontario Plowmens Association is writing about the visit of Canadas champion plowmen to the British Isles Belgium Denmark and the Netherlands London England By now you have probably heard that Herb the champion Can adian horse plowman was the winner of two trophies at the West of England Championship Plowing Match in Cornwall They were for the best overseas com petitor and the best land in his class and naturally we are thrilled about it It was a good day for plowing j for years some said it was the best match Brussels and Antwerp in the art of plowing But unlike j sels two great Belgium cities Canadian plowmen they used 1 that are so well known to the every conceivable device to dress lads who served here in the two up their work After the match world wars j we inspected the field and it was We visited the Belgium a beautiful sight to behold cultural and the evening there was a mental Station This institution banquet at which Herb was is much like our Ontario Valentine Carnival On Wednesday night Feb a large crowd was present at the arena for the annual Valentine carnival sponsored by Mr Bert Boyd rink manager Many came in costume making It difficult for the judges Mrs Chas Hunt Mr and Mr Den all of Newmarket to make i decisions The evening opened with a fine display of figure skating by Mr Chas Cook and Misses Gillian Joan and all of and Misses Joyce and Yvonne Johnston Queensville The following were awarded prizes six years and Billy Marilyn Dew and Billy Dew seven to ten years Lorraine Alexander Gary Porter and Lloydette to years Beverley Crouich Donald Nancy Adults Valentine costume Mr Jack comic cos- and Mrs Crone national costume Mrs Bob Arnold Mrs Bill and Mrs Harry Toombs clown Mr Crone Sir Ken Mr Harry underwent an operation- on Tuesday to straighten his leg which is in a cast and he is doing fine Is is expected he will be able to be hospital in a couple of weeks Youngest skating couple Dew and Billv with the silver trophies cultural College at Guelph but largest family skating Mr and he had won while Hugh Leslie it is not engaged in field crop Mrs Fred Dew and family Drs the champion Canadian tractor experimental work to plowman and I received books extent as is La Real Estate and Insurance Broker GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE AUTOJ CASUALTY Complete list of farms Suburban Properties Business Opportunities etc FINANCING OF CAR TRUCK OR TRACTOR For prompt courteous service kindly contact your local broker ARNOLD PO BOX PHONE I And you too enjoy a restful from winds and snow The bus trip is an added treat with sightseeing all the way p r I i i T I FARES ARE LOW Own JACKSONVILLE LOS ANGELES I if MM ilii w dealing with the history of Corn wall In addition we received plaques bearing Cornwalls They will always mind of an occasion when we were entertained royally and treated lavishly I But the variety of plowing methods that I observed at the Cornwall match only confirmed my opinion that what we need is a set of standard rules for international matches When I was called upon to speak I the adoption of some such rules and as this was reported in the press I may hear from others here who share my ideas Briefly above are the high lights of our visit to the south of England As you have probably gathered from these letters most of which are written about am neither space nor time per mits a detailed account of our travels But try to fill you in since the last letter which if I remember rightly was written in Holland on the day we were leaving for Belgium Visit A em That day drove to of one of the bloodiest engagements of the last war It was here in September that the British First Airborne Divis ion which included many Can adians fought great valor for nearly a week against great odds Only 1800 of these hard- pressed paratroopers managed to fight their way out of the trap But in April of the following year as you know the British forces of the First Canadian Army took Arnhem and then pressed on to the big kill All of that took place about six years ago but there still is extensive shell and bomb dam age to be seen although we were told and could see that a great deal of rebuilding and repair work has taken place since the end of the war While there we visited what to us is a rather unusual business institution It is concerned mainly with structural estimates This firm estimates and prepares bids on contracts for structural undertakings from a house to a huge engineering project In or der to do this they maintain re search and experimental labora tories huge drafting 100ms rec ord libraries and just about ev erything pertaining to engineers estimates It Is the largest firm of its kind in the world private ly owned has been in bus- crop the same and and Later we had dinner in Brussels with The prizes for the largest of the Belgium 1 ily on skates were two beautiful cultural Council the Department motor rugs donated by the Bruce of Agriculture and the Tractor the agency Mr Boyd Company in Belgium who were represents our hosts During the meal we j Oldest skating couple Mr and learned a lot about agricultural Mrs conditions in Belgium and thej lowing the judging many if fr I skaters crowded the fare to bring The following day was Sunday evening to a close but we were able to do some shopping for most of the store were open Later site the Battle about miles from my mind insofar as British his- make this annual carnival such is concerned it is one of the important places in the A large crowded attended the world The monument there bingo held at the school an earth mound high which J day evening of hist The wo were told was built entirely special prizes were by Mis by women On top of it there Murray ami Gene is a sort of pavilion from which j Newmarket Mrs Graham one can sec for miles in any Holland Landing and Mrs houses a panoramic Milne The me Junior Farmers skating party will be held in the arena on Friday night Feb Everybody is welcome Mr and Mrs Ray have purchased Mr Jack Prestons farm formerly owned by Mr Gordon Stevens Mr John Finder had the mis fortune to slip on the and break his hip on Saturday morn- He is now a patient in York County hospital For him we wish speedy recovery Master Earl Holland the weekend in Port Hope Mr and Mrs Roy Thatcher and family of Toronto spent Sunday with Mrs Thatcher Dr and Mrs J Stiles mins visited Dr Stilus mother Mrs Stiles Dr and Mrs Stiles are returning from a trip to Florida Weekend guests of Mrs John were Mr and Mrs Fines and family of Bradford Mrs and Mr and Mrs Ken Davis and daugh ter of Toronto Mrs Green and children spent several days with- Mr and Mrs Mrs Dave Miller is convalesce at the home of Mrs A Hock- ley- J Mr Malcolm Hamilton Bow- visited his mother Mrs Hamilton on Sunday r for Stronger More Dependable Farm Equipment Boy TRACTORS FARM MACHINERY REFRIGERATORS DEEP FREEZERS MILK COOLERS DAIRY EQUIPMENT BROS EQUIPMENT Davis Dr Service a Must with Newmarket Phone painting the best have ever door prize went to Mrs Thus Miller and Mrs A much seen of the battle We did not sec as Belgium as we wanted because j to be in Cornwall on schedule had to take the plane for London that night Indifference to War Prospect To sum up our impressions of the continent the thing that stands out is the seeming indif ference of the people to pros pects of another war It would almost appear that generations now living here are so used to the idea of war that its inevit ability is taken for granted To me its like living at the foot of a volcano safe now but for how long no one knows The peoples of Denmark Hol land and Belgium differ from one another in many respects but all of them are alike la their love of their country my personal belief that the only sol ution to the problems of western Europe is union muter one gov ernment but 1 doubt in the light of this nationalism if it can be accomplished in the Immediate future The sad part is that these countries by themselves are comparatively weak and rep resent easy prey for any aggres sor- yet it they united they would be a tower of strength They all have sincere desire to protect themselves but they seem to be helpless under present con ditions At least this Is how it appears to me But enough for now as we must get ready to leave for Northern England then to Fred Mrs Earl Scotland I and son Bruce Newmarket won The next bingo will be held on Friday March Please watch Coming Events for furth er particulars Mr had a success ful sale on Wednesday Fob 14 Mr and Mrs Geo Cull and Jimmy Newmarket wvrc guests of Mr mid Mrs Lome Smith on Thursday Mrs is visiting sister Mrs Brut is in Sutton Mrs Witt Smith is supplying in the senior room of the local school during the absence of Miss Brett who is til with mumps Mr Code assistant inspector visited Hillside and Union St schools on Wednesday A number of ladies attended the convention in St Georges United church Toron- to on Friday Feb Several cases of chicken are reported in the village There arc also some mild cases of flu around Friends of Mr Fred Cowicson Toronto will bo sorry to hear he is in the and Mrs Ivan Day and family spent ihe weekend in Lindsay Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Walter Cowicson Lansing Who observed their wedding anniversary on February 15 Recent guests of Mr and Mrs Walter were Mr and Mrs Stan Eves Mr and Mrs MORE NOW THAN EVER BALANCED FEEDING PAYS some facts worth buy Oats and Parley costly to Your own grain worth lot of tivaiti is too to AVK 1 a -L- Thoro never has boon a time when it so to balance rations the of a ratio is so little more than straight grain e are that a tittle with your gmin will aveyou money in steer We are sure that the proper amount of mixed with your grain will save you money in hog feeding let us hw you how Utile balanced rations cost how much tl ley save MILL Ltd NEWMARKET Phone MOUNT ALBERT Phone 5620 Phone 3000 I H -i- J n ujji vf7v 14 r rfVafcaScv