I J Private Patients Toronto Western Sunday to Mr and Mrs it Peel Newmarket a rfnugh tor At York County hos pital Monday to Mr Mm Robert Newmarket a daughter At York County Saturday Feb to Mr and Mm George Carson Bradford York County hospital Feb to Mr and Mrs Morris Aurora n Carolyn Francos first granddaughter for Mr Sweeney Flee At York County hospital Wednesday Fob to Mr and Mrs Kendake Aurora a daughter Houston At York County ml Tuesday Feb 1051 lo Mr and Mrs John Houston Thorn- hill a son Milter At Wing To ronto General hospital Thursday Fob to Mr and Mrs Bruce Miller Ruth Young a son McGinn At York County filial Monday Fob lo Mr Mrs Charles a daughter At York County hospi tal Monday Feb to Mr and Mrs Keith Aurora a daughter At York County hos pital Sunday Feb 1051 to Mr Mrs Melville Brad ford a daughter At York County hospi tal Monday Feb to Mr Mrs Bradford a daughter Wat At York County hospi tal Monday Feb to Mr Mrs Mathcw Walsh Newmar ket a son DEATHS Alexander At Sutton Private hospital Wednesday Feb Udell In her year widow of John Alexander Interment cemetery adjoining Elm Grove ehurch Baldwin on Saturday At her home The Thursday Feb Annie Gaunt wife of Rev A and mother of Muriel Donald and Robert Interment cemetery on Sunday At Edmonton Attn on Wednesday Feb Samu el husband of Bessie father of Margaret and Graham brother of Mrs If Clark Newmarket Tuesday Feb John Joshua In his Wtb formerly of Huron St Toronto cousin of the late Interment King on At Toronto on Sunday Feb 1051 Earl Maxwell Ave band of Mary Hamilton father of son of Adeline and the tale Interment Park Lawn cemetery on Wednesday At Willow Beach Rest on Tuesday Feb Dinah age years wife of Charles of Virginia mother of Annie May Mrs Charles of Resting her late reKldence Virginia Service In Virginia failed ehurch on Friday Feb at oclock Interment Briar cemetery Sutton West At the home of her daughter Toronto on Sunday Feb Jane In her 92nd year wife of the late formerly of Newmarket mother of Charlie Mm Jennie Bert Bill Nelson and Norman Interment Newmarket cemetery on Tuesday Mercer At her parents home on Monday Feb Judith Annette Mercer In fant daughter of Bruce and Joan Mercer and sister of Lynda Interment Prospect cemetery Toronto on Wednesday At the home of his Mrs Howard Pal tfl Toronto Tues day Feb MSI J In his year of A H4 ed father of Mary and Wilfred In the chapel Mount Al bert until Friday noon Service In United church Friday at oclock Inter ment Zephyr cemetery At Newmarket on Wed nesday Feb Florence WHkmghby wife of the late Albert Starr 1 1 AM rtl Bill Sea 9 MOM WILL NEEDED FOR NAVY tHinm Minister has presented to parliament the cut- Una a threeyear military program which ho term- ad increased premium to ensure peace and which will include an air division regular and auxiliary squadrons which will re quire additional aircraft a hundredship navy responsible for the protection of coastal sea planes and an airborne force antiaircraft artillery and other unit for the defence of Canada direct attack The strength all forces will bo raised to a total of or If civilian personnel Is Included Present strength Including civilians la abort from The young gaffers around Schomberg are busy stowing away their hockey gear these days Both entries in the OMHA competition are on the sidelines now started the season away with two entries bantam and juveniles First to go were the juveniles They were match ed against Bolton and Tottenham in a roundrobin ser ies for the group title They failed to get in a win against their three opponents Totten ham joined them leaving and Bolton to fight off for the group title The bantams stuck it out a lit tle longer They were thrown against Grand Valley in the OM bantam D first round ploy At home ice for Doug Marchanls laddies Grand Val ley showed power on the attack to defeat Schomberg At home the Valley boys gained a win to snare the round Ron Hill set a hot pace for in the home and home set scor ing three Tommy collec ted two goals and Louie Davis got the sixth tally of the series Juvenile Hell Ro gers Archibald Ed wards K Archibald Phil ips aits J Shaw Cutler Davis Davis J Bantam Davis Davis Hill D alts Hod gins A Dion Dion Coach Doug RITE AT HIGH PARK High Park church chapel was the setting for the marriage of Laura Mary Nobles daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthur G Pedlar Toronto formerly of Keswick and Mr Melville Grey Davicf only son of Mrs Lillian Davies Toronto and the late Mr recently Rev John Hunter of ficiated at the double ring cere mony Given in marriage by her la the a V i4 a and Express Thursday Feb Page ITS A Woman World By Caroline Ion Valentinos Day is over ami at last the crayons and scissors are put away until the next occasion St Patricks Day pot un it seems like weeks since we ther the bride wore a two tone j were able to do our cleaning ensemble of brown faille and winter white lame with match ing accessories Mrs Madge Cunningham sister of the bride the only attendant was gowned in burgundy crepe with match ing hat Mr George Dane was best man After the wedding ceremony the couple left by plane for New York On their return a post nuptial reception was held at Indian Grove The brides mo ther received in wine crepe as sisted by the grooms mother in black velvet without an admonition from the small fry in the house or to cas ually enter the sacred premises of his room without a multitude of scurrying noises as something was carefully hidden from sight To a sevenyearold such cel ebrations are wondrous affairs the public and will begin at pm interested in this important organization should take this opportunity to learn more of its aims and work This week we begin our fifth year with the Newmarket Era and Express Coming to school they are the excuse for ln of wo extra stories shortened lesson periods and best of all a party MORE SOLDIERS WILL TRAINED IN ART OF DEFENCE St Kilts Overpower Cecil Morris Bantams Hub Town fans who stuck around after the town league doubleheader Monday to witness the midget A playoff tilt saw a polished St Catharines Mason take our adopt ees Cecil Morn into camp The St Kitts aggregation left no doubt why they are the defending midget A champions Cecil Morris group has been a faithful here since last fail and adopted Newmarket as its home ice but couldnt match the skating power pol ished attack of the visitors from the Banana Belt NURSERY SCHOOL HAS VALENTINE TEA The Aurora nursery school held a Valentine tea at the home of Mrs J last Monday A resume of cooperative work which made this school possible was given by Mrs L Ruben Treasurers report was given by Mrs Roche Mrs Del Grande outlined acti vities of children and showed some of the educational toys and creative work Mrs Peterson conducted a white elephant sale and realized 15 towards the purchase of a record player for the school Re freshments were served by the hostess Mrs Hillary moved a vote of thanks to the hostess MORE PLANED WILL BE BUILT FOR AIR FORCE Appoint Committee For New Fire Hall The fire committee and the property committee of Newmar ket town council were appointed Monday night to find a cost for a new fire hall A notice of motion had been made recently by Councillors Charles and Lome thai a committee be formed to report to council on the of a new hall located at the corner of Main St arid Millard Ave at the site of the Resting at the chapel of Road present fire ball and old registry and Rose Service will be office held on Saturday Feb It at Several members of the fire ntrmeiU j brigade including Fire Chief On Tuesday Feb fl Elizabeth Kva wife of George Smiley mother of Herbert Moose Jaw Mask tor of Herbert J Interment Mount cem etery on Thursday ENGAGEMENT Mr and Mrs Newmarket wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Myrtle A let ha to Mr William Rush son of Mr end Mis Norman Rush Newmarket the wedding to lake place on Friday Feb at in the Aurora Gospel Mr and Mm Arnold Leeder an nounce the engagement of their ulster Audrey Dolby to Mr Har old the wedding to lake place on Tuesday Feb Mr and Mrs Kverett Miller wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter Dor othy to Mr Allan Webster son Mr Mm Claude Webster Toronto the wedding to take place on Saturday April In the Christian Baptist church oclock MOFFAT A former Newmarket man Andrew Moffat died In Coiling wood General Marine Hos pital at the age of He left Newmarket for years ego where he established a business In he into insurance and real es tate A brother Newmar ket survives him who were attending council meeting Monday night indicated that the same location would be the most desirable spot in town for a now hall They said that Main St traffic prob lems at certain times of the day would make it difficult for trucks to turn mi Timothy and Sis or Park Ave Some members of council sug gested that the location for the new hail might be better some where else It was out that the present buildings on the loeation would have to be demol ished adding to the cost SIX INJURED Continued from Page I I Mrs a badly bruised lugj and hip Joyce Conn- ley a passenger in the car face cuts and bruised right knee AH were treated by Dr Crawford Rose Aurora The accident happened near Wheel House The injured were made comfort able at the residence Neighbors assisted them from their cars Mr and Mr Mm who is Mrs sister were confined to bed for a few days and are still suffering the effect of in juries Mr and Mrs who have opened up a busin ess in Richmond Hill are resid ing in the McEwen home until they can establish permanent living quarters Their Toronto home was burned some two weeks ago Their accident bos prevented them from operating their business for a time Farm Forum News Public School Loops In Action At Arena and Spitfires cele brated a return to winning form in the squirt division of Satur day am school league hockey Paul Blairs twine hitting shot the Rockets Johnnie Hoppers earned a win over pair of twine benders gave the Spits a win over the Flyers John Haines nipped in for the Flyers loner In the pee wee sector Bears and Bisons collected the winning marks Nifty scoring efforts by and Morris Gil pin enabled the Bears to eke out a 21 win over the Barons sniffles completed the pay dirt hitting chore for the Barons Bisons hung on to rec ord a win over the Hornets in a free scoring go Ian Dick Don Lewis Pat Swing and Murray were good for the Bison tallies Lome hit back for two and Jim Bond one in the losing cause MARYS Mary had a little Iamb Its fleece was white as snow- Did Mary ever love that lamb Oh yes and told it so It followed her to school one day And oh was Mary proud To see the children wave at him And then to him they bowed But then the teacher turned him out But still he lingered near He said I hate you teacher Then at her hed sneer You should be kind to little lambs And never treat them cruel For they grow lovely soft white wool To keep you warm at school They never go bankrupt Nor pay cents on the dollar Their wool they carry on their backs To every needy scholar I just dropped in when running by So check up on your needs To see that all the girls have kilts And ail the boys have tweeds But you ignored my kindness To you HI say Adieu And if I dont come back again Its all because of you But if Mary hears her lamb Far out upon the plain Then sends the shepherd with his crook Ill come back to her again Bertha Clarkson Special decorations arc made for the class room At home simil ar ones are made for the baby the neighbors the egg man in fact for everybody The young ones accept the day ami make the most of it Un like their adults they do not de plore the commercialization of such occasions For one we are inclined to agree with them After all advertising is an ac cepted and very necessary phase of modern merchandising In dreary February days the gay Valentine decorations of window displays are a welcome sight Imagine how uninterest ing our advertisements would be come if the variety and spice from the advent of such days was lacking The past weeks were rich with important days and each one was observed fittingly at our house How was it at yours On Robbie Burns day the men folk of the family wore their tar tan ties However the illusion was shattered when we learned later that Ted had greeted every one with a bright Top of the to ya On ground hog day he had us all posted like sentries to observe and record the Mr began writing for the Era the following February It does not scent such a long time looking back to those days when every one we met was a stranger But when realize how many ac quaintances and warm friends we have made through our news paper work we feel that it could not have been accomplished In so short a time May we take this opportunity to thank all those who assist us in this work by sending In their copy regularly on We have greatly enjoyed the letters and phone calls from our readers even the ones who disagreed with what we had written Nothing is more satisfying for a colum nist than to feel that her readers are sufficiently interested in her work to tell her their opinions KESWICK SCENE OF PRETTY RITES Baskets of spring flowers de corated the United church Kes wick on Jan for the marriage of Hetty Margaret daughter of Mr and Mrs Island Grove and Mr Dennis Roy Martin son of Mr and Mrs Roy Martin Newmarket Rev J King Groundhog and is relatives who 5dBS2ffi for many years have made their j home in Andrew Watsons fields With reluctance we reported Rye was soloist The bride given in marriage upon his return her father wore a white slip- not one groundhog had nose into the open let alone cm to J J jft the fact that our WINS Newmarket has taken over first place in the North York Badminton League At Willow- dale Monday they showed the home court artists a thing or two to score five wins three losses in the eight matches con tested Newmarket swept the mens doubles as Charles Lee and Hob defeated Bert and J Bales mute handily Jack Don Morri son won closely fought eon- test from Chambers and In the mixed doubles Frances MacLeod and Charles de feated Mary Bales and J Bates Irene Curtis and Bob Yates de feated Young and Rett Mac- OBITUARY Thomas Ed Woodruff Thomas d a Woodruff died at Newmarket on Jan after a weeks illness He was born in Scott township on July son of the Mary Hubbard and William Woodruff November he married Martha Gibson Mr Woodruff hud been the watchman at the hotel and was a member of the Salvation Army His chief in terest was in his home Surviving besides his wife are ions Carl and Newmarket daughters Mrs Bonn London and Mrs William Hart Crumiio a sister Mrs Philip Rose Niag ara Falls three granddaughters and four grandsons The funeral service was held at the Salvation Army hall New market on Jam with Lieut Henderson and Petersen In charge Interment was at New market cemetery Pallbearers were William Jack Fletcher Albert Barnes Alf Klr- byson Jack W right man and James After discussing the question Should agricultural production be controlled Holt farm forum decided against the proposal We feel that climatic conditions tend to limit or stimulate pro duction the forum reported We do not feel that essential commodities should be control led The forum meeting was held at the home of A and the discussion was led by A Hopkins and Lapp On the question of Do wc need a world food bank the forum was divided All agreed that surpluses should be distri buted to where food is needed but one group felt food should be distributed by the FAO and the other group was undecided The forum agreed that agricul ture techniques and industry should be taught so that those lacking food could produce for themselves White Cane Week Directs Attention To Blind This week is being observed across Canada as White Cone Week when Canadians are being asked to give a little thought to their blind fellow In the North York dis trict alone there arc ten blind people It is hoped by drawing na tional recognition to the ties and handicaps under which a blind person must labor that more consideration and help will be shown them said Mrs J Morris president of the local In stitute For Blind committee She stressed the importance of looking for the white cane of the blind and taking special care to make their path Those of us with eyes must use them doubly when wo meet a blind MEET LINDSAY Newmarket Optimist bantams have drawn Lindsay as second round opposition in the reports rank I loll worth Newmarket is scheduled to play in Lindsay tonight with the re turn match in the home and home goals to count series being played here tomorrow Friday at pm The bantams are our last hope in the playdowns and are worthy of your support Bill Red Mitchell coach of Aurora Black Hawks last sea son and recreation director at Lindsay at present masterminds the Lindsay entry AURORA LIBRARY CLOSED Aurora Public Library will be closed until further no tice while alterations are made groundhog making an Mss Vomla j were gowned in blue On Pancake Tuesday or as it is with known at our house Little Black bonnets They carried Sambo Tuesday of chrysanthemum even that renowned family of Aubrey Martin Newmarket pancake eaters Smothered in was best man for his brother pure Canadian maple syrup the Ushers were Messrs Donald pancakes not us it was certain- j Nichols Toronto cousin of the not difficult to observe that groom and Keetch day in a fitting manner Grove brother of the bride The reception was held at the Next Thursday Feb 22 we in home of the brides parents Newmarket will have a rare op- where her mother received in to hear an authorita tive speaker from the United Nations association in Canada Herbert chairman of the wine crepe black accessories and corsage of pink carnations assis ted by the grooms mother in navy flowered crepe navy speakers panel will be at the ccssorics and corsage of yellow town hall under the sponsorship rosebuds For travelling to the Home and School Associa tion Falls and Saginaw Midi the bride chose a light navy This meeting will also include crepe dress navy the showing of a film and a wine coat and corsage of yellow period following Mr rosebuds They will reside address It is open to Newmarket N1II FRIDAY The NIII minor hockey after missing last week due to the games will be back in session again tomorrow night re ports Frank First game at second at This will be followed at pm by bantam OMHA contest Lindsay vs Newmarket Following the OM third tilt in the will be run off AURORA 3 UP Aurora midgets will have a threegoal lead to protect in Au rora arena tonight Bill detl3 speedy free scoring side came back from Tuesday with a win Auro ra is presently playing in the second round of the OMHA midget Ron Knowles his mates for three mar kers Grant Edwards gave his mate a chase for the honors pok ing In two Stew Wilson showed up well on the forward string and cashed in with a single scor ing credit IS PROGRESSING Mr Bruce Bales who had the misfortune to break his back last fall is progressing favorably Ho is now able to get around in a person on the street she said wheelchair The Newmarket Era and Express serving Newmarket Aurora and the rural districts of North York on sale from any of the following dealers NEWMARKET ATKINSONS DRUG STORE BESTS DRUG STORE CAMPBELLS STATIONERY CHANDLERS GROCERY TOBACCO SHOP HOLMES CORNER CUPBOARD CONFECTIONERY KING GEORGE HOTEL CONFECTION ERY OAK RIDGES MARSHALLS GARAGE MEATS Oak Ridges Post Office AURORA HESS DRUG STORE MORNINGS DRUG STORE STATIONERY WILLIS DRUG STORE HOME DELIVERY CALL LAKE WILCOX GROCERY GROCERY KING CITY ARMSTRONGS GROCERY KING CITY GRILL SCHOMBERG COOKS DRUG STORE THE NEWMARKET ERA and Phone 780 Newmarket j