J fm Public BLOCK At SCALES BA bMW NEWMARKET igi By Appointment BJL Barrister Solicitor Notary Public Etc JTCmOBA PHONE 8t Fir Prospect Ave Phone London England w MATHEWS STIVER LYONS VALF Barristers Solicitor Notaries Mathews KC Lyons Joseph Vali NEWMARKET OFFICE Mala St one j A M MILLS fa m Barrister Solicitor and Notary MAIN ST Upmarket Phono Ml J A Sons ml at trie Head Office St AD KM City and Country Homes Farms and Small Industrial and Buflineai Properties I is You Local Representative Phono Newmarket yff IK ffl VISIT WITH TS A E HAWKINS Contractor for BULLDOZING GRADING CELLAR EXCAVATIONS and crave sand and flfl Phone 21 Aurora SAND AND GRAVEL LTD for government approved crush ed stone of various sizes crushed gravel sand concrete gravel and pit run delivered or at bin Plant phone Office phones and ae tVi ft BBS Home to Lieut Peter Mackenzie is either Vancouver BC or Kobe southern Japan Obtain ing short leave from the Princess Pats Lieut Mackenzie lew to Kobe where his father a profes sor of a Japanese university resides Here is the happy family reunion of mother father and son as a Japanese maid pours tea The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Feb Page 3 Gibbons Transport LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND CARTAGE PCV C H Furniture Storage PHONE NEWMARKET Authorized Dealers in Master Feeds PHONE NEWMARKET I IDEAL STARTER BOOSTER AM SUPPLEMENTAL FERTILIZER my VIOLET Conveyancing Insurance Botaford St Phone Newmarket DENTAL DR NOBLE si- DENTIST Over MUNICIPAL OFFICE Office Resident Dr E VanderVoort DENTIST Main St Newmarket Phone ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR House and Farm Wiring DOUG BAIN General Repairs OH Burners Space Healer All Electrical Household Appliances Phone Box Ontario St Newmarket STEWART RADIO SERVICE RADIO PARTS TUBES BATTERIES ETC Main St CANADIAN PLOWMEN ABROAD by V ONTARIO PLOWMENS ASSOCIATIO N Phone A STOUFFER 19 Raglan St Piano Tuner and Repairer Pianos Bought Sold and Rented Phone Editors Note This is the third of a series of weekly stories which V a director of the Ontario Plowmens Association is writing about the visit of Canadas champion plowmen to the British Isles Belgium Denmark and the Neth erlands Copenhagen Denmark In the days when Vikings roamed the seas it probably took a week or more to sail between Denmark and England Not being Vikings we decided lo go by air rather than by sea and in about two hours flying time we had travelled from London to Copenhagen At first the air was pockety Aurora Bible Society Sponsors Essay Contest The Aurora Branch of the Bible Society has announced an essay competition with valuable prizes open to all young people to years of age There are two sets of prizes those of 50 and down donated by the Upper Canada Bible So- for the best essays in he province of Ontario Second i two local prizes of 5 and of fered to Aurora young people of the same age for the two best in essays from Aurora entered the provincial contest Bulletins containing full par ticulars have been posted in the Sunday schools and the high school Helpful material may be had through the local society of ficers Rev K president and John Gowcn St secretary Local i will help contestants S J BOYD Indian Road TORONTO Phone ME Dm MERVYN and Phone Consultation by Appointment Only At residence corner of Raglan and St Physician and Surgeon MARGARET ARKINSTALL Of flee Prospect St by Appointment TELEPHONE Office Residence but it wasnt long before the big passenger plane had climbed above a bank of clouds at an al titude of between and feet From then on it was smooth flying Except for that j brief period after takeoff and just before landing we didnt see much of the land below but we enough to give us a birds- eye view of the two countries view is certainly different from what you sec when your feet are on the ground the land looks flat as a pancake When we stepped off the plane MISCELLANEOUS Dr L Sinclair OCULIST Examined Glasses Fitted Hoar a am Evening by Appointment Park Ave Newmarket Tel Arcoftame Oil Burners Cement Septic Tanks Constructed OAR RIDGES Phone King 111 Phone Aurora TOM B1RREIL AND SONS LTD James J Wall PLUMBING HEATING CONTRACTOR Dealer for Delco Water Pressure Systems at Copenhagens airport we found a number of people waiting to welcome us Among them was E M of the Canadian le gation in Denmark Meeting Mr here was quite a coinci dence for he lived for a time in my home town Owen Sound and I knew his father Rev I A D who was United church minister there before moving a few years ago to awa We had quite a chat about Ford Monarch Ford Tractor Cars Herbert the champion horse Prefect plowman Hugh Leslie George- Gars Tractor the champion tractor plow- Dearborn Farm man and myself were guests of Equipment Knud Petersen of the Esso P and do Ford Tracks v says must be in the Toronto of- the cattle in Denmark we were MoRh Contestants must be from to years of age on March 31 told is of this breed As the name indicates they are brown in color heavily constituted and good milkers with a fairly high test The mature cows in this MOUNT ZION herd averaged about pounds The Sunday morning service in weight j was well attended last week This large wellkept dairy However we would like to see farm was once operated privately children at Sunday school Genuine Phone Main St Over SpUlettrt PHONE A HURST OPTOMETRIST NEWMARKET CLINIC Mondiiy Tuesday and Friday by appointment only Hoars pan Phone r Button Private Hospital Saturday only pan Effective January 6 if NEW CARS AND TRUCKS FINANCED INSURANCE FIRE BUBGLABY AUTO AND LIFE mm St Insurance EVANS FUELS newmarket Coal Coke Wood And Stoker Coal phone 5 Orders taken for gravel sand and crushed stone and general hauling la representing the CNR Newmarket nere show It was a most enjoyable evening Danish Brown Cattle The next day we left the hotel about am for a tour and to see a herd of Danish brown cattle at a farm not far from the city As we entered one of the build ings thought for a minute that I was back home for standing there was a milking machine ex actly like one in use on my farm We were impressed with the cattle About percent of all THE VARIETY OF DESIGNS fa oar mUmUm t MKNT8 la sack that almost say to kind and cost W alt memorials to order of tst ted excellent always am prompt W IUESSY I SON MAIN ST MHX1CENT WALSH Professional Contralto Vocalist Concerts and etc Terms for Pupils Bay View Drive Orchard Beach KESWICK Tel Sachss Paint JOHN Expert Watch and Clock Repair Street or Phono 656m Newmarket ALL WORK GUARANTEED REAL ESTATE Listings invited for town and farm properties also small acre ages and cottager MILLER Your Representative or ham St Newmarket Phone Ward Allan Co Office and Showroom 129 Main St Newmarket Consult us regarding INSULATION ASPHALT ROOFING SIDING BUILTUP ROOFS We BOND for it or Terms PHONES MIW and by several generations of one family In they turned the farm and herd over to the gov ernment for experimental and demonstration purposes Today stock from this farm is in de mand all over Denmark espec ially the bull calves for artificial insemination units We also visited an experimen tal station for pig breeding About animals were there under experiment for breed and feed They are fed three times a day we learned and individu al records arc kept of the pro gress of each pig Wo also had time to inspect an experimental milk processing plant It is very much like those at home and being a model plant it is just about perfect in every detail When you realize that about percent of the land here is productive and nearly percent is actually farmed it is easy to understand why there are so many experimental and demon stration farms and stations There are also many farm or ganizations such as cooperatives special societies for the stim ulation of breeding and other improvements Nearly every farmer belongs to one or more of these organizations This no doubt explains why Danish farm products arc so highly re garded During our tour we visited formerly residential town of Danish kings It poss esses a famous cathedral that dates back to the century It is so welt preserved that it was hard to believe that the main part of the sacred edifice is more than years old This stately cathedral is the seat of the bishop of Zealand who is head of the Danish state church It is quite a contrast to many of the churches in Den mark whose architecture is what you would call modernistic in design Perhaps the most fam ous is Grundtvigs church In Cop enhagen It is a large yellow brick structure and resembles a pipe organ with the banks of pipes standing out against the sky And while we are on the sub ject of churches it might interest you to know that the state church which is Lutheran is maintained by taxes This docs not bar other denominations from establishing here but they must meet their financial obligations through private contributions I think this is enough for this letter although could go on for pages about Denmark It is a fascinating country much like Canada and the Danes are very proud of it As for the Danes I must say that you could not wish to meot a better class of people The boys are quite well and we all agree that our visit here has been all too short The next letter will be from Holland Regards from all of us The Young Peoples meeting will be held on Friday evening in the church Mr and Mrs Dave Elliott arc in charge of the meeting Sunday services are Sunday school at am and church service at pm Miss Ida is convalesc ing following a tonsil operation Mrs Henry Days has been con fined to bed under the care Mrs John Cooper was con fined lo hospital for several days last week Fifteen ladies met at the home of Mrs Fred King for the quilt ing Two quilts were completed Mr and Mrs James Morris spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs Archibald of Rich mond Hill Mrs Archibald has been ill with pneumonia ANSNORVELD Rev conducted the ser vices at the Christian Reform church on Sunday Mrs VanDyke has returned home after undergoing a serious operation at York County hos pital The will hold its month ly meeting at the school on Fri day evening at oclock Mr and Mrs have gone the for a few days where they expect to attend meetings of Michigan Vegetable Market Gardeners Association Mr returned home from the hospital where he has been under observation for sev eral days I am writing this in answer to a letter that asks have I seen any cardinals around this winter No I am very sorry to say I havent Those lovely friendly birds But I did see a pretty sight the other day which inter ested me so much I want to tell about it I was going west on Millard Ave and after passing Raglan I became aware of bird voices they were all talking at once and they seemed excited yes and certainly cheerful not frightened oh but then when they are frightened they are in variably quiet and still As I approached the corner of Millard and Church where you go round the end of Church be fore you proceed up Millard Ave that awful corner I could hear it louder and louder So I very softly went across the corner to the home of Mr Edward Barker and there in a not very tall locust tree were hundreds of and were they having a grand time As I stepped near er there was a dead silence and one more step sent many of them into the tall cedars of the hedge beside the locust tree But they came back That locust tree was covered with seed pods and they were feasting to their hearts content Hated to Leave Them I hated to leave them and was still looking up enjoying the sight yes and the sound when two friends came along and ask ed What do you see Golden Glow So they saw them in a measure but not as I saw them first for many had flown up in to the cedars and stayed there I wonder how they ever found that special and how so many managed to be together to enjoy it Can they send messages to their friends or were they going somewhere in a flock Well at any rate it was my delightful privilege to be passing at that special time and see and enjoy them It has been some job with all the snow these past few days to keep my feathered friends fed The other day just after Id fed my little sparrows down swoop ed a bunch of starlings like a black cloud and started to gob ble up all the food I rapped on the window and away they went and before they renewed their attack back the sparrows came and got more or less of the food each one snatching a piece and flying off with it to eat it safely elsewhere But the squirrels have been having a fine time frisking round all winter so far but this cold snap will likely drive them into their winter homes for a while they too share the spar rows food and it is such fun to watch them No doubt whatever that Mr Groundhog saw his shadow last Friday at noon so keep your furry goloshes and your fur mittens out for a while longer and these cute earmuffs you boys wear in place of a cap LIQUID FERTILIZ AUTHORIZED NACHURS DEALER PERKS FEED MILL LTD Newmarket Ontario BEST BY TEST WHY PAY MORE Generator All Standard Automotive Types Installation Extra TWO BRUSH AND TRACTORS is COMPLETELY REBUILT GUARANTEED 90 DAYS All Popular Units in Stock SEE YOUR LOCAL Rebuilt and Guaranteed by AUTO PRODUCTS CO Davis Drive Newmarket Phone Starters Generators Water Pumps Regulators WHATEVER CROP GROWS HERE On Saturday Feb Christ church Sundayschool enjoyed a skating party on rink Refreshments were served after wards at the home of Mr and Mrs Christ church Ladies Guild will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday Fob at the homo of Mrs J Harmon We should like to see all members present Meeting starts This week we have great pleasure of sending birthday greeting to our Christ members First to the beloved senior member Miss Fox who will celebrate her birthday on Thursday Feb Also to the Vicar Rev Abbott whose birthday is on the same date On Friday Feb Master Bobby will be five years and on Saturday Feb his mother Mrs N Sproule will celebrate her birthday We all wish every one of you many happy returns and may Gods blessing rest upon you all Miss A was a weekend guest at the home of Mr and Mrs Hunter Mrs Grittcn and family at tended the ice follies in Toronto on Friday Feb 2 Services next Sunday at Christ church will be Sundayschool pm Holy Communion pm DONATES TV SET A television set with a screen has been donated to the York County Home for the Aged by Ball of Bill Ball Mot ors For Stronger More Dependable Farm Equipment Bay TRACTORS FARM MACHINERY REFRIGERATORS DEEP FREEZERS MILK COOLERS DAIRY EQUIPMENT BEATTY BROS EQUIPMENT Constable a tit- Davis Dr Service a Must with Us Newmarket Phone MM YOURSELF ON YOUR OWN PAYROLL WHAT WITH Aik today for you copy of Penonil Planning at your neighbourhood branch of tho B of Theres no obligation except yeerni AE now I think we can live am with Perioral Planning Bank of Montreal appreciate of handling money prmed arc going in the right direction in Planning and practical Newmarket Branch BROWN Manager Aurora Branch ALBERT Manager WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY OF