I 4 ages the Editors Note After our illstarred expedi tion to Tobermory in the search of bass last summer we have given no thought to fish or fishing except for a considera tion of bobbing for mud cats However we are somewhat in trigued by Intense advocation of fishing for carp in a recent bulletin from the department of lands and forests We doubt if the average ang ler gives much thought to carp They are not a pleasant fish although the Chinese seem to make a lot out of them in China that is where they have a considerable standing as members of society Even the department of lands and forests for all its enthusi asm for carp doesnt say what can be done with the catch However here is the bulletin for what Its worth to the ang lers Carp fishing on light tackle can be an exciting pastime which sportsmens groups and individual anglers would do well to include in their plans for the season says the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests At least two Southern On tario clubs at and Port Perry haye done such a good job in getting members interested in angling for the fish that each spring they hold In which prizes are given for the most carp and the largest taken The membership of these groups is to be highly commen ded on this voluntary conserva tion activity for it assists the department greatly In ridding waters of the carp which be cause of their feeding habits destroy the eggs and spawning grounds of more desirable spe cies said Dr W J chief division of fish and The holding of carp fishing contests has also stimulated in terest among young members of the associations in this de sirable field of activity The Port Perry group report that they have held for the past three years at Lake on veekends between I 919 k May and June when the carp are spawning During this time the contestants have taken out a lot of carp At last years meets alone at least of the coarse fish are caught club officials say Actually the potential destruction of carp would be much greater than this figure because there are about carp eggs to a quart although not all of these would by any means hatch out Those who have fished carp say that some of them and they grow big will battle like a if they are tak en on a casting rod and light line Even a four pounder writes one carpfishing addict can battle for minutes and still have lots of pep left For those who would like to take up this carpangling sport and thereby help out the game fish one of the Port Perry group passes along the follow ing technique Use a casting rod and reel a line of to pound test and a number four or number six hook with a single gut A doublegutted hook allows the carp to feel that it has some thing in its mouth other than food and it will usually spit it out Fish on the bottom When the carp takes hold of the bait allow it to run well as one would do in minnow fishing for pike This allows the carp to swallow the bait then as the hook is set the battle is on believe me they can really put up a fight Bait this same ang ler explains is a mixture of cornmeal cornsyrup and flour First put one cup of water in a basin a cup of cornsyrup or sugar cook until the mixture is a stiff paste Allow it to cool until It can be handled then place It on a mixing board or table and in flour un til it becomes a very stiff paste When ready to fish take off a piece that when rolled into a ball will cover the hook This will stay on the hook for some lime A sinker at the end of the line is optional From the Files of 25 and 50 Years Ago JANUARY Rev Hunter III has presented the Newmar ket public library with a copy of the took The Descendants of Dr James Hunter Dr Hun ter came to Canada in J and at one time practised medicine in Newmarket also his son Dr J J Hunter took an tive part in municipal affairs Rev Hunter a son of the laic Edwin Hunter St and lie married Miss Sarah Newmarket At the weekly of the Newmarket Curling club last Friday night the winners were Messrs Eaton and Goldsmith The annual meeting of the Mount Albert Horticultural Soc iety was held in the form of a banquet on Friday evening society had a membership of last year Officers elected for the coming year were Mrs Brown vice Dr Johnson Mr J Stiver direc tors Mrs Wcs Mrs Mrs Geo Mainpiie Mrs Walt Mainprise Mr Crone auditors Dr Mr Dave Brooks Counting the cottages on the lake shore Keswick has over houses The permanent population is between two and three hundred A copper contest was by the Ladies Aid of Vandorf re cently Miss Nettie was first and Miss Hazel Walker second Miss Kathleen Baker and Miss Doris were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Hose JANUARY The newly elected hoard of management of the public lib rary met on Saturday and elected the following officers for the current year J Smith sec Coombs J entertainment com Messrs Robertson Mc Kay Jackson and A banquet was held at Shep- Hall Holland Landing on Thursday evening in honor of Geo and the returned heroes of the second contingent from South Africa by Holland Landing citi zens Addresses were given by Reeve Lane O Lloyd Mr Lieut Len nox Aurora T J Woodcock and J McKay Newmarket Miss Elsie West and Miss Gladys Marsh presented them with in scribed gold watches and chains Ninety additional poles for the street lighting have been delivered The first arc light on Main St under the new system was burning Smiths corner on Tuesday night Friday morning it was ten be low zero and on Saturday from to below Officers elected at the annual meeting of the Newmarket hose company are A ton first Reg second M Howard J Hughes auditors Hill and Duncan Allan has been awarded the contract for the Haines memorial which will be completed in the spring The monument will stand eight feel five inches above the foundation and will be surmounted by a bust of he late W Haines RELEARNING THE LESSON Serving Newmarket Aurora and the rural districts of North York Th Newmarket Era 1852 The Express Herald Published every Thursday at Main St Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Express limited Subscription 4 for two years for one year in advance Single copies are each of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa JOHN A MEYER Managing Editor JOHN E STRUTHERS News Editor CAROLINE ION Womens Editor GEORGE Sports Editor DONALD FARROW Advertising LAWRENCE RACINE Job Printing and Production THE EDITORIAL PAGE PAGE FOUR THURSDAY THE TWENTYFIFTH DAY OF JANUARY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYONE KING BLAZES NEW TRAIL King township council is considering a project which may give substantial leadership in the field of reforestation and conservation Briefly the plan is to establish a township commit tee on reforestation and working with that committee a committee or representative in each school section The latter would report to the township committee on any land in the school sections which might be planted The township committee would pass on each recommen dation and look after supplying trees men and trans portation as required The cost would be charged on the level of the school sections but there is always the possibility of provincial or township assistance The project as near as can be ascertained is with out precedent reforestation and conservation having always been considered matters for a larger administra tive unit like a county or groups of municipalities organized into conservation authorities Frequently however the larger groups prove unwieldy and they have the disadvantage of being further away from the people The King project overcomes both of these objections by being built on the level of administration closest to the rural people Another advantage possessed by the King plan is that it is selfcontained and always within the immedi ate control of the township The advantages of local interest and efficiency which accrue are immediately obvious Most important if the King plan is followed through the township will have given lead towards the solution of a problem which is becoming increasingly dangerous to the welfare of this part of the county NOT SO SECURE AS BELIEVED The people of Newmarket and Aurora have gener ally believed that the location of their respective towns gave them a certain amount of immunity from major criminal activity Aurora is a provincial police centre and the roads radiating from it are easily blocked In Newmarket businessmen have taken a wry satis faction in the conviction that no would ever attempt a job in Newmarket for fear he would be caught in a traffic jam while trying to Hut that sense of security was rudely shattered in both towns last weekend In Aurora the payroll was stolen in a daytime robbery the recklessness of which suggests that the robbers were more foolhardy than daring Saturday night both towns were visited by thieves of more subtlety In Aurora two homos were entered and in Newmarket six homes were ransacked There have been in both centres a certain amount of petty thieving Cars have been stolen and there has been the odd breakin but none of it was sufficient to disturb the even tenor of the local habits The most recent excitement in Newmarket was three or four years ago when police were given a tip that a notori ous bank robbing gang were going to make an attempt against one of the two Newmarket banks Nothing came of that however and everyone convinced that the bandits if indeed they had considered Newmarket had given it up as a too difficult task This past weekend though has given us all a rude jolt EVERYTHING BUT The Hope report on education is a highly contro versial document Hut the Fort Krie TimesReview finds cause to question not what is contained in the report but what was left out The report lists nine objectives towards which any educational system should be aimed says the TimesUeview Not included is the development of scholastic ability or in simple terms getting good marks The Timesdlevicw continues Nowadays it ap pears the school teacher must be less a person who can pass on his own academic knowledge to others and more of a psychologist who can spot a neurosis in the incubation stage Those pictures of outstanding schol ars showing boys ami girls who firsts out of papers written should really inspire pity rather than admiration The subject of s a picture may be clever that point is not under dispute but poor kid is also hopelessly maladjusted Spent so much lime during classes listening to the teacher that ho never found out how to get along with people In this age of enlightenment it is amusing to reflect how people once went to school solely to do Kven the approach of adolescence failed to remove them from the sociological rut they simply progressed from arithmetic to algebra And at the end all they could boast was knowing enough to come in out of the rain because the rate of absorption of moisture by their clothing was equal to the coefficient of satura tion of wool multiplied by pi But the new system is going to change all that Tomorrows fully educated child a beautifully balanced personality will put his power to think clearly inde pendently and courageously as the Hope Report says to good use Hell come in out of the rain because its wet and rather unpleasant PLANNING BOARD COULD HELP It was reported in The Era and Express last week that building permits for construction totalling almost half a million dollars were issued in Newmarket last year Evidence of the growth this represents is found all around the perimeter of the town And there is every reason to believe Newmarket will continue to grow for some years yet This growth while bringing advantages imposes upon the town problems that have yet to be met There is for example adequate water at present but the town engineer warned a few weeks ago that unless something was done to conserve water resources New market would suffer from a water shortage a decade or two hence at the present rale of growth Another consideration which must be given atten tion is the physical layout of town At present a business section which serves a large rural area as well as a growing town is cramped for the most part into a fourblock area south of the Main St hill There is no room there for expansion and as Newmarket grows the need for business space is going to increase Either another business section will develop or business will go elsewhere unless an effort is made now to direct growth into more beneficial channels This and other considerations are rightly a matter for a planning board The council is too concerned with immediate problems to give the time required to the development of a longrange plan for regulating growth A planning board would also afford some measure of consistency not possible in council The longer the de lay in establishing some means to regulate and direct growth the greater the problems of the future INCREASED COST OF LIVING The Canadian Statesman it is quite possible in the very near future that all of us will he feeling the pinch of higher taxation for the purposes of defence preparations If the scheme for Old Age Pensions without means test goes through this will also mean an extra lax to be shelled out prob ably as a pay deduction and as increase on the things we buy The most noticeable taxes are those we pay out directly or in the form of deductions from takehome pay The latter are noticed because they decrease the amount of the takehome pay and there is less with which to those things we need Hut the hidden taxes or the indirect taxes take a considerable amount from the takehome pay also Take for instance the huge amount of tax on a package of or tobacco the actual cost of the is very low the main part of the total cost to consumer is made up by taxes On almost every article purchased there is a sum of sales tax and this is charged and collected at the manu facturers end but finally passed on to the consumer The suggestion is to raise this sales lax by about two percent in order to provide at least part of the money to pay old age pensions There are it number of people who believe that these government handout schemes just picked off trees that is the money comes from a mysterious source that the government has for such things That mysterious source is you my friend you pay the money in before it can bo paid out You may put it in in the form of taxes deducted from your pay envelope or may pay it in from the hidden taxes on the purchases you make at the stores- but you do pay it Of course one person does not pay il all it is divided over every one in some form or another some may actually pay more than others according to the deductions and the amount of their purchases Perhaps you will believe Huh is a good system hut when your pay envelop shows a decline in lakehome pay dont blame the high cost of living entirely The extra being called for will account for some of the increased cost in living The state the servant not the matte of the people the state is their guarantee against infringement on their rights their agent in international and national issues it Is not the function of the state to assume the direction of those activities which rest on individual choice Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger The other morning your fav orite cat correspondent arose early at the crack of fell back exhausted and arose again at Is there something wrong I later asked the milk man at the front door There are some people going down the street there look Oh thats not unusual he humored me Lots of people get up this early Some of them are even at work No said I completely astounded Well live and learn as they say It was a lovely morning real ly Activity was at a minimum The community had not yet worked itself into its daytime slate of commercial anxiety as walked up the main street I looked at the sky over the municipal timepiece to admire the clouds It was then that my eye caught sight of the bird There on a frayed hydro line a normal characteristic of our community was perched what appeared to be a looking starling But no it was not a starling at ail On closer exam ination I discovered that this bird was a weather beaten moth eaten harassed and ex hausted dove In the doves beak was what appeared to be an old shredded cigar I say old dove I cried Why are you sitting up there chewing an old cigar on such a cold morning as this It isnt fitting of a bird of your line age This aint no cigar said the dove This here is an olive branch Might be a bit wither- up but its genuine Came Italy Youve had a pretty long haul then I said Whats your game anyway said the dove am the spirit of peace Thats what I represent Heres my card and the dove dropped an old piece of cardboard on which had been printed Win With These letters had been scratched out and in their place in shaky handwriting was N A Dove Resolutions and Proposals Drafted Replies Interpreted In small print at the bottom was Geneva But this too was scratched out and the words rewritten were Times Square New York Northeast Lamp Post Id say that you were in a pretty shaky business off hand said How do you find the trend these days I dont know but I feel like the bottom is dropped out of everything said Dove You are talking to a hulk of a dove My sales territory has shrunken to almost nil and I get a bad reception from half of the good customers I have left I had a miserable time My starboard wing is all shot up with shrapnel and one place I went I got my rudder blown off Couldnt even land there and this is where I end ed up But Ive gotta keep pushing on- Im due in Wash ington tonight some fellow there who wants to buy a resolution but I doubt if I can fill his order But if you ever need me dont forget to write Just then a snow plow came down the street and nearly buried me When I picked my self up the dove had disappear ed The morning had been too much for me The interview with the dove left me and uncertain Main St was be coming noisily active Shops were opening and motor cars were roaring It was to much I went back home to bed and slept for another two hours by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches There was a news item the other day in the morning Tor onto paper announcing that the provincial government is going to investigate reason why it costs cents to distribute one bottle of milk or in other words what is the reason for the spread between the amount the farmer receives and what the consumer has to pay Needless to say we are very glad to see such thing We are firm believers in the old proverb better late than ne ver At last somebody has put the finger on what in our opinion is the guilty party in this whole milk question We Knew it all along It is the housewife The present cost of milk in Toronto is not the fault of the producers who give it away not the fault of the processors who are trying to make a mea ger living including all the trimmings owing to one who has a half million invested in a business under our sys tem of economy ami not the fault of the driver who is only trying to get what everybody in the city gets for a hour week It is the fault of the housewife the comfort and ser vice ridden housewife who Is apparently willing to pay ID percent of the value of milk so she can have it placed on her doorstep where she can get it in the morning by merely reaching for it Milk is a bulky and perish able commodity expensive to handle and costly to deliver And when the delivery Is coup led with an attempt to outsell the competing distributor the whole thing becomes a farce Yet we do not hear any of the socalled consumer organiza tions and other ladies groups protesting it They protest against the price We venture to predict that the first dairy in Toronto which will have the courage to say Mi cents cash and carry and cents delivered will run the others out of business Lets face facts and lets get away from this sentimental idea of service There arc in stances where milk delivery Is WE OLD HOME TOWN necessary and justified But for the most part it is not so and as a dairy farmer we are protesting against it because we are the ones who pay for it not the city consumer not the processor who gets his re turn on his Invested money and certainly not the driver It is the farmer This business of an cent spread is always counted from the top down and get whats left after everybody is satisfied Then the distributor turns around and says I cannot help it We think that smalt milk depots should be established nil over the city to distribute milk and please let them not develop into candy shops and laundromats and drugstores Just milk depots And let these and the other retail food outlets handle milk lct the dairies ask another cent for delivered milk and put the spread between picked up and delivered milk at three cents Let them put milk up in paper containers only If the grocery store feels like delivering it thats fine Bui they wouldnt think of charging 10 percent on the total grocery bill for deliv ering it And then dear housewife it will be squarely in your pretty tap If you are used to comfort and can afford it have it deliv ered by nil means Only you pay for it and not us If you dont think that the constitu tional once a day or every other day hurts very much go and pick it up And there it will be nice and cool and fresh for three cents less Two trips and your youngster has a free chocolate bar you think we are too hard on you dear housewife but would you buy coffee de livered if it were percent more Or any other thing Youre darned right you wouldnt But you buy milk because the delivery cost la hidden from you But if you want cheaper milk and you should have it if you dont want the service then ask for- it and help us farmers by re fusing silly free service which we are paying for By STANLEY CO SAY Slim fsufiT HAVE A GOOD i modern tut mli m -i-