Somewhere in the files stored in the clerks office it a bylaw reputed to be 25 years old It will prob ably be brought out dusted off and carefully perused before the next council meeting This bylaw if in existence as it is claimed will emphasize the fact that even a quarter of a century ago there was a council which considered that home owners who invest thous ands of dollars in their property should be protected Era and Express Thursday Jan Pace AskSS a Is Aurora going to Buffer the headaches of growing pains that have been the major ailments of municipalities closer to Toronto or are we going to benefit by the mistakes that have been made In other communities A protest has been made to council by residents of Kennedy St against a proposed crowded subdivision with a request for a restrictive bylaw This should be seriously considered even though it too will eventu ally be filed in the limbo of the towns archives The old bylaw it Is said merely states that houses must conform in structure with others in the area It does not mention the size of the lot land use bylaw slates that a frontage is the minimum required for building purposes Neither of these documents con trol the problem that has arisen In the presently high assessment It Is quite possible that men and women who are elected to council do not always give seri ous thought to the fact that their opinions affect the town for years to come They are quite conscientious about todays prob lems but do they always exercise a longrange view Commending the mayor for his sense of fair play with regard to having both sides of the Kennedy St problem reviewed we must in all fairness to the residents and to future home owners remind him that the population march is not lingering to the south It can completely overcome us with its influx if we are not prepared to control property values We citizens on the other hand can no longer expect to always enjoy expansive views and green pastures unless we are in a posi tion to protect that privilege by buying up all the surrounding land That of course is out of the question People do how ever usually move to suburban areas because they wish a little privacy and some land Why then should desirable areas be ruined by the erection of 15 hous es jammed on the required 50 lots Are the residents of Ken nedy St who have lived in Aur ora many years and invested many thousands more than the amount to be spent on the new houses being unreasonable be cause they are asking council to exercise its power to protect them Whether the present problem reaches an amicable settlement or not a bylaw should still be enacted to create a restricted area because from a financial point of view a high assessment area is good business and an asset to any town The trustee board of Oak Ridges school has ap pealed to the trustee board of S Whitchurch to take over about Lake Wilcox children by March We are beaten right now in an effort to solve the problem of overcrowding trustee Bob Woolley Ridges board stated We feel the only solution to included a donation from S from Scot- Wells from Frank Bell along with other gifts For euchre Mr Pirrto won the ladys first prize Ken Pangman ladys consolation Frank Bell mens first and Bobby Dion gents consolation In the section Mrs Gordon scored as high lady and Mrs Baker consolation Mr Hughes was high man and Glen Boyle mens consolation Centra For the first time in Canadas peacetime history and squadron will leave Canada to train elsewhere The Red Indian fighter squadron is preparing to leave soon from Chatham to train in England along with British jet squadrons Flying Offi cer Robert Wood poses beside the Indian and tomahawk insignia of the squadron Our readers write 9 Letter to the editor are always welcome but the names of the writers must be known to the editor King City And District Correspondent Mrs Rolling Phone King The editor Re the criticism from the Whitchurch township council re Newmarket fire bri gade The reaction from a member of the Newmarket fire brigade and the suggestion that these things should not be printed by our local paper should be clari fied It Is within the right of Whit church council complain I do not know whose home was burn ing We must take into consid eration when a home is burning tie owner would think the time long before the fire brigade rived When any person offers to hold public office he must expect to have criticism and accept the same In good grace To expect or suggest that local press withhold any complaint or in formation from tho public or to even think or suggest that the papers circulation and advertis ing would be affected by any thing the paper would print or in any way to hinder the free dom of the press would in my opinion be the first step in our Miss Nancy Ball daughter of Mr and Mrs James Ball sley was one of nurses of St Josephs hospital Toronto to receive caps at a cere mony at the hospital last week In examinations Nancy made percent After the formalities were concluded Mr and Mrs Harrison Heath Lauder Ave Toronto cousins of Miss Ball en tertained at their home in honor of the occasion with friends present Mrs James Ball the mother Mrs Fred Aurora Nancys sister and her grandfather Mr Victor Bond community to a dictatorship The ratepayers in Whitchurch i were guests of the hospital staff township appreciate the arrange ment that Whitchurch township has with Newmarket Aurora and fire brigade and the opportunity to contribute to the financial support of these fire brigades Ross Newmarket 3 MOVE TO Mr and Mrs Grant and family are leaving Newmar ket to take up residence in Guclph early next week Mr has been made manager of the Bell Telephone Co office there for the capping ceremonies In honor of her approaching marriage on January 20 Miss Smith was given a com munity miscellaneous shower at the home of her mother Mrs Jack Smith Strange on Friday evening Jan Mrs Laurie Boys and Mrs Joyce Glass did the honors in arranging the event The brideelect received many lovely gifts Toronto From A film strip showing pictures of early Toronto from 1834 on through a few later years was shown by Mr Gordon King on behalf of Mr Wallace tions from local or district homes would be gladly accepted Will Contribute to King WI agreed to turn in 50 percent of its membership tax to the York scholarship fund of 2000 from the four districts In a communication from the Cen tre York secretary Mrs Fred Hare Temperanceville it was pointed out that with a total membership of 2000 in the four Yorks presidents and secretar ies had deemed it advisable to raise the fund by a tax of 1 per member with the option of paying off by branches in the full amount of membership in by contributing percent this year with the balance assumed for the following year King branch will pay in 35 or more in the first year Its mem bership is or slightly over Branch were urged to attend tho district WI ser vice on Foods that healthy children like to be held at Aurora United church February 21 Miss Barbara Home Economics and Service de partment of the provincial agri culture department will conduct the sessions The branch was informed that a visit from the district presi dent Mrs It grades 5 and is to seek help from the lake trustees who have been requested to pro- accommodation for this accommodation for this number by spring Operating on a fulltime basis these grades are hardest hit Mr explained In one of em there are from to pupils enrolled with only to 30 seats They sit double at single desks There is no space for better accommodation Teachers and students are work ing at great disadvantage Only the extreme nature of the situa tion has led Oak Ridges trustees to seek help members of the j board said It is felt that by early spring provision of a class- room at the lake could be by S S 13 when heating facilities that time of year would pre- no serious problem Lions Sponsor Hockey Oak Ridges Lions hockey teams are displaying high interest as or more young boys take an hour and a half practice at Aur ora arena Saturday fore noon Rink rental is sponsored by the Lions who donate private cars to transport the boys to Aurora To provide funds to meet arena rental a series of J recovery at her Jefferson euchres and bingo home games have been Set up for the Miss nurse- weeks jintraining at St Josephs On Monday evening at Ridge at Peterborough visited her Inn were present for euchre Mr Leo McDonald for a few days songs typical of northern Ontario lumbering districts He told stories how he had started in the lumbering industry at the age of i4 running logs later working in the sawmills his job as walking boss all of which depicted the life of a lumber jack Mr who was a radio artist also displayed bis talent as a ventriloquist The ladies served lunch to which Mrs Kelly and Mrs Snively added their contribution Captain Haw- man donated soft drinks Mrs D Gunn will attend Provincial Executive sessions of the Ontario Council Girl Guides Association in Toronto on Janu ary and 28 On Saturday the delegation will be taken to Mal- airport to receive the Friendship Scroll an illum inated message of goodwill and friendship sent from England Guides to Canadian It came to Canada last Septem ber and has been seen in impor tant cities across Canada to the west coast Upon reaching Mai- it will be retained in Ontario for a few weeks and returned to England It is the hope of York division to have the scroll displayed at Richmond Hilt be fore it returns to the homeland Mrs William Ashby Ave Lake Wilcox is still con fined to her home from an ill ness which overcame her at Christmas followed by a relapse a week later See Also Page i J Districts Heads to Visit On Thursday Jan District Governor Fred Thompson New market and District Deputy Richard Edmunds Richmond Hill will pay a visit to Oak Ridges Lions club at Ridge Inn Their presence is keenly anticipated by the club Mr Frank Legge is out of hos pital and is convalescing at the home of his daughter in Toronto I He expects to return to his home here sometime this week Miss M Boothman Glen Lonely Lake Wilcox visited the home of Mrs Giles at Jefferson on Sunday Mrs John Pascoe who has been seriously ill for more than two months is making satisfac- 7 i Visit INN of the Toronto University Lib rary and loaned to Miss ley is now available for King Womens InsliLaskay WI Views Itself use The historical sketch written by Miss which ac companied the pictures told The farreaching effect of com munity activities and public re lations of WI branch j estaurant RIDGES facts and customs of was outlined by Mrs Leslie Gloss the citys early days to members at a meeting Janu- form of entertainment A community is as broad part of a program carried out on as its individual thinking Its January based on historical re- activity is measured by the and current events the forest and effort that goes into community affairs the speaker pointed out Relations of a WI tables five cribbage and bingo giving the club profit which visits with other Institutes con tact with England through a Christmas gift parcel to one of its former members the visit of an outside speaker attendance at the district annual and the area conventions emphasize the im portance of establishing and fur thering relationships with others The message of goodwill and beauty inspired by the growing of the African violet is a tang ible form of spreading the gospel of home and country the aim of the Womens Institute Mrs Glass bypassed her general talk with information on how to grow this flowering plant Whatever ones talent however small let it be a means of bettering the community serving to inspire personal responsibility to ones the speaker added Mrs Norman read a poem on the New Year and Mrs Joyce Glass conducted a touch- sale table giving a prof it of to the branch treas ury Beginning this week Laskay WI euchres will be held in the homes on Wednesday evenings twice monthly Mrs Forrester was hostess on January and on January Mrs Percy Leath- will open her home to the public for a fundraising euchre Youth Rally January A Youth Rally under the aus pices of Aurora Youth for Christ will be held in McDonald and Wells halt King on Thursday We offer good food quick service television and dancing to your favorite tunes latter taken by Miss Lily Ander son who highlighted world af fairs International dominion and organization to the public I I m I r for itf AGAINST flifr COUGH LOCKJAW AND SMALLPOX at the following times and a Avici bury Baseline school 1 DATE Jan provincial events Mrs Gordon Wells enlarged on the motto He who lives only in his own genera tion remains a child The relation of the past with present Is a means of under standing life as it goes on today The sum total of appreciation of the times in which one lives must be coupled with knowledge of post history the speaker pointed out Plans for a rummage sale salo and afternoon tea to be held on Thursday Jan in the basement of King Un ited church were completed by the branch All articles for the rummage table arc to be given to Mrs J Grew on January 24 when they will be classified and priced for sale on the follow ing day Articles of good used clothing childrens outgrown garments sports equipment gem bottler cooking utensils are only few that could bo forwarded to Mrs Grew Rummage lutes a neverending circle of associations at home and abroad Specifically the local WI hall project represents an outlet for activities for branch churches the old boys association plow mans association a other groups With the renovation of the hall completed the erection of a com munity flag would the patriotic admiration of the dis trict The building of new homes change of farm lands to new owners the close proximity of Laskay to the new super high way tend to broaden interests giving the rural village a place in Ontarios list of little note- Handicrafts or hobbies arc vit ally important to the WI mem ber Active membership in King crafts Guild is an indication of the useful pleasure one gains from applying ones talents in a community sense Jan with Mr Jack Sheldon speaker There will be special music vocal quartette soloist and Ar rangements have been made through A King laskay United YPU met at the home of Jesse on January The program con vened by Mrs was given over to Mrs Verna Fletcher principal of Maple school who gave account of a tour to Now York city She described buildings and outstanding points of interest there Using a movie projector Mrs Fletcher showed pictures she had taken of local scenes the building of a new home by her father Mr William on the former Wood farm A general responsive wor ship was conducted and refresh ments were served On Thursday Jan re port of the nominating committee will be heard for the election of YIMJ officers for the coming year The committee is Rev M and Mrs Mr Jesse last week Miss will graduate in May Visiting their parents Mr and Mrs Fred Boys were Mrs David McAllister and young son Mur ray of Toronto Mr Murray Boys his wife and small daugh ter Sheila of Brampton Mrs John Bull with her son G Bull and wife and her daughter Mrs Silvio attended the funeral of Mrs Gor don Johnston of Grimsby on Jon Mrs Johnston was a sis terinlaw of Mrs Bull Sr In terment was made in Grimsby cemetery Among several from this dis trict who attended the Bill kie Hockey Night held at Aurora arena last week were Mr and Mrs Robert Ash and son Donald Mr and Mrs Stephenson Anne and Nancy Mr and Mrs Ronald Macintosh with their sons Ian and Barry Mr and Mrs Harry Hutchison Dr W A Roddick superintendent of the Ontario Hospital Si and D hospital steward and his wife Mr and Mrs Nor man Rumble of Bond Ave Wil liam Harold Hutchi son Lawrence Ground Mrs C spent sev eral days Port the guest of Mrs J McWatters She returned home on Tuesday Miss Peggy Harding daughter of Mr and Mrs W Harding of Snowball became the bride of Mr George Gibson son of Mr and Mrs Phillip Gibson Vancou ver during December The ceremony took place in St Marys Anglican church at Van couver Both were music teach ers Oak Ridges for some time Mr and Mrs Thomas Monk- have moved into their new home at King which Mr Monk- man and his son erected last fall Mr Stanley Ride pur chased the Monkman house at Oak Ridges well as another dwelling owned by Mr Monk- man Mrs Glass said interchange of and Miss Vera Hunter Cubs Hold Party Mrs assisted by Mrs William Hudson and Mrs Stanley Appleton entertained Oak Ridges Cub Pack at the school Inst Thursday evening Cub leader John Bradbury assis ted by Albert Hudson Mr and Captain C chairman of the group commit tee were present to conduct games Streamers and balloons decorated the room and the boys participated in number of games with prizes for high points awarded to Earl Bruce Hudson Paul Larry Wall and Woolnough Mr W with his guitar sang cowboy songs and J Jan Jan pi tx V IbAven OT I I- When you are 111 you realize more than ever that a is truly a priceless thing Unlike anything else yea buy its worth jran not be measured In dollars and teats alone for this formula can do so much to restore your health and wellbeing Yet nothing else so valuable costs so little At the first sign of illness see your doctor and he give you a prescription may we compound it for yon DIUO L MAIN ST NEWMARKET Pack up your togs and enjoy the fun and thrills at the popular spots The bus will lake you there and home again in carefree comfort J FARES ARC LOW Round Trip Subject to change SUNDRIDGK HUNTS V1LLK GRAVENIIURST 385 KING GEORGE HOTEL Commonwealth Ion If it Buckingham Palace Australia Majesties the Duchess of Kent Louts St Laurent representing Scjutti Canada Clement Britain Princess Marguret Rose Muggins Southern and Jawaharlal Nehru India W