V rt Aurora Opinion r DOROTHY BARKER Greetings of Happy New Year were offered by everyone this year with a gravity that has not been noticeable since the cease fire order of The public is no longer in doubt about the prospects of world conditions The witching hour of midnight Dec when we are all supposed to fall heir to the hope that the new year will be better than the last one was a serious matter to most people as faded into history The usual slate of resolutions which are jocularly made only to be broken was replaced on the part of many Canadians with silent determination to face the critical months ahead with men tal fortitude Everywhere there was an evaluation of what our country means to us Locally those of us who have argued or written about sewage disposal problem parking space bigger and better schools more police protection etc were humble with gratitude for the perfection of home life in Aurora However the realization that this Is no time for procrastina tion will no doubt be the tempo of the new council to be Inaug urated Monday Problems which under ordinary circum stances can be argued or set aside for further consideration will need immediate attention this year Aurora is justifiably proud of its low debenture debt Many improvements could wait until the town coffers could bear the tariff if had the least pros pect of being a normal year Rearmament is insurance for peace but it will eventually tie up most building supplies Ev ery day commodities in this field are becoming more scarce A higher debenture debt which will be necessary to carry out several important town projects could also be rated as good in surance We hope our council will realize this fact and support a solution for the need of increas ed disposal facilities road and sidewalk repairs and a parking lot All of these things if car ried out will make Aurora more desirable to industries rapidly decentralizing numbers of them at present looking for favorable rural sites A town is like any other bus iness and must be run as such Successful businessmen are op portunists This present trend of industry to move away from the large cities is Auroras op portunity to reduce its mill rate by increased industrial assess ment Let us not be so penny wise that we miss the dollars that will be spent north of To ronto by industrialists who rea lize the advantage of locating in this area if we have the facilities to attract them Mount Albert News Happy New Year to all Mr and Mrs Harmon David and Keith and Mr and Harold spent New Years at with Mr and Mrs Nicholson Mr and Mrs Beverly Sinclair V went to Toronto on Sunday and Spent New Years with Miss Cook Just to remind you that on Tuesday Jan the WJ will hold a community card party in the hall at oclock All wel- come Mr Gordon Hopkins Toronto visited his sister Mrs Geo Green over New Years week end Next Sunday morning will be communion service at the United church at oclock Sundayschool will still be held at oclock at the United church as those from the try think one trip is much better than having to come back in the J afternoon So for the present it will be before church The Graham Tea Room has been moved into its new location across the street and on day opened its doors to the pub J lie We wish them every cess Mrs Kendree Montreal spent the New Year holiday with her mother Mrs Jas Arnold There was a small attendance at the annual school meeting on Wednesday evening W was reelected trustee for another term Mrs Elsie and Tommy spent New Years in Toronto with Mr and Mrs Draper The annual supper meeting of the Horticultural Society will be on Tuesday Jan- IB when Clarke of the department of culture will be guest speak Miss Wilma was a New jars guest with her parents Jr anil Mrs and Mrs John Arnold i spent last week with relatives in Gait Mr and Mrs Geo Allison spent New Years day with Mr and Mrs T Alli son Visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Draper over the weekend were Mr and Mrs Harry Draper Wayne and Susan Toronto Mr and Mrs Ronnie Draper and Cheryl Mr and Mrs M Lyons Karen Marsha and Laurie Dr and Mrs W were hosts to a large New Years dinner party Mr and Mrs A Tomlin Richmond Hill and Ron LAC of Trenton spent New Years at the home of Mr and Mrs Guy Williamson The January meeting of Mount Albert will be held in the hall on Thursday Jan 11 at Hostesses ore Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Dike Program committee Mrs Harmon Mrs A Harrison Lady history book completed to date Current events and display of antiques All ladies welcome Mrs Nellie spent the holiday at the home of her sister Mrs Dawson Mrs Ed Watts and Mr and Mrs Jas Slorach spent New Years Day in Brampton at the home of Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Geo were New Years guests at the home of their daughter Mrs A in Newmarket The Cheerio group will meet on Saturday evening at the home of Miss Harmon at oclock AH members are requested to be present as there will be election of officers Mr and Mrs J Burr and Mr Mrs Steeper spent New Years at the home of Mr and Mrs Newmar ket fc A Happy New Year to all Christmas meeting of the Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs on December An interesting program was presented Thej new officers for arc past Mrs Milsted pros Mrs first vice Mrs Angus Smith second vice Mrs Rex Smith see Mrs J Morritt assist Mrs J Kavanogh Mrs Vtcd Dew Christian citizenship Mrs community friend ship Mrs Mrs Mrs Harry Toombs supply sec Mrs Ivan Day lit Dr M mission ary monthly sec Mrs Watts pianist Miss Vera Arnold Chris stewardship Miss Bates cards and flowers for the sick auditors Mrs it Warren Mm Murray Mac Lilian I Mrs visited her Mrs at Sutton for several days Mm Albert the season with her and daughter Mr and Mrs Ivan Day and children ilflslted her mother Mrs Cowio lor several day dor and Mrs Fred Dew were elected school trustees for the coming year Miss Brett Weston has been engaged as principal at ville school to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs Robertson Mrs J Smith spent several days with Mr and Mrs Harold Miles Islington Mrs 11 Gait visited her soninlaw and daughter and Mrs V Warren and family for several days Miss Griffith nurse-In- training at spent sever al days at her home This is Iho week of rural prac tice teaching for normal school students Mr at Union St Miss Mary Carol Knights Toronto at Hillside and a lady from Toronto with Miss Miller at school New Years guests of Rev and Mrs V Warren wore Mr Jack and Mr and Mrs Arthur Smith all of Toronto Mr Bill Rollings spent the holiday with Ids par ents Mr and Mrs Rollings Mrs Spencer and Eileen Toronto spent the holiday week with her parents Mr and Mrs Clarence Wright Remember the euchre in SHARON Starting next Sunday Jan Anglican church service will be held at until further notice United church service starting next Sunday and for the winter month will be held at the Town ship hall at Sunday school at 1030 The Womens Association of the United church will hold its monthly meeting at the hall on Thursday Jan at All the ladies are welcome at this meeting and please bring something for a pot luck dinner Mr and Mrs Chris Jones spent New Years Day in Toron to with Mr and Mrs Victor Foley Mr and Mrs of Newmarket were New Years guests of Mr and Mrs Crone Mr and Mrs Donald son entertained relatives from Merrickville over the holiday weekend Mr and Mrs Robert Brisson Anna and Michael and Mr and Mrs Raymond Ramsay were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Ramsay Mr and Mrs Robertson Margaret and Billy visited at the home of Mr and Mrs Fred Hall during the holidays Mr and Mrs Newroth Stephen and Elizabeth visited at the home of Rev and Mrs at Streetsville on New Years Day Mr and Mrs spent the holiday in Toronto Mr and Mrs Welly Stevens Bob Stevens and Shirley An drews spent New Years week- end with Mr Herb Stevens and family at Lake SNOWBALL Mr and Mrs Russell and family of Orillia spent the weekend with Mr mo ther Mrs Emma Farren Mr and Mrs Gould were guests of Mr and Mrs Erroll Gould Newmarket on New Years Day Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Albert Harrison on the birth of a baby daughter born New Years Day a granddaugh ter for Mr and Mrs W Wilson Miss Sandra Harding enter tained her pupils at a party Fri day afternoon The children en joyed games followed by lunch Miss Blanche Morning Toron to was home with her family for the holiday weekend Mr and Mrs Harding spent the Christmas holidays with their daughter and family Mr and Mrs Toronto Mr and Mrs Wm Nesbitt were in Toronto for the New Years holidays Mr and Mrs Blum and family were guests of Mr and Mrs Brokenshire York Mills New Years Day Friends and neighbors of Mr Philip Bridgeman were saddened to hear of his sudden death Sun day The sympathy of the com munity goes to his widow Mrs Mr and Mrs and spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Donald Bain and family of Toronto Mrs J left by plane Thursday to visit her par ents Mr and Mrs Leslie Perth Scotland Mrs has not seen her parents in 25 years Miss spent New Years Day with Mr and Mrs Frank Fleet Toronto Mrs J Glass Richmond Hilt was the weekend guest of her sister Mrs Copson Mrs Barker Aurora was New Years dinner guest of Mr and Mrs Mr and Mr King spent New Years in Toronto with Mr and Mrs Hodginson Miss Elaine and Gordon Woods Toronto had New Years dinner with Mr and Mrs Perry Winch Mr and Mrs I spent Christmas weekend with their family in Toronto having the family gathering at Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Winston and daughter June spent Christ mas in Toronto with Mr and Mrs Melville Morton Miss Ruth Mary Winch has re turned to Niagara Falls after spending the Christmas holidays at her home here Mr and Mrs Malcolm Hanover spent New Years weekend with her sister Mrs and Mr Waldon Miss Helen spent the Christmas holidays at her home in Brechin Due to the week of prayer ser vices being held next week the WCTU meeting will be post poned Further announcement will be made when a suitable evening can be arranged The Evening Auxiliary met Tuesday Dec at the home of Mrs Ken The meeting took the form of a carol candlelight service led by Mrs Roy Shaw Election of of- followed Mrs Ken Boothby vice Mrs Ramsey Weddell Mrs Gordon sec Mrs Ben j supply sec Mrs Winch I pianist Mrs Harold Pollard assist Mrs Don Morton lit sec Mrs Lome Holborn mem bers sec Mrs Harold Pollard At the United church Christ mas Sunday morning service Mr Gordon Winch assisted in a dedication service Tor his name sake Gordon Boothby youngest son of Mr and Mrs Ken The United church Sunday- school held a Christmas party on Dec 29 with games music and a treat for all Many thanks to the Misses Campbell and Ruth Mary Winch for their assistance The United church regu lar meeting will be held on Mon day Jan at 330 pjn Supper will be served for all church families beginning at pm and the church annual meeting will follow the supper Mr and Mrs Ryder Bill and Paul were Christ mas guests at the home Mr and Mrs Gordon and Peggy spent New Years with relatives at Stroud Mrs Stuart Stinson Bob Alan and Norman Brantford visited friends here last Thursday Guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Perry Winch on New Years Day included Bob Bob and Carolyn Atchison Mr Francis Morton Mary Morton and Katharine Appleby spent last Wednesday at Miss Helen Fraser was a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs Jim Porter last weekend HOLLAND LANDING Miss Jean Stephenson of Tor onto and Mr and Mrs Howard and family of New market spent Christmas with their parents Mr and Mrs Frank Stephenson Miss Verna Stephenson of Toronto spent Christmas with her brotherinlaw and sister Mr and Mrs W Mr Ronald Riley of spent Christmas with his grand parents Mr and Mrs Marshall Evans Miss Bessie Evans of and Mrs J Chapman of visited Mr and Mrs Evans over New Years Mr and Mrs Riches of Tor onto spent Christmas with Mrs Cook Miss Jean Kendrick of Hunts- ville spent the holiday season with her sisters Mrs Gordon Kitching and Mrs The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Jan Kettleby News MAPLE HILL Rev and Mrs E Large will be the special speakers in Maple Hill Baptist church next Sunday Jan This is their last speak ing engagement before leaving for South America Sunday school is at with the wor ship service following at Mr was called to his home in Gait last week because of the serious illness of his fa ther Mr Elsby Mr Pat Toronto spent the weekend with Mr Knights Miss Jean Knights spent last week in Richmond Hill The young people enjoyed a skating party on Perrys creek on Friday night There are a few cases of chick en pox and mumps in the dis trict Mr and Mrs John Marritt and Mr and Mrs Don and family Richmond Hill Mr and Mrs K and family Keswick and Mr and Mrs Alex and family Toronto spent New Years at the home of Mr and Mrs MIAMI BEACH Wishing everybody a very happy and prosperous The weather being so change able there is quite a bit of sick ness in the vicinity Mr Ronald Sullivan is able to be out and around again after having an attack of asthma Mr Emanuel Miller is feeling quite himself again after a months illness Great credit is due Mr James Clark for all the Christmas pres ents he presented to the children of this community He was a real Santa to them The chil dren all say thanks again Mr Clark for your kindness Mr and Mrs Cecil ald have been spending a weeks holidays in Mrs Emanuel Miller has been sick with sore throat but is feel ing some better at time of writ ing Mrs Oliver King and children spent Sunday at the home of Mrs Kings parents Mr and Mrs Bert at Baldwin Dont forget the euchres in the St Pauls Anglican hall every Tuesday night pm Mr and Mrs Austin Padding- ton Toronto spent the holiday weekend with Mr and Mrs Bert The deepest sympathy of the community is extended to Miss Anne Harmon and Mr Jack Har mon and all the other members of the family in their recent sad bereavement by the sudden pass ing of their sister Mary Mrs Carson on Thursday Dec Christmas communion was held at Christ church at oclock in the morning when 20 members gathered round the holy table The church was tastefully decorated with ever greens and red berries On the altar was placed a beautiful bas ket of white from the Lad ies Guild and a potted cycla men placed there by Mr Sibley in memory of his wife Mr and Mrs Clawson were at the service with Mrs father and mother Mr and Mrs Hunter The whole family was up from London for the Christmas holi days Mr and Mrs Ed Haines went to to spend the day with their friend Mrs Grit- ten and family Mr and Mrs J Harmon spent the day with Mr and Mrs Gilham and family Mrs Crane spent the day at home with her son and his fam ily from Mr and Mrs Fry motored to to visit their son Jim and his family Theirs was a double celebration as it was their wedding anniver sary on December 26 Mr and Mrs P W Ball spent Christmas Day with their son Joe and his family Mr J McLaughlin and Stan spent the holiday week in Tor onto visiting his two sons Les lie and Ernest and their famil ies Rev and Mrs F Abbott spent Christmas Day surrounded by most members of their family but we are sorry to report at the close of a happy day Mrs Abbott slipped and fell breaking her arm in two places We oil wish her a speedy recovery Mr and Mrs spent Christmas Day at home with all their family present Mr and Mrs Ross Archibald spent Christmas with Mrs Arch ibalds parents Mr and Mrs A Holt All members of the fam ily were present Mr and Mrs Jack Harmon en tertained on New Years day Their guests were Mr and Mrs Morris and Ted from Newmar ket Mr and Mrs and family and Miss A Harmon Mr and Mrs Bob Archibald entertained on New Years day Mr and Mrs Crane and Wilbert spent New Years day with their son and family at Sehomberg Mrs and family were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Ed Haines on New Years day Miss Howard Toronto was a weekend guest at the home of Mr and Mrs Christ church Ladies Guild will hold lis monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Beat on Tuesday Jan There will be services next week in at the different churches for the annual week of prayer Notices of time and place will be given out next Sun day Services next Sunday at Christ church will be Sundayschool pm evening service pm Farm Forum will meet at the home of Mr and Mrs J on Monday Jan at pm The Community club hold ing its annual election of officers on Thursday evening Jan in the club house The community is requested to attend CEDAR VALLEY Mr Brandon Cedar Vat- ley celebrated his birthday Christmas Day Mr and Mrs Brandon entertained dinner guests and for supper Santa was present to distribute gifts and a good time was en joyed by all A to- J school on Friday Jan at pm sharp under the auspices of the Sec In stitute column for the committee in charge Master Laurie Smith entertain ed a number of his little friends on Saturday in honor of his fourth birthday Mrs and her son Toronto Sunday guests at the Arnold home New Years guests at the homo of Mr IIulso Mr and Mrs and family of Bond Head and Mr Clarence Mortality Bradford Mr and Mrs Milstcd and Mrs Winger and boys were guests at the JonesGooding wedding at on Decem ber Mr and Mrs Frank Kavanagh spent a week in Toronto with Mr and Mrs Cam Johnson Mr and Mrs Roy Gibson and family of Newmarket had New Years dinner with Mr and Mrs Angus Smith Mr and Mrs Geo Cab- Que and Mr and Mrs Bill Hamilton spent New Years with Mr and Mrs Bruce Miss Jean Barnes visited several days with Mr and Mrs Don MacMUIan and re acquaintances In Hillside school section Mr Claire Eves and Mitt Mar ion Eves are taking short course at this week Claire is taking a course in farm motors and Marion a course in horticulture The January meeting of the WA will bo held In the United church basement on Tuesday af ternoon Jan The hostesses arc Mrs Eves Mrs Wed- del Mrs A Alexander and Mrs Harry ton i-