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Dearborn Farm says Christmas is over and boxing day is over Somebody was asking me just how boxing day got its name So far as I know it began away back in ancient days in Britain when on Christ mas Day an earthenware box was placed in churches so that people attending church service might place coins or even gifts in it for the poor and needy of the parish This was a special offering for always the Christ mas collection the regular col lection of money not otherwise designated was a gift to the clergyman and his family On the day following Christ mas or I should say the first weekday after Christmas these boxes were opened and the con tents used to provide gifts for the needy The box seems to have thus given its name to the day after Christmas of boxing day We use the expression Christmas box quite uncon cerned meaning in these days gifts interchanged between friends and relatives but I feet sure that the old custom started it the old custom of placing the box in church on Christmas Day for coins and gifts If anyone has a better explanation please let us know I expect everybody heard the Kings Christmas speech last Monday Somebody said it was the 13th Christmas speech since he ascended the throne He quoted from Pilgrims Progress and said No matter what hap pens each of us must say to ourselves these immortal words of John Bunyan I will not be afraid And we sincerely add our voices in the familiar words of the National God Save the King Yes Christmas is gone for an other months but who of us dare predict what will take place before another Christmas comes around The world is such a different place nowadays to what it was when we were children before war No and war No Will we have to add war No Who can tell This Is Saturday and a new year will have dawned before you read my words How many good res olutions have you broken since Monday Do you recall me once saying in my Golden Glow col umn that we should make good resolutions even if we can never hope to keep them and some body said Yes good resolutions were like pie crust made to be broken Lets change the sub ject Another Party I want to tell you about an other delightful party this week jit wilt long remain in the mem- lory of each of us who was I there It was indeed a privilege and alas one that will not likely be repeated for some time for why The one who made it pos sible lives in Prince Rupert I had better be more coherent more explicit and start at the beginning One of Newmarkets former daughters Gladys daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Wm St formerly of the Office Spec ialty went through public and high schools hero and then went on to be a teacher and was on REAL ESTATE Listings Invited for town and farm properties also small acre ages and cottages MILLER Your Representative 3d St Newmarket Phone EVANS TUBS newmarket Coal Coke Wood And Stoker Coal PHONES Orders taken for gravel and crushed atone and general hauling Office and Showroom 129 Main St Newmarket Consult us regarding INSULATION ASPHALT ROOFING SIDING BUILTUP ROOFS We BOND for or nun Budget Term Arranged the of the King George school for nine yean last went to the Pacific to spend her vacation with her uncle Rev an Anglican missionary in charge of the bott plying along the west coast of British Colum bia While there she met Mr whom she later married and Newmarket lost one of its best loved teachers Mr and Mrs and daughter Ann now live in Prince Rupert BC and are down here spending Christinas holidays at the home of Mr Mrs Harry Hill on the corner of Park and Victoria Ave It was at the home of Mr and Mrs Hill that this delightful party was held and besides the social side of it we have to add the extraspecial enjoyment of seeing colored taken by Mr whom we all delight to call by his boyhoods name of Barney films taken from the time they were married right up to the present We saw small Ann grow up to her pres ent status of 12 years we saw films of their home in different places summer and winter scenes We saw films of a visit down east when Mr and Mrs were living saw most delightful films of her sis ters and home when Mr and Mrs Hill lived on the farm between here and Aurora and saw several other former citizens of Newmarket who since have passed on in those pictures including Mrs J Collie a very special friend of Mrs and well loved by every Anglican that knew her Then the pictures changed to BC with scenes taken from the moving train and we saw the glorious scenery through the Rockies with Barney and Gladys telling us interesting items as they did from the start I should have stated before that we went into Mrs next door for the pictures for Mrs Black- well has a splendid long room and it comfortably accommodat ed the or 50 guests and later we went back to Mrs Hills for a bountiful lunch and guess what We were treated to delicious sandwiches made from salmon caught by Barney canned by Gladys and brought down here to show what a real salmon tastes like I knew of course having lived there for a year and again in a second visit for nearly a year and BC salmon well you just have to sample it to know Cant Leave Films Mrs Hill kept up the Christ mas spirit with Christmas cake and Christmas small cakes and we had a delicious lunch and such a merry time But I cant leave those films yet for we saw Barney and his brothers catch ing salmon off Prince Rupert and it was so fascinating we all liv ed it exactly as we saw it In fact it was so real when our boat was tossing around when a storm came up that somebody either Mr J Little or Mr Stanley Jones one of our local expert fisherman somebody anyhow called out with a laugh Ease up Barney or Ill be seasick We saw the fish caught with a line and hauled over the edge with a guffhook Great beau ties We saw halibut as well that delicious fish Oh and we saw a seal trying and trying to get a fish already hooked and how determined it was to that fish and it just couldnt understand why not Barneys brother played that fish and seal for some time and we had a wonderful view of it The seal even flopped itself clean out of the water at times We saw a hideous big fish Ive for gotten its name but oh what a mouth and cruet teeth We saw a whale saw sharks and then such lovely pictures of sea gulls and sunsets and sun risesl Such scenery wild and rugged And the storm it was really marvel lous I have only been half way up the half way to Alas ka but what memories Barneys pictures brought back and also what memories of fresh cooked salmon those sandwiches of Gladys recalled In New Westminster Victoria and Vancouver you can go to the fish market and select your purchase from a huge tank of live fish so you ore sure it is fresh If you never ate a fresh- caught baked stuffed fish then you have something to live for How Many Miles wonder how many miles by land and by sen we travelled last Thursday evening as Barney piloted us and Gladys explained It really was almost too good to be true If all the others took the same Keen enjoyment that I did then too will say a fervent thank you to Mr and Mrs and to our host and hostess Mr and Mrs Hill and Mr and Mrs Black- well I sec I have again exceeded my limit so I will have to end this altogether incoherent count of our enjoyable evening So wishing Gladys and Barney and Ann a safe journey home to Prince Rupert BC and to them as to all my readers a Happy New Year with good health es pecially and do make those New Years resolutions The shimmering effect of In tenselyheated air the ground seen on a clear summer day is termed optical Pine Orchard News Congratulations to Mr and Mr Douglas Hope cm the birth of a daughter on Dec and a sister for Bobby and John Mr and Mrs Allan and Miss Aleta were ChriBtma guests of Mr and Colin Newmarket Mr and Mrs John and daughter of Richmond Hill spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs John Sr Cedar Valley Congratulations to the teach ers Misses Betty and Helen Millard and pupils on decided success of the school concert Program consisted of Christmaa exercises rhythm band selec tions Christmas songs and music Miss Betty Pegg is spending Christmas vacation at her home at Sharon and Miss Helen Mil lard at her home in Weston Congratulations to Mr Charles Brandon of Cedar Valley who celebrated his birthday on Christmas Day with a family re union Miss Blossom and David spent New Years with relatives in Toronto Mrs Ross was guest speaker at the Christmas meet ing of the Good Cheer class of the Christian Baptist Sunday school at the home of Mrs Wil liam Robinson Newmarket re cently Miss Arlene Link of Keswick was a recent guest of Miss Blos som Portingell The Willing Workers are grateful for the splendid re sponse of gifts for Fred Victor Mission Toronto and Ontario Hospital at Aurora Mr and Mrs Ross and Mr Harry spent Christmas Day with Mr and Mrs William Collins and Mr and Mrs Fred Leach Newmar ket On Sunday Dec 24 Mr Bruce of Aurora was in charge of the service at Union church Mr Underbills message was based on Legend of the Black Madonna A choir of young ladies sang a very appro priate Christmas number Mrs Albert Lloyd and Mrs P Wood were Christmas Day guests of Mr and Mrs L J Harper Mr and Mrs Dike and Bertram Mr and Mrs Arthur Baxter and family spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Roy McDonald Mr and Mrs Howard Haines and of Snowball Mr and Mrs Howard Lehman and fam ily spent Christmas at the Shrop shire home Mr and Mrs Walter Johns ton and Earl Miss Jean Johns ton of Toronto Mr and Mrs Harold Evelcigh Bruce and Verne of Aurora spent Christ mas Day at the Chapman home Mrs Miss Helen Messrs S Gibney and were Christmas guests of Mr and Mrs Harvey Holt The Union church Sunday school Christmas party was held at church on Friday Dec Christmas social evening of the Church of Christ Sunday school was enjoyed at the home of Mr and Harry Braxnxner on Wednesday night Dec A family gathering enjoyed Christmas night at the home of Mr and Mrs John Ash Miss Beverly Lehman of Thornbury has been visiting Mr and Mrs Howard Lehman SCHOOL MEETING The annual school meeting was held at Pine Orchard school SS No on Wednesday night at oclock George Sproxton acted as chairman and Douglas Hope as secretary for the meet ing In the past the school boards finances were audited by ap pointed ratepayers A new sys tem of paid auditing at cost of per year resulted in rate payers having to accept the fi nancial statement without being audited No action was taken on the inspectors report recom mending a larger playground and more school yard equipment Expenditure of for books for new teaching curriculum was reported to be satisfactory Musical instruction costs per hour one half hour for each room each week The ratepay ers thought if there was no low up with music instruction during the week there would be very little benefit derived this hour of music instruction A resolution was passed asking- that all school grants be received by the school secretary not later than Sept M Trustees were requested toj8 obtain information from York County Health Unit on what vices a school section could re- from that organization After discussing the use of oil heating for the school it was decided to continue using coal for the present Trustees for are William John Sytema A and Mrs Dike secretary treasurer The and Jan rag 3 v We wish to extend to the people of Newmarket and vicinity our hearty ap preciation for the fine reception we have received both in social and bus iness affairs Ami with this goes our best wishes to one and ail for a very Happy and Prosperous New Year Sincerely Grant Fulsom TOBACCONIST MAIN ST NEWMARKET Jr- j is yu cs ALL FARMERS AND THEIR FAMILIES We are sorry to hear of the passing of Mrs James Newton on Sunday Dec and we wish to extend to Mr Newton and family our deepest sympathy We hope that Mr Clayton Reid Mr Charles Lewis Mrs Alice Robinson Mrs ol and Mrs Alex Doner are on the road to recovery- Mr and Mrs Wilson and visited Mrs B Hendricks over the New Years weekend Mr Bob Armstrong left Janu ary 1 for a weeks school at Guelph The regular dance of the Ar community club will be held on Friday Jan Both the sea horse and the chameleon can move one eye without moving the other and they can move both eyes in the opposite direction Men more than women are afflicted by color blindness Forty out of every one thousand men are color blind Hie for Happy WANTED By Glen Ireland at Garage a chance to prove myself in mechanical work on all types of cms tuneup work electrical wiring and 21hour towing service Satisfaction guaranteed Phone 103Gw Newmarket E PHONE 271J1 at VETERANS MEMORIAL HAIL and have tickets or need more ask us for them- We said wed do it For you and those like you young and old said wed make the Canadian March of Dimes a living reality Now the Canadian March of Dimes is providing treatment appliances rehabilitation for Canadian victims of Polio This in one short yean The Canadian Foundation for Poliomyelitis The Canadian March of Dimes had its first campaign appeal in January Since that time Canadian dimes and dollars have given help heart hope to Polio victims from coasttocoast I Linda dear just keep on saying With your help I can win You will win please God helped by every Canadian More than ever this year those who love you because they love all humanity are going to j t ft Give Jo THE CANADIAN MARCH OF DIMES The Canadian Foundation for Provincial Headquarters Your donation Is deductible for income a AT- 1 V Space contributed in the service of the community by John Limited Lit Ji A I j i ferT5y5J ivra v of j h