phono Office r J BOYD In MeiJWno Toronto 111 of ana P IK Royal Former elloloo SorefltWB Eye Ear London J Coroner of County of York Office m by appointment p NEWMARKET by Gas for Extraction Newmarket it J JJf the Forum Toronto Drug Newmarket by appointment Phone J Dontlst imperial Bank Newmarket by appointment University of Toronto Mhq Years In H branches of for fcrfa attention given to Work over W Lyons Candy 6- appointmentn A How market Piano pinging and Violin New and Rented Tuned A CARTON CONTAALTO of Voice Culture Phone Elm St Newmarket STIVER soLionon NOTARY ETC Block Newmarket Ont Sunday Night Band Concert was good attendance at the Town Hall on Sunday night after the services to Hie concert by own Hand which was very good Dr Dales acted Chairmen and Rev of the Friends Church gave an address on battle of VImy Ridge which brought to the remembrance of number of Veterans Mho were resent the thrilling experiences of those anxious days Mites Lillian Hart and Mrs Wilson of Aurora contribut ed a duct which was appreciated Much of the success of this concert is due to the Veterans who had charge of the ushering The stage was decorated by a r of flogs loaned by Mr The Band wish us to thank all of the mentioned for their assistance in making the concert such a success MATHEWS Solicitor Successor to the Lite deceased Block Main Street Phone Funds to li Prompt attention given to all kinds legal work at reasonable rates 8 C McKEWON DR L DALE8 Surgery and Confinement Main Street Newmarket for York County XRAY THERAPY Hours to a 3 to pm Phone Our New Spring Suitings ear in Tai of It I WILLIS Mens JJ it lln I at l Cleaner A Dyers to ft Heart Remedy remedy Is especially or flut- A It in through I Drug Excise hag tailed new for the legal profession of smaller design than formally and printed In to the Value of o members of Lodge holding a on Friday April lOtli Playing will commence oclock Everybody welcome Prizes foe highest for Iho season will bo Talent Sato The lodlu of St Andrews will hold a Bale of and Candy on April in Mr Elmer Starr on the of Whitchurch was digging his parsnips day last week and woo surprised this be took the trouble to dig out one complete vegetable to the tip Of the root To verify measure- he It to the Era Office on Saturday morning and is now on view 1n the window of Agricultural De partment Some parsnip Service Special to Era SPINACH AND WW Spinach and lettuce arc grown rang and are he health standpoint th la no difficulty In growing the the my -I- disappointment can always be cd dantcd early in the oust be grown quickly without lettuce which takes a little more perfectly and which Is sort and the Cos can be grown success fully during the hot weather All be planted soil In open position thinned must be cultivated leal lettuce should be thinned to about two indies apart and the first be used on the tabic about eight In- full development birds arc returning large numbers The lawns arc grccnlngup fine should note that tin which tints the procession twine and they will m attractive whitish color With lettuce and with spinach quick acting fertiliser like soda Is Indispensable to hurry growth along and keep the crop ler sidedressings of this fertilizer ire advisable Spinach can be sown a light frost will not hurt It it requires a wcIIpuIvcri rich or New Plants should be thinned to about five indies apart and the fol iage of the everlasting type which In cidentally Is not of high quality J the beat of the others may be cut times and wlU grow again Mulch Saves Labor Where the garden Is very large and Is worth while to effect a saving in hand labor or where one Is going to good deal of the lime a practical plan Is to mulch between of vegetables or clumps of vith straw Vegetables par ticularly those which- yield fruits or close to the ground will be cleaner when grown in this way Straw lawn clippings or leaves are spread over the earth to a depth of between four and six inches after the plants are well grown This keep down weeds and P Pearson Offers Ford City Bonds yielding I Albans Bonds yielding I ad Trinity United Church Indeed a pleasant surprise to the large congregation Sunday morning to see the pastor accom panied by a former beloved shepherd flock J C Cochrane of North Bay ascend the platform and part In the service Needless to lis sermon was with great delight and an inspiration for christian service text four familiar words My cup runneth the foundation of an interesting discourse on the generosity of God he overflow of Christianity linked an inexhaustible il lustrated by personal experience In closing he referred to the New Gods overflow of the Old and the story of the lame girl who was so affected by the sermon she gave her crutches which was ail she possessed to spread the good of the gospel Ab usual the by a large choir was good tn- a solo by Mr Alex Eves middle of a hot summer spreading the lawn clippings over the earth In the garden like this Is particularly advis able In order to conserve moisture and prevent the plants from becoming stunted With those plants which will l permit deep needing on was In charge of the CGIT and a most In- program was provided Miss Mae led the devotional exercises and Miss Marjory Stark in troduced the topic of the evening The Valui the topic were Hazel Mary Jean Blizzard Shirley Gllman and Veima Stark song was rendered by Viola Walnman favored us with a solo Miss Jean Hamilton as accompanist A humorous reading was given by Price Miss gave a very fine reading entitled The Flag that Flies Highest of AH which was much appreciated The meeting clos ed by singing of Blest be the Tie that Binds Com THANKS VERY MUCH Aurora April J greatly agiug letter to- two or A- KINO Den Where are you off to lieu Im goln to see the da I dont like the look of my wife Don Ill come dont like look about six Inches Is Cos type The latter which i very well known Is most excel bitter The heads of tjls be tied up loosely with a piece I and cool weatbe J of I for is i Transplanting it get stout vigorous plants one move them around at leost once or better still twice before they are transferred to their permanent This rule applies to most and vegetahles started Indoors such as zinnias marigolds asters among the flowers cauliflower cabbage head lettuce of the It does not apply to those things like corn melons and sweet peas plants which ordinarily are not grown inside as these should be disturbed as little as possible With the others however isplantlng develops a sturdy root- growth prevents long spindly weak stems and gives the young plants a better chance to develop than If left in the original box The should be done a dull ace and the new beds well watered after moving te complete Keep full away for a couple of days Before moving outside gradually harden off by having sheltering for some daye before moving A pinch of nitrate of soda at this him ill help the plants get quickly Take a Chance Vegetable seeds cost but a It is a good plan to plant a of hardy varieties such at spinach radish lettuce carrots and soon as possible If they come through considerable gain has been in if frost cuts the down the loss Is really trivial A Box and a Half Relieved Backache Verwood April IS Spec ial Brief but right to the point is have been 1113s The each other of remedy If your kidneys Me you take Kidney Pills grated rated Melt butter add flour and when own add tomato Stir until mixture bolls add seasonings Put over hot double holier la excellent all rarebits for chelae thougtily melted Stir DAY GOODY slices pineapple live merely In Lifes ten beyond its sounding and search salient light And stirring tonic when faith grows Omnipotence Is to grasp be lts tempering In trials plight la theirs who cannot he eight know morrows breeze shall bo I Idle hours bewildered fn Its bay dwelling deep with my own nag It Miller Note A has fourteen lines divided Into two parts namely the sextette The former in upon a chosen and the latter affords a i two syllables and had five marshmallowa pieces and seed tho grapes and ilx all with pulp Fill orange conn flake muffins iA cups corn flakes cups graham Dour cups white flour shortening cup honey baking powder Mix melted shortening with honey which have been thoroughly mixed In wellgreased muffin tins for thirty minutes Will make 32 duck IK pounds flank steak iA cups soft crumbs chopped prunes At teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper teaspoon lemon Juice Small piece of suet Pound steak Brown quickly on both in a hot fry pan Mix other IcMidients and plaeo In center of steak Roll and tie Lay pieces of suet over lho top place In a roasting pan cover with hot wafer Bake for one hour Thicken liquid for gravy SWEET CELERY OMELET teaspoonful salt tablespoi Beat the yolka until lemon colored add the salt pepper and honey well and fold in the egg whites add half the celery and thin turn into wellgreased omelet pan- Cook slowly until browned on bottom turn omelet pan over and brown other side Turn out on a hot platter Sprinkle over the remaining celery ROAST FILLET OF BEEF Have the fillet larded ready for thi minutes add a little hot done place on a platter and serve with brown gravy made from in the pan Mixed cot and cooked vege tables make an attractive garnish for Spring has touched our poet with 3 sunshine and be awakes from winter lethargy to pass this on to the Softball fans In the Spring a young mans fancy Turns unto the game Wondering when the league will And if the prospects are the same Percys Pampered Pets arc prancing To get a crack at Pros Bankers betting bulks of bullion That theyll win out at the close Oddfellows think theyll make a clean Like they did upon the Ice Veterans vaunt their Shipyards stepping out quite nice Which all points to a bangup new Collegiate field hoping that the balmy weather SLICED LEMON PIE cups sugar 1 tablespoon melted butter tablespoon salt Grate the rind of one lemon white part from lemons and slice the pulp very thin discarding seeds Beat eggs until light add sugar grad ually then grated rind water butter salt and lemon slices Bake between two crusts Put Into hot oven 450 EGYPTIAN DELIGHT SALAD Flake one can of salmon and mix one cup diced celery Mix thor oughly with boiled salad dressing Place lettuce leaves on a chop plate so that they each out to the edge of the plate In the centre heap the salmon mixture pyramid fashion press lightly Into the sides one doten stuff ed olives having the red on the out side Arrange around the edge tyo trained Employment secured or Home Study Write Free In- formation Engineering Schools Suite One Handled Qi Disease Germs Havent a Chance Jr spells in find infection tlii ft q germicide kills germs on In mouth and throat Applied to mid It not only relieves the pain and tore- Dtm but also heals quickly and pre vents Inflammation Always keep Jr in your medicine cabinet It is Natures First AM nongreasy and stainless druggists Booklet free AM Finer Is as should be built to exacting standards of precision to conceptions of style Its engine developing fully horsepower offers refinements never before avail able in any but three or four of die highestpriced cars such as pressure lubricated Its bodies ate finecar bodies superb creations of Fisher skill and craftsmanship Outside and inside they bear the unmistakable evidence of And a host of extra features additional refinements as fullsize radiator shutters adjustable drivers seat finecar combination sixbrake system Shock Absorbers make LOWER prices almost unbelievable Come in and judge the car for yourself Dunns Garage I Huron Street Newmarket a ids PRODUCT OF OF CANADA Internal and External Pains LICE are prompter relieved by Thomas Pains A THE Seal Motet Mont SiUnt timing full Feed She turn to Out Establishes New Standard Among Fours new Pony opens the door immensely satisfaction than his previously been available la the four- cylinder field You cannot fully realize the true worth of the improved models in the four or sixcylinder series until you sit their comfortable seats and then test them in motion Detailed description of all models will be mailed to you on request or better still is jour local dealers ej U VMAMUtr Out West On