iWONDE Read This Letter from Grateful Woman Vanessa Vtcisbla la had children rf Ontario Jos Jlotigins with his grandparents Mr and Walker end Hoy of Mr spool Sunday Newmarket Willi Kim Lillian Hunter of of Toronto was homo for the holiday attended of lice undo Mr of Michigan lug collisions for the Roberts I Syrups the editor for COUGHS COLDS I and BRONCHITIS dresses garments wear and all Boris or useful household articles oclock Afternoon tea will ho Mr i ihridr Iuortt ink I Imin llu lilt the toll Ircjinlr hill lvinly during destroyed Is and oven hpBe and Tying a corsage bouquet of and Hie tastefully decorated villi Bastor and IIIIIch for- th During the of th Ulster Mia A MacJtofJ rid The gift lo the bride pendant of mid and soloist of silver After tlio ceremony rcoop- wb held the for Ihe mediate friend followed by iter the left by niolor amid of good Mi cultural Society by exMay or hundred portions were resent Among the were president Mayor Thompson and Vandoii taking and none have ho winter Mr George ff at the bush camp hero Mr sawing Umber thin EX Hear the radii Hudtwt Friday It Challenges Your Interest in These Important Ways but in Scotland a For Instance the Coach Down and monthly Payments f Your present car will probably cover the entile first Payment Purchase Plan Offers the lowest available finance terms on the balance Dwri On our own streets Essex the Challenger under competent observation averaged miles per gallon The average owner in this city can expect 18 to miles and upward Hundreds of records all over the country during Challenger Week economy Commercial users operating large fleets of Essex cars say that service and maintenance costs covering millions of miles of operation are lowest of any car they Essex the Challenger sweeps aside the barriers of price class It chal lenges the performance the style the luxurious roomy comfort of any car atariy price on the basis that no other gives youback so much for every dollar you put in That is why the big buying swing is to Essex That is why motorists by thousands are switching from past favorites and trad ing in their present cars for the big values Essex the Challenger gives