It Albert Din SOCIETY Old and bo under became Society by of public school of ycara may of the Horticultural to the church iff Wednesday the Womens- Association will both feed and entertain you for the evening See posters for further par ticulars Mildred Hose wilt have a ell- piny of spring millinery at next Mrs Think la hock from to her daughter Mrs Kerr in Mr and Mrs Mills of Aurora pJ- Mr and Mrs John Morning of were calling on friends In liaron on Tueeday afternoon The Ladles Aid quilted two jilts on Thursday afternoon In the ill for city customer Sorry to hear that little Mildred vans went under an operation on Monday in York ounly Hospital She getting along nicely The culprit who threw a rough MV John Tates cor windows has hcen captured Miss Lillian and Miss have been visiting In Sutton Morion Grose Mies have returned to School meeting of the Sharon Pioneers Association will he held In the hall jit Sharon on Friday April at oclock of ofl and general business will take BIRTHDAY CRLRUIlATION Mrs entertained on Monday afternoon April 1st In honor of the Loth of her mother Mrs Stoke About ladies were present and a very enjoyable time spent Mrs Stokes Is enjoying good health and Is still able to read and sew and litis Inst winter hiw made some fine knitted lace She has one sister living Mrs Dunn who Is year old and who Is sill quite active Of the nine children only four arc living Herbert of Seattle Duncan and Mrs Moss of Albert and Mrs Steven- ton of Toronto who was also present Mrs Stokes was the recipient of many gifts good wIbIicb from those present PERSONAL Mr and Mrs Tom Township visited hie moth the eraend Mrs He Is recovering from severe which he received when they lost Sunday was a busy day on the rail roads here so many train Humphrey spent the his home In Toronto roads are his family here who w had a serlou nek to school also getting away after In the village blacksmith Mr sa Grant attended gol- of MP Mrs JoncB on Saturday last Mrs I Mr ill and Miss Irene of Sturgeon Falls a former teacher hero Mra J Dugan and Dotty have turned home after visiting her mo- Hurry up farmers I Mr Hayes a lih farm half ploughed already Mrs and little Cahaclno apent at J People wore quite night during lie past hunt 111 around for to use while the power ivoh will be night in the Missionary vl have charge of the aid HUB Friday sharp will Mlf Vera Bonner of Toronto spent weekend with Mrs Abb Miss Dorothy Sloan returned on Sunday from her home In Churchill Mis alias of Newmarket pent weekend with Mrs W heabalon Servloe at the usual lime next Sun day night at the United welcome Sunday school am Miss and Mr Elliot Wood of irora spent Tuesday evening at Mra Shu Mi tMlbs i id Miss Lillian after upending holidays Miss Helen Wilson of I IS spending tho week with Sharon Club meeting will he held at the home of WIsb Wit- Wednesday April nth Wo hope for a good attendance Pearson the- Sunday School a week splendid and most helpful to and girls as well those older Mtua Marlon ha return ed from her holiday In Detroit Wo extend our sympathy to Mrs Harry Wright in the loss of her stftcr Word was received a few days ago that Mr had passed away Mr spent his boyhood days on the Line He later married Hill of sister mil Toronto and John of thin place Ho has 11 Ihr Of J Womens Missionary Society Of the United Church purpose holding pancake and maple syrup s Wednesday April irrthc of the season Is order of Ihe A number of people have their In order for the summer and the gardens will bo planted Thats what It to live In a high dry like will be motion pictui Hull on Saturday evening un der the auspices of the Junior Insti tute Junior Farmers Association Proceeds in old of work School Reports HO 8 EAST Class Crouton Earl Crowder Sr III Jean Smith Audrey Helen Cale Vera King Jr 111 Class Scott Maggie i Smith I Dr R L Hewitt DENTIST Ml Albert Store Evenings by Appointment Our school teachers have com menced again after spending holidays at their homes sfderablo to township having washed about forty and bridges which will mean a great expense to rebuild Miss Muriel of Toronto spent the holidays with her grandpar ents Mr and Mrs Kavanagh The people of the village are won dering why the charivari did take place on Saturday night MJsb Ruth Farr has been spending the holidays with her sister Mrs Straslcr We are hoping thai larger numbers will the Presbyterian Church to hear the splendid sermons given by Dr each Sunday afternoon at A cordial invitation Is ex tended to all Glad to report that Mr Percy Is Improving after confined his bed for some time Is rumored that Is have a new gas and service Mr and Mrs I entertained number of their friends to a euclirf on Thursday last Those win ing prizes were Mrs Prank ugh Mr Floyd Cunningham Mrs J Smith and Mr Oscar Keswick at the home of Mrs Jesse house the occasion being in her only eon his bride who hod just returned from a wedding trip through different parts of Ontario and the United States The house was love ly with spring flowers music and laughter Miss also the Mleees Pearson with their splendid and songs added much iSIfs is for a pie of weeks with relatives at and Newmarket Belfry and her sitter H Pollard of Bel- George Johnston end pumps on High Street pump Is to bo moved under the supervision of a man to no appointed the Village- and the British lm- Oil Co It to pay for the super iors Carried Cook son That the Clerk to Ontario Motor League and them for a bad curve sign when received to be erected on the motored to Sunday for Mrs Tim- laying with her Ilnwkcstonc who iter for a week Dr C A Cooks wife an In the city on Sunday Mi I of Toronto through the hot- nd Citizens were aroused from theli morning slumbers about by the ringing of the manor bell soon learned help was needed the mill dam the rush of the rising water of the river having washed hole In the bank at the side of the dam A crowd of willing workers gathered and after some hours of able I leave it set Ill ill ier of t Council adjourned of tho Of 1 People In the neighborhood having considerable labor from the storms One born was burned Sunday east of from lightning tho property of Mr Steward White Tin lying about sight so much water plunging tljc dam The men worked hard Irani stone and gravel to fill In the bank but they succeeded A returned missionary with lantt slides was at the United Church Tuesday evening Further particulars Master Jock son of Mr returned on Sunday from spending bis holidays with his uncle hi Toronto Mr and Mrs Tom also Mr and Mrs A of Newmarket were calling on friends on Wednesday of last week to the evenings enjoyment the gentlemen arrived old time orchestra gave them a v dermic home The leader Mr Fi Pollock with bis usual good and smiles asked If he might the bride of Squire leading bis blushing to be made acquainted and after an Of guns all were Invited Inside where a splendid lunch all were served Mrs Ralph moved a vote of thanks to wonderful ACKNOWLEDGMENT Mrs A Smith wishes to thank many friends for their kindness thought fulness in her recent attended the funeral of the late John Taylor on Thursday of last week 1 Mr and Mrs Tom Taylor of Mr and Mr tilting of Holland Landing Mrs McCullough and family of Toronto the former a of the deceased Mrs hod the misfortune to sprain her ankle Inst week and If still use it very much Master Allan Thayer of Toronto spent bis ho ays with his aunt Brooks Mr and Mrs and In some cases filling the cellars with fruit floating about hut people should bo thankful there has been no loss of life as by reports of papers Wo are a favored people MS Colin and bride of were tendered a reception Friday evening at the fathers hi Mr Wm east of Mr and Mrs Wm Roches PI have the sympathy of many friends In the loss of their son Murray who passed away at the hospital in Toronto from pneu following measles Burial a early on Sunday morning willing response of many saved the dam at Sutton the water being the highest yet known Those who attended the anni versary of Mr and Mrs Jones dores wedding lost Saturday at Lake report everything just lovely Good wishes to tho aged couple who both seem hale and hearty Hoping their last days may be their best days and that their readiness may be com plete for an abundant entrance Into the golden city Chicago April masked armed with and Invaded a meeting at the first Roumanian synagogue last night and 1 Jibed members of and jewels Greatest in all Buick ing she had giver Mr ply asking all to able Sunday party ended with the singing of Monday night in place of Satur- so they might stay longer The splendid Sutton choir In United here last Sunday evening enjoyed and appreciated by CARDOF THANKS undersigned wish to A J I WICK SON SEED POTATOES HOWARD TOOLE CARD OP THANKS and family wish their many neighbors and for the kindness and I Sunday at of Newmarket will inviution is last at the home of Mrs Ibei Milne Mr gave a talk on Baby Chick Mrs Geo Pearson was the of the HouseDress Is every Indication of Spring cleen grass birds with their melodies and ihe frogs have us sereral selections by their Although we have had several washed we feel fortunate tin- done in I Pure Bred Sire by Sire and Dam Apply to- RAMSAY a MO Bloor St other places during the Miss Williamson has ties as teacher holidays commission for a week Miss Peters has returned city after spending the holidays with relatives here Miss Kathleen Moore who has teaching High aster holidays her home quilts to quilted in Keswick Mrs the weekeqd Dr Stevens of Newmarket spent April ownership of a ly on the Fergus highway which contained bloodstained cloth- When discovered the automoblh turned upside down In two fee and had smashed off a tele phone pole before landing In the ditch of but so much Keswick Chopping Mill will operate Tuesdays Wednesdays an Thursdays commencing April Sutton Council A mecllng of the Munlclpdl of the Village Sutlon wis held Friday April Members all present last meeting confirmed Accounts Passed Donald roads J Freeman ditches snow fence Municipal World roll Ruuber Co Ex press Herald printing PJvnlck wood Federal Fire Ins Co Town Hall J cartage Henry roads Crittenden snow shovel McKay roads Brown fire bell Yong snow ditches Yong salary bile Library grant The matter of leasing a certain reel of land known as the properly was brought up After discussion by the Council and ratepayers present it moved by Mr seconded Sellers that the ByLaw to Owen Sound April Jli Cameron 11yearold son of Mr end Mrs Waller Cameron of Annan died In the General and Marine hospital the result of an accidental his home Saturday if flu THE motorcar buyer the final judge of automobile values has registered en thusiastic endorsement of the revolutionary advances made by the Mclaughlin Buick During the past month sales have been greater than March of last year greater than any previous March in all history More people buy Mela than any other car at or above its price because the McLaughlinBuick with its Masterpiece Bodies by unquestionably establish ed a new standard of performance and a new order of beauty Get behind the wheel and get the facts THOS BLIZZARD Agent Newmarket- Are Built- McLauEblin- Will Build property be If after the lease has been he World the lease Geo Mull adiirt d he tic of a Police for Ihe Village of Sutton That Ihe Village yfiar for the use of store basement of the town hall am of he council chamber for In Carried Cooke Sellers That Mr and Mr Morrison be appointed a fi nancial committee to look Into the fi nancial condition of the Village and Pmm for USED CAR SALE TO all the of Car buyers tlirouUout Canada who ao Chevrolet dealers to reduce their Car atockj the recent tale offer We are you will he more than with your car cud with the value you received and we look forward to continuance of your goodwill Although the month a cleanup of used car yet Spring foe new Chevrolet have been great tliat our are fait their used car stocks end can offer To all have yet decided their car we urge an of fine at low prices