OUR bread Is full of ow ing go to ward making of ttfono boys end flirt end morn TRUE THAT TO YOU TbES COM QUARTETTE No person should bo without ftho proper heat during cold months to come Goal is one of natures blessings that is We i Wednesday Feb lily United Church Subject Subject i Prayer This is Official Hoard will mi Hoard Room at the close service Important It spices of the a great suece held on Friday good program- last Friday under Community Club was Tho next mooting will be Feb 22nd at A arranged HELP YORK CO HOSPITAL GET THE ELEVATOR Day of Prayer Last Friday afternoon in to the call of the Worlds Day of Prayer women throughout nil who arc interested is In luU order Our prices rapid manner of deliv- appeal to you J LITTLE HufM tt FURNACE WORK PLUMBING EAVETROUGHINQ OUR SPECIALTIES fin R OSBORNE SON t Office TWO COOK STOVES Store Scales Cheese Cash 1 Amount File 1 Apply Bo If Era Of fie Notice of Applic Ontario Tailored v apply to the Parliament of -Can- Bill of Divorce from her husband Samuel at the City of To ronto in the said County of York Labourer on the grounds of adultery L MATHEWS Newmarket Ont Solicitor for the Applicant Is hereby given that Helen of the City of Toronto ia the of York and Province of will apply to Parliament of mil Steele of the City Stone Mason on the groun- adultery and desertion Dated at the City of Toronto Notice of Application for Divorce Notice is hereby given that Wallace Graham of the City of to in the County of York in the Pre thereof for a Bill i Band Skating Party The largest skating night in the his tory of the Arena took place Tuesday when over skaters from Town and seemingly from every part of the County donned the blades at th Newmarket Citizens Hand Skatin Party Continuous music was supplied i thoroughly wishes to thank all ska assistance in making tli success especially is the Hands intention skating party in two Watch for the date St Andrew Church Special anniversary services on Sun day Feb Dr J Buchanan Moderator of the General Assembly and mission from India will preach at am Dr Aur will take the evening service Special music by St Andrews Mr Johnston soloist at the a Other soloists at the eve and Bible meets Monday and Bible Study evening at Tuesday per will be the This will be followed by a in the auditorium commencing A leading feature of this will be provided by St School Orchestra of nine pieces conducted by Mr A number of gifted local provide a full program of new consisting of solos duets sting of Mrs Noller Mrs Annie Playter well known and church and missionary died last Friday the result death is being mourned by a wide circle of friends A resident York county Mrs- was horn on a farm i the of East Her parents were pioneers of the trict and were among the early of area about Sutton After graduating from high school she entered profession and thirty years She I lost Henry end died two week collapsed She I husband Noll Skiers in Town Last Friday THEY ENJOYED THEIR 600 MILE JAUNT John Canadian tin Frl- and put up at the King after completing day tlieli III until Saturday afternoon appointment They have until 88 Monday morning to complete and win a bet so that the re far ahead of their schedule that both boys inter when a No f the thh first lesso the lads were interviewed the that seemed to them the amount of publicity getting They said that everywhere they went there wen of various articles who acted spokesman stated that they have no intentions reaping the benefits of their publicity until their Journey is successful com- ContempUted All Win At he ski club with the rough fori it was the biggest thrill got out of their trip both were unanimous in saying that their biggest thrill came when found out thai there was sufficient snow in Toronto to make possible The day they got the welcome news that Toronto had been visited by a heavy they were sure they were going to get through within their time limit Whats It all about said the rc- proceeded to tell about an argument parting In Some people sprang a surprise on Mr Herman and wife Friday evening it being their silver wedding day Speeches and dancing wore great ly throughout the evening Mr McMul ion read an address of congratulation to them and the Reeve made a very suitable reply happy time was spent and on leaving io extended good wishes for another 25 year of happy wedded life pretty wedding was solemnized at Schom- on Monday evening Feb when Miss daughter of Mrs Ruth be came the bride of James Douglas Toronto The ceremony was conducted by tho Rev Main The bride wore georgette with matching hat and shoes and carried roses and After the luncheon the happy couple loft for f short trip to Detroit On Thursday evening Feb the Wo ols Institute entertained their husbands to the market hall- About the the idea of being was started out purely with popularising skiing but Is showing some prospect We each for exclusive stories one from a Toronto and other from an Ottawa paper but are treating all papers alike We keep and we expect to syndicate a review Thn of course there are with the ski manufacture We have already been approached The biggest day the skiers had v Our Local News Will meet as usual next Tuesday night at sharp Marie will have the topic Why the world needs Christ Meeting in charge of Missionary Committee to leave 10 oclock bus lor Somebody equipped Poultry Farm of five acres my reason for selling being that I am enlarging and building on will be held his Friday evening at the home of Currey Prospect Ave at oclock sharp Miss Lillian Jessup or us Every member please be on time Sunday afternoon their will be held in the Friends at four oclock Miss Jessup Simon of SUNDAY MORNING FEB 24 Mr Meadows will speak on the above subject at the Christian Church NEWMARKET This will be a service of great in terest help and inspiration Special with Rev Clugston of Manor United Church Toronto Manor Road Quartette The Christian Church- FOR SALE CHEAP the old hotel property Shop on premises Easy terms ply to E MORTON or MATHEWS Muiical and Lit At the meet of the Newmarket Musical and Literary Club held Pickering College Assembly Hall Wednesday evening Feb vost of Trinity He i Ireland to- status The Free State Tohim likely to endure though it may neve become great politically or industrial He prophecies however considerable literary and artistic achievement Miss Ruby Moss contributed groups of songs to the program My Heart Ever Faithful Ombra Fa Handel Softly Awakes My Hi and George Little exWarden County reeve of Township has been appointed inspec tor of the York County Childrens Alt Society succeeding the late Horace of t Ml council in Little Id all for the council the Childrens Aid as an adjunct to which supports it with a responded and t bench last Monday Extract from speech of Mr South Oxford in moving a reply to the speech from throne in House or Commons The experiment of the Empire Marketing Hoard has what can be if energy sufficiently find intelligently applied British commonwealth is potentially a market ail economic unit beside which anything Is Canadians view with and satisfaction the steps taken govern- ment during the past few months lb improve tho for direct contact liscussion of interimperial and foreign affairs The Dominions wonderful growth in trade and commerce a record unequalled by nation of equal population has made this highly important It is hoped that thus he unity of the empire may be strengthened Canadian interests abroad and within the empire belter served Since the last session there has arrived in Ottawa the High Commis sioner for His Majestys in tho United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland tho Japanese legation was established In July he French legation in November a Canadian legation was recently established in Paris and at on early day a legation will be opened in the capital of Japan Canada gives these representatives of other nations a cordial welcome to the capital Many comments are heard these days on Can adas prosperity Among the most striking comments is the following Statement Our forests are producing today wealth sat down to tastefully decorated anything we dreamed of our mines are tables After supper a program was rendered the richest in the world power is our second consisting of community singing toasts from greatest industry our trade railway traffic of the prominent gentlemen a recitation bank deposits revcnuesinsurance policies ev- Miss and one by Dr Djllane The that expansion and prosperity remainder of the evening was spent in playing both of the state and individual have grown the prizes going to Mrs Rodger high with bewildering speed lady and Dr Kay high man And further if lias to say The employment situation in Canada is offi cially reported to be decidedly more favorable than for eight years Every year sees new markets opened to Feb Hill fireman Herb products the very limited number at the brakeman were killed and W Mc- confederation having now increased to el over a hundred The report of the trade TWO MEN KILLED AND ONE INJURED Innis engineer was seriously injured in de of a Canadian National freight north of on the sun division at this morning All three men belong to Allandale It is presumed that the derailment caused by the severe weather It was at during the night When train left Huntsville it was below zero is conjectured that a rail may have split Feb Twenty hours after the freight wreck which threw the engine and eight cars into the swamp the bodies of the en gineer and are still missing It is believed that they are locked in the submerged engine cab and the severe weather hampers the rescue TALKING WAR IN PEACE TIME If some persons are jailed for talking peace in time of war why should not others be jailed for talking war in time of peace This question came to us on a clipping We echo not indeed on second thought we realize that we would rather ask If every newspaper every depart ment of the government every school college and church in the country is expected to sup port war in war time why should not expected to support peace in peace time ENDURANCE A BEQUEST Love is a quest and marriage a conquest says a contributor and to carry the scheme through n inquest of Canada for the fiscal year ending March contains some very interesting informa tion Canada now occupies fifth place among the nations of the world in imports in exports aggregate trade being surpassed only by the United States the United Kingdom France d Germany The great seaports of Canada Montreal Vancouver Halifax St John Que- the busy highways the great transporta tion systems the lake and canal trade all re flect this important advance The report of Canadas trade- for the year ending March again reveals aston ishing prosperity and absorbing power of the country For Canadas trade reach ed the new high peak of as compared in 2- 939000 in and in This means a gain of nearly half a in four years The policy of the government in developing trade throughout the world the energetic Canadian people and resources of the Dominion are all tslruments in creating the enviable position by Canada Of the total trade the exports amounted to and the imports to SI222317916 the exports ex ceeding the imports by Can adians will view with satisfaction intention of the government to construct national re search laboratories to provide scientific and technical knowledge to the various branches of production the extension of trade facilities and information and the appointment of additional trade commissioners all of which are highly necessary and important if our prosperity and expansion are to continue as in the past thought to have been the of a train wreck in which Engine of CNR passenger train a dislocated shoulder and his train crashed into t of a freight at Martins the general No passengers or members of the freight travel a steep grade when the accident Ahead of it at the first sidir of freight train been split in order to make th heavy sport professionally Both are unexcelled anywhere In playground Besides tutoring the with hi Oliver miles of Quebec