a tA A it in Stomach Cause Indigestion ut wo Mr ft Brown of the local ranch of the Imperial Bank who 1ms been Scotland and England for the month returned homo on Wednesday Mrs and daughter who have also vis- ling the Old Country for some lime accom panied Mr Brown homo While proceeding to her work morning taut week Miss Mildred an employ of the local Telephone Company slipped MIES SEEDS THE FINEST IN THE LAND CANADAS RELIABLE SEED HOUSE FOR 59 YEARS New Tomato phll5c a compound turo of ho left leg Society reports host car in the history of tho with totalling of which wjis pent on civic A feature of he society last year was the entry of a float in tho floral parade tho Canadian National Exhibition where they received a handsome diploma together a special medal FORGET THE BLUES 11 LEARN Earn to Per Day OIL sm Notice is hereby given Sydnej of the City of Toronto in County of York and Province of On AURORA find Miss has resumed leaching after week off through flu Mr Alfred Shropshire of is visiting friends in Ontario after some years absence tip John Lloyd of hat visiting his A Lloyd and olh- friends here- Richard Stephens of Quill Lake is visiting Ontario and renewing old acquaint- in his vicinity- Mrs OConnor is expected home in a few lays after having quite a serious operation ir he Western hospital Mr and Mrs entertained Hit neighbourhood young people last Wednesday zoning first having progressive euchre in Miss Olive Cairns and Mr Robert Hunt on first prizes then followed an dance Quite a commotion was caused at the High School about oclock last Monday when lubes in the boiler of the healing plant sprang a leak filling the basement with steam which paured up the stairway into the school rooms Some one sent in the fire alarm and the fire brigade responded with a reel but for Innately their services were not needed Tin boiler has a safety device which blows off at ten pounds pressure and this was found to be undisturbed which shows that the to have been quite low It is expected that by Monday at the latest the healing plant will be repaired and school resumed at Red OP akin night and a and Deer Albprfft brought In Further with the the which subscribe fo in Salday it to Japan These ARE YOU MAKING THE OLD PEOPLE HAPPY There should Age should and philosophy the average old tent The Notice of Alexandra of Toronto in the Province of or Divorce that Eva of the City at be any unhappy old people its compensations of serenity As a matter of fact however an or woman is far from eon- problems which confront sons and daughters in for their fathers and mothers is a one Old age is sensitive and the feeling of fills many an active soul with restlessness and discontent Perhaps the greatest mistake thai is made by young people is in their eagerness lo relieve and mother or grandfather or grand burdens thev take away everything that makes life interesting Those who have for a lifetime been eager do not sit with their arms folded and so it often happens that father to his sons business affairs and raa- With tier daughters house keeping Then conies friction and the son and the daughter having shown plainly that they desire no interference cannot understand that rebuffs have seared the souls of th anx ious old people II is always well if possible lo provide something for the aged to do If they can be made to feel that they are helping their sat isfaction will he supreme If father has been a wise financier surely cannot hurt bis son lo talk over the affairs of the store or office If mouther has been a practical housekeeper her daughter need be loo snippy lo lake Mil J M Notice of Application hereby give that Aim City of Berlinda Sw in the County of York Married Woman willl to the Parliament Canada at the nest session thereof for a Dill of Divorce from her Tiand George Kay Swaync of the town of Smith Palls in the County ol Lanark the Province of Ontario Agent on the of adultery out this day of Solicitor for I know one dear lady whose daughter in sisted that she should sit with folded hands Then he old face took on lines and the frail little body drooped and the anxious daughter asked the Whats the matter with her He was a bluff old person and lie lima Give her something to do she is pin ing for action But the maids dont like to have ajound the kitchen the daughter said Then let her go there when the maids an the docter suggested Soon Thursday afternoon the dear old cooked the dinners The whole family learn- to look forward to them And the satisfaction that the mother got out of Ifcat one day in days the week- lasted her through other I She chicken pie she baked beans She made chicken pies she baked beans she ler Oldfashioned recipes and when they were served she beamed across the table as if Should I be put on the shelf when I cook like this The duly of the children toward grandparents often forms a phoblem but I believe if there is any question of pref is is grandparents who should first consideration child can be by being taught an attitude of deference the aged To those of us who grow up impatient with I age here will come a day of reckoning Some day all of us will be old Do we wish our children lo treat us as we are treating our parents Would yon be happy under the with which we have surrounded father and mother Dolly Madison MIGHT BE have I got to hi I cant pay mv bills y man be thankful hat By iicrtrue Newmarket is ono of tho outstanding Topics that was given in the Newmarket Senior Society last year Who does not have natural ambition to a leader Leadership has its attrac tiveness to every soul Jesus was a leader and the greatest of all leaders We in training when He was twelve years old and without doubt all His youyi was a school of training for the day when Ho met loaders of Israel in Temple area Ulldod them will be available Joshua was a great leader because ho was a fed follower under Moses Peter and Paul followers before were leaders and man who conies to the place of service jd leadership must first learn the way of the disciple and he learner and the follower All of us too ready lo seek to be boss of job when we gel out of school but he who iealy gels to the highest place and wins it fairly and fully is the one who was a good fol lower in the ranks One of the biggest places in business life is thai of president of a rail road hut how did he come to be president office is filled over and over again by some man who was a faithful or trainman or telegraph operator He learned to lead by following the leader faithfully It is just as important to have as leadership and followers make the leaders as much a leader shapes followers The two g and must go or there is chaos ami Church the Endeavor and followers first and then out of faithful followers God will pick stuff of which leaders are First among the qualities of leadership is knowledge Tor example if we were to de cide just now to play some game which re quires leader should not get very far if we selected someone who did not know the game the same is true in the enterprises of life Jesus can lead us safclv through sin We know he can do it for tempted even as we arc tempted yet He remained without sin He has promised lo lead us through Hie valley of death to life everlasting We know he can do it for he died and from the dead Had he not experienced the trials through which he promises to lead us he could not be the leader that He is Second among the qualities of leadership is he desire to play the game or to do the work our job may he we must LIKE it and then loo there must lie an exceptional earnest ness or desire to achieve the end id view and our eyes must ever be kept on thegoal He who would lead must be prepared conse crate his life a cause calling unselfish ness service and sacrifice J The most powerful of us cannot live We must he able lo command the respect and the love others The hue leader recognizes the talions of his own power and the power of his followers Fixing his eyes on the right he asks God for help Weak for strength Often puzzled he prays for guidance No matter what enterprise we take up we should count God as a loving Father a partner if you will along lifes way A leader must have eves thai see ears that hear a heart that feels a mind that interprets a practice that prepares courage thai faces fact a patience that leaches a will that persists and a confidence thai dares dream Mark Jesus says If man wot he be last of all and senant Therefore leaders must Others must be his motto and St hove self his goal If we ore to lead way we must see big make ourselves equal to the big task and go about it in a big A great audience sat charmed duri by Marion Talley Americas young prima donna who began as a choir girl Sunday school She does enjoy her singing and of course she sings easily but the ration is not easy and Listen said Flor- her sister at the hotel the next day as from the adjoining room came the voice Of the singer practising She studies and practices eight hours every day that she may lie ready for her concerts once or twice each week Hard work constant practising are es sential to develop and maintain leadership William Fox did not win the oratorical cham pionship of Canada without long hours of train ing and pracliee The examples of great lead- will always be helpful to us but let us chose the One to whom we can always go in prayer and we cannot go astray the fields of greatest need are these of the Gospel ministry missions social service the of teaching and there are great opportunities for sen here and in our towns Sunday School and Christian Endeavoi are our greatest training schools in the work Jesus said ye into all the world Hundreds of young people are heeding the call The youth Crusade with Christ with world wide evangelism and world peace as two of its highest aims is challenging thousands others The best of Gods children are needed for this kind They must be clear of head strong of body unselfish in spirit and determined to have the best of schooling in order to serve Kot all perhaps may serve in all these fields of greatest need for not all can nisters missionaries and teachers Not attain leadership either in the fields of the world hut all may keep ever in mind tho poem Be the Best or Whatever You Are by Douglas Ambition is not an evil tiling or God would not have put it in our hearts and lives But it needs a mixture of love to sweet en and purify if it is to ripen into true leader ship and service in lie world As an old mas ter pninter said that he mixed his paint with brains so may we fix our ambition for leadership with love and true service that we may be like our Master whose ambition was not to be ministered unto but to minister and in way he became the greatest of all leaders I can think of nothing better than lite words of the prophet What now the Lord require of thee But to do just love mercy and walk humbly wilh thy God will be conducted melton with tho mental and lental farms An floors will be it rely this la the Mount the John walker pastor Preaching I morning and evening In the pro- I of the books j are necessary The Bible the I hvmn book and the Anything You Value Things you valie should be protect ed Few homes have protection for important papers and securities A Safety Deposit Box in the Bank may be secured for a very small annual rental A Safety Deposit Box is your protection IMPERIAL BANK Newmarket Flout Mills Bread That is Good to Eat food to oat is kind that sells good Jo eat is the kind to buy BREAD that is PASTRY that i PUT FOOD VALUE Bread or Pastry using TREASURE Bread Flour 24 lbs ROSE Pastry lbs 05 REPEAT ORDERS Why yes they are what counts and repeat or ders depend entirely on the quality of produced I TRY OUR COAL Pacific Railway lines for huyer r NUT COAL COAL COKE COAL PEA COAL Guarantee contii re Quality 1800 per ton 1650 1300 1300 d dependability right through the woods see king It might had has Just trapped Brunswick according to Dave rifle all the garbage neighbourhood of PI i C caught by in deformity at birth or It must have bind feet Only be of paws bee n found and coo AND BUDDING EINSTEIN Coupe with niaibU Sedan Touring Coupe rvmble Sedan 870 870 EMPHASIZING value making plainer than ever are Plymouth new lower price representin of to on popular Plymouth quality has not bees dunked in the least it remains the tunc fine quality has I given this car an international repute for of operation and upkeep In the loweitprieed field Plymouth is the outstanding fullsize car ample room for five grownup it is rtUTthe only car near its price weatherproof four- wheel itb the one big buy at its price modern engineering improvements and with modem style and luxury See the Plymouth Comprue it try to equal it selling under and inevitably ery OPEN EVENINGS TILL OCLOCK AND ON SATURDAY NIGHTS NESBITT Agent Newmarket