ONT K 1ST jr OTTOS fKl rrvmctrVot Oat or Toronto i Ballot resident iJiystolan Union WU1 Wot w n 8 J BOYD M il In Toronto lconllolo lanil Former MUX a Eye EOT end llll London Bathud TOWd DR J WESLEY Laboratory York Office 812 a in- or by appointment m OT Local News chase of good advertised In Exhibition Hockey West Toronto Juniors coached fa Dill Hancock played on Thursday ill Freddie In which fiiiiilly ended Only a small crowd pi The game proved very exciting all through Newmarket scoring the goal the Initial period and bell lead till thceecond Play was even and fast Our Loco News morning and everyone forth a special effort to Mr Meadows lias a good store for us which ford to miss Morning traits of Certain Young It veiling subject to be mini New market Toronto one night week a gathering ing for home It was discovered belonging to Mr I Young and gloves and scarf belonging Deputy Reeve J BIO JOB Dime Build Important a Ben Tho contracting firm of Copenhagen who hare built several railways In Sweden have Jointly i tho contr portion of bo built was originally upon utiles the Including the building of a harbor at on the Sea But dilations order not to exceed the coat the program had to curtailed It has eventually agreed upon that a northern from the bo built the branch line from CHINESE SEX Emerging From Their AgeOld Se clusion and Busy OrfjnnUIng for Further Willi encouragement of the Nationalist Government the women of China are now rapidly tber advancement writes a corres pondent of tho Christian Science Monitor from Poking Tito Womens nights As sociation was recently Inaugurated and at Its An meeting a was adopted and thirteen depart- is for the purpose of the rights of women and political and social equality with men 1b to be Bought J BARTHOLOMEW forum Building Toronto Over Persons Drug Store Newmarket nln by Ph DR T J HftOKETT Over Imprial Sped BR VANDER Graduate University of Toronto Fifteen Years Experience in all of Dentlstny Gee for Painless Extraction attention given to Children Work Office over Lyons Candy Store Phone Evening appointment A of Piano Singing and Violin Dealer In New and Used Pianos Rented KENNETH M STIVER BARRISTER 80LI0TI0R NOTARY ETC Newmarket Ont Successor Late deceased look Alain Newmarket Used Battery Radios only Console only Console table model only Day Fan Consoles Table Model 1 only Console New I only Console Table Model New All Guaranteed A Condition Phwie SMITHS HARDWARE GAS STRUCK WEST OF ACTON here that tli Suburban Oil and Gas Syndicate itch bos been drilling for two miles west Acton has truck a gas well tonic wild The gas sup a fair flow The drill Ing arc being continued in striking oil The drillers are at the time In the rock The and drilling managed by Tony Sey- Hie Bell Telephone Company and its financial policy F given authority by parliament the Bell Tele phone Company will issue new shares of stock over a period of years at intervals and in amounts depending on tho expansion required to lie demand The new shares will be offered for purchase by shareholders and the price will depend on the man agements judgment of conditions This method is the exact procedure by which company has built the present telephone system in Ontario and Quebec In fortyeight years the telephone company bagnei ther suggested nor received a government subsidy In fortyeight it has never split its stock nor issued shares that were not fully paid for at par In fortyeight years it has never beer exploited for the benefit of either individuals or groups although it is now of the largest institutions in thg country has met double obligation choosing and following this financial the management of the company has had con stantly in mind the double obligation of those- operate a public utility There is first the obligation to the users of too telephone system to give them proper service at low est possible cost And secondly there is the obliga tion to the owners to protect their property and pay them a fair return on the money they advance to build the system These two obligations have ful filled Service has given by steadily extending the system from a few hundred telephones in to over now in use The is spending over this year to extend and improve the system further and has made plana to spend over in the next five years And this service has been given at low cost rates paid by telephone subscribers in Ontario and Quebec are the lowest in the world for comparable service The Board of Railway Commissioners has officially acknowledged that they are more reason able than other rates in Canada The 15300 owners of the system receive a fair re turn but not more than a fair return The com panys policy has handed opt no melons nor extra dividends this is the actual experience of a shares holder who bought Bell Telephone stock on the mar ket fifteen years ago at and has since taken advantage of every opportunity to buy new as they have been offered innal return today on the money he has paid i per cent To in the national interest change in its both i management does policy because 1 the record of the companys policy in efficiently fulfilling the if however the financial policy of public utility companies is to be fixed by parliament it should be made applicable to all such companies rather than to single out one company which does not deserve special restrictions a change in policy is not in the national interest it means that Canadian investors will be attracted to put their money into numerous American utility companies with which the telephone company is now competing for new capital and where it is the recognized practice to offer new shares to stockholders The present policy of the company safeguards fu ture expansion of the telephone system by retaining support of reli able investors and promotes the national interest of Canadians in Canadian development REE S Box40 FINE QUALITY WALL PAP ERIE BEST FOB ALL TO PEft BOLL Papers and In Tints VJlttBBlJ SHADS PAPKH TOn DUPLEX AMD We Bll You Any With BERT GREEK ami Paper BASKET MUARK W