Council first meeting for the year was hold at Temperance Hall iKotUcby on Monday mornin Jan Whitchurch for the yor Monday the Town- according to statute ship Hall at clock all present end Her- took of Office follows Ellon Armstrong First Deputy Reeve A iFgan Second Deputy fteove by Council The following feillB and accounts were presented ordered paid G Hauling gravel Leonard Iriftlng gravel Chris labor Arthur Hill labor Ruben Icbor Cutting dragging and ropaira to culvert gravel hauling gravel Hoover main W to Vaughan Cos- grove hauling gravel dynamite and caps Dr Harrison shoveling gravel Percy Kitchen hauling gravel and gravel Co dynamite Walter- Bone dynamite John hauling Alex Hill hauling atone David hauling gravel dragging 800 hauling gravel hauling Resolutions That this Township sanction the contract with Hydro L in reply to 128 Armstrong- That the Clerk be authorized to ask for Tenders for the Printing for this Municipality for the current year Tenders to be in hands of Clerk before February ftl3 Clerk be authorized to order six of the Municipal World for re of Council and Clerk EganArm strong That the be asked to report at our next meeting the advisability of taking any action re Churchill Ave re Improvement and assessment thereon That the usua donation of be given to Hospital for Sick Children Toronto Jefferson That pay the Municipal World supplies Jefferson That the Treasurer be authorized to pay the sum of for he use of lira Temperance Hall for past two years and for nomination payable to Alfred of said hall ByLaw No appoint a Local Board of Health No To appoint Assessors with the of Anmstrong and Henry Webb ByLaw No To the lime and place for holding meetings ByLaw No 513 To appoint Auditors with the nam es of and E head ByLaw No To authorize the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow sum of money for turrenl expenditure ByLaw No 515 nay a uniform price for gravel Law No To on roads All said Laws received their several and passed On motion Council adjourned to Armstrong Hotel King Saturday DOMINION LAND SURVEYORS Tim origin of the art and practice creased on the earth the very exist- of the tribe or of the family de rided upon the proprietorship of Comforter Size feet A BWNTON CO THE SMART 8HOP Ladies MEW MAR RET StockTafejag Sate Pure Slouched Table Linen yd Pur Linen half bleached wide regular per yard for pes- Grey Tweed for Boys Skirts in wide regular for Pwe Linen Toweling Plain and Fanoy Check Sale Price Andersons Fancy Ginghams in mostly all shades Fast Sale Price Stripe Light Dark Shades SO v Sale Price Fancy Stripe Shaker Gowns for linings c For yd CALL A TAXI prompt TAXI AND TRUCK SERVICE When you want to lave time on bud T F Social youll find and Truck Service Newmarket Rowlands Hardware FREED ALL ELECTRIC RADIO Builders of Fine Radio since broadcasting began See and Hear One Before Buying Radio and Electrical Appliances Repaired RADIO AND OAR BATTERIES CHARGED called for and delivered Night Phone THE MINT IT at yard over which the men hunted or Moved Deputy William late eked out a pastoral living The Councillor that ral life more especially led to a on of the available land among families and individuals until Dili then to meet at the ill for business at medicine man or village rlock AM rer was the one who knew test introduced by I imits of the area over which the appoint School Attendance held sway and he may be the rs its several of our present day highly Black spent the the We business blocks were destroyed the new Eaton Co store- rid warehouse the Bank of iieree Circle Hotel and other business PALACE THEATRE Lands In tin thai in the the of Canada who entitled to con and Ms ma returning hoi taking little Donald in after spending three weeks grandparent of Toronto spent Sae Register Jan 31t Mr inleiient5 etc on East half of lot THE SAME OLD GAME loses confidence in the Intel of people when swindles such i which has recently developed rase of David Steinhardt York are reported THE PATSY with Dressier and frets her Friends li CANAD CI AN NATIONAL RAILWAY the Noil OF TORONTO