Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 18 Jan 1929, p. 6

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button- AGENT Mount Albert WOMENS INSTITUTE The institute meeting Hint licld Inst week of Mrs Arnold wits not largely attended as owing no double to pre sickness cold stormy After the business session over paper w Stewart Canadian paper Mrs with The League of It decided not to hold the An Banquet until March It hoped Hie sickness In the ill time 8HARON Mi on Friday meeting of the wns held in the Sunday of the Church will next week FINGERPRINT ON GLASS PUTS JEWEL THIEF IN JAIL Following a fingerprint clue of an Imprint on a piece of giusj Oliver Borland assistant fingerprint on Depart ment in Toronto brought home to Francisco robberies of two Viii- till of- internal in tttt by Magistrate Browne weeks Clmpiiwn Bros jewelry store both on St were broken and jewelry Detectives and Cradduck found a Email tri- piece of glass with three marks of finger tops Mr Borland enlarged a photograph of piece of gloss It showed finger tips i but the third was of a fjrst joint upwards the loops tin DrRL Hewitt DENTIST Albert Hardware Store Evenings by Appointment CARD OF THANKS GORDON PHILLIPS Auctioneer For Sutton Belly Brown is upending a few days in with her bong Miss Emily Verity of visited Mrs Try on Sunday Service at St James Church on Sunday at Miss Dorothy Ramsay spent Sunday at her home here League on Friday night at the homo of Mibb Nora Shaw at sharp All young are invited to attend Miss Louise Collins spent the weekend at her homo here Mr Lome Ramsay is spending a fow days in Toronto this week Sunday School in United at 1030 a Preaching service at 730 pm A few more out every Sunday hut lots of room for The Womens Institute are giving a skallng parly to married folk of the community on Wednesday Jan Prizes will be given and the usual lively time is so come and if you cannot skate have an afternoons fun easing rooms are nice and warm Ladies kindly provide- Rink open at pm The January meeting of our Womens In stitute will he held at the homo of Mrs Sylves ter King the last Wednesday of the month Jan Roll call Row to keep men in good humor Current events by Mrs Geo White Recitation by Marie Paper on Wo manhood by Mrs M Donne Members and anyone visiting our Institute kindly keep this date in mind All ladies welcome Mr and Mrs J are up and around again after thoir spell of the flu- do not know how many kind friends we till sickness comes into the home surrounding community extend their sympathy to Mrs Win White and Mr George Thompson in the loss of their sister Mrs Dr Herbert of Winnipeg and their Mr Johnny Thompson of Onl hose deaths occurred only two days apart Rev Partridge is certainly preaching some cry fine sermons every Sunday We hope the sick are soon better and able to be out to hear him Mr whose death occurred on Monday of this week will be missed by his many friends in Queensvile Skating is in full swing and the young people are certainly enjoying it They are looking forward to a skating parly in the near Rev Partridge was called to one day this week to take charge of the funeral of Mrs Muir wife of a former minister at Sharon The bereaved families of the late Jacob Smith and the late David have the of this community There is still a lot of sickness in the but we sincerely hope all will be well again Mrs Jacob Terry attended the funeral of her sister Mrs Luck at on Tuesday We have been having some very cold lately but it will be good for the rink The temperature one morning was below zero Mis Marion was ill a few days this week but is pble to be at work again Lewie Howard Largo Lewis Alex- Howard late of Keswick who Aug left an estate valued Under the tonus of a will he nom inates his wife sole executrix and leaves her his nitre estate subject to payment of the follow ing legacies To Helen May a daughter living her mother in Keswick to Mrs Armstrong another daughter in Toronto 5000 to James Ross Howard a brother in Toronto A vory successful meeting of the was held on Tuesday evening in the Christian school room Thcro was a large at tendance and we were all well pleased with the program given by different members The next meeting will be on Feb 10th when all vill receive a hearty welcome We are glad see so many interested in the temperance We that as many as possible will at tend the Womens Missionary Convention in Toronto on Jan- Wo are very glad to say that most of the is clearing away now owing no doubt to the change in the weather which is i more seasonable Sorry to hear that Mr very ill but hope to learn of improvement shortly iss Mary Pedlar has been spending a week at Aurora- and Mrs and daughter of toria have left Keswick for the coast after spending a month with their sister Mrs A- Pedlar r Gordon has returned to his work again after spending a few days with parents Rev and Mrs Mann attended Presbytery Toronto on Tuesday Mrs Wilder and son have returned from To Glad that WelHe got over the opera tion all right Mr and Sirs T- Mann are home again after in Detroit The supper on Thursday night was quite success HOLT Quarterly services in connection with the Free Methodist Church will be held here as follows Friday 18th service at pm- Saturday at in the afternoon Sunday Love Feast at am Pleaching at a followed by Sacrament of the Lords Supper Preaching on Sunday evening at Rev- W- H Gregory Dish Elder presiding Everyone welcome No one can complain about the weather too mild as we are having real winter and good sleighing and still the cars are not People can travel with comfort although can and were quite acceptable for a uple of days Mr Emerson who has been sick list is much improved The influenza which has been so prevalent is growing less although the doctors are quite busy Sorry to hear of the illness of Miss Hazel for a nurse recovery Mrs last week p friends here hope for her Her father and mother Mr Cameron visited Hazel in the The cold stormy day together bo many homes made the attendance at the different churches last Sunday less than usual The Supper and Concert given in the Community Hall in the village on Jan by the Bethel people was a real success and good friendly spirit prevailed It was that nearly took supper and 100 enjoyed the evening together Much is due to those who trained the children did their parts so well and afterwards enjoyed the Christmas tree which had been postponed and the Toronto Santa as well as the special help from the city and the orchestra of home talent which was good has been said the story of the Christchild is the sweetest story in the world and it never becomes stale The message of Christmas is Glory to God Highest This piece was well rendered by a number of male voices Then comes good will among men and only then can Peace abide We may live in the spirit of Christina all the year through which is the spirit of ing of loving of brotherhood of vice We can keep the Christmas spirit but wi cannot keep it alone VACHELL The late snowfall very good in this burg Mrs- Lake has been spending a few davs in the city Mr- and Mrs Shier were visiting at he mothers one day last week Mr Bernard Mitchell has returned home from Aurora for the winter Mr Fred Rye spent Sunday in the city Miss was visiting in Vatchel Sunday Foster attack of the flu The woodcutters at Emerald Beach piling up the wood in great shape Good for made the slieghing SUTTON WEST Miss Osborne of Toronto was home for theweekend Mrs James Taylor was from To ronto General Hospital an Saturday to Mib Kings Rest Home here where she is improving nicely under Nurse Kings care Mr Martin Styles brought home a new car Ih him on Friday Mr Duncan Christie spent the weekend at Mr- Will Osbornes Miss Fern Taylor of Toronto is spending a couple of weeks at her home here Mr L- D- Tennyson of Minneapolis made a short visit on Sunday with his sister Mrs Angus Ego Mr and Mrs Will Evans and family of Vir ginia were also at Mr Egos to meet Mr Ten- Mr Barton Ward received word on Friday or the passing of bis father at Miss Grace Ward and Mr Frank Ward of Toronto came home for the funeral and returned io the city on Monday evening The snowstorm and wind made the road heavy going for on Sunday but some ears got through all right Mr M Hamilton and Mr C at tended the funeral of the late Jacob Smith of Queensvillc on Saturday- The annual congregational meeting of the United Church will be held on Monday Jan The ladies are serving supper when all will eated at to be followed by the business meeting Rev A Belfry and Mr Frank attended Presbytery meting- in Toronto on Tuesday Mrs and Mrs Miller McDonald in the city on Tuesday- Little Sinclair daughter of Mr and Mrs James Sinclair of Sutton West deserves special mention She started to go to Elm Grove school last year at the age of five and made such rapid progress that on Mr last visit to the school she was promoted inlo the second book at the early age of six years She expects to be promoted into the honk next June The school is S No North CEMETERY MEETING Shampooing and Marcelling SUTTON WEST jvivai meetings are still continuing in the Free Methodist Church this being the third Mrs Everett convenor of the com- appointed to plan the Community Oyster Supper to be held on the evening of Feb the committee of ten to meet at hen home on Thursday afternoon of this week A meeting of the Board of Management of Community Hall was held in the hall on Tues day afternoon All the members were present except Mr Davidson who has been newly appointed It was a real pleasure to see Mrs Frank Marritt in her place at the meeting looking the picture of health once more after her very severe illness Reeve E appointed chairman of Board of Manage and Mrs Wm Winch was appointed in place of Mr W who signed- There is to be a silver wedding in Saturday the of January Invitations CEMETERY MEETING ay Evening Jan oclock for the Election and transaction of business JOHN A WRIGHT President MACKENZIE Secretary NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims again Estate of Catharine Ann land of Mount Albert Spinster died ave on or before day Fcbruar FRANK A GIB DAVIDSON Glad to welcome the snow and colder The clear atmosphere is doing away with the flu- Despite the cold day there was a nice congregation out to church on Sunday Mr Lome is taking a course at a Business College We certainly miss Lomes Ring countenance Dame rumor reports an exchange of our store We certainly regret that and Mrs Hamilton and Garfield are from our midst Mr Thos Smith is slowly after relapse of the flu to hear of the illness of Mr and Mrs- Knights little boy V P will hold a social evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Walter Mahoney on Thursday Jan- Everybody welcome A sad cloud of sorrow was felt in this com munity this week in the death of Mrs Ed Mainprise We extend sympathy to the be reaved husband and family PETERS CORNERS Mi Mi ll Sim Mrs Carsou Pollock by motor spend the winter in Florida We extend our sympathy to Mr till in the loss of a wife and mother Mr J of Bradford visited i Hog the sick much improved MOUNT PLEASANT Winter has surely come at last but the roads are still passable for Many of the homes are saddened through in this vicinity Glad to hear that Mrs Williamson is able to be around again after a severe illness Mr Jack and Miss Alice Bosworth visited- at Mr A on Saturday Mr and Mrs Miller of Falls spent the weekend with her brother Mr Ham- Hon Mrs- Lapp of Toronto is her parents here Miss Vera Wight spent a day last week Mrs Lewis Mrs- P Willoughby and Betty are spending few days with her parents Miss A spent a day last week with r sister Gladys Sorry to report an outbreak of in this burg Congratulations to our new Council and hope they will make a few changes Glad to have Owl Junior in our midst once ire and hope he dont retire to his perch too long Wedding hells are ringing Blackbird THE KINGS RECOVERY The Kings convalescence is now so well ad- anced that public anxiety is at an end When that modest monarch recovers sufficiently to personal touch with the world of af fairs he will be overwhelmed by the evidences of his own popularity He has not reached this height of publicfavor suddenly It has been long and steady growth As the heir to the throne he was overshadowed by Ins fa ther and little was known of his personality hen the crown came to him years ago From the very beginning of his reign events tested him severely First there was the Irish war when the world war broke out It during the great conflict that the British people became impressed by qualities of the King his industry his dogged devo to his duty and his readiness to share with subjects the sacrifice of ease aud comfort during the terrible four years After the war he faced perplexing constitutional issues aris ing out of the failuho of any party in the elec tion of to obtain a majority of the House of Commons He so himself as to convince all parties of the correctness of his attitude and his absolute impartiality London Advertiser Mr Reed and friend from Weston spent Sun day at Mr Charles Nortons Mr Cecil Wray has installed a new radio in his home Quite a lot of sickness around here The school has been closed since Wednesday on account of the illness of Miss Owens Mrs Edwards who has been ill for the past three weeks is up and again Very sorry to hear of the severe illness of Arnold who underwent an in Grace hospital Small attendance at church last Sunday Bad weather Glad to see Miss Vivian Webster around af ter being laid up with an attack of the flu The Ladies Aid met the home of Mrs Cecil on Wednesday boys We learn that Mrs Robert is going to the States on a visit- Mr Frank Jordan and lady friend spent Sun day evening at Mr Ed Mr Leonard Metheral is busy cutting a sup ply of wood which looks like business Who was the young fellow that nearly got lost in the snowstorm last week Mr George was in the city on business The young people seem to find cardplaying pleasant way to spend the long winter even gs Dont stay out after midnight The Unknown Tattle ZEPHYR Winter is here in all its beauty If it is cold that is needed to stamp out the flu Surely it will soon he gone Wiring houses is the order of the day Zephyr and vicinity Mr Myers was knocked over by horse one day last week Glad to say he wa not badly hurt Mr Gordon Robertson returned to last Saturday to resume his work in the Bank at that city Mr John Dyke is putting lite spouts and bins in the mill Mr Frank Meyers of King visited bis brother Mr Thos Meyers The annual meeting of the United Sunday School was held on Monday evening when new officers were elected for the coming Sorry to report Hie Mr Douglas I garage Rev Quaift Joint Installation Review Lodge No and Sutton Lodge No held their annual tallation of officers in the lodge rooms on Monday evening Jan The ceremony was performed District Deputy Grand Si issistt1 by Deputy Marshall and T Gardiner assisted by Deputy Marshall Riley and staff Prospects are bright for the coming term number of for membership have been received by both lodges Sister L- Grant was presented with a Past and Jewel by the lodge The officers of Lodge for are as follow s Jr Pat Grand Mrs Grant Noble Grand Mrs R Vice Grand Mrs- J Smallev Warden Mrs W Kay Conductor Mrs Osborne Chaplain Mrs Treasurer Miss Wain Secretary Mrs F Kaiser Fin Secretary Miss McDonald Subordinate Lodge officers Jr Past Grand Burrows Noble Grand A Foster Vice Grand H Warden Conductor Treasurer W Secretary Morrison Fin Secretary A drive for new members for each lode is to be made with an oyster supper to be given by not making the best showing illness of Mi at Mr Law accepted the vita of the official board at its last meeting and will shortly enter upon the seventh his ministry to the congregations of the and Zephyr charge of the United Church of Canada The church work is in a healthy condition on the charge Church was opened again on Sunday but the number present was rather small on account of the flu Mr and Mrs Ivan of Cedar Brae Sunday visitors at-MrJos- Ryans Miss Florence Lee spent Sunday under the parental roof Mrs Ross of Michigan who has been visiing Ibis vicinity with her brothers Messrs Allen and Snoddon has gone to visit her sister Mrs Miller of Miss Mildred Nicholson is spending a fow weeks in Toronto Messrs Stanley and Carl Taylor wore home from for the week-end- Miss Snoddon spent Sunday with her parents Mr- and Mrs Snoddoi Mr John Stark and family spent Thursday of last week with Mr and Mrs Geo Taylor Miss Susie Stark is spending a few days her sister Mrs of P will be held again on Friday even We hope to see the young people all out VIRGINIA BEACH Greenwood and Mrs Frank lod are visiting friends in Toronto A social evening was spent at be home of Mr and Mrs Albert Weir on Friday when a few of their friends played progressive euchre Several were disappointed Rial could nut owing to the bad at meal ladies winning prizes were Mrs ins of Toronto and Mrs Levioiette while Weir of and Mr Bert Evans- a the gentlemens prizes Everyone reports having had a splendid time Evans of Toronto is visiting Mrs Evans for a few days Wellington Charles of Gemgina tempted to cross the lake Saturday team when the horses broke through the ice- The water not being loo deep allowed lie horses to break the ice and walk to safety J Snake of Sutton who helped in rescue tin- an imals slopped a sleigh from preparing the lake as it was totally unsafe for traffic The great amount of snow on ho preventing it from freezing thus making dangerous Born To Mr and Bigcanoe Sutton hospital a daughter Lorenzo toa grandson of exChief of land Mrs was Princess Cloud from an Indian Reserve near Mr and Mrs Frank Lyons visited her cnts Mr and Mrs Freeman of Sutton on evening Miss Eleanor is staying with her Frank Nolan who is on the sick fish It is reported that tons of fowl were sow at the Pefferlaw g pictures put on by Ag of New market brought out the crowd WILLIAMS EXCUSE it

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