Quality Products of Worlds largest factory to organisation Credit fur nished to party Established CO For full particulars write stating age to The J Co Humify 8wgl For SaleGirls Tube Skates and Hoots In good condition latitude wonderful building Canadian Hallway Comj iiplmulses the great in the West will dally benefit all other par Dominion Jersey P J Trend St Phone Bull Also grade Cowb for sale Priced reason- Apply to floss Cunningham Maid for To sleep at home preferred Kt6 A J Downing trcal Chambers Apply of Family Hough dry One Dol lar or ironed Call for and delivered Cook Wanlc General Family of coll and identify iae Young Pigs NEW ADVERTISEMENTS CARD OF THANKS Mrs Walter Wesley to thank her many friends fo kindness and sympathy in her CARD OF THANKS family of the lute Mr and Airs CARD OF THANKS sh to thank the GEO THOMPSON CEDAR ONTARIO If you intend disposing of farm effects and live stock make of securing best results by one who has made a study of a of Auctioneering ivri to recovery provoked of the for him His cultivate the art of iil death of Keith has I of the Chili Society in York County and I said that if lie will accept the position Will I appointment permanent He is ally doing satisfactory wor was formerly Warden and also a member of re for North York previous The County Council meets Tuesday The Era is of the that this body Is composed many representatives is too expensive If every Reeve voting power according to the representation protection would be given to the most populated corpora tlona the work would be just as concluded on a shorter timi ah it Otr Toronto Police have they believe dealt a the rumrunning traffic oat of rlcau with the seizure of the a of the Anna Jul Its cargo of of Hie sold to be a second of a Iluuor ring In w dwn her- cargo to tally with ins export papers Hospital J Toronto Sat- marks another forward step ministry healing that is being for a for weeks Mrs of On Mr Fleming the borders of the led by the Com- dealers Scott and Col- Streets were forced to leave by the fire escape at noon Saturday when Might streaming througl closely the legislative ruled for an hour last week wlUi her niece iamniell Millard Ave Miss Aleta IUrhardson and Mr it have returned to West rain- Hospital after spending weeks with Mr and Mrs A The following Newmarket attended a at the Temple Toronto Tuesday eve telegrapher Hiss Golden Wedding of I On Sunday Jan at idence of his daughter ens James Bate cloved of the Ann Hall in his year Wednesday Service in Acknowledgment At the meeting of the High School Hoard held on Friday Jan It was moved by and sec onded by J Patterson that the Chairman be deputed to convey to the Public School Hoard an expression Scott School while building was being Chairman sent the J Stuai High bits of Cana- and it will be preserved In a of its importance It the steep path at this point fe led his to victory his death on the Plains of as did also Montcalm the of Mr C He has been exMayor has been by the Town Council to vacancy a splendid selection In the of these over the previous year of eight accidents reported of sixteen per cent Over seven millions were awarded benefits during and the aid shows an increase of over one nun thousand dollars The CEMETERY CO The annual meeting of the New market Cemetery Co will be held In the Fire Hall Newmarket on Monday evening Jan at oclock Gen eral Business and election of officers AH lot owners are requested to W President CARRUTHERS Estate of J Michael decea Must be sold to close the Estab Apply to WM or to C WIDniHlkb employed in the the Province North York attention to the Era iiifiu When it was proposed to a Memorial Hospital in one of the conditions thai terans should receive free but the Hoard of Ma of the change made the we Secretary Public School Newmarket Sir a meeting of the High School held on Friday Jan 11 it inimously resolved that Ch convey the cordial gratitude Hoard to the Public School Hoard ividlng the Stuart Scott School staff and rebuilt after the i fire last cord you en extended and of the great you made when at convenience to yourselves you pro accommodation to carry on work In your school In behalf of the Board Most gratefully Rev 1 ring Ont the York County on Monday Jan lh David Cowleson of In his year Funeral service In the United Church on Wednesday Jon In terment in Cemetery On Sunday Jan In Portland Ore Mrs W R dearly beloved sister of Mrs Rev Madden of Aurora At Cataract Jan Martha widow of the late Jus and sister of the late Mrs Johnson At Toronto General Thursday January Lil lian Doris beloved daughter of Henry and Sophia Johnson of concession of Whitchurch near ffville the hoi MARGUERITE BOYLE Professional Graduate of Oweii A ANNOUNCES ELOCUTIONIST PUPILS ACCEPTED TESTED At NEW NORTH TORONTO STUDIO Harris School of Music Theatre Appointments for New Pupils Saturday Afternoons only Miss BOYLES HARRI8 OF Dundas near Kcele Sal HOMEWOOD HALL THORNH1U McKe worts daughter waa home on Thursday of and also the night before to see her little child June she played the part of Santa The a of I Mei ronto on Saturday last in honor the medical faculty and their and the women doctors of the The guests were received by Li Falconer Dr Gladys Boyd Miss M Jackson and Miss Margaret Patten of Newmarket Tea was served in the reading room and the table was dec- with narcissi and daffodils Those presiding were Mrs J Mrs Dr Stew BRIGHT BITS FROM EXCHANGES all No order alone will ever stop the King Kenny In the 2nd Con of East Gwil- limhury on Friday Jan Patrick Joseph Kenny in his chard on January George heloved husband Alice Lloyd In his yea Funeral on Jan Interment Pine Orchard Cemetery the Con of Wlii church on Thursday Jan Joseph In his year Funeral service at the residence his son Wilfred 3rd Con of Whitchurch on Sunday afttrni Morn Suddenly 10th at the Gladys Augusts Paxton In Aurora Jan Ml Annie beloved wife of John aged years Friday Jan St Johns C hole in teal of highways es suggests that 1 COUNTY POLICE COURT low three men broke age of led in County and rohbed the After Counsel changed his or guilty to guilty the fact that Magistrate Cohen remanded th for a week plea of pointing to had been Jan Miss Macphuil parliamentary roeiribcr ft North was the speaker at meeting of the at Ward ville which was held in the Town Ha on Friday and took the font of In forceful address Miss spoke of the needs of the agricultural ist which can be solved by education organization and cooperation within their own ranks Miss Macpliail also touched on the various of finance political economy and Immigration in connection with agriculture Mrs Harold Currie of the chair and gave a short ad dress of welcome to Miss Nearby Winnipeg Ivdf Canadia I of riJln dependence United States for per cent of A number of broad in have contributed solution of the problem te supply of fuel Qntarii though fituM Qui of fighting here as in their own coun try to retain a declining market Coke British anthracite low volatile coals fuel oil are strong competi tors with American anthracite In the household fuel trade and the range of Alberta and Maritime coals is extended through special provisions People In like Alberta coal for boiler use especially hut the problem of Canadas complete fuel in- decided the Chicago diversior victory for Wisconson and the States and a for the Windy City perpetual injunction will be grant re Michigan to the Mississippi line the Chicago Drainage Canal effective until Chicago has hid a Gnvtrment Authorized court found that Congress authorised any diverlson of m the Great Lakes to the Gulf and thai the present diver the permit of the Secretary Mia Mai ierne Boyle graduate of is opening a third studio in rth Toronto at the Harris School Music in the Capitol Theatre Miss Boyles success with her pupils her studio in West Toronto at School St and at Home wood Hall for those in the rth end who 1 in her dra elocution ft- be Monday and ilui prop could not be cleaned up to meet the standard imposed by the Govern ment in all field seeds offered foi sale through the seed houses Thest rejected lots it is pointed the iderahle temptation for the for sale but ill means clean fresh graded sound seed of ties If it is graded will he plainly stated Laboratories d for Is still of our largest markets great producing fields roxlmSty to those of pine last Saturday A new biweekly air en Ottawa Montre nd Halifax will be instituted navigation Redfern At on Thursday Elizabeth A wife of George in Suddenly dearly and will test Branches urge en of this of bfi led In have by dl- of the St Liwreuce of the Mississippi nothing kind had been In In lining memory of my ffife our dent arid gran mother Mrs John lilack who in King Township three years a Jan 20lh was such a dear good mother Death cannot divide us from Nor sever the cords of love In that beautiful home above Ever remembered by Husband Family and Grandchildren In loving memory of our son I brother Byron who Of the grief that is borne in si For the one ive loved so we Sadly missed by Moth Father Brother and Altar CainMHt At the United Pa age Jan 16th Miss Stella of Holt to Mr Stanley Forest Cain of Albert Rev A Marshall officiating MAMWSE I Funeral Directors The Bell Telephone Company and the Northern Electric THE relationship between the Bell Telephone Company and the Northern Electric Company is direct and definite It of the telephone company controls the Northern Electric by owning per cent of Northern Electric contract the telephone company has a with the Northern Electric by which the latter equipment to the telephone company at favorable prices Tie telephone company thus has direct control of its of Without control there would be constant risk of being forced to pay high prices for apparatus or of being unable to secure consistent standard of equipment Apart from this protection there are two definite results secured These are first dividends second low psicez J dividends from Northern Electric THE Northern Electric has developed from a small beginning to an outstanding Canadian success In its total business was more than which is four tunes its business in per cent of this total was with the Bell Telephone Company per cent was with other telephone companies and per cent was in general electrical in Canada and abroad In all this total of success the Bell Telephone Com pany participates as majority shareholder per of all dividends paid by the Northern Electric have come back to the telephone companys revenues In the fifteen years since the Northern Electric incorporated the telephone company received from it in dividends over two- anda half million have contributed to operate the system in place of equal sums subscribers would otherwise be called an to pay The dividends paid by Northern Electric represent an average annual return of only per cent on capital surplus earnings having been devoted consistently to extend plant and equipment low prices from Northern Electric for equipment shall be as low as or than the lowest prices paid to Northern Elec tric by its other customers The other customers of Northern Electric include every telephone system of importance in Canada and business from them has been secured in open com petition with British and American manufacturers It is thus the lowest price level of this competitive business which governs the prices paid by the Bell Telephone Company The Board of Railway Commissioners in 1926 made a detailed inquiry into these prices and their judge ment was that the agreement and supplementary agreement which goYerrffheir relations are distinct ly advantageous to the Bell Telephone Company Proof of this is seen in comparing costs of building the telephone system and rates paid by subscribers with those of other systems The average cost of building other systems in Can ada England Brazil and the United States has been per telephone The cost in Ontario and Quebec has been per telephone or 17 per cent less than the average And the rates which telephone users pay in Ontario and Quebec are the lowest in the world for large factor in obtaining these low costs and low rates has been the arrangement and relationship between the Bell Telephone Com pany and the North Electric Company QET YOUR Paper Printed at the Era Office The Drop in Price Still Prevails ARCHIVES OF ONTA TORONTO