te Albert NT MOUNT Mount Albert A play entitled Tire Adventures of be C Hull Zephyr on Nov SOtli under auspice of the Yeo mens institute WEST 1 Hie weather since last week Arrangements have mode lo hold the Mrs Arthur 1b visiting Mrs Alfred spent a day in New- Sunday School Anniversary of the United with her daughter Mrs Bradley market las Week and called on a friend on Dee and Mr lias Con will ho held on Boor in mind Mr lias Jon- M who has been siting l will address us at the evening service daughter Mrs George left on Dec He is a man that has done of last Week to visit her youngest son r 11 In Ch Nov Every- lipdy IICIUU held a Progressive The Mr evening In 11 re nine Sinclair tl lucky ones oil cry lng lietng Sleeper of in die for Hie will bo hold am on Sun day tho at James Qhuroh Miss Dora spent weok at homo Miss Jessie is spending a days Mrs Weddel Mrs Fred and Shirley have been Miss Helen spent Thanksgiving great deal of work among the young people and spending a few days In Toronto nookend with Mibs Thompson feci sure that a treat is in store for us Hamilton now and fine Miss Joyce Collins entertained a friends The P held meeting in Hie Hall on There will bo special music at both show room for his cars looks pretty last Friday Friday Mount Pleasant joined them it j that the children of Sunday tho glass windows finished A good was out lo on Sunday and a very enjoyable evening was spent School will occupy tho choir loll In the morn- Mrs Dr Cooke returned the end of last but there is for more Gome Hie Womens held an interesting and then on the Monday evening there will visiting in Toronto again Sunday night nice nig in the Hall on Tuesday the tl annual Christmas tree entertainment Miss Orma Osborne returned home on Salur- Mrs John Tale has rolurnod homo after the I hold a lodge meeting in the Hall a splendid promam is being prepared by tho from attending the funeral of the late Peter spending a few days wilh her son Mr on evening school Please reserve tho date and make an of Portage la Prairie whose burial took I closed porch at No I effort to attend The Misses Drown and Annie will be improvement are having the UBualmonlhly lea incon- Purvis of Newmarket spent the week- spent the weekend at their homes bore i AH we girls who powder and paint will with tho Ladies Union on Deo with Miss Silver Mr and Mrs II Goodwin and family of to cut it out after the sermon on night when the ladies will prepare the tea Ml Mrs- Ego and Miss Eliza Holland Landing visited at Mr J on y Mr8 MllU Newmarket will speak to us celebrated the Sunday lj0n forget the ReOpening of the Free League of Nations She comes lo Mr and Mrs Herb Hall of MauntAlborl spent Methodist Church hero on Sunday Nov us highly recommended and we are Ego i Alan Shaw Services Rev a very enjoyable and profitable evening as Announcement was made in the churches on at oclock I Stevenson pastor of Broadview Ave To- there will also lie some special music Sunday that Sutton 0 were holding a Ironto will the elder Rev W H Gregory all delighted to know that Mrs Frank fowl supper on Thursday Nov in the tho Service The order is as Murritt came home last week and is feeling verv School Hall of the United Church followed much better We sincerely hope that she will by a program i in the Orange Hall to gain strength arid soon be as strong Gould and Mr Griffith of Elder before her sickness we have missed her Sunday with Mrs George Til P and reopening in every activity of the ehurch I returned from Brampton 5 Stevenson was Fathers Day and Rev A Sunday where she has boon slaying for a l M service by District J Mann preached two very appropriate l Witt her sister who is the proud possessor The mule ehnip girl P Owing Young Peoples Society will Tuesday Supper and Monday will be P S- on Monday last with a very small owing to tbe condition of the roods and the weather We were entertained by the speeches of the boy candidates Hamilton and Miss Ies Boyd some solos I Keswick eel mil f i Mr A deGroot introducinc Mr and Mis deGroot Mr Louis ftlr Martin Luthers Reformation I Singing Psalm in Dutch by Mr deGr Maggie 18 in Dutch Collection Sale Register iMr Da id English Her Friday wilh M on Friday night as Miss Sloan wilt be in o the Sharon Christmas Concert bus been set for Deo 2lh Be sure and keep follows for Sharon us you will enjoy yourselves Mrs rank Tale and Joyce spent Saturday Toronto Sir and Mrs and little silent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs f Toronto spent Jack Ash I cordially nous The male choir was much enjoyed ted lo all these glad to see Mr home Aid of the Uniied Church gain being away all summer 1 S The Sharon P- O The Club had its annual meeting at the homo and Mrs Jack on Nov Id The seems very unwelcome thai SarSTorloil mlh Something I am in some places are more than Mr Ross Pol thankful For wo are On Monday the morning opened up week he 0t the We are glad to know that Mr and M me ear ending November winch turned into snow leaving Club held successful meetings on the ground so that on the capable management the Club Leaders ing except I Mr and Mrs Ira have re turned in the Sunday Hall There will be lack of water lying about and the rain after spending some time with their son everybody to buy Fish pond y novelties for Christmas gifts also fancy Ross Pollocks moved to the city articles Supper served from 5 to elaek time Cecil the hunters returned home Saturday night all satisfied their holiday and success and Lewis There paidup members been said inch op Grant are back to Keswick ay morn mud be VIRGINIA BEACH i COMMUNICATION Mr and the on the roll with At almost educational as weii as social libers have taken part in several debates Club one of which was Resolved that a boy uires a better education as a preparation li has been mud tanning than for commercial and industrial People in this neighborhood which was sent to the Farmers Sun except for the all look Iheir parts well in the program Various topics such as The Retired Farm- The meeting last Thursday at the Mr and Mrs Stan of Jacksons Within live es the local police were andDo we need more farmers in Canada home of Mrs on fa W Lyons on Sunday and four hours elapsed before have been discussed at the meetings well attended considerable Unavoidable Mrs Nolan and Michael spent of education keeping some away Mrs Western Sunday with Mr and Mrs Win average attendance of fertilizer so next year should see the land Mr and Mrs J returned on Mon- meeting there have been produce wonderful crops day after visiting their con Don in t Can we realize that four weeks from next improving gradually Tuesday is Christmas day Mr Jas Heslin returned to his home in day brings many out from the city as ftter spending a week wilh relatives The roll calls have been pretty A large crowd from idol airman Dear Sir I Beg to draw your attention to an article appearing in the Nov 2nd issue of your paper of the The ear was not located and I catted a friend by- ted the theft of 1 i that our car was recovered by the city police al Canadian Authors Most Prized very interestin a Invention listened lo very attentively etc Paper is an interesting feature he present were sorry to unable lo the message A lew from here attended the fowl supper of of the programs Mr H Hannam the The MS are on Monday evening and report a good telephone message from my friend to come lduoational Secretary of the 0 office ad- em lor her heart Tear la Ik The cud f and splendid program down and claim he car which on the Club at one meeting and wo also Mr Jas Martin who passed away at his lh l In a Social wis in a i t A l l u n am our local police wore not aware near Baldwin suddenly on Friday polk had been recovered The credit for the recovery of the inUy to city polit In February a Bo Social was in the A bunch of men wattirr u Club Rooms also in October a Hal- ore pulling down the Tarn formerlv on Monday in St- Anthonys cemetery Social in Hie Sharon Hall to which the owned Mr Waller Hirst at J for Mr in Virginia on did not tafomuoh detective ability to link A showerwa Agonized for a bride S VoAl have returned home bringing the burglary Dr with the gioom of the community at which an electric bury last week their deer table lamp was presented to them by the Club Some of the hunters are returning nat are several more ite A County Farmers Club Picnic was held home the venison Hie Era lately this week the news Wilcox Lake in June at which the Sharon Miss Vera of the Base Line had Keswick visiting her Club joined several Clubs from different parts of the county and contributed toward the prizes end appearance of th was left in stolen Hoping you will- find space hen Dr garage when the paper for this I am yours truly Mrs Mr regular monthly and attended the Bethel United of the United Church at Zephyr will fee held The also to the of Mr A Dairys salary he being the has not been neglected have been he ve us lhe made lo tho York County Hospital and boxes of mas Horner are commencing a fruit and flowers have been sent to those who h Zl lo oclock to the public are cordially Some donations were also sent to FARMERS ARE BIG BUYERS OF CARS TRUCKS TRACTORS Until recently the farmer had not needy in the northern of llhe prov election officers for the coming year Horn of her nal being in the best of health in the village miss Mrs Walter IVlMl ith the United East Gwlllimljurg Ten months credit Snle at oclock H Son Nov 29th Mr A will have a of Stock Grain Hay and Wood Lot Con North mile West of Sale at one oclock Thursday Nov Auction Farm Stock and Implement will sold on Lot Con the goods and chattels of Samuel i pm Smith Auct HEW ZEALAND VOTES WET Wellington referendum vote with the New Zealam shows favor of state liquor In and 28014 Hon The electors New Zealand on the liquor question at every trien nial general election Prohibition was in force In the country previous to the present general election but the vote Indicates a increased ma- against prohibition Br R Hewitt resulted as folio President Robert Lewis VicePresident Emily Verity Secretary-Treasurer- Evelyn Directors Sadie Andrews Nina Micks Ivan Evans and Arthur Auditors Jack and Walter Davis LeadersMr and Mrs H Wilmol The next meeting will beheld at the home of Miss Phyllis on Wednesday Everybody welcome Sec ov The lat- A elections Nov registered in and control against is Mailing her daughk Children are all looking forward Christ- mas It should really he a joy to the world of he One who came to bring Peace Earth Slates as The Zephyr Young People are putting on a iiredvoiy near me lop I us a in the fSammumtv Hall on Friday evening ilrs h The Adventures- Grandpa- Is a A former Canadian farm publication wholesome farce in three acts Youll laugh found that per cent subscribers 1 roar vou will want to hear more possessed one or more characters ore bv B A GoldTng I cent owned a Curl Profit Lee Dunn In Provinces over motor Pickering and St l Vet IThalafterncon Grandpa and and sales during That night Old 192S greatly previous high level So does Grandpa morning Last Tuesday our Womens Institute met Hall when Mrs Rev Fodder gave good address her The of life ilsedr life now and breaks out So does Grandpa SiMH prairie had here and life hereafter Mr said smallpox Act III The morning he government census of IDJO slmwej over many tilings which are well remember- spills beans Grandpa tractors in use on these same farllls and ing all through Miss innie Will- pv the beans Grandpa more were sold in 192 and limn played the piano for pataoffio singing services held in United previous years About per of Miss of also gave a short here last Sundav were success in spite he Prairie farmers i Canada a pas- address Mrs was appoint- the dull weather Rev Mustard of Scarhoro automobile in to the in Toronto on Nov in sermons which A Export Institute are the In Dominion exported me of Toronto next j had a large numb Dont forget the euchre to he held Hall Queensville on Friday Nov Everybody welcome nn i I n nun hear Miss Inslilute lo visit us at our next j had a lare number of men i al V10 at Welleslcy Hospital is ill in the Hall on Dec 111 A very cor- la tearful down the old to to The M of Queensville United Church a invitol n has been sent which we hope i one It will n These evnH I held a banquet on Wednesday evening of this be make lhings m lively Z when Sd in severaT reprc- Hydra is installed and chopping done expor just go lo the mlssionaryl MOUW seems to be busy making nI l their Presbyterian Church missed sermons and splendid The Womens Institute held at the home of Mrs Jacob Smith last week was- well attended Mr Sandy Stewart visited his son at Brad ford last week Some of our hunters arrived home with compliment of deer What about our skating rink Better get ready Jack Frost will soon be here to stay Get your radios in good working order to reports of the hookey matches this Sorry to hear that the Metropolitan line is to be closed the first of the year There will be a community meeting in the Rink on Monday evening Nov at oclock for the purpose of business and election of of ficers for the doming year Mr Geo of Nairn Centre spent a couple of days last week with Mr and Mrs Glad to report that Mr Wright is im proving nicely and expects to be up within few days Miss Gladys Sheridan of is visit ing friends for a lions tlor Christmas and concerts and Mrs- Moulds are visiting for a Mr and Mrs Stephens and family Wedding bells are still ringing with her sister Helen to Mr and Mrs Wight and Mr and Mrs giyen p in Hall on Friday To- Several have had the wiring done in nous- to country Apart poles are not up yet manufacture of of motor vehicles provided for many thousands of exportationi of motor vehicles from Canada Iprobably doae fact held the Mennonite Church i dollars ilar tlits to create a 8HILOH con- the value of export trade than other factor Sleeping Busses Motor busses fitted with sleeping berths of Toronto motored Mr WightVon p to be given to missions are running regularly between Winters and family of Newmarket Sunday with her sister Mrs Barker time it required an item of the Mr- and Miss A Saturday ia rations to Mr and Mrs M to awaken those who live outside of the Jnto wmarket frfinrt Sunllles to the extent which motor vehicles spent weekend SS her I J sleeping bus inaugurated Messrs and Joe Johnston and P h run even- i leaving London in and fare is faro sleeping bus service inaugurated Planned run every night leaving London ford Bosworih called on relatives in this for breakfast The sleeping berths are on Sunday arranged in similar fashion thai common i Mr and Mrs Stephens and family visited Mr Wiesbaden Nov Thirteen close to midnight and arriving i and Mrs on Sunday Ipersons were and three seriously injured Railway Mr and Mrs Stephens arid family attended when the storm caused the collapse of several what than the Wilfrid services on Sunday houses at during the night The men working on the roads through the purchased a turkey and London Nov Kast 85 and ore spoiling the motoring preparing bird for dinner found more persons been killed J of lhe hunters have returned nje Ex- the storm thai has the Britlsii h none at all wonders whether this may be regarded islos and western Europe since lasl Blackbird ti wnal the price according latest figures vnilable today f Ihese birds have been injured and damage run ning into millions of pounds was done of year free lo new