COULD NOT WORK FOR MONTHS to Health by Vegetable Compound For and weak with tired feelings and could not do my work A Wend ad- iLydli e Vegetable Compound and I have got good from it and recommend it to lothem Lila Port FA- la sold by every- S A BUSINESS SCHOOL ho ii forded both Employe Chirlei Clear these at once We must make room for new stock said the Chief Clear these goods at once So Brook a man of words started a long letter to his best account Bat Hill tha man of action had already given Long Dis tance a distant telephone number A few persuastyo words and Hill had made a sale before Utter was finished Men of action and women too Long Distance They keep a list of num bers frequently called and give the operator the dis tent number This up a service that is already wonderfully quick Say It With Flowers HYDRANGEA 8PIREA POT ROSES PRIMULA BEGONIAS Flowers for Every Occasion GREENHOUSES St Newmarket Phone 135 Comments of Exchanges It Be Grand Standard There whs the New York Stock day Bonk of Coin- Toronto Dully if the western lit which ft ncc to per of pop These of even those farm products iJiich there is an exportable surplu low long will United States themselves be THE KELLOGG Mr Ktllogg introduced principle s to Ion of war Ik- simply itl a principle of Nations and sub- by solemn am adopted had been Secretary j I existing Treaties and lirfamJ draft by maintaining that latter permitted so functioned the employment of under certain conditions while draft denounced and lion apt answer however meant to exclude defensive necessary by unprovoked -in- to the I States Iihiil support In its of that countrys of any bandit pledges to peace a lastly it ion that the logi declaration moral and da Tin Globe land West por- tends tilv 1 die eke to look re than a- on from and re and cd in behalf ticijic of in ills great of item Inn which ought evenly balanced Total at that date wero bushels ahead of the similar period of last the disposal of Provincial would if it dissensions among the Can- check the whole han and unify all classes of Canadian reus The foreignborn settlers Western Canada arc not Insoluble lumps in the body generation in particular educated with the natural ire of the Do lent and In the prairie rejoicing in their hip Canadian In spirit and out It will be a new ionBritish bjects of dislike am for the If ion will be chilled and lands that is being rapidly possible The Manitoba and the Dominion Governments havi reached a provisional agreement Saskatchewan waiting for the Mani toba settlement so as to be guided by its I FOR SALE Farms and Houses part of the effectually pronounced Interdepend- the creditable desire of sue over the disposition lands But where is ther cation that when all the hands The legend that the it they acknowledged after taking ms evidence that the Immigru Department was not open to at The Government has spent upon every British newcomer am cents per head for every immigran in the Continent of Europe I Id not do less for mi from Sweden and Den whence some of the which lie within the A pound 7 Inches long and inches has been after an battle near Pine on the French River by of Chicago Tho has been entered In the Can- ii pacific Bungalow Camp Tro phy competition The of at Vancouver has a new flag pole second only in height Both Garde in London he Partial Government has widely known Aberdeen- Angus breeders of animals will be selected Mr McGreg ors Glencarnock herd by the head Pacific by way Vancouver This shipment apai from some purebred dairy cattle t the Orient from British is probably the first exportation purebred cattle from Canada The Cans- Calgary or placed on a if the destination Is est putting the shipment Bungalow ramp trophy for and an engraved gold DID AS HE WAS TOLD young A If ml inder to walk home if It did rain tilers surprise home drenched the skin bake a cab the father sternly DATES OF FALL FAIRS Sept Two have at present Our Motto Strictly of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that Kr BOGART KENNEDY Continental Life Solicitors for the Bad Legs Your Feel and Ankle Swell flame and Get So Sore You HrJly Have You Varicose op Swollen Veins and Bunches Near Ankle or Knee the legs MOONES that the ml he even if they our cities and take their give British landseekers and amities extraordinary he assailants of the seek to better the Canadia ffo personal experience will prove to you its performing We you as our guest to a personal demon stration of the Hudson SuperSix We want you to learn how can do easily many things which you would not expect any other car to do at all scores of motorists fresh from examining and riding in the latest cars offered by the in dustry declare this Hudson the supreme per former of their experience can pay for cart out of Income at lowest charge for interest handling and In Buying a Hudson You Save up to Several Hundred Dollars a Carl VERN CANE 1600 And Up Agent LARGEST AND FINEST OIL TANKERS SAIL UNDER CANADIAN ENSIGN ABOVE C tank ship ship claim also the tanker fleet of the world of tankers and a Cat The slipped from Have thei with Miss Eleanor Ross daughter of Victor VicePresident of Imperial Oil Limited acting as sponsor The Is a ton vessel with an indicated horsepower of GOO which makes her one of the most powerful and guaranteed a service speed of 70foot beam and moulded depth of fee loading and 000 barrels of oil between In Peru Caragecj In Colombia and Montreal and Hil- ifax She will establish new figures for economical transport of Torpedoed Ships The Is the last of three large modern seagoing tank- Preceding her In launching were the Windsolite for lake service and the and lite The flagship of the fleet in which she will serve Is the worlds Imperial while at the hands of The motor driven tanker of to- lay la a highly specialized vessel ls designed to move a great of petroleum at maximum spend and with minimum delay at and unloading ports A few with modern a tank ship turns ironed in twentyfour hours That discharged her tanker is looked anadalite Is the actual To compensate of lite of 12000 tons and the Fro tolite formerly a steam tntbia which was converted The combined motor carry which they load and discharge an average port time of four hours It Is estimated til cent cheaper than corresponding size Largo Fleet I Oil Is operating s driven ships on tl it i ri On the Pacific eam vessels products for ship the city of about capacity fleet is barrels sufficient to fully more than a train 36 miles long ship contrasts interestingly draft enUre 1100 loii going the fashionable SHIPPING AT THE CANAL Niagara Falls Ont Sept then murdered the body of a found above Falls View this afternoon Adv the leads authoriti Canal It will be Wednesday at least since the dot resumes With grain rush at committed The cloth St Catharines Sept Crashing into the of Lock early today the Nor wegian steamer Doris caused 1 tieup for GIRL ASSAULTED AND KILLED Assaulted woman state of to believe that it crime was brutally its height and everv hour counting in ing a complete tie up at Port the crash is regarded as extremely serious freighters are in the canal are at Port Dalbousie to enter the canal ant as many more are lined up at the elevators at Port waiting for canal ships to take ugh grain to let them unload Over The people the world finally honors usually people who had much but people were much were a conjugation of the verb to have but of the verb to of Arc is honored not because of what she bad but because of what she was A peasant girl in her teens illiterate who like other farm children led in the cows for milking and d in harvest field The soldiery called her pure maid and some it is said left off drinking and swearing o he worthier of her She delivered France by reason of what she was not of what she had The rem ing- shows death Police believe the murderer body from the scene of the crime w Jjf hiding place It was found a mile mid a nearest road and only from from the spot where murdered seph weeks Winnipeg Sept Six new cases of in fantile five of them within 111 it I Here iepu leiv No change in the epidemic in been and the Provincial lo Health has decided that the schools of ice shall remain closed till of ntli at least New York Sept Willi 3000 in mon ey and jewelry concealed in tier hat old girl was arrested gang of four armed men who shortly WW held up robbed a card parly UR apartment j ARCHIVES OF TORONTO