Chryiler65 mm Sedan vindt New Stden with fiit Rtudmr rumbU a St da t 1 Wht All print f intludlng fatttry mud glorious escape from Obsolete Fashions AFTER nearly floor years of imitation and Chrysler cow brings to the price groups of the new and a lavishness of beauty which was- never there before The of yesterday still living in many new cars is rendered obsolete because it is succeeded today by Chrysler cars so completely new in design that they establish new measures of beauty and style New slender profile chromium plated radiator archedwindow silhouette the grace and sweep of its airwing fenders the luxury of fitting and ap pointment single these new Chryslers instantly as the new style that restyles all motor cars Surely the mere evidence of the eye per formante is assuredly tbt very name of Chrysler proves at once that both the new and the 75 have been lifted tip to an intrinsic value which hundreds of dollars yes even a thousand more than their selling price could not have secured before NESBITT Agent Newmarket Freddy Grandpa did like snow Grandpa Yes my boy Freddy Well who shovelled it Old Parker was pretty sick and the darky doctor promptly put him to bed and put him to bed and laid down all of rules and regulations as to sleep and el After be had gone Mose Parker turned his wife and complained how does da dere fool docto reckon ahs to eat breast ob chickei day if ah haint got free Husband Have you time to sew this but dear but I cant Im fallowing this recipe and it to stir for at least ten minutes Teacher Willie how do you define ig norance Willie Its when you dont know some thing but some one finds it out A New York Oily school teacher tells about little boy whose coat was so difficult to fasten that she went to his assistance As she tugged it the hook she said did your mother hook his coat for you No was the astounding reply she bought it The old gentleman was very found of golf t his play seemed to get worse and worse Finally after missing the ball every time hi turned to his patient caldie and remarked Dear dear There- cant possibly be worse players than myself Well perhaps there maybe worse the boy consolingly but course they dont play Because it secures the best distribution Because it is read is regular It takes yeans of effort to work up a news papers subscription list and the advertiser gets the advantage ev week Whereas probably not more than e bill out of three is read but every paper s read by three or four per- For reaching the people of North York Dis trict there is no medium to compare with THE NEWMARKET ERA It covers the field I It is a that is read through Its readers to the purchasing The Business of a Town is Reflected in its Advertising if Business needs Stimulating Try Advertising Iik I The Newmarket Era