ID op under for end ftddlUoMl word Mi Word for Instp- llon charge If not paid when ordered extra will bo charged for booking St Large garden plenty of fruit Immediate possession per month Apply Box Newmarket 81tf Newmarkel word for a ale j Including llcdrooi Household I Ardei Wanted One Clark New- From the premises of Glenvlllc around Sept n Yearling Steer Please notify For Sale Single Sulky footlift Plow nearly new Apply to John A Mar- Keswick For Sale A Cow duo to freshen Sept Apply to Cecil It No Newmarket NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE good grain House large Would consider Apply to In exchange Aero Farm In Whitchurch ISO acres good wheat land fallow ready for work remainder pasture Apply to J D GREENWOOD No 3 Newmarket MUSICAL VIOLIN Pupils prepared for Toronto Con- examinations Orchestral Classes Middleton Box M Ira Office An expert leaoher of the Violin will open a class IP fit pupils for Ex Week In wishing to Join H Crescerit Toronto persons end injur Town Solicitor a Bride Canadian National In some districts fanners claim they are being driven off the farm by taxes resulting from highways and schools Flint Is a serious charge and no gov ernment should allow it to be true The addition of two more destroy- that define the arrived In Nci jiitiiti of Ontario an ting after the careless motoris shape A driver last reck and injure ncd and costs or days In jail id had his driving permit cancelled a similar period This Is a for speed fiends There Is a good deal to he icnded in the action of the rural school trustees who opened their order that the children might the farms for two weeks dur ing the potato gathering period When taken out of school It the classes back and to those who attend It is lost time for first and the exports have equalled ports Those newspapers and who declared that the budget would kill the industry in country have proved to be false pi The wisdom of the tariff has the people The cattle industry has been wo revived of late sports to the United States for en months ending the last of July ivere valued at in the same man 1927 It Is to be hoped that lot be checked by some shortsighted across the line where the simply unable to supply domestic demand The Canadiai helped to make Canada fampui world over many nationalities I represented on the grounds the two weeks It deserves the it has attained and is likely to buildings constructs foreign nations in the near ft Trade relations are growing thi the Estate of Charles Jacob late of the Village of Mount in the County of York deceased died on or about the 2nd day of Au gust are hereby notified t send in to the undersigned Executor on or before the day of Septem full particulars of claims Immediately after the sail 25th day of September 1928 th be tics entitled Column of Oft Miss of over he holiday at her Mr arid Mrs Sanderson and so in the city with friends Madeline Fonder Tort the bride of Normon market Out The bride becomingly beautiful She by her her sister III left by arc at their si Georgian Bay In cottlsh lie happy III Mr and Mrs Ave Our old and friend Mr Boston dropped fn or on Wednesday His boyhood home as Holland Landing and he Is spend- a vacation of weeks In SUMMER COACH EXTENSION of the Lake Simooe Line will be discontinued at midnight Tuesday September 11 th Mr Jackson and district this at mcr cottage hey will take up at the latter em The bride of Newmarkets town so licitor was formerly Miss Madeline daughter of Mr and Mrs Royal Ave To ll and prepared Helen third marathon followed on the swim Mr Mathews the day be Wedding for the Jin she by iiiic Is the aimer ltd for the homecoming of the couple The Mathews family form erly resided In Hamilton and Canon who officiated at the wedding ceremony is a warm personal friend of the bridegroom The wed- Ing was attended only by the relatives It was followed by Our Toronto News Tilt world nil- ill ess of Arthur Blight one of the well Death followed an of the To lie was and a Music for a of year also a the Ladles College In r cent year r the dio fro of scalded about th wl backwards of boiling at Ids home in York Start y died at th Hospital for Sick Child- Saturday lost successful the National one but evenings audience filled the Coliseum to its capacity of ten thousand spectators A laymens convention representa tive of all the United of On tario and Quebec wilt be held in Hal October It will be presbytery brewery Monday las been employed by the t years was crushed to death of animals prompted Alfred Barton to on tire dangerous Scar Sunday morning fred has the dis gamble had a check features tendency The attention of the Dept of Edu- is being directed to the of examining the Upper School first instead of the Lower and the request is reasonable is necessary for Upper School to know if they have passed for application to as expired before the time Normal results BRIGHT BITS FROM EXCHANGES claims his wife Comments of Exchanges van Mercury If the of harvesters now invading the all get jobs and work hard rry home the kale they earn to the of Canadian pros- then the tide of immigration Mr Jack Philadelphia Inntlc City If Emerson Sanderson Elmer and Mr took a trip to over the holiday Irs J Stallard of Philadelphia returned home after visiting Mrs J Stallard for ten days Miss Laura Thompson of Tor or pent Sunday Aug with I Mrs H C McCordick Father OUierdon of Saint A Seminary is acting di the absence of Father Wedlock Mrs Tim I Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Etra Zurbrigg and family of were renewing old acquaintances in Town last week Mr and Mrs and Mas ter Ralph visited over the weekend with Mr and Mrs Good- visit by her daught Mr and Mrs Steph- Donald spent the weekend w their daughter Mrs Leonard Little Hawke Mb with Mi Eileen Hawk Ruby Moss a Miss Black and Miss Ewert of Ottawa frc Friday lost and at old ho friends day for home by way Falls and Rochester and the late Robert Thorn luring September Sirs the Hughe of their dauglite to Mr Frank Cook and the late Kaiser of Sut ton West The marriage Will place the middle of September Roy and Bert Mr and ard of Boston Mr A of New Lis her brother Mr DATES OF FALL FAIRS Sept Bradford Collingwood Cokstown At the United Chur parsonage Ont by It C G Park on August 15th 1928 Mr Vivian Russell formerly of Miss Carter daughter Mr and Mrs Nelson Carter of 3rd by Elder King to Dora I both of Keswick N On 30th at St Georges by the Rev Can Madeline Fall and Winter Schedules Effective September 12 th For Time Tables and Information apply to Station Agents or TORONTO TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION St Radial Department Adelaide 800 Immediate Delivery Can now be had on the following Model For Tudor Phaeton Sport Coupe Runabout Light Delivery a FORD SALES AND SERVICE Delta Collegiate Inst of his fathers birth and Mrs Chas Lewis of street attended the funeral of Elizabeth of She was a widow for and son of Chicago Mr and Mrs lias been called to the in the Era of a visit to New- ago by Captain Hal Undoubtedly the to was The Cedars now the property had a grocery store In the premises and bis daughter conducted a jail and More robberies Canada by it by tome hat the death should The open enemies of society who df plan to prey on banks money institutions by if shooting their way to re potential murderers hey carry their crime to that not so much upon themselvt henslble than they actually bill Newmarket A EVERYTHING IN BUILDERS NEEDS FARM TOOLS OF ALL KINDS OIL AND ELECTRIC STOVES SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOW PAINTS AND VARNISHES LET US SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE Phone SMITHS HARDWARE On Friday Au Sask brother of J H Albert In bis yea Thompson of for the holiday baby Dorothy Mr and Mrs C Master Lome accompanied Mr Mrs Fairbarn of Kirkfield on Sunday and spent the day with the fori Mr and Mrs Alex Burger Mrs Doris Mr and Mrs Clyde Lee daughter June of and Mrs In Sept 11th With jo hills of God Sadly missed by Family passed away at New MAMtSSE ft Directors mm mm HI A i EMPIRES LARGEST from designs in the motive power Canadian Pacific Railway the 3100 motive in the British Empire and the most powerful Canadian men turned her out of Angus Shops a graceful mechanism near hundred feet lone with a tractive effort of pounds equal to of Canadian steel reduced its out the high ratio of tractive power to weight table feature of the new The boiler pressure pounds fs the of diameter of die by SO l is TorontoMontreal but the high ratio of tractive power to weight i the new engine The boiler pressure pounds locomotive Canada The eight drive wheels have inches and the cast rJctle steel cylinders