The Column i 1B far additions word One word for- each If not whin Mtr will booking rw Mr lie In Keswick about Jul couple of weeks at Mrs John Warner Keswick by a middleaged widow Billon a Housekeeper or Companion a lad- Good references Apply Wanted good married man for gen oral farm work Free house Apply Banner Office Richmond NEW A K Editorial Notes High School the Richmond Liberal on its Irthday a paper that has nude a IA TO FORM II underfill advancement diving this Kathleen Black Robert few jeers Dorothy Drown mm Marlon Shirley Oilman h tight Hon I King In Canadian politics and In the larger field of Imperial relations He bids fair to hold the reigns of office Molyneau Ebb late Sir Wilfrid desirable residential ly on Dark Ave Apply to V Park Ave Newmarket Phono Potato Good sound toes a few left Young Man Wanting Night Watchman Go Phono 3423 Button Wert to Kent Enquire at Era NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Business fourroomed frame house barn 18x12 truck and eIx of land close Sell each or all or exchange for farm or busi ness Owner Ave Richmond Hill phono 23 To Painters the press party left Tow on evening by the National Hallway for the at two special cars sleeper and observation car placed at their through courtesy of the Company all the without charge and ccrirpiiiod Mr Riddel the advertising mans who Is looking after the comfort the party E ENS w FINE QUALITY WALL PAPERS AND BEST SELECTION FOR ALL PURPOSES FROM TO PER ROLL and In WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BLINDS OR You Any papir With Without BERT GREEN Paper Hanger MARKET SQUARE Pearl Doner Cecil Gould i v Violet Muriel Smith Rose Anna Marshall Algebra El Latin Dorothy French Latin Wilfrid oil TO FORM II Bruce Black Herbert Cain George Glover Harry ueien J trial for a year and the figures bow Bessie nose that you kill bootlegging by MarJe WaUi easier to obtain uppH Reginald llaon Bruce Shorthand who drinking It and the numb increasing but to those remedy the evil of its consequent misery and tlon It Is a huge failure of those who supported weather untiring by their and Ihe of the chairmen of the and the work done and a varied list of athletic and sporting attrac tions ad combined to make our Dominion Day Celebration In this town an outstanding success and all of our who willingly cooperated Sealed Tenders will be receive the undersigned up to Tueaday July outcome for Painting the is possible that the pleasing re- Trinity United Church Newmarket suit in no measure was due to two coats lead and oil the organization energy and particulars application of the President whoso pro le JACKSON work In a similar capacity stands 3w23 Newmarket him in good stead and should Mr Cody who has been the worked President of the North York Dominion Day Celebration Committee for four successive years not be with another summer we may have difficulty In off hand obtaining FOR SALE Eightroomed Brick Reuse Choice situation Millard Ave All Conveni ences Electric Stove and Garage Newmarket Mr Cody COUNTY POLICE COURT Miller of to the Oi Miller pleaded guilty to tence of sis months will run first sentence as the property of Fred old Newmarket boy member of one of the oldest and esteemed pioneer families In the Coun ty having every capacity in j which he has served always was his whole energy Into the trust or tax- for imposed on his time and practically evincing Matheson Shorthand En son Smith Shorthand Mabel Shorthand TO FORM II Jean Blizzard Ruby Carter Isobel Clark Joyce Collins Muriel Davidson Jack Evans Leslie Evans George Anna Lewis Elizabeth Lowndes Mao Shirley Patter son Alberta Simpson Alfred Smith Velma Stark Arthur Stephens Gor don Tomes Lawrence Wright Gordon Latin FORM TO FORM Ashley Boyd Belfry Cane Garfield ley Lai French Pal Doyle Lai Earl Druery Fr Lit Ruth Hamilton Kenneth Norma James Hamilton ag gregate Eugene McCaffrey gate FORM 1 10 TO FORM Elsie Allen Bruce Bain Winnffred Cumber Clara Groves Marty Grace loran Phyllis Gladys Robin son Dorothy Smith Marian Stark Mildred Walker FARMS AND HOUSES FOR SALE Wo have at present some Beat Bargains in and Houses in York County Nq 1 100 ACHES Clay Loam New Cobble Mouse Basement Barn Flowing Well at barn Located mile from paved highway PRICE Apply to BRANCH OFFICE Newmarket Our Square Dealing If You Want to go to the Country on Pleasure or Business CALL UP BOYDS LIVERY Mildred Elizabeth Hoover willi- out Bookkeeping Dorothy Ramsay civic Nora Body Mitchell without welfare of his home Morris guilty Que Mil BRIGHT BITS FROM MARKHAM had them of Christian Township who first native soil of the muni- gathered on the old Rouge River Valley It the whidi lory of York centennial of the family in members gathered of this ley the Rouge farm Last year the Ame of the family fostered ecause of Rhenish children si carillon bells of tl Soldiers Memorial Tower ill be heard in concert uriday anil teen the hours of an ill lie Henri Hen with It Jin Intr Ibis these popular of whe bear the bells in tion likewise tourists passing fro Windsor to Niagara Falls and ilreds from across the lake have bet attracted by and expected th popular Hi i settled near County Pa He died e old homestead at ted with bis fan tiled in a wife four to Canada and His A grandson of Christian Reesor Hon Daniel R was one of tin first wardens York County and a the lime of Confederation representee of Uppera Lower Canada and was appointed to the Senate At Saturdays re nlon Rev of Mar the and Clayton Mara of the of the Ciwiadi staged anywhere The third rig- ley Marathon will he greater A big ger entry list more thrills more PROGRESS if i Hoover Mary Dorothy Ramsay Mildred Walker Edith Bessie Carruthers Mildred Walker This prize Is granted for efficiency in speed and accuracy Shorlhand and Typewriting Prize Shirley Patterson Runnerup Sarah Janes This prize is granted to the first second year Lower School student the highest Departmental Examinations Runnerup Norma Aubrey Cunningham Runnerup Cecil Gould Annie Runnerup Laura Price IIA- Shirley Palflerson Runnerup Anna Lewis Boyd Runnerup Ruth Hamilton IIC Edna Webster play Delia Peg r other Wraj 4lh Helen Evans J Rulh Sliver Murray 75 that village miles northwest of Cargill completely destroyed by fire tonight a loss estimated at over fire Is believed to have start- in electric power plant and was probably caused by defective wiring The fire gained was feared for village would be The mills which were among the jar the County MEN WHO WILL DIRECT THE AGRICULTURAL- ACTIVITIES OF THE GOLDEN JUBILEE YEAR CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION TORONTO