It Newmarket Era Largest Circulation at In North nd built Without the Aid premium The leading County Paper well as the Oldest No paper Bent out of North York unless paid in vtn THE ERA Gsjj into TOWN HOMES THE In All lbs Medium JACKSON Editor and Proprietor A Y J Til Theodore Huntley equal and Robinson Dorothy Bonis KntMeen si Get Mlit Rowland Room CLASS I TO CLASS IL Alvin Welch Annie Thompson Edns Ivan Ruddock Wallace Morton Alice J lull Clifford Barker Hughes Dick Pollock t consulting How Dorothy High School Honors Shirley la the winner lrg in departmental examinations of Aril and second year of New market High School The two Jack son prizes for commercial students for pupil enroll In Newmarket prizes for Honor Matriculation I t hematics will not be decided Exams are August Promotions the July old lolal today in PUBLIC SCHOOLS for them classes an pupils CLASS TO CLASS III Wilfred Bobby Dixon Jean river Scott Brown Stanley Gibbons Bruce An drews Tommy Teddy Hunt ley Christina Nixon Clifford Max light Strickland Maurice Scott Millie Cane Jean Alpln Chant JR I TO INTERMEDIATE I Doris Penrose Jean Woodcock Kenneth Blair Audrey an Ralph Bobby Ruth SING GEORGE SCHOOL the sixty- union of the Pupils The Pearson prize won by Mis who is in Form is a lo which donated by P and friends the loaai pari in order of ill or absent part time or for jute reason show poor scholarship ALEXANDER MUM SCHOOL Mi Room JUNIOR TO SENIOR IV Ruth Trf Nora per cent as hep average i intent or two she spen Newmarket High School the received followed however by pole was presented to Sarah Janes year stulnt Joseph of Chicaj Jackson lie donor of the Jackson native of gold pieces also a former student was to be present immediate past chairman or illness The I were under the direction of and President of of the Old Boys Crocker medal Bessie silver medals Bessie Carruthers Elizabeth Trusty Mildred Walker Edith bronze medals Bessle Carrulhc Beatrice lift It May lirmtiKuii It- Mar- thnn Thompson d Walter Germain Donelda Wilson larold Gunn Ciar JUNIOR I Walstan IV Helen f Ml R A in rnolh-i- Hie Rowlands Hardware Shelf and Heavy Hardware John ManviUV Atbeatos Roofing and Building Papers Screen Doom Window Screen Wire Cloth etc RADIO and CAR BATTERIES CHARGED Called for and Delivered WE SPECIALIZE IN ELCTRCAL REPAIRS ETC Phone Night Phone THE PAINT STORE Lillian Wdtsn Hedge Wallet Verne ins Ildti Crjdenu utli Chant Linda George Howard Jack Howard I Gib- ennie Cox l ley Mies E E TO JUNIOR III lie Wilson Woodcock Mimel Albert Watts Allan Mc Donald Kenneth Sargent Gordon Eva Wilson Viona Scott Jacl Verlon Clarke Kenneth Woodcock Edgar Williamson Ivan Kail Bet Brew Roy Helen lips Walter Iris Smith Mil Thome Norma Trivett Fay Mte recommended JUNIOR If Wilson Jin Crr 0 SENIOR iry D Obituary GEORGE A MONTGOMERY Honoured in Death brought Ihe rem Friday morning by Mrs nd the other members of the family Mrs a who went Marie as soon as she heard of her brothers illness the President of tie- Central Railway several other officials together City and personal friends The remains were taken to the Mortuary Chapel of Messrs Road- house Bote where the funeral vice according to the Anglican ritual was conducted by Rev Bradford owing to lllnt Canon The 11115 in the Cemetery Messrs Otto Frederic Hi ernon William Rowland Down Audrey Cook Huston tailton Lay McAteer 50 Years From Bra July The Editor of the Era is away on he Press Excursion Annual reception at Detroit and all on Huron and Michigan Mrs Jackson accompanied him Officers of Lodge Saxton J Johnson Wythe Nash J Lovely C- A Thompson A Wert Geo Pine Orchard Union S held picnic at John Andys grove on the public school girl the deceased namely Monty Air Herbert Montgomery John Montgomery and Carl M all of Toronto Nothing like the wealth of flowers was ever seen in Newmarket before declaring louder then words the re spect and esteem of Railway Corpora tions Lodges and personal friends In fact it is reported that the whole REV DR HARPER Of Aurora who delivered such excel lent sermons in Trinity United Church last Sunday He will continue to occupy the pulpit here during the month of July while the on tion It JR HI Clara Stark Ronald Douglas Lillian Jones ril Belfry Hamilton rod Alfred Kirk Maurice Winter Mary Couptand he follow the funeral tributes to Ton d son Mrs- Carl Win McCaig Miss Clar- Mrs Patterson Mrs Mr Percy In the death of George Alexander Montgomery the and Northern MeDonal i lost i Poverty to Spotlight June Gov Smith was nominated fo Presidenoy on the first ballot of the Democratic convention early this morning Alfred Emanuel Smith rose from youth on the sidewalks of Yorks crowded lower East become governor of the Empire State and a candidate for the office in the Hon In he was a contender for Democratic presidential nomination Square Garden In a memo the Ross srnily and friends lis A Cfai JR III TO SR III Ton Anna Moffa SCO He Ivan Atkins Helen Marshall Jacl Osborne Kitli Flovd Hiss Room to Jr HI Stella rune Hainps Ruth Bdhwell Fli- Adams Earl Lowe May Fairev Robinson Billy Billy Jones Howard Boyd Eileen Hart Bruce Jack Melbourne Haines Earl Glover Gladys Barber Kollinsky Harold Evans Eva Dora Donald Leo Floss Jr I RiiUi Reinpkin ilabfil Million Leonard Holland Greenwood Kathleen Bone Newton Marjorie fiook Eddie OBrien Miss Smiths Jr Walter Fred Evan Smith Ro bert Intermediate IL Everest MiMullen Cporse Smart Terry Mien Jr ftlsier Helen Green Florenee Jean Willis Ross fiockerill Roy Freddie Lusted iMair Shier Carman I In Jr Bennett Helen Rose John Allwell Gerald Blight Sulfa Grahams Room 01aiflration for First Arthur Cox Norman Glover Ruth Fletch er fequal Minnie KriVdtnky Muriel Noilly Roy HoWard Fry Hnss Green wood Gordon Bone Barber Harold Harold Pvle ah First Win equal it Clarence Glover Teddip Bennett Howard Ham ilton Harden Br- to Jr pp Harold Marjory Bone Day fab Jr veil I tllr Clerk to the Gene of the Canadian I at North Bay of the Algo ty the r VicePresident and Get Charles Wood Charles Club of Lodges of the and Although born fourth son of His gentlemanly denies was a prominent coupled with bis first In the boys The Altar At Holland July by Rev Hodge Ara bella to Jus Evans reeve of Holland Landing At the residence of the uncle Sutton July 1st by to Tomb In King July tb Pratt aged yers In Mount Albert July George San The if New York known to a legion has led itiiurnfd in a stale th norm charted as in r once la more than a quarter of of almost continuous public life has he been for occasion when Miller defeated him for he year of the Harding Presidential in ho ran a million ahead of the Democratic ticket Geniality is one the outstanding following I He sold in was an office boy in an lory clerked in a fish market joined 25 Years Ago From Era July 3rd 190 Stanley Brock was home from onto over Sunday Miss Ada Cri Friday Friday Edna of young people Elliott re- Coombs bride spent Sunday with his parents at the the wedding of J her mother at Holland of bet oth spending P Mr and Mrs Walter were home for a few da vs Mrs- Everingham and children by her father left for th nth spent Dominion Da Tammany He- got a clerk in the office of com missioner of jurors In he was elected to the lower house of the legislature and was reelected again again becoming floor leader and then speaker of the House As governor he sponsored many measures such as widows pensions child labor laws He also championed legislation favorable organized labor He holds honor- union cards as a pressman brick- operator Smith has the prohibition quently said he favored modification of the Volstead Act but that he was op posed to the return of the saloon In when he was earning a month Alfred Smith was mar ried to Catharine Dunn a neighbor hood belle They have five children IN WHITCHURCH Nina Pupa Stolen The county police are searching for eves who raided the stiver fox ranch three west of her week and made a clean getaway with nine valuable puppies theft was discovered by Chappel ranch manager when he went e pens at early dawn to feed the animals So far no trace of the In vaders has been found The nine puppies are all from regis tered stock and when grown would have a market value of per pair a total of There are pairs of registered on this Stouffville ranch ample for 1 Gen Ma celestial 1 the God of y rile ail Miss Mamie Millard or Do- Mrs C here for a of Bar- Mrs Eouis on Tuesday an from the son Old J Hqlling leave for Miss McCaffrey is where she has be teaching J has posi tion as traveller for a city firm meeting at the League Monday evening in the chair- Program provided by- Mrs McCullough W- Jackson S Mamie Millard and Rev Alt I June by Rev Smith Jessie of E to of Bradford At June by Rev J- S Miss Violet Keith daughter of Major Armstrong to Rev Richard Perdue of At by Rev M Brown June Miss Eck- to Alfred Anderson of Toronto At the parsonage New market bv Rev J June Miss Thina Trivett to Herbert Sab- both of Newmarket The Tomb In King June Iizrie wife of John aged Glenvi Rose wife of Michael 100 LIVES LOST Floods Sweep Western Japan Osaka Japan A death toll of al as persons 13 reported from A force of red to assist In embankments maintaining and Saga It is estimated that property dam- ARCHIVE TORONTO