OH J jKK Our Toronto News On Main Street Aptly Mrs Alice Newmarket Wanted Good Over Bra Office Oath to Enquire a NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Mr V Evans Ulster lo thank their many friends for llielr klnd sympathy during the and Mr nalpli will open Dance Hall at Mussel mans Lake June Square and round every Tuesday and Friday during I TENDERS WANTED Tenders be received up to Fri day July for the erection of two Cement Culverts one opposite Lot Con and Hie other opposite Lot Con Plans opacifications may be seen at the office of the Road Super intendent roomed Hause Choice Millard Ave All Convent- Electric Stove tad Garage- SALESMEN MAKE MONEY i were held on iilirt and In Hamilton 1 1 Kuril lien 1 by IrojrculTe Tile oilier 10 Ida which Is lo make the J mid of the Maple highest standards of and 1 t lit Hi a iprttjr Tin J In Mi ImViiiI before of Mi II iks well for IP- As It was apparently nobodys weeds on lc Hie Hospital grounds prior to tin garden party probably there will enough ipush behind tiie to see that a scythe Is Ju dicially us- the sides of Tiin- Water and Gorlem litcts previous to be the Fair Grounds on Dominion who lid of work for the Orchard and Flower Free ana particulars day for WA GREENS iuAiirv JL PAPERS AfD BEST FOR ALL FROM 10c TO 100 PER ROLL of Paper and 0 In WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BLINDS DUPLEX GREEN COMBINATION Von Any Paper With or Without Hanging GREEN Painter and Paper Hanger filAflKET MR on Texas Juno Dei firmly today Kir on of- Gov- Al Smith of hi running unity November election Theyre off really took the see- of national evening Into and high session was slow- things got a regular whoo this evening It was Claude How- of New York World Ihe key I know what become of her flne tits Morrow her drier Mr Im that there Is any my Toronto have and with Tom Mrs and daugb Gleaner Mr and Mrs J Marshall to New- Sunday and attended the ho tile etui speaker of note and ran true to form again he brought great feel cheering with his scathing denunciation of Republican Willi Incisive he alleged the administration to 13 guilty of every In the calen- unheard of misdemeanors aid denunciation He slammed and generally beat up the individually and Decoration at the- Mrs Iiii of ft n it hist Mr G J Cc on Sunday Curtis Fiied by I of To root and ok i fld Mrs the A a the ot aand M friend tobe pre f FARMS AND the d find her with her Kick the wall helping her irily bobbed or find he a beautiful ni- complexion that It not entirely by rouge and powder wont find her Almanacs date back to early civ- It Is known that the Greeks and Romans had them Some oil- tramped The threw them down and limn His speech was a went political diatribe arid and coinpanied by their last Friday to delight of his audience that the Republican party was lb parly the Kin of privilege and pillage he dealt with ft In relation to farm problems arid York County Hospital 25tb lo Mr and Mrs Chas of a iiughter The Altar re en woodCry On day June at by Rev J R Boyd Delia only daughter of Maude to John Tobias Greenwood son of the late Mr and Mrs Edward FOR SALE We have present some Heal Bargains in Farms and Houses in York County No ACRES Clay Loam New Cobble Hour Barn Flowing Well at barn Located 1 y mile from paved highway PRICE Apply BRANCH OFFICE Newmarket Our 8quare Dealing Internal and External Pains promptly relievadby THOMAS 01 If You Want to go to the Country on CALL UP WS Let us make you Comfortable Prompt Service Charge A BOYD Prep Night en Promptly and given Chafes I we do not ask paternal- Hell of the Collin iJiiilctm for Ihe farmer but we the opinion of the Era re- demand that the band of of the Grand the farmerH pockets lllv nnii ihi I Hamilton On Thursday Bond Lake Park Every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY NOVELTY DANCES SPECIAL PRIZES Jane Seagers Orchestra OPERATED BY Toronto Transportation Com BRIGHT BITS FROM EXCHANGES Mr Hold reduced the tariff on the night be iockels the j and Mrs I Bedlam broke loose The pent UP vit relatives of M feelings found vent and gradually sua Into lasted exactly Wave is made for Mrs portion of tit for been half of her Mrs Canes i iiinrve in its the the outcome This ph r It columns of f entered the TORONTO