r MA ftKgT yatPAT A PER HER letter of Wonderful Relief After Taking E jpinkhami Vegetable Compound Ontario After id a tbfte stay In a hospital I returned agony month day when not to got up my Mother begged mo to try your My husband got mo a of Vegetable Compound tooklt I a second and to my and joy pains In my loft mo complexly i am able to do all my work without help I am a wife you bo Idle long I have taken of hams Vegetable Compound five of the Compound two bottles of Blood and also the Kim- Call up your custoiners by longdistance An occasional call will almost Impossible for them to stop trading with you Do you that onooftlio largest returns you this trait in human feed White- Diarrhoea oil j i ileuses prevented Chid It lulUoiijandiiiiUKs healthy irv Buy the best money la coming J Tlie member from Huron for certain infor mation about stores In and Stratford and was told by the At torneyGeneral it was not in tlie pub lic Interest to moke It public These In competition with general and groceries Wont Increase Confidence fidencc In Hie hoard if you change this Act Mil Sinclair There no should not get a state ment from each J G a reso lution the section struck out Mhjtil the Board ler Ferguson stated that the publication of the business In some might embarrass the Stores were opened at strategic points to serve the public It Is not the public interest to tell how much sold it the different stores Wont Help Act Sinclair couldnt sec section would help the Cominte rn in out the Act We hear lots of stories and rumors about different stores If we could have the res we could see what was going ml if the stories were true said he Need Publicity The law says the board should make a report said Mr Pearson This kind of business needs publicity be cause people think when done they know nothing about that here Is something wrong Mr Sinclair pointed out that the hoard should make a report of their soles at stores up to October even if it was only for five months operation as flic Act required it This Legislature is put in a ridicu lous position We let the board handle without any report ihfnl Mr Sinelni state the iDId the report tabled pita fore March An litotni by a Belleville man through the In barb Bight In when the lei find the dropped The wings of lie Into pilot should he handled In no other way they give the biggest yield for the ground occupied Beans come next twentyfour foot row of these being iffielcnt to keep a family busy eating for couple of weeks This twentyfour foot row it should he mentioned Is planted double that is lie beans about four four inches apart in the row and two rows twelve inch- apart Corn takes up quite a bit but as one must grow it in the garden at the back door it at i where consider It is limited One of three cobs will give a very good return In small garden a thirty foot row of many meals Spinach iind lettuce should be Included leaving the ground for tomatoes and other late staring crops For those who like Swiss chard will provide a huge of greens from a row twenty the stalks used like complete without as these are used in such a variety of and in very limited Unless one has a garden measuring over twentyfive feet each way peas are almost out of the though they are never as fresh as when pick ed a few feet month the applied to the for working about getting imp in the hand it is too but if it crumbles when en especially of clay soil has for the entire season by wo too early Vet clay will pack and rake like brick if handled too future because he doesnt send in report he should send in Then the excitement died while the vote v Hon of Mr By a si throughout the Stomach Troubles That Are Dangerous CUT THIS OUT PRACTICAL PATRIOTISM before the hose is turned on mid not be applied Until started Irielude These Annuals from the incubator and taken the brooder In doing this care should be taken see that the chicks do not become chilled A basket lined with flannel a loose flannel covering makes a The hover should be heated so that the introduction of the chicks will raise the temperature to above de grees This will mean to de grees in the compartment brooder or where colony stoves are used to depending on the number of chicks to The comfort of the chicks is readily determined by the sound of Jack of sound- When they omfortable they will be ively quiet with only an cheep but if they are they will quickly an- the fact in a continual fretful discontented chirping preparing the brooders if shaving or alfalfa leaves are used for boards on which to sprinkle sand or fine oyster shell are placed in the pens the chicks are in the brooders they should confined to the brood ing compartment or if colony stoves a confirming fence should be used to keep them fairly close to the heat and they be left alone until they show positii of hunger As it is heat and require at this period rathi food this be when they are about 36 to hours old Ideas differ greatly on th of feeding not only in Central Fai has from simple methods per of chick mas the chicks cleaned off after litter to keep them chicks ore old kinds are supplied continued until th See it Drive it for the hidden power the thrilling the riding charm thai great car for you Your local Duraat Dealer will give you every opportunity to prove at RANT Truth Four Six Caftcily ton lont NEWMARKET GARAGE J MOSS Proprietor Huron Street Newmarket Canada is entering an era of inde- pendent for twenty five years the course in the ited States a survey of Trends of by the Corporatio business der the Moore Shenn of the Shermat Company The in shows that the condition in Canadian was ter than in the States of the nadian com panies which fur reports decla net profi in npared with feet high Godet prosecuted It Is worthy of note that the Hell it has selected fiom of Canadian than members excellent work done constable on the head and tlie phloxc supply for a small family will I from and seed should be for hours wn in drills ud of has after the firs purls milk powder hut a good of on in items and lines manufactured ss handtomouth buying the in eased prosperity of Canada close Installation of new of new cost per unit of the major trends in Ce during the past yet manufacturing and tries in tb the Fireprotection is all important in modern building Help protect your home from the menace of fire by using Roofing AH Roofing products are fire-re- tardent and usually reduce insurance rates by to per cent Specify Brantford for permanent roofing satisfaction ROOFS Stock Carried Fui on Roofing Smiths Hardware Harmon Dike ied and Service by Newmarket Mount Albert e required of building up processing is emphasized ir points out that the the wire so that the creation of for the more people that Canada in order to sell more of she i vital and fundamental problems in Canada requir ed in the Ittpjrt as Icing developed I with which to take up the large of Canadian excels plant For Good Used Cars 8 E E Roy Cockerill McLaughlin Motor Car Co 832 BAY STREET TORONTO Innedale 3141 Randolph 8184 3141 ill 11 and sales volume keeping selling low normal profit under existing keen competition regulation of overpro duction more careful buying more careful selection of accounts and ad justments of the sale and distribution BOX40 WALL PAPERS LAROUT FOR FROM TO PER ROLL VvMy of and WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BLINDS DUPLEX ftRM AM W You Any With Hamm