Bitterjnemies N MILLS I I Frultallrea MM I ercruaed Othcrrtmedlei and I hare tried pn pain and but trult-ii- in i Mr Undo ul of h ib gd irllh la a Italrantfhcna to net naturally without ntlououiiuiol aiatifea and a boa FURNAOEKVORK EAVETROUOHINQ MR SPECIALTIES TUB ft OSBORNE SON fln iu luniM Life Around the Hub Snowball life with fltm too ceo bo iuoa nil Scluwti eight tables Miss A HI Patricks box social will tlie of tlic Institute on Friday March HumpInyBrowi Saturday hi In the fulled Parson a pretty when Mr James to Miss Mm lighter of Mr own nil of King wore rose tiring of George IJrown Aurora Column celebrated of their to Frederick ietly Saturday March 3rd Mrs received many beautiful from Pittsburg Pa Oshn- Itdtli Aurorn Mr For groomsman while rest Toole Ml5s wait bridesmaid The bride was dressed in a blue Walker was of the late Stewart Walker of north St prior to her taught on Sired Funeral CHILDREN flC THAT related the following In- We bad In city of Philadelphia a man who was a and treasurer Id one or Instltu lions suppose there la man In Oils city that would equal bin re a financier Certain not one win He watt university man with all the fine in- filincis of it gentleman hut strong drink claimed him as lis victim he went out of lib palace Into a not far from my church yule hoy died thai had no clothing to put on Hip bah ready for clothes Hiit Did mile hidden ic bare and thai we might put i upon Ihe feet I got some while kid shoes and them on lit tle Icy feet An oldlime friend said Get he fattier anti bring him tn May be he the baby he will conn to himself Clad in raga we brought the In He aloud beside he little casket for moment and looked Into face Then lie began lo shako with great emotion cams ran down tils cheeks friend said lo Leavo him alone and we went out and lefl him alone Willi his baby He Blood flieic for- a moment it seem as If all the devils In hell come up arm clutched his lm said Drink drink And ran his fingers down over the fold the little white dress and underneath ley feet the WARFARE IN ARABIA Two Plane Shot Down ltur Irak Disturb- on frontier are ioie than the casualties the air forte op erations include an air pilot whose mis down and who him self vat hut who managed to set on fire Another pilot escape in an airplane that went to rescue He jumped into Hie advisability of teaching rVeently When found he overcome by gas from pipe Frances Sleepless Nights Bladder Weakness Relieved in 24 Hours Nervousness and foil to or middle life hied l vited to try and enjoy the won Clark Miss Par- r tiu in ii in Mr Clark spent end In Senior Hookey team the Friday by a score of A dance held In town hail here on Friday night The In charge were Merln Jack and Wallace Gil- id mi jieople were present and plajinjf fames nil sat down to laden good things supplied the A vote of thanks to Mi and Mrs for the of their home for the evening and weather of the jr piano solos Miss which were impromptu debate dived that men spend had been a wonderful Win McDonald had a when their ear left the road a Plowed Into a deep snow drift selling Willing hands Assisted uid shuMiig Puzzle Comer make lends are- not- just mere folk falling by Tire and Christ died alone for us What t friend die in our place Our shall live forever- Praise God we arc saved Truly have bodies Some of them are IU and deformed Thru resurrection angels are transformed Be a friend to do not partake of their sin Ye walk In Christs pathway While ye gather Gods harvest In Vain is the help of man If God withholds the Light of Life All good deeds come of Christ without God are with strife risd has been mans best friend he foundation of Hie Cl veil ill which ie peace joy of new birth Man has souls bound yet Who will help to set them he live coal will cleanse Those Here am I send me The Lord Is our He our heads with MAN HAD SNOWSHOES BUT WOLF HAD NONE an Indian fisher lit of being th Han the wolf few days a had when he noticed fresh wolf Going back to the house for back He Bill animal which made fruit- its to get away in the deep he snow bothered the wolf said hut I had and the wolf hadnt several visitors and Mrs i McDonald is be congratulated home at Financial held and P cl taken the It dolls the the our appreciation of the Pine Orchard and thoroughly Era to to d joy of the A gum that ffordj double value pep- fl- i coating flavored kid a in and when took grave he- was from drink from the price which he hail pawned ten I ha to lift my right March titli The Act backed all the of the Ferguson a failure in Hamilton in it Iras increased drunkennei anomjiaiiied an toxieated the report reads Th When you take into consideration thi since June I 1927 liquor has been more easily obtainable this is not alarming the chief of community at large and era can be curtailed large of drunkenness with in 1920 As far as the i breaches of the not including those and disorderly dim inch I ins issued a vilh the operations of ttie liquor control system an utter OnlMio is spending through ageneles at the rale of 90 or per r for liquor according to the fig- by the attorneygeneral Price At least for native wine and in other ways making a total annual drink bill for the province of Ontario The province being literally deluged with inlosisi- kinds and our impoverished The drink bill of Ontario lodiy Is double what even in the palmiest days or old liquor license This is heyday for Wie brewers distillers who are coining fabu lous profits They have already than recouped lavish campaign Temperance Act But the heart of The electors have he stood in with his manager I declared The boss I Most feed Value for least Money For nil general livestock feeding Quaker Schumacher Feed unexcelled It is the perfected carbohydrate ration- a scientific balance of corn wheat and barley feed J together with oilcake meal edible bone meal and calcium carbonate minerals so vital to the health of animals and which are usually deficient in ordinary feeds As a base for a dairy ration or as the sole grain ration for young stock dry stock bulls hogs or horses Quaker l Schumacher Feed is most economical No waste because of the perfect balance Low moisture content because kiln dried Palatable easy digested and quickly assimilated- Quaker Schumacher Feed provides most feed VALUE for least money Write us for free A advice on your feeding problems The Quaker Oats Com- Peterborough Ontario Iw SCHUMACHER FEED Also Quaker Dairy Ration the best feed for dairy cows and Quaker Feeds for Poultry Newmarket Farmers Co LIMITED Newmarket Ont IN Anyone who thinks tlia i i- hut loss lie there is only one way to ve permanent success of any perance moral living honesty in ev ery undertaking these still be and no change in the habits or Era to Absent Friends EVEN if the tread doesnt show it to your eye our experienced tire men will usually notice the first signs of trouble Give us the chance to save you the price of a new tire Wheels do get out of alignment Catch it before it gets really bad and you will lower your tire bills and get greater tire mileage Let our service man check up your tires every week Let him test tire pressure and look for hidden trouble A little care may save you a halfhour on the roadside and knock dollars off your running costs MI IMF BERT LLOYD MAIN ST SOUTH NEWMARKET New Buildings for Jasper Park Lodge accommodation at the Lodge and four new buildings will be construct ed between now and the opening of the season The popularity of Jasper National Park has grown tremendously since of this magnificent have better known To provide for those who desired Jasper Park Lodge on the shore of beautiful Lac where t visitor finds every comfort of t modern city hotel awaiting him surroundings of natural With the additions being made tl year to the buddings of Jasper Park Lodge there will he accommodation I at the same time additions lying camps are being made will increase the facilities for for th6 everincreasing number people who seize the afforded of enjoying trad trips to distant beauty in the Park Announcement is Walter Pratt General Manager and A S McLean General Superintendent of Hotels that this eludes additional Lake camp permanent and the Malign buildings at Medicine Lake and Shov I Mount Lake trail trail and a base camp on the which will be reached either from the Prince Rupert fine There will way to Berg Lake may break their journey there if they desire Logs and other material for buildings are on the ground the logs having been hauled down from the mountains for that purpose during the present winter and the buildings will be ready for occupation when Jasper Park Lodge opens on May 21 clubhouse shown above which is to be constructed adjacent to the first tee of the splendid 18- the golfers and lockers showers and dressing lounge and verandahs golfers could make themselve able either while to play off or between eludes all of the facilities its wide verandahs there will be a clear view of the first and eighteenth fairways Entering from the veran dah the golfer will step into a ball from which a door leads off to the spacious lounge room with its open fireplace This room will be com fortably furnished with chairs The plans show a welllighted the comfort and of ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO