Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 23, 1927, p. 4

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Comments of Exchanges of rac I Intcrinlnijlo will there In I Health Town Council Council Mute Rowland Spoil It It for canon of Hie dlhUMt of an of Hi With the use of tho brief no on unpardonable great majority of Canadians there a fueling that Impels icni a verbal conscience spell out in full too beautiful a word lo spell end TImea Fol lowing complaints made at Hie Town Council on Monday night about think ing going on dancoa under of tho reports from not far distant from county town Indicate thai things are wide ae tho main to tho and that ore roaming an as the proverbial fly In a farmyard Premier Ferguson has given the government control measure real and If any attempt were jiiBdo by to enforce tli a law in lot jail than are eye Whats stiff for prison terms for polloo flcemlngly era would tracks to visible to lhnaked Mini Thompson of Chicago who lias Into limelight by his propaganda for political pur- and which brought him not only notoriety and ridicule la now faced wiitli a more out come as the result of the lions toll In we do re gard these- periodical outburst of Am ericas jingoism with any degree of alarm but rather them as llicy usually are as he vapouring of Ignor ant domagucs or politicians not our Australian brethren they lake matter seriously and have made H so plain to- Chicago business two of whom claim to have lost tho last three months one and a half million dollars in business from Australia the of the fool actions of the Mayor whom arc now Buefng for a hundred thousand dojlare Verily lids in a IN Quebec Que Deo Any one who has lived In this city during the past week will never forgot the tragic scenes thai have met their gaze Last night almost at the same hour that the fire broken out in the Hospice St Charles where between forty and fifty children lost their lives de vouring clement attacked St John a school for boys con ducted by the same religious order which controlled Hie St Charles Or phanage Over pupils were housed In supposedly fireproof Mr appeared before Council re poor condition of road In front of hid property on Charlotte asking that be dono Immediately to Improve tho situation moil him that this mat ter would be looked after immediately Application for Light from Jamea Andrew Street Communications North York Poultry Assoc asked permission to use the Town Hall on 12 and the use of hall for storage of coupes The use of ho hall for Show was granted but wan thought unwise to grant V Cooke re installing a light ii con of Wellington Street to IS Committee Mr Oabomo referred to Ihe break ing of the Town lights on the streets unknown persons and the breaking and stealing of from building oclock last night fire known hjpke mil hlti 1 lit Die fireproof sixstorey have been carted away a few truck loads of ashes Fortunately this con flagration was not attended by any fa talities which intensified the tragedy at the St Charles Orphanage but fol lowing so fast upon the holocaust in lower part of the city it can be Mystery Enhanced The mystery or lack of knowledge to he origin of the which building to the odd girls who had escaped the holocaust at the St Charles Hospice There is a strong suspicion of in- Pay Sheet No J It A Son J Accounts Referred GO the Hall Council thought It advisable that warning be given and a reward offer- to those reporting on such offend- Enquiries to enquiry about lurestor the Clerk said will m issued for about id MOD ktoml with Interest at Motions eBMllle That the letter of Mathews enclosing bill of rlng costs in case of Dales vs bo approved and ordered paid soon as Is settled Osborne Council for lo the Newmarket Junior Hookey Team for- their great victory in the S P A Series Carried referred to the around that the new dam wat leaking but this has proved false the passersby believed lo be a leaking dam was the water coming the dam and striking little of cement on the side of the stated Mr Iteitly intends pulling the ice Is wet set skater from going about a 20foot drop base it would mean serious Injury if rent over The Office Specialty and the County Engineer are bo satisfied with Mr mrk with the new dam Mr suggested that chain of some sort he stretched aero am just above the surface OF I falling in and 11 would be a means lino easterly fro rack having been r grading per the branch and per the Spruce Lake lding has advanced per cent westerly grading done to tho extent of per track has been laid six miles ess is en tho Turtleford floulheaeterly and tlio branches Other completed work Includca grade separation at Pontlao and en largement of Michigan yard provide for additional oars Work to bo completed in 1028 In cludes construction of a baggage building lo additional facilities for transfer of immigrants from the deep water piers to the at Halifax Existing wooden In neighborhood of Murray Bay Que will bo replaced by crib to embankments from the en croachments of Ihe- Lawrence Niagara Falls new- yard will bo const of a loop line six will be completed at Sas katoon and this will eliminate it of main lino passenger trains Work will passenger station power house express end baggage wing at Edmonton Alta At Vancouver roadway on Terminal will be extended filling work continue at at Creek Other Important work on hotels wlU Include extensions at Jasper Park Lodge where the power house will bo completed and new work will be car ried out on buildings for help dining- room and kitchen ballroom and re freshment room- This will add to accomodation for guests Con struction work will also proceed on the extension to the Chateau Ottawa ling Dominion At lantic Railway of the Western Cana- grain yloM this is figured at by a financial firm making a survey of conditions at Wheat Is put at 5U3- oats at bar- grand Total The International Dog of Canadian Pacific Railway Company leading drift CHANGING HABITS of the race in these days will well to consider an article in tin Lindsay Post describing the condi tions of life in that city or town as If Folic Dirty taverns rned out drunkards and shameless that in formed a vigilance committee burned down the more no tori houses The story is so that one would hardly credit it if it did not come from a responsible The the Mr the suggest of spawn placed I Ir declared Report Mr Osborne reported that he new- hose and transformer been placed result of the swifter pace of our own day Boys and young men used to congregate on street corners and an noy passersby largely because they had few other amusements Today there are automobiles radio sets and loafer would be regarded as being too poor or too unenterprising to have strenuous than it and amusement a bad has resulted There has been a decided i in Hospital a order cost iO expected Council history of Men Trapped New York Dec The United Slates submarine lies in feel of water one mite off Mass after having been struck at oclock yesterday afternoon by the Coastguard destroyer Paulding sinking with a crew of officers and struck Just The submarine was about lo the water preliminary to heading the harbor In Ihe sudden smash the Paulding was struck wllh her lower hold beached in the harbor aboard her was injured pick lie hired EXHIBITS IN NEW YORK In the Transportation Exposition at Grand Central Terminal New York City railroad maintains adjoin ing Man Concourse where the Twentieth Century Limited and hundred other trains depart ami arrive daily a colic development i their fit hundred year i lilts museum is famous old burning locomotive named Witt after he noted the Empire Slate and the three quaint stagecoach cars which comprised the first regular and passenger train in Amcr from Albany westward Schenectady In the year and introduced to he sobriety than formerly the old days a man he Influence of liquor rp unsteadily home or drive a out endangering the lives On the highway The Pacific Railway lines just north of the International boundary lino Saskatchewan Some bushels are on move there to tba Wheat Pool about per i tourist crop la next best to that of wheat in tho Cana dian Foster pas senger traffic manager of the Cana Pacific Railway visiting Win nipeg recently Canadians are now capitalizing oar splendid winters ho It used to be our custom decry them but we have since the stranger learned their by It to Jack newly winter sport Chateau Frontenae pointed winter sports director Lakes region and more recently at the French River Bungalow Camps of the Canadian Pacific Railway Saskatchewan heads the provinces of Canada in growth of revenue from tourist traffic accordir per increase of cent The tourist business for whole of Canada has risen from in to Of Canadas four great so of wealth field forest mini stream the forest has pushed forward until It now second place particularly in th ports from the Dominion For the months ended September products and to which show the whole jjji 000000 to shu of the In borne that own a radio sheer doe not die with the Yule ember after other gifts are for gotten a brings hours of enjoyment before have you been able to have such in radio lets at so moderate a price new models and Radio include a let for all methods and re quirement of operation A choice of storage battery dry battery and socket power opera tion affords perfect radio enjoyment under all conditions at a price you can afford The performance of there new it flaw- leu Distant station are brought in loud clear and without distortion Their tone is as mellow and sweet as that of an old violin One dial station selector make them as to operate a turning on an electric light All console models have the new Oval Cone loud speaker built in Cabinets are of walnut in pleasing design and finished in Decide now to have one of these new home this Christmas Well gladly give a demonstration in your home without cost or obligation Phone us today J Agent Newmarket AND BATTERY P ifactured id unmanufactured wood valued making the ASSAIL Wassail all over Our bread it is white ant our ale it Is brown Our bowl it is made of tin iray God send a more leisurely age surrounded by delicate machinery le worked only by men in on of their faculties A the early stages of life In his hands in May the devil take butler bowl and white smock Who tripped to the door and slipped hack the lock Who tripped to the door and pulled DEAD MISStHO Quebec Que Deo After covering bodies from the of the St Charles the old wing of which was destroyed by fire last night searchera were forced l suspend operations tonight on ac count of danger or falling walls bodies recovered were child ren and one an adult A police check- Sfmooe County Victoria and Vancouver Mecca for Tourists for the climate two British Columbia cities mild during the winter that a in condition me round for motoring The mild id protecting range of beautiful drives and residential tions its first class golf courses to which access is easily obtained by the player its unique quarter its Hindus s PaHDRAYe thousands of guests year and golfers the Empress may play at both Victoria is noted for its magnificent drives leading through beautiful streets along theoceans shores and Victoria is at the southern tip of Navy who discovered Its trees among them th Douglas fir which towers them of the JO feet ich the hundreds of miles of splendid i of a most enterprising hustling and interesting city Lions called the Lions Gate and the Sisters tower feet above Vancouver an Indian has It that as long as the Two Sister stand over Vancouver just long with Pacific port thrive and develop Victoria is the site of tal Gardens erected several by the Canadian way and which have ijiitiO Jit y pletely covered by a

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