Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 25, 1927, p. 4

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ONI FRIDAY NO CARRIED WIFE TO BED Suffered So She Could Not Restored to Health by Vegetable Compound Ontario I tlcal and I recommend Compound to Buffering women I fllmoat Iielplcca did could not fit lit table long enough to drink cup of tea Man a my curled mo to bed I would bo weak In the pa got It for an I did who taking the Compound bo ho went and got It fo mo had taken thrto bottle I was just a new woman ana have had health over When I fool any I always take it a half lottlo or whatever I need It la my only medicine and I have told many a one about It Any no wanting to know more about Vegetable Compound I will gladly write to her I do all fan to rec ommend It for I feel I owe to It J Ontario Do you feci and weak sometime Do you have horrid feellngof cornea to women when they are not Veg etable Compound la excellent to take iuch time It helps and If taken regularly and will relieve this condition and Atone Out to Order wonns MOSS n Ry Phone FURNACE WORK PLUMBING EAVETROUGHING Win SPECIALTIES TINSMITHS OSBORNE SON Next to ExpressHerald Comments of Exchanges i Tim OF THE DAVIT JbsJ ragM I For Upset Stomach lie Occasionally question asked what lime tho beat lime to begin to fla from the is mark of coming Revenue cLwUh Jorge should always exceed The Only Way nought il from Samuel one Of the Illfated leaders in This and a I Holland Land- long lm costing form a much In Troubles the kind of as Hie live Ask For distress sour ness and bloating the quick and posi tive action of Magnesia has proved to bo Just right Heller and almost Instantly follows the very first doi druggfat lasts for a This special Magnesia for does not act as a druggist primeval forest disappeared before much of controlling tho talo the onslaughts of the early settlers and carrying of revolvers so as Samuel vvaja prevent botidita from arming them- who caul In his lot Helves with easily concealed William Lyon Mackenzie la ho The only way lo control the attempt to wrest relna of revolvers in lo prohibit their sale government from the hands of the except to police Tlioy Family Compact He was sentenced are no use or protection to the private to die on a scaffold at Toronto in postmaster citizen anyway because they are company with William A r year combined I lie dom amiable at the moment hey arc granted by the Governor determined were local and thus served Ills CANADAS POSTAL SYSTEM may not he generally known that General was Benjamin Franklin Ihe greal Am erican philosopher and but appointed Quite True tutu me lime iiterprlite A convicted object- fl to llielr pictures appearing in the foamcovered sitirr s- photographed piihikffy They of were deBlrous of a regular post office and owing Franklins the office was the first of the i which placed on settled fooling after Canada became escaped by living honest ftumora l Il political eliadcs of thought rose In protest against the Judicial murder Ihe result that the legis lation for which and Mathews had laid down their lives granted Canada had been In the hands of the British since and until a regular of gov or gov- waving he pardon above his mhilatered by a military council head lie was o find his W among oilier provided rudimentary postal service I was not long country press exalts dally presi together loo much rougtineoks worthy lo Ihe The Auto by the home authorities i were granted Alio boon of responsible government and the Iniquitous Fam ily Compact passed Into oblivion un wept and unsung Tire Ion Bureau of Statistics Just Issue official railway statement for gust and In- it the significant an is made that decreased il per is been going on steadily since 1020 There a motor created an acute problem for Southern Albert the railways The automobile and demand fanners for the the motor bus are Joint causes For nicker and cheaper mode of transit example the rillwaya of Canada car- ft power farming has arrived tied passengers in In 1025 the total had fallen to there was a slight betterment In The effect on Say It With Flowers Thousands of Bulbs Imported direct from Holland end France TULIPS DAFFODILS CHINESE SACRED LILIES PAPER WHITE NARCISSUS I II Mil I NOW ON SALE GT1EENH0U8E8 St Newmarket 8 Phone 138 a 087 A Soldier Speaks War Kingston WhigStandard will world listen tohfrnT Will the nations follow his advice Last week Field Marshal Sir William ltobcrtson de nounced was as utter futility and mere horror and condemned the advocacy of large fighting forces as and He knows whereof he speaks his career has covered filly years as a soldier while he was ehlef of the general staff of IIil British Ex peditionary Force in then of the Imperial General Staff He spoke In full knowledge lives audi In In I single at tliballle the cost for the same was Think what such sums do if spent fight ing disease alone Instead of squander ing them In slaughtering other What are the ChildrenReading Saruki Canadian- Observer There Is a question as to whether the child- I and young people of today a much he of an tailni generation If they read as despite the vastly proved facilities available for study literature Children of other day probably read few books but of excellent quality ant MOTOR TRUCK FAMINE and local truck dealers declare they have been literally iinped orders British province Quebec Franklin opened a post office there with subordinate Three Rivers and Montreal and a monthly service Canadian pool offices and New York arranging trips courier could make a lion I By Taylor much In his favor fattier born in the north of Ireland and his mother in the north of England Hie Joseph firs saw light or in Bonnie Scotland- However in these ways when we are advised lo discount the value of inheritance In favor of one can readily attribute Joes his moved Thomas while oldest boy was yet In a very plastic slate of character devel opment In there about what one would expect from a big healthy energetic boy personality and a brain with sufficient ambition He was a leader in and literary functions of the collegiate and very active In connec tion with the local Boys Work He was chosen as a delegate the Coast to Conference In Toronto in Was elected as a member of the first Ontario Boys Parliament in where he was Premier After graduating from he slllute In St Thomas and the Facul ty of Education in Toronto he taught public school in Toronto for three years He then entered College where while completing Arts he gave considerable time Boys Work for Dr Cody al St Paul Anglican Church and Cenlral si also accepted a major re Another of Wan sponslblllly In Crest Gimp Later he became reclor of Programme at Camp Ahmel While at College Joe was the highest honor of the University viz President of the Council and in his final year he won Scholarship which gave him two years at Oxford where could make as close I i specialised in English an possible with packet boats j returned to Canada In Jo as sailed monthly each way the of Pickering oft and Ffiirmmmi college Newmarket and during Of the five permanent patrolmen Hie suburban roads of Grey one was struck by a motor digested Toda far greater freedom and much more diversion llian hal children of thirty 1 liplied so lias Ihe quantity of cheap fiction which is now found on every hand Whatever can be done in ihe schools to for good leading is world the they can their influence to should also Application for Divorce Notice is hereby given that Edith of City of Toronto in the County of York In the Province of Ontario Married Woman will apply to Hie Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Di vorce from her husband William of Hie City of Toronto in the County of York In the Province of Ontario Broker on the ground of at Toronto In the Province dober JOHNSTON THOMSON A 255 Bay Street Toronto Solicitors for the Out of Application for Divorce thai Taylor of the City of Tort to in the of York in the Pi vlnce of Ontario Labourer wilt apt to Hie Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a BUI of from bis wife Hose Ethel Tay lor on ground of adultery and desertion Dated at Toronto In the Province of Ontario this twelfth day of Oc tober AD HUGHES A Bay St Toronto Solicitors for Ihe Applicant WILLIAM THOMAS TAYLOR MOTOR CAR CRASHES INTO TRUCK Nov Stopping suddenly a motor car skidded on the slippery pavement on Ihe Toronto- Hamilton Highway near Lome Park in and crashing into a loaded with four tons of liquor for Ontario Liquor Commission knocked It through a guardrail down fifteenfoot embankment Charles Taylor the driver of the shaken up and out by flying James Wetter and of the motor car to St Josephs Hospi tal Toronto the first suffering and Ihe other from a broken lei and head injuries Both the truck and badly wrecked while a lari the load on the truck was POULTRY REGULATOR NOTICE TO CREDITORS the matter of the Estate of Joseph A Cody late of the Town of Newmarket in the County of York Deceased NOTICE Is hereby given pursuant section of The Trustee Act Chapter that all editors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said Joseph A Cody who died on or about the twentyseventh day of April are required on or before the fifteenth day of December to send post prepaid or Hie undersigned the executors of last will and testament of the sate deceased their Christian names surnames addresses and descriptions the full particulars of their claims statement of their accounts and Ihe nature of the securities if any held by them AND lake notice that after such last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of among thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall have notice and that the- tors will not be liable for the said sols or any part thereof to an whose claims notice been received by them time of such distribution NORMAN MATHEWS The postal system into which incorporated was of of the College Don of South Bur It sketched from the Florida New York was ttUS appointed lis pivot point the mall courier run- the Commit north and south connecting there of Toronto with one another and with Ihe packets Headmaster at Pickering England Thus was Canadas his duties postal which today iirn or ree in every ndreds of routes In Bui Ml of the comprising offices with mediate Start on construction Work In Winnipeg Nov The offer of Manitoba Government pay up to 3100000 annually for five years possible operating losses on a airway from a point near The Pas on win ij- with I ruction of the line while the Whitney interests will exercise their option on the famous mining property after Dec and will proceed with a development scheme entailing a capital Investment of at least Premier sail yesterday that I have ever met He cannot In gelling close the boys because s retained ail his boyish he lives in boys world They their confidences to They accept his leadership and believ his sincerely He sparkles will cheerful energy and pep From oclock in the morning Mailer has gone bed Mr Inspires all those Pickering College he is ishing a school that is different The Pickering boys who have been at others schools testify to Ibis It school calculated to boys for citizenship in that prides itself on the and resourcefulness of The school has had a most alisfactory beginning The has got off a splendid of the Flin copperzinc mine will bring in their train a huge amount of general development ac tivity included In projects planned be ing the harnessing of the White Mud Falls on the Nelson River to Industrial activity at Ihe and else where development of the copperzinc property being activity In whole Northern Manitoba area and Ihe erection of pulp and paper mills LEMONS IN SAND colly cheap it is worth while in a stock They will keep DODOS KIDNEY I the he dichargi CM URN II1Q are given In a Dominion of Agriculture bulletin on on the Farm In Ihe first ail should be passed through finely perforated tin strainer as It being put will feat en the half Jilt Just some water with a Utile salt in It about two degrees than the cream Common for cream churning too slow are too much cream in the church and too much temperature The quality of the butter is considerably affected lime of slopping the churning churn should be stopped AS PREDICTED tot A without etc art fe another year or so batteryoperated ill be obsolete almost worthies wherever rent is available ever cur Those considering the purchase of a rsrti operating without batteries should bear in that there are two types of electric 1 Those that are to operate direct from a light socket made in one factory complete in one cabinet all ready to operate and 2 Ordinary electric seta that can be adapted to lightsocket by installing a totalled power unit which power unit generally consists of a B Eliminator a storage battery and a charger still have the A battery you still rave chemicals but the charger connected to a light socket and so they are termed socket- power This latter type serves very well for those who already have a battery operated but cannot afford to turn it in for a new genuine Model but when buying a new radio supposedly be to get the type that is completely and built to be so Of his type the Rogers is only one with any record of proun perfor mance behind it Conceived in and intro duced in 1925 it is the and only time- tested radio set complete in one cabinet made In one factory and operating direct from any alternating current socket and in most cases without an aerial Moreover the Rogers was conceived develop ed perfected and made right in Canada and in aiLdua ana the Worlds first successful i set Producing such a set that will give uniform performance in all localities under all con ditions is not easy The first vear or two brings grief Now in its third year with thousands of sets in active operation from coast to coast the Rogers has proven its mail Dont experiment It may cost you dearly Look for the name Rogers look for the Rogers Tubes with the top clip and be sure then youll have no regrets SmithHardware Agents Newmarket Internal and External are promptly relieved thomas ECLECTRIC SOLD For ini Pains by Company Limited Twentyyear 5 Sinking Fund Gold Debenture Bonds Dated October Due October 1947 These bonds are the first charge on the assets of of our oldest and largest industrial organizations Price 9575 and interest to yield about 535 Circular upon request I ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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