Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 3, 1927, p. 7

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on thing I food tor that tin Were about our find Wort is progi It is expected that the roof will he tin neat week Mr Binns has the contract lor the electric wiring and on the job Presbyterian was decided to put the math the Wads of the minister the wanting him to stay St Andrews Church Sunday Services June The services will he conducted by the Rev George Munro of uj of consideration Central Manitoba mineral area development work this year Improved navigation and highways The development of the muskrat industry five miles south- of will be proceeded further this year 160 acres having already been fenced in by the Revelstoke Fur Breeders Association Eight hundred families from Switzerland are expected come cot to Western Canada to settle during 1927 according the Act ing Consul for Switzerland There are thriving Swiss settlementa ia Notre Dame Lourdes Manitoba and Stettler Alberta Canadas chemical industry an Increase of in isles during as compared with the previous year according to the Dominion Bureau of Statistics -Pro- taction by plants was valued at as against for the previous year Ottawas memorial carillon to be installed in the new Victory Tower at the Capital arrived In Canada Hay on the Canadian Pacific steamship Balfour The huge bells weighing in all about tons will constitute one of the finest seta In the world They were cast at the Croydon bell foundry in Eng land Branch Town Taxes The first installment for is due on the this month if you expect to the discount The lax slips sent out from the Clerks Of on Wednesday i call I has writers the most been an extension to new soil of Impulses European She Irlmllon to world literature la the invention or the animal in the late eighties by Charles Roberts and Thompson Selon both native world had ever treated animals as subjects for serious fiction but the and fascinating field by the two Cana dians ell you know ever wonderful Even I burnt up just the things and saved us a lot of rouble and follow them tappy Decoration Day At a meeting of the Director- of the Newmarket Cemetery Com pany held on Tuesday evening was decided to held the annua Decoration of the Cemetery or Sunday the of June and public are requested to United Church The following themes for Sun day June il A M Lamps That Fail P he Vineyard The regular Sunday School Session will meet- at 10 A On Monday evening at the Young Peoples Association an address will be given on Tragedy of Post Closed Today being the Kings birth day the callwicket will be closed except for one hour after the dis tribution of morning mail The mails will be despatched as usual The office will be open While daylight saving ia ob served in Town be post office will be closed every Wednesday afternoon from to know If be Is continuing In office said a member It was pointed out that bis salary was a year but that be had not got It It was re solved to pay him at Then a motion carried to determine at the nest meeting of presbytery If a hospital visitor was really needed graph about treasurers report la leading It has nothing to do ml the Newmarket Church who nave paid their pastors salary in ad- to the 1st of July and regret much tfrat they are losing Mr but their loss la Trentons her St Pauls Church Whit Sunday- The Churchs Festal Services a m Song Eucharis Hymns 604 Sunday School p Choral Psalm F Magnificat Dim Tallis Simper the Banff Word comes from the Department of Pacific Railway that Springs Hotel opens on May for the summer season the north wing of the building will have- been completed and ready for occupancy Next year at the same date the wing will have rebuilt when there will be at the of the public an hotel of over 600 rooms and baths as well as its other The TVknolca Wireless Station claimed 0 largest of its kind in the East was recently All wireless from America and Europe win be received there Work on Japanese station was begun last August costing over The station is equipped with a trans mitting apparatus which however the Canadian for the ibig Horse and Pure Bred Stock Show in Aurora This yea promises to be the beat yet Several new features have added in the light horse and new have been added in several of the other sections Members of the Toronto Hunt the Musical Chairs for he first time outside of Toronto The big Clown Band from To- lo furnish entertainment young and old The prizes for he Teams Wave been increased lo and A 11 be held in Hall in the evening the dale Saturday June Interim nod with various raralfios iceon the question it hospital visitor and if Inspired the first considerable outpouring of fine native poetry for In Carman Duncan Campbell Scott and itIte i the of Trinity will be held in the School at oclock on Tuesday AM ladies welcome Christian Church le services next Sunday be conducted by the new Rev Meadows the topics iermons being as follows ling- Reasonable Religion The City Four Square Fleeting Withdrawn Since the item on page five was printed about the address by Mr P Pearson on the Government Control Bill tho meeting has been willidrawonaccoUnt of the change of hour of holding the Sunday School It is hoped that address may he given latei Appreciated To Miss Hill Bell Tele phone Newmarket You are to be congratulated your operators at the Newmarket of Their efficiency and courteous treatment of the public Is a great pleasure consider It my duly to bring this matter to your attention T Kirk Sergeant of Police highways in Canada accord ing lo computation made by A Dominion Highway Of this total was spent on construction and on maintenance of high- ways already constructed The total I mileage of roads Involved in this expenditure was Representing fifty families who wish to settle in Can ada a delegation headed by Stewart of Platte Nebr with C A Van of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company at Winnipeg in MOM to obtain details regarding witatle tracts of land The- land Ktri will go to Calgary with a of the departmeilt snd intct land in that vicjnity to emigrate Town Baseball With the opening date 1 than two weeks Jiff all Ihc teams are getting down to daily work outs The diamond needs a littl work to put it in real good condi tion Jul this is being looked and it will be in firstclass shape for the opening All ball fans recall the keen rivalry between the clubs in the old Town League and are looking forward to the opening of the league on June 14 The officers of the League at a itiuitmz held on Tuesday evening decided lo put over the opener with a bang They arc holding a Monster Automobile Parade and they want every car to turn out with their cars and step on the gas Watch next weeks Friends The morning message lasl Sunday was based on Elijah whose eyes were continually on Lord When a man and Christian lako Iheir eyes God lliey arc heading for When we look our we are sure lo sink hut if v keep our eyes constantly on shall a re Ma tide to keep and deliver us fron ill danger The evening subject was Re ligion Religion is nol book I a early occupying a position from the days llliam Hi- Gilbert I Of t Our Modem Miracle AT uld and kindness net aie silling in the li the York County market and one of people we occasionally people who have a wonderful fao people do equally welldeveloped I forgetting the fine things they do themselves was talking to us Tho exceplional one in his case Irappenqd lo be Miss superintendent of the for the last three years This hospital started life unde Dr Wesley and was carried on still as a private enterprise Dr Dales Later the own Newmarket conceived the idea of and seeing Dales the are s to showering arid vegetables little padded trestle filled with pillows and a nurse brushing the long of a baby who had own and ho nice that sees her patients to eat m mora than compensated for the rather tight quarters of York County Hospital- 10 Besides superintendent who is a graduate of Victoria Hospital London there are five on the staff of the hospital andine graduate lilies of just bring up Under the the hall Was ended folds alBQ taking rf eight months special lhl3 Hospital New York with its tiny York County is affiliation arranged by Dr Dales Miss nionlioned a r of enthusiastic supporters I of the little hospital but we can remember only a few Mrs L president of the Au xiliary Mrs Cane its equally devoted vicepresident and Mr IP W Pearson who injected life to the board when life was of it and whelhe necessity its had declared it to bo Dr I was bought a cost of It was decided to pay rent for the house and money was borrowed for running expenses fhe end of five months we were paying our way said Miss and the proceeds of a party given the following nth squared our borrowings ddilion to running a highly sue hospital in ramped quarters Miss its books She read he infake for the last six month October ample it is aid 1 Handicraft Fck and the Canadian Company proved to hi Meet His Honor Hie J Mrs William Ross were of the twentyseventh an nual of SI College St which Tuesday afternoon The Dr Bruce ld and Mrs Macdonald wel- the LicutGovornor and Irs Ross Mrs Ross was pre sented with a bouquet roses She woic a gown of pale a gray mohair hat and ko linsky wrap Following the games Dr and Mrs entertained at tea in tin masters apartments when the hall was decorated with bran ches apple blossoms in Chines jars and pale yellow tulips you you but i ith you dls us wane a spotless re gion so therefore wo must keep iiKido from this world of sin Every has a good or bad influ- friends The choir Hang Depths of Mercy Mr J taking the ha Connor were telling their hundreds of thousan Montgonierys Anne aides at the beginning of enormously successful Canadian nove by and Sara Duncan and tan Historical Wiling after writing of plays is a more re development but In Merrill panada already has a Lately tho Canadian public baa learned to take the menta of her and the sym pathetic Interest work shown by their conn has- them to win this growing national audience by ambitious performances Anotfiei increasing libKUy of readable books that Interpret- the life of each section of the country to sec tions thus promoting closer union Still another result has been the of the exodus or writers Sixty years ago no Cana dian writer except a newspaperman could make his living in the country today many oie doing so and the average writer or ability prefers tak ing his chance or success here to ml grating to foreign centres when monetary rewards are greater Authors arc a national asset I country Is known abroad mainly through eh labors The Canadian author has been patient In has risen magnificently lo whalevei opportunities offered he has rough to his land and full share of he good fortune Immediate holds for all SPRING FAIR AT RIOHMOND HILL Postponed from May the annual spring exhibition Hill Agriculture Society hold Saturday In the Driving Park The Hair which always attendance Man month she said we and in another 1- That month curiously enough happened lo be the one in which we Jiad given free treat ment to some people who posi tively couldnt pay We are given a year by the county and the Government as you know al lows fifty cents a patient In Presently Miss con sented to take us over the VftrenotACltty she said But very homelike- the visi tors finished the sentence for her they wandered into a where the table was spread for the tea she should have been eating instead of enlerthi lexpected guests Our babies are born on she smiled place iuToek 1 address Newmarket on July 1st In connection with Jubilee The special athletic events school children will commence the School an Pageant of Confederal which will by at oclock a Confederation Medal for all child In Ihc Parade Horse to commence at oclock Two purses of each for and events Pony races for hands and hands for of and Soft Bui Tournament Base Ball and Fool Ball and Midway Daylight Saving In Quebec lei oJern jjerral In almost the May at While Me Kiucblng loday ho axe riled and iKl breaking with silver and she bouquet of pink In dining room and red lullps and lull gold Mrs A Miss JcanFayrfer Mrs Chubb Mi Capl Mr Master Mr Mr Mr Tuhall and a number of tho hoys of St Andrews assisted looking af ter tho guests irks Huge bigger quality of Many of the cattle former of the Pair and the Canadian Natl billon making competition keen lion when it was officially opened by Deputy Minister of At hour there were ids and still Really have to need and its filled Then she look us into tin homelike kitchen where an range represented gift re arking in passing I tell aids that I never mind them dry the dishes they scrape everything so clean they begin to wash them and ways have nice hot water From the kitchen she led us the cellar where two laundry tubs a sink a small clothe washer and the furnace jam closet and the Xray are all fitted in liko herrings in a box- and whore coal bin and the drying dollies hobnob in winter time Dozens of gems and as of full ones took tip the Hie jam closet Mrs Eves is a marvel as con oner of the supplies aid Miiss Dulmage pride hat stands in a corner of where three smiling mothers had just had their and powdered given back lo them to The few difficult operi the ho dials broken a table that ten dollars if replaced there was no ten decided lo carry on without And by the very next post Ihore came a letter from Snowball saying that there tied in its treasury and might send such a small sunt to help out the hospital Toronto Mail AGAIN IN JAIL to help hospitals proud coast inly ease ever faints when she gets up for he first How do you account for it Plenty Of nourishing food lid the superintendent promptly so that he tenth day site will be able t ishment instead her stand the There were anxious moments a little while ago when patients began to increase October to March there were forty- as compared wilh forty in tho whole Government inspector of hospi tals said they couldnt go on that something had to be one at or or hed close the hospital up was then thai Newmarket pro the timber of which it is made A meeting of the Board was hastily called the situation tersely explained by the secre liry- treasurer Mr McCaffrey and it was instantly decided lo float bonds for and hen in In gifts and anybody had quite- realized it a new building was purchased and a new hospital was under It was he intervention of Providence in the form of fire in this building lhat called forth such devout gratitude from Miss In the house bought for the new hospital there was a part lhat would always have been under suspicion and that was the Very part that the fire kindly ale away Now the building com- mittee go on with a light to be raising of the two new wings lhat will make room for constantly increasing stream of patients who come for treatment Once in a while the hospital has been called on to lake care of patients from quite May Bob who scaled the jail wall four days ago is again in the same institution He was arrested by Provincial Constable Joseph Nelson at noon today on the farm of his brother Benjamin Cook in Township riles This morning Cook telephoned to Constable Nelson demanding the officer not to bother trying to arrest him The call was traced and Constable Nelson High Co Constable Marshal and Deputy Sheriff motored to the farm So quickly did the officers ar rive that the brothers were taken by surprise In the yard Cook attempted to pult a gun but changed his mind when Nelson threatened to When searched Cook had a German Mauser He will be closely sen tenced this week by Justice Logic Sonic In la- a motor lhat the school If you want real coalvalue then you should communicate with us at once We have a slock of the finest coal that ever went on the job to the multitude It is priced in a satisfactory manner and de livered to your home with the proper despatch J LITTLE Huron lit Newmarket Phone The Carillon of the Victory Tower they are The form iriB the part of the belli of Carillon installed in the Victory Tower of the Parliament Buildings at Ottawa from which will sound the paean of the of Canadian Confederation They are loaded to a steel Sat car and just taken from hold of the Canadian freighter four which brought them acre the Atlantic The other illustration the Great Bourdon of ten torn the largest bell on thU continent and the the being only Bourdon at Cathedral pouring procession led by the North York Band and followed by fifteen direc tors entered the grounds and in front of the grand stand the made and proijldent Watch for Jones I had a bank little while ago Ive become engaged Jakes- faced financce eh old man Never mind remembo r thai makes world go r 1 Jones dismal Yes I know but I lever ought it I would go round fast make me loose my balance The ami cattle the finest in entries In their arrested the tlii iliiii of menfolk all day Judging In these classes completed until well after al took Some sad- plaudits of the an- least were the heavy draught sea which probably have in In the I lime honored Institution The girl who Id a slight measure what mother will be most popular with thoao who are worth considering and ten to one her life will be a success ful one TORONTO

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