Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 3, 1927, p. 6

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i A S3 p a MOUNT Mount- Albert WOMENS INSTITUTE The June mating will be held at the home of Mrs Ed We hope to see a large attendance of the ladies present Program etc of HORTICULTURAL A Flower Show was held at Theakers store on Hay 3Isl as foil J Mrs 3rd Miss man J Leek 2nd Mite Mrs Tate variety o tulips 1st Mrs Rear 2nd Mis Hayes hevalley lest Miss 2nd Mrs Hall 3rd Dr Mrs J Leek Mrs Spang 2nd MS B 3rd Mrs Standards for judging which includes color form lei lure fragrance length of stem end foliage points variety arrangement and container points PERSONALS Misses Irene Dike and Velma Rolling spent weekend in Mr and Mrs Ira in St Michaels hospital progressing favorably Moore of Mis spent the weekend at the home of her friend Miss Olive Mr and Mrs A Jones of Owen Bound were in town this week and attended he wedding or their son at Aurora on Wed nesday Mr and Mrs Ganbutt of Alber ta were visitors at Ihe home of Mr Mrs Dunn has relumed home after spending the winter a Richmond Hill Mr Walter Draper is making splendid progress at- his new Mr and Mrs Ashforlh and Mrs Forest of were at home of Mr Ross on Sunday Boh me Mrs J Moore has been on sick the last week but i slowly Glad to know Mr Frank la put- of he hospital after serious operation for goitre Aharon Mrs Lord mid daughter also Mrffoole Hicks of Ionia a week with Mr George Noble has not brother since be left Canada fortyfive years ego The Sharon Womens Institute will hold I day School Sunday Mr A formerly Shaw of this place The regular monthly meeting of Womens Institute wilt be held i Thursday June A good crowd Miss Mary is spending Jack and Mildred spent in the city of Toronto and Mrs Bain or Albert attended the funeral Of the late Hilton on Saturday The Sharon Club last Wednesday night at Margaret Davis home The meeting was by community singing Roll have derived from the was decided that we would hold picnic at he Lady Eaton Farm July After the The Childrens Day Serva irineotion with Ihe Christ Sunday School will be held Sunday morning June Church Parade of the Orange Lodge will held next Sunday Service in the Church at p io and sermon by Rev unusually interesting was conducted connection -las- Sunday night The meet in was in charge of the Young pies League of he United Church- A large of the young people Mr Knights aoled as leader Tin given ably by two mem The violin ami inalru duets with the vocal sol- quartette selections The enjoyed the and Mrs Morton We are pleased to hear thai Mrs Lochia improving after sufr feting from pneumonia A number from hero attended the Graduation Ontario Hos pital Toronto held In Assembly Hall on evening Mrs Homer is Improving nicely time of writing i I Sunday home We extend our congratulations to Miss Muriel who graduated last Friday evening May from te Toronto and wish her the beat of in her special Toronto John she about to motor mishap near Sutton at oclock Saturday night Harvey pells of Toronto who was driving west on Ihe Virginia line township caught up to a coupe driven by George of The coupe was be ing driven slower than Mr estimated and ha ran the rear end of the car striking the left hand rear fender causing hiiii to swerve sharply to the south side of the road whe ran into Oliver Ha by Mr a broken leg an- Muriel Alma and Mr Hancock sustained cuts about the face Constable I WHS The Ladies J London May A young venlng on Friday June with eyes and a winning smile Bucktnghsm Palace today Moulds Quit ouog folks appointed not being present he Girdle list week It was not their fault and hope for belter next for the Mr Thomas Cronin who has been in a very weak condition some time passed away on Mon day The family Have the sym pathy of the neighborhood as hey have had a long trial Ml has been the The True Canadian Echoe3 given by Sadie Andrews Miss K Mc Dowell gave a splendid paper on Canada A duet was given by Davis and Cecil Smith Miss Dorothy Ramsay gave a very Inter esting paper This followed by games and contests The next meeting will be held at Evelyn home on June Everybody respected citizens amongst whom Messrs Frank Perry Morton and Johnnie who are in the evening time of life but we do hope that they will be spared many years longer to en joy good Miss Madeline gave a very delightful birthday party to about forty of her friends Mr and Mrs VanNorman have tact know just how enter tain the young folk who played games after which a delicious lunch was served The young people are looking forward to next year when they hope to remembered again The country Is certainly in its just now with the fruit trees so of blossom and our liearfs go out to those who are Shut In with siokness and are not able to enjoy one great happi ness health and the beautiful was Iie guest of Mrs Swilzr a guest SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION The annual Sunday School the of East bury Is to be held In the United Church at Mount Albert on Tuesday the of June commencing at 10 a It is hoped every Sunday School In he Township will be repre sented and the citizens or the village are making arrangement for their en tertainment Everybody In tne sur rounding community should attend the evening session The program is as MORNING Devotional Exercises led by Address of Welcome Mr Campbell Address Miss Jessie AFTERNOON Devotional Exercises Mr George Barkei Report of Officers and Ap of Committees Address by 3 Address by Bound Table Conference EVENING Song Service led by Mr Roy Exercises ied by Mr James Arnold Music Address by Rev A Partridge Address DAY AT SHARON Annual MMtlng of Saturday of Ihe great were by the Children of Peace the York and Historical Society will hold Its annual June meeting In the Temple Sharon on Saturday June at pm Standard Time These annual gatherings at the historic Temple are increasing In at tendance and Interest and IBUs years weather permitting promises to be the best yet The principal speaker will bo Mr James Kavanagh of New York City an old Sharon boy who climbed up to- be the Second Vice- President or the great Insurance Company The winners recent County Oratorical Contest held at Richmond Hill on May will deliver their prize orations Miss Marie Draper of Albert and Frank Harrington of Aurora Pitocs will be presented to Hie winners of the Oratorical and Musical at Richmond Hill will be as usual a very fea ture Newmarket United Church led by Miss Kcllaway winners In Ihe Choir Contest at Richmond Hill on May will be on hand to with Miss Tew of winner of the soloist Con- test at Richmond Hill and other singers The usual Baseball Match Is being Everybody welcome 1 eebend with Mr Morion of Newmarket Mr has the contract for his new home to Mr McDonnell of Mrs was the guest of ster Mrs J Vvylder and Mrs er ihe weekend also Mr and Mrs Howard and family Mr Marin and ladj friend were home over the noli- ft his parents Mrs Tom Mann Sorry to to her bed lightly improved daughters who i large family and a taken Wie Hospital serious condition few day go after having a serious ion is in a much more com- orlable condition We hope or her recovery her ret vhere she is much needed in the home and church work fit weather las week has changed although In of so much water espe ally on the low land is having lo be re lent the ill come before ale in County red is Mis home after spending the wind In Toronto The funeral service of hi Mrs Anderson of was held in the United Chun here on Saturday late Mrs Anderson was a memo Ihe Christian Church of Keswick Rev ii ted I Briar Hill Cemetery Daylight saving time comes in to force after midnight Saturday The Eastern Star Chapter at tended the Anglican Church Divine Service lat Sunday even ing The W M S of the United Church had a quilling Wednesday afternoon preparing some quills for Ihe The I O O tend Service the United Church next Sunday morning at oclock daylight time to be with you once agai The lovely blossoms make It beautiful The bumming bird bees have also returned Sorry the weather was so agreeable on the but hope the next holiday will be belter Glad to have Velma with She is spending a few days Miss Ada Bihjzard spent a day last week with MIbs Vera Wight The young People held their meet ing at A Stephens last week and It was well attended Quite a from this burg at tended the play and Rot Social held at Egypt laslweek Mrs Geo Hamilton ay very suddenly last her sister who la very- worth and friend spent sister Gladys id Miss Mamie told tils magestyl feelB to fly over the Atlantic from New York to Parts The king received his visitor cor and before many minutes passed decorated him with u force oross to add to the or Honor and the Belgian 1q or Knight of the Order of Leo Captain Lindbergh el ed for bestowal Force for acts of to when flying although an Royal active operations conferred by his majesty field Palace came revolr lo the of St Louis New York to field lo where was lo at once for shipment the United States substantiating Judging froth the jurists passing through Wie and They at all well The monthly missionary meet- of the United will next Friday June The Ladies Union will have their meeting- at the close of missionary meeting Ev eryone come as important is to be discussed The Dndies Union are planning having a Strawberry Festival early in July Particulars later The Mission Band will on Saturday afternoon June at This will be story meet ing The apple I roes around Kes wick are loaded with Crops in genera look splendid The Convention is be held at week Will the members and those interested make a special effort to attend Dr I Hart of Montreal will be In Aurora address the C on the evening of June 7 Hi Those slides were made famous last fall in campaign being seized at Kemplville Ik address in Hie some of he would be lainly raised dust roads and it have been lhat hey dampness- and dull weather is causing much sickness Pleased to Evelyn Ark- out al on Sunday morning- the and a very helpful study on he lesson min ister is a good help in the Bible Class as ing for and prayer on Thursday ev ening at Church at Sunday morning follow ed by the preaching of he Word eleven Huntley seems to bo of the busy men as we him passing twice this las both morning and evening lo commemorate the Uniting of the Churches Rev Frank Bowes B A of a for mer pastor will address both Miss Sadie has return ed home very much Improved in health members of the Lodge the invitation Baldwin Breezes to the Mr Isaac Morton Newmarket Mr Merlon Rutledge Mrs J Smith I Quecnsvltlel Mr Stewart Mount Albert I Sharon Home Depart Mrs Cole Teacher Training Mrs Frank Tale Sharon Missionary Mr Temperance Mr Sharon Queensville Mrs Lewis when Is her homo at the booth to be are waiting Mrs Brown large congregation Is lion will fail Hope Items are growing nicely the frost nipped some beans and flower plants next Sunday It Is to be a hogs There will s his spring but be he was helping ovei a hard place always very commend- Thursday evening took the chair as absent Mr Harold Bray took the topic- Animal Kingdom Rev and Mrs Mann gave two short address How good companUna dogs and we alt cannot understand the language Meeting closed with Ihe Mtzpah Ontario meat of their eldest dauht to Mr pi gin Ontario son of Mr of York Ontario the marriage to take place at the United Era to Absent Friends it I It Your Town Its You you want to live In the kind of Ike the kind of a town you like You neednt find fault and slip cloUies In a grip 1 start on a long long hike ii only you left there Is nothing thats realty a knock at yourself when y knock your own its ways young people and nobody id bring your friends servloe I Ladles Aid quilt Is finished at last and Is to be quilted today day It certainty Is a nice quilt If we do say It ourselves The program committee expect to a program for flar- on the of June at The supper also a nice assortment of good things to buy at the booth so come yourself and bring your family and friends that Viola Rogers Is do- community will will take toplo Kathleen KnlgWs convene The p s gave their pla Egypt last Friday night They about of the proceed wonder who was the lucky girt to have the most fancy box Congratu lations Vera Messrs John and Lome took a trip to Ottawa on Monday returning home with a new Chew coach Also Mr Will Clover brought a louring car Who will Mr and Mrs George Micks and Nina spent Sunday with daugh ter Mrs Gordon Mr J and Mamie spent Sunday at Mr O Hamiltons Mrs Hamilton got a hurried call her sla ter who Is seriously 111 The farmers i Ho last I last week The destroyed Its share of crops consider Hie plight of those southern course or the we can see lucky we are Last Friday night Ihe frost did some damage In scattered bad reports- from around here Many from here paid their last re- peels to one of our well known Mrs Carl Anderson The had been ailing foi in Thursday morning she the Great Beyond leaving many rowing friends and relatives Before marriage she was Miss Ella Mo an of Vaohell After marriage she her husband lived at Vachell later moving to Brock Retiring from farming they moved to Toronto Saturday to the United Church Interment at Briar Hill sympathy of the community the iv One time Egypt Heights and Do you tire so your company Tell me also wouk not be belter If more mothers call their daughters In at The weather around Is some what cleared only we have some sounds In the air such as the of a Ford car Miss Nora and her favor ite bound spent Tuesday with Olive sees Hauls and Pearl Styles spent the weekend at home large crowd the Mis sion Circle at the home of Miss Stella Stephens All report a real LOST OR STOLEN From Lot Con East bury Black with while feel and clear black purpose Suitable reward Notify Birds that pet i to make her voice heard road above rattle of a Ford Stella Stephens Sunday Edith Taylor Back lo Egypt he i PLACE HOME though valued friend The mall catalogue me in vain for to buy without seeing gives me a pain The home merchant credits till pay day arrives he knows all tho whims of his friends and their wives His overalls wears like the buckskin of old his buttons aint brass If he tells you theyre gold Of every community he Is a part and even the kids know the path to heart He boosts for the chapel the lodge and school community uplift is ever his rule And even the and basketball teams looks kindly in thi him CARD OP THItNKft Thomas and family desire to express their sincere thanks to the many kind friends who so willingly gave their assistance In their bereavement Also those who seat flowers during sickness death of a beloved wife and mother VILLAGE OF SUTTON From Sunday June until Sep tember 3rd Inclusive the Corporation of the Village of will operate on Daylight Saving pie icordlngly and move their clocks one hour ahead at 2 June 5th M Clerk Id rather have held at Bond Lake on July where Boy Is Invited There will be all kinds Judging contests etc Come early end renew Bring your supper along and make everybody happy last brought out many of our friends Both banks of the Conges were crowded with of every hue All report Last Saturday night a serious smashup on lino caused considerable excitement for a white A parly of young men returning to town collided- with two cars badly damaging both- Paris of the ears were to be found In every direction were seriously hurt while others damaged What can we ex peo after the 1st of June By last Weeks Era Banshee or for It Is or parties decided local to take sueii a notion I It hard battle with being but nevertheless needs some adjusting Banshee would bo and ponder well Ibis saying Everett Taylor purchased a i last week vowing that he will not outdone Burn the gas Owens booth la running full blast these When you want cooler call In Anyone desiring to try their prow ess as a better arrange for buo an with the cham- knife the thldk if First of all Jacksons Point One of the dominions finest elec trical engineer passed away In tho death of James Kynoch who died suddenly at Lake Slmcoe on day The late Mr Kynoch who was chief engineer of the Canadian Gen eral Electric Company prior to his death was to bis sixtysecond For eight be had from about two weeks Slmcoe for a not been feeling sudden death was a great shock to the bout Joshua had nothing them Nelson proprietor tourist hotel reports lack of room for visitors A case looking ahead If you wish erlaw Mr Nerval Shearer who has la the Sanitarium for some time Is we are glad to report Improving nicely and expects to be home again In the near future villi some one make the Itilng mi stand by our friend theres like home for money London May 30 Britain Is faced by another Egyptian crisis and lias ordered three superdreadnoughts from Malta to Alexandria lo offer a threat of force to back up the de mand presented by the British to night that Hie Egyptian Nationalist Government drop Its measure taking control of the Egyptian army out of the hands of the British chief Control of the Egyptian army Is a vital factor British control of Egypt The British contend that a in I cession of Egyptian Independence tept the The present Nationalist Is trying to lake control of the my out of British with modern undermine the authority the Brit High Commissioner Lore Lloyd despatching of ships British- answer to the threat WOULDNT GO An irritable old sportsman from his bed a 3 oolook in morning by the insistent ring of his doorbell On an swering he found a seedy inebri ate at the door you the gent that what ad vertiaed for a partner with him to Africa ask he disturber Yes Im the gentleman What do you want to know about it Nothing I Just wanted tell you lhat on no whatever will I go with you Set Try of PUBLIC NOT10E Owing to the unsightly scenes on the roadsides In the town ship notice hereby given that per sons found dumping refuse any description on the Highway In Township of East Gwlltimburv persons cutting Irees hereon out the consent of Ihe Council will be prosecuted according to law By Order of the Council OF REVISION municipality of the of East Gwillimbunj of York Public notice Is hereby given a Court of Revision of Ihe Assess ment Roll for Ihe Township will be held In the Mu nicipal Hall Sharon adjudicate upon all complain against the Roll for All parties Interest notice and RICHARDSON Baby Chicks Big husky from bredtolay Slralna MAY DELIVERY 11600 P Rocks cents per prices top June delivery arrival guaranteed Chicks delivery every week Terms with order balance COD Chicks hatched from your own eftt Eggs called plant delivered within BANNER POULTRY FARM Phone M8314 WW llt notice Application for Is hereby given that to Hot the City County York In the Ontario will apply to Bo of Canada at the nest thereof lor a BUI hor hushaoa HOBBS now residing I cily Ohio of ifco United Slates Commercial Traveller on the of adultery and desertion A J KEENER No Temple Solicitor for Dated Province day of May

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