Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 3, 1927, p. 3

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Our Local salvation Army Commandant and Mrs Cockerelj Aurora will conduct the services at local Corps on Sunday June a meeting of the Directors on Monday night the vacancies In Ihe Board were eleGlj0B Messrs- J- and i the Scott school grounds score being la fa- or of Maple There was crowd pre and lots of fun Kex Monday of June tie- Aurora and Newmarket on Ihe grounds Particulars ejsewhere Last Saturday was Salvation- Ac fas out and they collected I eneral relief work The of Church a Pageant to present to t latter part of June afternoon Ihe of a note or the date Practically no confusion res when Daylight Saving came ink teot tore last Sunday morning Worth While and In the ev The Deceptions of God The morning Come Everyone That and In the evening Glorious Things of Thee are Spok en Mr Clifford taking he solos In his manner Owing to the illness or Mrs J Cine Mrs W bad charge Trinity P After the Devotional exercises conducted last Monday evening under the leadership of the President Mr Scoli an excellent musical pro gram was rendered which enjoy- ed by the goodly number present We were favored with solos by Miss May Edwards Miss Margaret Robin son Miss Mabel Menar Mr E Manning and Mr Moffatt piano solos by Miss Margaret Patterson and Mr Rowland reading by Miss by the Newmarket Concert Or chestra Refreshments were then served by the Social Committee and a very evening was brought to Citizenship night next Monday evening in charge of Miss Everybody welcome Jersey Picnic York County Jersey Breeders Club have accepted Ihe In vitation of Ihe Peel County Jersey Breeders Club to attend their Field Day on Thursday June at the this farm of Bull Son at start League jig night of last teariil out with po The week before when Almira jicwmartet la points It Is points Just started the schedule is Tuesday evening at oclock meeting will be In charge- 0 Weils and the topic Our to Maintain Health will be by Smith As this Is our consecration meet ing every- member is urged to be pre Sewer Connections Nearly all Ihe properly owners on street are pulling in and the more pipe to result of the flow is expected thai of Ihe street he new pavement commence next week The pre of the road wail be low ered about a foot and a half A List Met Toronto University Kenneth Hunter year Harry Merrill year George Dlliane year Margaret Patterson 3rd year Stiles 2nd year Pharmacy Graduates J Hall honors Earl Murphy Rex Simpson Dentistry Lowell Hewitt year Clark Mill 1st year Very Unlqua One of the most original and pret tiest entertainments given in Newmar ket for a long time was the Dancing Recital in the Town Hall last Friday evening by Miss Beatrice Marrow and her girl pupils The first part wag entitled tie Girls Dream and the conception was carried out In a pleasing manner The smallest girl group was dancing and becoming Ured laid down and fell asleep when she dreamt that the flowers birds and butterflies were all dancing and having a Jolly time and that Is just what they were doing the ethers on the platform being dressed to reprer sent Dawn Sun Daisies Tulips Hum ming Bird Butterflies Grecian Statues and Musical Elf After each did their part tin Hurrah for Niagara Fail The Hhjh Literary Society lompleted arrangements for a trip to Niagara Falls on Kite of June busses have been leave Town In the morning tickets for the after midnight The trip are placed friends who wish T June County Con Aurora It to be Newmarket fiend the Convention at On Tuesday afternoon an adrfre will be given on Pioneer Work of York County On Tuesday Dr of Montreal will give address at and will show lift slides on Government Control which were seized at Keanplville during last Provincial Elec lion At oclock afternoon there will he a Child rens Rally and Model Lesson by plants are up an inch or so keep the hoe going Constant the price of a good of sweet peas Do not lack for water but do them Give them a ing and then dont water several days A little sprinkled along he buds and well watered in will help the plants a great deal will add Hie depth of the color of the flowers ShadeLoving Flowers Brightening up the shady cor of the flower garden is usu ally quite problem although prefer to part of the is almost get anything lo grow which is without shine whole of day except perhaps ferns but the following will do well in partial shade Lupine Marvel of Peru and Summer Care of Rosea Until the first of July new and established roses can be helped along by surface amplications of following this presented for Poster the will be the Essays and the stage being charming seen decorated like tulips apple blossoms and cowslips Every action was accompanied suitable music on the piano by Mrs Will It must have taken many hours of practice lo prepare such a charming manner and reflects much credit on Miss List year the Peel Breeders at- The tended the York County Picnic and this year it Is that a large at tendance from York will pay the re turn visit Those attending and all people interested In Jerseys are cor dially invited and any others who wish to come are requested to meot at Woodhrldge at am bringing vdtli Standard Tim lunch baskets All other- Ireshments will be supplied at II This will be a wonderful tunny to cross through York our neighbors a A full house greeted the Anglican Church Dramatic Club of Bradford In the Town Hail last Monday night when they presented a humorous play entitled The Adventures of Grand pa under the auspices of the ladles The was put on by nine people parts well Grandpas per- In remaining when not want ed proyoked much laughter while the eddy of others was equally en joyed The final reconciliation of Dorothy May brought to a happy climax when grandpa in the final marriage or his scheming and his charming fiancee and the obliging little wife was once more relumed husband Mr Jos Wood of Bradford con tributed musical numbers on the between the which were entertaining through Miss Jean Hunter made her debut on the stage as a contralto She has a rich voice ant having broken Hie Ice will short greatly In demand for loca organizations Miss Ruby Moss con four numbers and fully her wonderful reputation Howell of Hamilton rendered two numbers with fine voice pleasing effect- The soloists accompanied by Mlsa Marjorie Lloyd J K Grace a I gave four numbers which The Passing of Mm Hamilton After a long period of intense suf fering Mrs Frances Edith Hamilton passed Into the borderland last Sat urday evening In her year Mrs Hamilton was last surviv ing member of the original Townley family who wore among the pio neer people of the village fegftly re spected and prominent hi all the ac tivities or the early days Her bro ther the lale Will estab lished himself in business at Sutton and was one of its most prominent citizens In the latter part of lire century while her sister the late Simpson was wellknown tills community having conducted a drug store for many Two other sisters who pre- deceased her were Mrs Maurice John Ironside Hamilton was born In a daughter Of the late John who emigrated with the other members of the family when only one year tended public school under fiber t Alexander and the whole of her life In York After leaving school as a clerk in the store the late Simp- The late Mlsa Fanny Townley as he was familiarly called was active her youth In St Pauls churcn married the wellknown photo iilUdien tier lute late W Joi living and still occupy Bessie Mrs Wm ankle a returned China Four and dig it lightly around but no touching Ihe plant One or two applications a fortnight apart are July according H Tdmli slower a Id be given ing fertilizer Weak liquid To he safe deep fork- the roses become settled cease hut shallow advisable A few low plants such as Something Worth While gorgeous Patriotic Pageant entitled The Romance of 11 be given on June in High School This will be one Hie Islanding evenIs and Calendulas growing about the roots after the bed Is estab lished Is an advantage If the birds are eating the cover he same with a lighl tallica or a strip of chicken wire This wilf scare them away Plant cosmos along Ihe and be ready to tie it up when it gets a feet tall Four oclock seed for a row along a walk should be planted Plant tw foot apart and pull up one plant if both come up Yellow Ponderosa tomatoes seem to have cons strides in popularity In las few years They add color to salad pickles or preserves A Annuals Worth Trying There should always be a space in the amateurs new flowers of more than average merit In this connection the can be recommended This is a half hardy annual pro ducing brightly colored yellow vers with dark brown centres long They are good bloomers well under ordinary conditions and are particularly fine as cut flowers The Scabi ous is another worth trying It will furnish very sweet scented bloom from late summer on It grows to a height or around two feel and therefore requires plenty or room in good soil and an opBn position Calendulas or Pot Marigolds can stilt sown These giant yellow and orange flowers are excellent for cutting as Ifcey will last a long while in doors The ALL SIZES NEW PATTERNS LOWEST PRICES A BRUNTON rCO close on Wed Afternoon several other unfamili eluded the Lupin- all may well be in- W C The Ladies Store Newmarket SALE OF LINENS Jubilee Hi dale and look for fu particulars in next week The Degree Staff and members of Newmar ket about strong visited Lodge May 3ist for the purpose of conferring the degree The Start and Captain are to be commended for Ihe splendid way the work was concluded I The members of the Degree Team were presented with a dainty souvenir from Lodge and were after- wards banqueted most royally Alice Fred Trinity United The congregation last Sunday raotthJg wan not large me people forgot hour forward c The on Bcarecrow the clock night te by of character and voice The Horse was her best She Is an at tractive young lady The Kate Polka by Jean Holland was certainly fine The Minuet by Ames Mary Dlliane and Mel rose dressed as boys arid girls The Dance by Olive Eves Jean Davis and so brought down the house Umbrella Dance by Beat KErby Dernlco Holland and Muriel Tin Soldier by were all right also the Glow Worms by Mary ma and Melrose in the Novelette with Bealrlct by arid Holland as French Miss Marrow distinguished a Paris beauty dancer and i lovely bouquet of The Swedl Peasant Dance by Muriel MaeKenzl Beatrice was followed by National Dances England dean Mancaulel Muriel and Beatrice Ireland Beat Kirby Eves Mary Winnl- Mae the performer The altar wealth of flowers rose bridal Si taWon Sr hrou We Mnli contributed S ti flind fian8 M arrange S Ktllawa a beau Mlon Ames and Scotland Jean The costumeo of in keeping with i rented and selected Throughout evening the New market Concert Orchestra with Mas Boas as leader Williams Of hoped that closed at with well filled It Is He of these will be again be long The gave services gratuitously the proceed being In- aid of York County Hospital Over were realised The prlije for Belling the most tickets was wo a by Melrose Infanls were laid I After more widowhood Mrs David Hamilton of Roches became deeply attached to visitors at the Newmarket it a devoted wife and the two daughters are bereft of a most self- sacrificing mother Near relatives who greatly assisted during recent weeks her Illness Included Mrs Mrs Theodore Bol ton Mrs Arthur Evans and Mrs Wm Keith The stepchildren also gave generous help and all were pres ent at Ihe funeral except Mrs Geo Draper or Wolfe Sask Deceased was always fond of flowers and more than years ago when the Horticultural Society was flourishing at Its best Mrs Hamil ton an enthusiastic exhibitor and prize winner as well as at Ihe North York pall Fair About the same time was an active member of the Select Degree of the Royal of Temperance and for many years treasurer of the Newmarket period of over years deceased was librarian of the Public Library In which capacity was eminently fitted her friendly man ner and knowledge of literature as well as strict attention to duty mak ing her very acceptable AH her life she a zealous worker in Church of England and on earnest christian The Women Auxiliary made her a life member years ago and boo was also honored with the Vice Presidency Sacrifice of herself for others was Iho predominating feature of her life especially In for the sick infirm and she made many friends but her ambition exceeded her physi cal strength The magnificent floral tributes which the than words tell of the esteem In which she was held which from the Library Board and Womans Auxiliary of Pauls Church The funeral eervlae was conducted In St Pauls On Tuesday by Rev Canon McGonlgte and was largely attended The pall bearers were Messrs Geo Hamilton j Richard Hamilton Hamilton Willis Wm Boyd and I Peters Shot Fina Last Saturday a lynx four feet in length from the nose to the tip of the tall was shot within two miles of Newmarket on the farm of Mr Geo The animal was discovered on the farm at Mr Walter Eves by Mr Bon and chased by Mr dog up a oh the farm Word was sent to Mr A foreman on Eves farm am his son came along and shot Ihe lynx It Is now In the hands of a York will be held hi the Counoll Chambers Newmarket on Monday June at pm sharp The officials of Friends Church and Trinity United Church have ranged for union services during months or July and August the as year Preaching service In Trinity Church every Sunday morning and In Friends Church every Sunday evening takes charge July and Rev Parry In August Fancy Luncheon Sell Blue and Rote Cloth to Match Set Complete Fahoy Linen Set Blue and Gold Border only Cloth 33x38 Napkins Set SI Something Different In Luncheon Mauve Blue Gold and Rote Fancy Border Heavy Damask Patterns Cloth 50 Six Napkins Price Set Cloth 5200 Fanoy Thin Piece Sets Fine Oyster Linen Colored Embroidery 5200 for Set of Three Pure Linen White Table Cloths 70x70 to Match Fanoy Runners Cushions and Everything In Linens SEE WINDOW DISPLAY in order that the Jubilee of federation shall he ushered id 1 uniform and fitting fashion the tlonal committee suggests that high noon on July bells be runs whistles be blown and wherever bands play Save The King and Canada Thus from coast to coast there will resound message of thanksgiving for the past years of progress and of optimism for the future It la also suggested that at the provincial and community celebra tions In addition to whatever may be provided messages resolutions and addresses be read under the authority of chairman or director of ceremonies Cedar Valley There has been plenty of rain the last few days a little too much to suit the farmers but we hope tor belter weather In the future Mr Allen will go some now with tils new sedan Those who did not go to christian Endeavor on Monday- evening certain ty missed a treat Miss lecture and views were splendid al so Madam Jones singing was enjoyed by all We hope to have them with this week and spending a few days In Newmarket Dont forget the community Club next Friday night June Book Store In a day Mre We Mrs Thomas which occurred on Thursday afternoon of last week at home of her soninlaw Mr John Storey of Sharon after was a daughter of late John and Harriet of East born and spent all her life In the same township excepit about ten years In the Town of She was a lifelong member of Church and always had a cheerful testimony Her husband and throe daughters the i John Storey of i an Newmarket funeral by Elder at the In Mrs Lee or Miss Matilda of rice was conducted on Saturday of her Worm IVolcomo The Church was en his wife received a- very cordial come to Newmarket I Harper presided and spoke of I very happy relation he had had the church during his supply of t H Eves gave a come to Rev Meadows which new pastor replied gracious terms looking forward Kettleby Mr and Mrs John King Township announce the of their daughter 2ND OF KING TOWNSHIP Mr Norman Goodwin Is spending a week at his home Miss Millard attended the funeral in on Tuesday of Mrs Dave Millard Mr and Mrs Raymer also Miss Evelyn of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mra J John Bam raising at Mr Mornings on Monday Everything went under the management of Mr Arthur Saint of Bradford The la dles did their share in serving lunch was all that could be de- Mrs Ellison of retun borne on Sunday after spending week her sister Mrs J Stephens and her neioe Mra J behalf of the Mrs to which she modestly replied hop ing to soon become acquainted with all ladles Rev of Keswick on behalf of Conference gave Mr Meadows a hearty welcome to Canada and Rev A extended the greetings of tie ministerial brethren of the Town Reeve gave the pastor and his good a welcome on behalf of the citizens of the Town The greetings or the several organ izations of the were extended by the following Mr John Slephen- Season Shortened s Hon McCrea Minister of Endeavor Miss Ruth Travlss for the Game and Fisheries has announced Endeavor Bert Morrison for the that the or Iho intermediate Endeavor and Game Committee of the House Another pleasing Item the made last year that season presentation of on umbrella to Dr opens his year on July 1st instead of Harper a beautiful bouquet to Juno 1st will be put Into effect by Harper order hi council it is understood proceedings throughout the change la In the nature of en livened by splendid music by the S experiment lhat any future change g Orchestra depend on the results noticed A the conclusion of the program Ibis year It Is claimed from congregation was Invited to the June to July Is the lime when where the ladies of the the bass are Ihe most wicked and church served a substantial Interment was made at Newmarket spawn When bait is dropped near during period they become enraged rushed out and strike the enemy and are thus more easily caught Then spawn hi un protected and ready for marauder to consume and In a very few year his fine would bo The i number being caught has been do- 1 creasing each year It Is expected that the regulations will assist In chocking the decrease ERA STOCK REGISTER Lyon The champion Porcheron Stal lion owned by llulse A Black will travel the township of King Whit- church East Gwilllmbury ing Albert Holland Landing and Newmarket Home aland near Ask for cards Institute held their t the home of Mrs Monday May 30th Women May meeting John Elliott Owing to sudden lllnesa Mrs Aitkei the special speaker was unable to be present District officers present- Charles of Aurora and Mrs i what stations will the June weddings bo Will it be and DHEB Get ready for the boys Mrs J W Mr Mrs Stephens spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Saw- lop of Mrs Jefferson of Winnipeg la here islling her father Mr David Terry other relatives and friends Rev If and Mrs Warren of Stouff- were visitor at Mrs Watson iolfs on the Sorny lo report Mrs Wilson again- under the doctors care Aid of the United entertained by at Mr Watson Ell Wednesday of Mrs Curtis and Miss Jean were at J Saturday to tea Bronte May 31 Bronte fire bri gade had an exciting run to Burling ton yesterday afternoon when fire broke out In the barn of Tuck wbp suffered the loss of his barn and contents a garage a and a Albert escaped death by Inches last Sunday night when the automobile Inw He was riding ran Into a had considerable trouble let Irnotlng himself from the wreckage but was fortunately Uninjured Bristol Tenrt May 31at At least sixteen persons were killed during Sunday night and Monday as wind hall and electrical storms swept sections three states Virginia Tennessee arid Kentucky More than twenty persona were reported Early estimates of property placed the total at si era from the state of Michigan Western Canada Is soon to bo way Fred Kerr Dominion Government agent at Detroit Mich iently brought a party of to Winnipeg en route west where they Intend to look over suitable land to settle the last few weeks Mrs Kerr reported more than Michigan the trip shortly to Inspect land available for fanning purposes will make a total of nearly farmers from the one alone who are planning to abandon their high- priced larid In United Slates for the lowerpriced acreage awaiting cultivation to the trek from the Slate of Michigan many farmers from the central states will move up here In PALACE THEATRE How market Friday and Saturday June PICKINGS featuring Anna Nlllson end Kenneth Harlan Monday end Tuesday June THI Tom Mix end Tony Wonder Horse Wednesday end Thursday June FMSOOl SALLY featuring Sally Noli Roy Saturday Matinee Newmarket Market Butter 250270 Live Stock Markets Toronto Choice Steers Calves Lamb Choice Milkers Hog RAILWAY Train leaves Newmarket for Toronto am and pm Train leaves Toronto for Newmarket and Train Leave Newmarket for North 97 sad

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