Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 29, 1927, p. 3

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Our Local Si Andrews Church Sunday Services May let The services will fae conducted the Rev Foreman B A Presbyterian Church Toronto York County Hospital Aid The regular monthly meeting of York County Hospital Aid will be held in the Council Chambers Nest Tuesday the topic Vocations Worth While will the given by Miss and the meeting will be in charge of Mr Cameron This is our monthly consecration meeting Let every member be present Com Two Cars Collide Turning his automobile into a lane off Prospect Ave on Saturday it noon Bassett son of Mr Bassett had his car struck in the by a Mr Ashenhursl The car smashed but no one was in Both cars south on Prospect A re going but Mr that about to turn Trinity United Church oho and morning will ibe held Sunday the regular hour number will be received inio church fellowship Subject Choosing Jesus Evening Subject Personal Service Try and be present for these special services The annual congregational meeting will he held Wednesday evening May Every mem ber and adherent is asked to be present Pastor Bowling Club At Home There was a splendid gather ing at Oddfellows Hall last Fri day night under the auspices of toe Bowling Club and everybody appeared to enjoy themselves Over twenty tables participated In the progressive euchre under he management of Chief Fred Doyle The game was played by points and Ihe winners were Ladys Prize Miss Wiley Gents prize Mr A Lone Hands Mr Ernie Doyle Dancing commenced shortly before ten and continued till after one oclock Wesfmax Orchestra of seven pieces providing music that seemed please the floor was fully occupied from be ginning end the costumes of ladies adding color to the at tractive and animated scene The refreshment committee of deserve praise for the de lightful lunch served in the base- Newmarket High Sohool On the occasion of the reop ening of the school last Monday morning several members of the Board logeLher with Mr and Dr of made an inspection of lie school and high ly Mr Barker the live appearance of the building The students and teachers in the Assembly Hall patriotic selection Mi- and Fock He J Wedlock led in recital of the lords prayer Hi Mr Man ning referred lo Easier the and lings Mr Pearson was then inti spoke for ten or fifteen minuted oh Latent which was illustrated MB Usually illurninating likely to be forgulteii After fr the several meeting of the Board next luesduy evening Pickering College by the Ontario Yearly Friends in reopened twenty years burnt out at Picker I School on Friday evening April at oclock A aid program has been arranged or AH those teres Led in ill be Mr Anderson of To- the Lades Union will beheld the schoolroom of Trinity requested to be present Improvements ill All Colonel welcome Tomorrow Is the last day for assessors to complete their rolls Friday is Arbor Day A reminder to plant trees The rain Tuesday morning shows Us effect on the lawns duty every citizen to do his or her bit is making the Town look its 60lh Birthday Now time start Farm Produce Big on the market last Saturday morning but the was so cool they were glad to- gel away as soon as poss- and eggs were plen tiful also potatoes Scarcity of dressed chicken maple syrup and celery Ruling prices as Butter to lb Talent Sale A Sale of HomeMade Baking ill be held in the Christian Church S Rooms on Friday noon May commencing quire laying ties employed on the Newmarket ision and fifty on the The work will start about ten days time Later in 125 men will be wanted to lay Scotia north and this 15 to gold to 24 gold wit Jos and hose receiving two diamonds are Matt Brown Travis Bond the late Wm Ellis James Stark THW and shows that they appreciate the pit next Monday men being engaged on the job Men have been oh- ained the work at the pit but God has a Divine plan for every and is our duty find out what is God is more hearts that the The ling was vith God Mr Gordon Hunter the solo In the eyening Mr Parks a student graduate at Victoria Col lege Toronto who is to be at the approaching lon Conference delivered a force ful sermon on the freedom of Christianity Miss Aleta that beautiful selection The Plains of Peace with splendid expression The an thems by the Choir were up to Mastei tried to be a channel of blessing for God friends are continually praying behalf It is not easy on to go in Ihe way of sin praying St Johns I It C Church Will ht a Progressive Kudu in lie School Monday eve 2nd at This ill hi the last f se a good tint all attend on ad Trinity Y P lore were present at 4hc Young Peoples Meeting la3t Monday evening with the Presi dent Mr T Scott in the chair Miss Mabel Morton read the Scripture lesson being literary night Mr West took charge of the Mi Rowla solo Mr Angi ielightful paper hoi- West gave A jolly sing- program erred refresh- During Hie evening the Secre tary Miss McGregor read the kind invitation of Mount Albert lo our P to he their on the 10th or May which unanimously accepted Com Another Fire When the fire alarm was Tuesday night about tie next trades are at work on I 11 nrj The third been installed to take fcx cold weather altered Hospital during the War and the j brought its The hair done and Ihe completion n il busy pulling J hanging doors i w months or m and have to m1 hut tlie man- lJ iV ii effort o ready for dale net s arc already i efftoient clock there where Ihe fire of the Town was illuminated showing that it had had before being observed in Cilfillans blacksmith Cedar street the of Hunters store The quickly but when they irrived the whole Interior of flames which had burst out of roof As usual the Firemen did splendid workj fining the flames to tin building and in about minutes had the fire out leaving the building in act with charred studding and rafters would seem thai the fin started in I ho rear where a stove is located but had fire in the stove ing and the electric current had smoke when Mr GUflllan closed Ihe shop for supper He has been in possession or the prem ises for about four years and been doing a good business A hardwood lumbei Mr has the contract to build a residence on St for Miss clerk in Law- office I Dual Celebration An effort is made nave 2Day Celebration in North York on the of the Con federation Jubilee Friday July 1st in Aurora and Saturday July 2nd in Newmarket Committees have been appointed in is confer with each olher night and see if a dual Hail si be High School waa filled to overflowing on Tuesday evening- the occasion betas the Oratorical Contest for lids la he Star Competition for Hfgii School students of graciously and per formed the or chairman The contestants were Nora of Miss Drur- of Richmond Hill Miss Jessie Marshall of Newmarket Miss Ruth of Au rora Frank Harrington of De La Salle College Marie Draper of Mount Albert and of The declared in favor si and Miss Kln- i put- on a dance nd Driving he homeless before it the flood claimed new victims hero and there swallowing up Mississippi Guard rescue worker near Greenville an Arkansas planter near Pine Bluff and captain of a craft assisting levee strengthening on Ihe Arkansas River ranged up S00 workers on Ibe Mississippi Delia fear many lost their lives loday as the flood waters continued across the liratu be mployees of the Office Specialty Co when the Foreman or each Department I distributed bronze silver and gold souvenirs to all employees who have worked continuously Illume J Smith A death of the Town Clerk Mr for the Company five ye and Prominent Bualneas Man Receives Sudden Call Last week Mr and Mrs Jos Cody left for Uxbridge in good spirits intending to in Lnded cutting lumher bush be bad The late Joseph A Cody was lorn on the Homestead reel north of he old loll gate his father the late Allen Cody did pioneer work clearing he land along with the other Quake settlers who came from His mother was sister of the late John Dick- ion former Principal of Newmar ket High School On bin fathers death Mr continued on the farm having married Miss Eliza Manning daughter of he laic Manning of Newmarket by six sons survive namely Sterling merchant i of w Allen at Nevvmarkel and Cameron of Toronto all married After being a widower for some years Mr Cody married Mrs Alice of Mount Albert last moved into Tc time ho has been engaged con in the lumber business of the wholesale trade in which he was very successful Ho took great interest in public affairs being a slrong He was an Lib eral In politics and a prominent member of the Society of Frlend3 also a member of ho Board of Governors of Pickering College He will be greatly missed in community and the family have Hie sympathy of many friends In their sudden capacities for the a son of the Whitchurch plan ters Mrs Webster and Mrs Webster both of Aurora Mrs Kellam and Mrs Andrews of Winnipeg and one son Herbert of Keoora Bloomington The many friends of Mr Walt Hill will be sorry learn that he is in Toronto General Hospi tal where he underwent an oper ation for appendicitis oil Friday her home Miss Alelfa of Toronto was home on Sunday Mr and Mrs A visited relatives at The Ladies Aid of he United Church bekl a social at the home of Mr and Mrs Tranmers and enlerfained the Ladies Aid who furnished a amounting neigh extend 111 to the family -Mikt- Newmarket and Intends moving next v nub Intend iiirlinil this sand friend Baby Chicks Dig husky bredtolay MAY DELIVERY order balance from Eggs wiled for a i t600 per wyandottes Two cents per per chick Albert Reynolds la In wont forget the community Club mi 1 1 iv fdea lo help the Sale Register huraday May Auction will be sold at Hie street ERA STOCK REGISTER Wattle Pure bred Clydesdale the property of Joseph Culling will travel through the townships or Klog and during the season Ask for route Prince S tlie property of Sain Sutton IMPROVEMENT TOWN OF NEWMARKET of the Town of Newmarket Intends to construct as a Local Improvement a twenty fool Bltulllhlo pavement on a concrete base together with curbs gutters and storm sewer on Street between Lome Avenue and the westerly tracka of the Toronto Commission Radial Railway and Intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work The estimated cost of the Is of which Ib to be paid by tho Corporation estimated special rate per foot age Is a fool estimated special annual rate per foot fro 9 38 and the special assessment Is to be paid In mice Instalments A to the said Council will not avail to prevent Its cons ion but a petition against or manner In which It has been undertaken may be made pursuant lo Section of Tho Local Improve Act to the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board by a majority of the owners representing at least one of the value of lots which a be specially assessed therefor NORMAN Dated at Newmarket April Fourteenth Memphis April Swiftly and Irresistibly the flood waters of Mississippi River and its tribu- Mississippi and Louisiana Inundating additional rolled and tin Wednesday at NoonMay to October alt While dollar one hundred million dollars oik at Mississippi lis banks by he half a dozen points and itch north and south lew break In ikani at South Bend Lincoln County reported with the water several towns We have had brought to our Hon the following Item your issue of April 1st under the heading North Council Hospital BUI for otloe would Imply tin account for of his son Thomas had been borne by Ihe Municipality J Mr whatever Municipal Council for Tthls report is obviously In but It has placed Mr Barnelt unpleasant position No doubt to give this correction the proper publicity Yours very truly J S Crawford Baldwin Breezes Now hat Scribe has sealed the heights with his muzzleload or we birds can make our appear ance once more did me good see Bluebird land Banshee Of course fair to twit on facts Most industrious faun have the Spring seeding we under way dime of writing Tlie next thing lo do will be to repair the old canvas and sharpen up the Our received many during the holiday season Mr and Mrs James OBrien and Bobbie Sunday at OBriens Miss Itulh Amos and fi icnds Of sheltered under the parental Ernest of and Ford and lady friend of were enjoying the i home trying to forget the the Olde dance in Sutton last Monday night All indulged loop Main Street where J is slowly but surely m his annual debut It ire thing see them git out and git behind An Armstrong motor helps at dimes I stand are being taken to lei Taylor Taut I gui lini and mothers bund at meal lime by all reports Thinking of another holdup lack of I sincerely hope ibat some of fhe aforenamed pork till they develop a squeal Good news for The labor is causing among ihe ratepayers In the vi- April Phillips Company InterScan Company inoidfiit at llio pany nite statement stoma Commission to- paid J atoms at Sandwich over perhaps a year vere made In the morn until six lo liquor export shipments for the com- HOP EARLY W A BRUNTON CO W C LUNDY The Ladies Store Newmarket Brighten the Home with Summery Covers and Curtains In Cream and Ecru Madras good patterns fine weave Reg 75c and 85c Sale Price Cream Casement Net Sale Price Cream shade only fine quality SCRIM hemstitched 36 Inches Sale Price 35c Yd Fancy Lace Panels assorted patterns size 38x3 Sale Price 88c Each Fanoy full range of shades English Tapestry 40 and ins wide Sale Price and Fancy Rayons for overdrapes In Rose and Gold Blue and Gold Gold and Black 36 Ins wide Sale Price Yd Making a Convenience of a Business MAtY there are who of a legitimate and wellestablished business but a convenience a place from which to get odds and ends when there is no time to go farther afield They do hesitate send their good money away for many things they need and which just as satisfactorily and much more promptly be supplied by fheir home merchants and dealer No business no matter of what nature long exist on this sort of patronage Nor it fair to expect that it should The public ex pect to receive services as and when they de mand it but many do not do their part in mak ing this possible There are manufacturing industries with fairly complete equipment which because of such lack of consideration are idle much ol the time It must be patent lo all that a busy plant can operate much more cheaply than one which is working only on part time There fore it should be the policy of all to place their business of whatever kind it may ho with the local plant or factory to the end that it may be kept reasonably busy and thus be in a position to give its best service When it is printed matter of any kind re member the plant and equipment of The Newmarket Era Baldwin Corners PALACE THEATRE bolls ring- Ibis week Tor Miss Vcrita Mrs Taylor is spending it few days in Toronto Mrs Geo Crocker of is colling on- old friends here on Monday The stork swooped real low and a wee girlie David last week so Dave a Mr a red Mrs Harold Rose and family at Toronto are visiting at CUBS Jus Crittenden our iBtorJ has been gelling a driver look out Mr and Mrs Cecil Anderson of Toronto spent a few hours in Baldwin on Sunday Mr of ronlo home Monday re turning Tuesday Alice irse has taken a position in City Hospital J Newmarket Saturday April THE HORSEMAN I featuring Charles Jonas and I Tuesday May 8TEPPINQ featuring Johnnie Wednesday and ThuTiday My MOTHERS SON An allBritish picture produced made In England A story thai will grip Special added attraction DICKSON KENWIN Saturday at Newmarket Markets Live Stock Markets Price Hollo Hello but Parrots theyre not dumb They their hospitality Era to CANADIAN NATIONAL RA1LWAV Train Newmarket for Toronto and pm Train leaves for Newmarket am and pm Tram Leaves Newmarket tot North ma OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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