Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 1, 1927, p. 7

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OUR breed full of life glu ing elements thai go Icp vrj the making of healthier PS Morning Sdnjeot send peace but Evening Subject the door U regular Monthly Meeting of organization will be held at the Temperance Ball on Monday April at p Members having Soap Wrappers please bring them to this meeting- Mrs Rev Marshall will give a report of the convention in Toronto A full attendance is requested Coming Coming I Moore in her newest and best role at Ihe Palace Theatre on Monday Tuesday April and in aid of York County Hospital Regular prices Come and help the Hospital and see Pictures of the year Trinity United Church Themes for Sunday April 3rd lorning oclock The Com passion of Jesus Evening oclock Faithful Heal The acre farm on Pro vincial Highway and take belong ing to Mr John Shanks has been sold to Mr Johnson of On Possession April 14th Negotiated by Hod late Office Real Hospital Benefit Dont miss Moore in her thc As quality in the our product la the we I cemeteries You have done In It This ftl verity the claim that we do memorial W Cot Queen A Main YOUR STOVES THE AVERY ROLE Heres a springtime pre scription for what seems to be the matter with you It was written out In plain English by Old Dr Common- sense He says that good coal will cheer you up after Everything else falls We never fall to be politely at tentive to our J 0 LITTLE Monday and Tuesday She season Regular prices Pro ceeds in aid of York County Hos pital It needs your help and this is only a trifle with an even ing of pleasure thrown in M The Womens Missionary So ciety of Trinity United Chi Offering meeting The Young Peoples 1 hold a very i uteres meting Monday evening All young folk A very successful and business meeting was held last Monday evening The President was in charge and reports from the var ious committees were read each showing favorable progress At elose of the business meeting and games and Social Committee Com Monday evening to hear Mr Ro Representative who spoke on the Youth of Rural District He gave Thank- Wednesday of To- onto sang a very beautiful solo Mrs Earl late of China gave Some people In the neighborhood have been having bad colds but hi general people are pretty well hough some of the children are out school Mrs George Fairbanks torn are in the bouse with measles Roads are quite as good con as theji were a week ago on aw count of the snow fall Bui this belter come now than later on as I makes a good mantle for the fal Our Rev Thomas Dunlop for a the ministry of died Sunday at bis home Belslie Drive In his seventy- seventh year Bom In Belfast Ireland In he came to Canada at the age of aid entered the work of the Methodist North Park- It Sound Brace- ril SHARING elje did not In Next week is Literary night and Mr will have charge of the program Everybody welcome On Tuesday evening the mem bers of he Young Womens Au xiliary of Trinity Church met at he parsonage with a splendid at tendance Miss Marjorie Rob inson sans a solo Mrs J Harrison gave a piano instrumen tal and the- Marshall quartette played very efficiently The devotional pamphlet was given by MORTGAGE SALE Coder virtue of tile fere will tic offered for Rale lie auction the auction rooms Limited 111 King or April at lie hour twelve oclock noon denial properly In of about thirtyfive y a depth of about On Sixteen feet ft Olive Kites a returned try from China gave their wonderful work the field which was in tensely interesting Refresh menls were served and the meet ing brought to a close with the benediction Com Friends Churoh The morning text last Sunday was Marvel not that I said unto thee ye must be horn agair The world needs to know the birth more than anything Those farmers who have trees tap ped are kept very busy as Just lately here has been a great run of gap This 10 doubt takes some bard work but in as a great treat Word comes from Mrs W Shep- of enjoying the news it the Newmarket Era and of hearing from her old friends and neighbors here An old saying true friend is known by reaching others In the time of sickness or sorrow Mick has decided there rue friends In this locality were quite pleased of chance again to attend the service at Bethel on Sunday charges Aurora Mid dale Toronto Pa bridge and Responding to frightened Chinese police In a roominghouse on Simcoe street Sat urday and round George aged a Chinese waiter dead of knife wounds and Margaret Paige aged of a white girl with whom been living for two years Buffering from four above the knee Her Injuries aw not Contracts amounting to for the livestock buildings at Royal Winter Fair Were approved by the board of control being awarded to W Yates Company The con tractors guaranteed that the build ings would be ready for the Exhibition as far as they were necessary Providing another dazzling display hookey Owen Sound and Port Ar thur Junior teams battled for seventy minutes at Arena Gardens Monday night before Owen Sound finally won the game by a score of to3 and for the second lime in four seasons captured the Memorial Cup the Dominion junior championship Work of extending the Northern Railway its present terminus 68 miles of Cochrane to James Bay will Ferguson early In May Chinaman running wild on Elizabeth street on Wednesday even- stabbed a little girl yeara of hi back causing fatal Injury wounding three assailant was arrested distance and much the enjoyed Mark home to thy friends and tell how great things the has done was very practical and certainly had an attend and announced If roa were In a favorable condition Sunday there would be others to he him with the service from Toronto We also hear the Ladles Aid busy at work for a sale to be applied on missionary Pleased to hear that Miss Parker is better after fall But the Ice will soon be a thing of the past and we all may be on sure footing Mrs is reported as being stronger which her many friends axe pleased to hear Mrs Brown Is stilt with her Phone SO TRY PARSONS FIRST Phone SO Parsons Diamond House Paint per gat Parsons Diamond Enamel Parsons Diamond Varnish Stains per Agents for Products Parsons Diamond Floor Wax per lb Lemon Polishing Oil bottle for Odd Shades in Varnish Stain pi size eo EXTRA SPECIAL Wash Boilers Sale On Sale Saturday Only at 92 Brooms reg 59c for 39c Tin Wash Boilers Copper Bottom Sale Price Galvanized Wash Boilers Sale Galvanized Garbage Pails Galvanized Wash Tubs No size 169 149 per cent off on 20 per cent off on The doesnt hut one Gods to be We ill he individuals point until we are Horn the new takes place wo must the god of selfishness The text was What Lack J Yet It is a terrible tiling to play with the Holy Spirit in lu hi III East GwJllimbury Council Sharon March 19271 A special meeting of the Municipal Council of the Township of East was held on Ihe above date in the Municipal Hall Sharon com mencing at 130 pm The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion confirmed- Communications were read and dealt with viz Toronto and York Road Commission re condition of ditches at Holt TheBe are temporarily fixed and would be later permanently put In order Canadian National Railway re crossing between Iota and con This will be investigated ami re ported on la the near future also re their reply to the Councils protest against their purpose to abandon the to Mount Department of Lands and Forests re township or Individual tree plant ing Anyone wlafcing Information re garding tbe same write Ontario For estry Branch Parliament Buildings Toronto A number of persona were heard before the Council In support of a of Joseph Jr for dam ages of having a horse perish in the mire on con 8 opposite lot Tbe Council instructed the Clerk to application for claim to Indemnity Co for their Wnsh Boards Special Mop Sticks Sale Price Wall Papers for One Week Open Evenings Until 8 pm For Woll Only 6 Patterns to choose from Regular 10c and Price per roll Patterns to choose from Regular Sale Price per roll ioc Patterns to choose from Regular 20c Sale Price per roll Papers Regular per roll Sale Price 1 Package of Stick Fast Free with each order Choice Dairy Butter Papers Size Bath Towel Sale Price Sheets Raffled Curtain Nets Special yd Sheets Lunch Papers Ladles Gingham Aprons Special Suit Cases and Club Bags to Vacuum Bottles Special 57c Cocoa Door Mats Special 55c- Steel Wool Special for 29c I Parsons English Breakfast Tea Special per lb 59c MOTOR OILS Kindly leave your orders as usual for our High Test Heat Resisting Motor Oil FOR YOUR TOILET Vanishing Cream Cold Cream Perfumes Toilet Water Hair Fix Reg each 2 of each Parisian Lawn Envelopes Reg Pkg for lie Ellsworth Envelopes Reg pkg for Buster Brown Express Wagons in sizes See them BUI Except Mop Sticks the The bathroom floor The floors and lights and front remainder within ought a vision of rising armies it We need power to Christ choir sang Growing Dearer Each Day Com High School Board A meeting of the High School Board look place on Tuesday ev ening the following members be ing present chairman Messrs Watson Harvey and Davis Principal Manning and Secretary application was received from The Club askinj for the use of the Gymnasium nights a week hi iiflrraijbj was deferred pending en from other and formation of rules that cover any further An from the ladies of St Andrew Church for the use of the Audi for a play to he put on Hi stage on the of April held at Mrs night was well attended visitors were if Keswick and mil Miss A and Miss Helen spent Sunday In Our school teacher Is kept quite busy these days with receptions and plays to be practised on Ids hands The young people expect to pul on a play In soon Mr and Mrs Thompson spent Sunday with their son at Miss Mann turned home from a three weeks Mr Thomas Shropshire spent the young people of Mrs Nelson nee Miss Vera Horner a shower the home of Mr and Mrs The Quality Meat arkV of and Main Streets on payment of to provide any ex- Id pretty wedding on Wednesday Mar its of a when their only daughter Vera I Mary was united In managc to Mr received Emanuel Henry Nelson son of Mr and J Nelson After the wedding march which is played by Miss Marshall of the bride the party took and beneath an arch of bride who was given In marriage A vote of thanks was passed to lie Minister of Education for the of ten volumes of The of Canada for use in the passed amounting to about nearly of which was coal The chairman of the Building Committee Mr Patterson re ported that the final inspoctlor was made with the architect last Saturday and after a few details are attended to by the tractors the final payment will bo The grading of the grounds and other mailers were discussed adjournment Marvin was heard be fore the Council re cutting shad on aide road between lots JO ant tho sixth concession That the Clerk to Inform Mr John King not to cut tiny more wood on side road between lots con until further notice Carried Lewi Glover That the annual grant of each be grants and Mount Albert I Libraries Harrison- Glover That the and Is hereby to chase a Sldo Feeder and Sawyer- make for the Stone Crusher one that crusher Carried LcwisGioven That Ihe Reeve dlowing payments via Miscellaneous Pay Holt No Albert Public- Library Mrs Mainprise 12500 Public Library And that the Corporate attached Cj Receipt the of Hi call of the or at our next meeting on Saturday April In the Municipal Hall Sharon at oclock pm Clerk PARSONS FAIR SYNDICATE Ravenshoe George Hamilton Har old Glover and Fred spent a few days in Toronto last Miss Nina Micks is visiting her Mrs Carl Gordon Miss Sophia Pollock of has returned home after spending a short va cation with her friends Miss Pansy Sanderson Glad to see Mrs Waller out after her long illness We are very sorry to hear of the illness of little Jean Gordon daughter of Mr and Mrs Gor don Hope for a speedy recov ery largo crowd come to lake part in the Mothers Meeting and to rally lo the call for temperance workers Mrs Mann spoke on Temperance and on Purity were very much appreciated It seems when the mothers think it is time to lake a hand that it looks for the future About 35 were present the last Thursday evening Mr Irvine was Ihe convenor and Mr Harold Bray took the topic At the close a spent in he basement Next Schoitiberg Mrs Dr Caldwell was ap pointed president at a ation meeting of the remained unchanged The So lo Mr and Mrs Dove by their new neigh bors on Tuesday evening when a card parly and oldlime dance win held at their home sing looked pretty of white crepe trimmed with rhineBtone and carried a shower bou quet of carnations and sweet peas Ruth Walker acted as bridesmaid wearing 3 smart gown of monarch blue georgette trimmed with lace and attend ed by his br- brother- In- lav The Rosary breakfast the the Cecil I Alter wedding ppy couple left on ft bride travelled in a gown of rose satin back crepe trimmed with pale blue with black coat and rose hot and shoes and stockings to match jtSend Era to Absent Friends Sale Register Wednesday April 2nd Mr Lloyd will have a sale Slock Implements etc on Lot Con East mile North of Newmarket CredlJ till Monday April President Beatly of the calls that when that system opened one ship carried all the exportable grain from the head of the lakes To day It requires All this hat happened In a little Tho Y P will give their play on April Please keep dale open A number of our young men en joyed a boil down one evening When returning home Ihey mot a shower of hail stones Tlie neighbours turned out on Wednesday lo a bee to move Mr Charles Pollard to his new homo at Keswick EnnTHQUflKE OAU8SD Kakabeka Palls Sunday WORTH BURNED AT HALIFAX Halifax March this morning destroyed the stone building at ihe juncture of and Upper Water Streets piedby J Morse Company lea will an estimated loss of 350000 A stock of tea valued at went up in smoke The entire contents of the building proper built in 1841 and ion of the baser Customs bonded warehouse con tained a quantity of bottled liq uors valued at but it is believed lhal most of this was saved A fireman was overcome smoke shortly entering the building and was removed to a hospital special Young people should care to guard themselves against the fault of talking loosely about others It la a very common fault and grows on one If a watch Is not kept No one likes a taebearer I ROD and aim The first of a thrilling series of stories based on the early fur trading days In the North West written by Samuel Alexander White Is one of the notable features of the April number of Rod and Gun and Silver Pox News Which Just Issued The story Blended Brigades however Is only one Item of a table of contents Dale has an Interesting miscellany of nature notes from the Mortimer Batten Z S writes this month about the porcupine and the skunk London March Captain West of the British army and two members of his expedition Into Northern Burma lo free slaves have been killed by natives to advices reaching the Indian office The despatches say the expedi tion was attacked by natives West and two native of expedition were killed three others were wounded and an interpreter is missing Re inforcements of military police have been sent to the district A despatch from Rangoon early this year said that Sir Governor of Burma had notified the native chiefs that selling of slaves must cease Im mediate arrangements were plan ned for the release of the slaves their owners to be compensated ho British Government slimaleo that slaves thus would be ted explained today boulder estimated weigh tons fell down from the brink the falls to bottom of thp crash a sheer drop of about feet Kaminlstlqula Power Company en gineers who made the discovery of the ice fall state that force at Impact wlh the momentum gathered equalled foot tons when the Ice smashed the flat rook bottom of the gorge it this tremendous crash which shook the earth and mystified the dwellers In he adjacent townships In village half a mile from the falls buildings quivered to an extent that occu pants fled outdoors printing Satisfaction Years of practical and an extensive and modern plant equipment assure pa- 3ob

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