Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 1, 1927, p. 3

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Tea and Next Saturday afternoon April 2nd at oclock a Daffodil Tea Musicals will held in the diningroom of the King George under the auspices of St Andrews Choir A splendid pro bata is being arranged for this occasion Admission 25c Ladles Union 1ST York Holism housecleaning kindly The regular monthly meeting the Womens Auxiliary of York Hospital Aid will Pauls Church and save all be held on Tuesday April at magazines rubbers three Notice of later At High The students of Col- Toronto are to give an ex hibition his Friday night of the J of the Gymnasium Apparatus M the High Sohool and put on The regular April meeting of j stunls commencing at be Ladies Union of Trinity Unit- look ed Church will be held in the 8 oclock an Oratorical Con schoolroom on Wednesday nest ecl fake place April at 315 p All the Hall together u he High School Orel All members of Club a requested to bo present at Saturday night An inter esting speaker has been obtained for he evening Those intend ing to take part in he initiation tiled he Assem- by i Christian Church Senior weekly meeting of What pleasant bright spring days do bring I The orchestra at the is giving some splendid l a comedy drama in these the Peoples So- draws Presbyterian About tickets have for the Hockey Banquet last night Christian Church The Intermediate Christian rill hold its meeting unir jx Tuesday Phoebe Ingledew will topic and Hilda will lead will be April High School be secured from our G girls or members of the Society Com Public Library Board A meeting of he Library Board farm took place in the Public Library Room on Tuesday evening I chairman I are iwBiiijiuiiB of Mrs Stephens r the other side the losers say Mr Cornell and Rev Our will last for month more Ken Scot fa side m are twentynine ahead of Mr well Be and bring your friends leenage boys and Oh E Marshall 1 for After the Ordinary discussion took place of some a accommodation for It was finally rip to make the Si J I nested and build Me executors of The secretary The Hew Hospital The York County Hospital Board met on Tuesday night and approved of the plans submitted by the architect for the erect of he New Hospital on the cor of Huron and Prospect a The contractor who had he job drtwi when the fire broke out Mr sell was awarded the contract and he commenced work Kennedy on Wednesday Unless prevented v by bad weather he expects to hire the building ready for oc- ipancy lie of August aed hi neighborhood of Death of Addison On Tuesday afternoon there passed away at his residence in Sharon Mr James Addison in his year after an illness of sev eral months and the last three being confined to his bed j Newmarket very popular with the young people and esteemed He board ed at the Royal Bote when the late James conducted that and was an assistant the late Col Lloyd in the When he first come here be had not been long out from Scotland and bis broad dialect coupled with his natural humor soon won for him of friends It is somewhere about years ago when he accompanied the family to 111 where he continued to practice in the velernary line until about five years ago when he relumed to Newmarket and took up resi dence on street follow ing which he married Mrs Evens of East a relative of he fam ily with whom he had been ac quainted for maziy years and took up residence in Sharon He is survived by bis widow but no relatives in Canada The funeral look place yester day afternoon conducted by Rev Partridge of and ho of Shan Trinity P The Young Peoples Meeting on Monday evening was well attend ed and was in charge of he Mis sionary Committee Mrs Har rison rendered a choice piano selection and Miss A sang a solo which was followed by a Missionary Baseball captains were Miss Colo and Miss Hewitt The players were ilis I Smith Mr Gardiner Miss McUall Miss P Millard Dr Miss and Miss one aide and Miss Miss Starr Hugo Miss Wicket Mass Before mi Jdorfey How llien j readily the following Hon llov A Marsh Past Gilbert Assoc Pies Miss Taylor Hiiynaiy Rowland Cole Angus West J Harrison McGregor Morion Pianist in Gilbert Press Burrow and Miss newly ap then took lb meeting j a clone Mis Archibald Jacksons brother It has been definitely fiie blind j Paisley block fanner Is therefore j nearest living kin although there several nieces nephews living the Steps will be taken volumes of years age a 22yearold he Encyclopedia to who lhe it UD to I a on his fathers farm family homestead to seek a SsSS w Mrs Mary Kennedy for ars a resident of Newmarket passed away at her home Wednesday morninir 17 J this faoj- located In BHIon Montana March The Mrs Kennedy had agaln lhe lov health for the I Jerome where hard and application he amassed a comfortable little fortune of some mostly in real estate He been in failing health for the la ieven years but was smitten on March with paralysis gradually weakened until the md came early Wednesday norm ng The deceased lady had a host of friends by whom she will be remembered as ever ready in every good work Her husband predeceased her in June She is survived by en Mrs Thos Wallace of Birmingham Mich and Margaret at home also one Mrs A J McCaffrey of ThB funeral took place on morning from St Johns Church Requiem High Mass be ing by Rev Father Wedlock lent In St Johns Cemetery Lecture On Tuesday evening at the School Dr OReilly highly and instructive would have been well of filling he town hall to overflowing capacity traced history of that miraculous which distinguished and immortalized he town of in Southern France in Die apparition which took place Ihere or he Virgin Mary to The report coming back He never That boy was George I elder brother of Archibald Jackson whose farm in Paisley block Is about miles from St Johns Newfoundland March Messages received from the coal fields at St Georges where boring operations have been In progress stated loday hat a new coal Beam not previously suspected had been tin id i and by in France at that but their incredulity was Die miraculously gushed forth from the spot where he Virgin and many of the ind afflicted with bodily and diseases were instantly by be use of his waler On Die spot where the Virgin appeared there has been erected a magnificent Grotto and a church of most beautiful archi- lectural design he external ap pearance of which lends an air of serenity and spirituality to the iunounding neighborhood and lie beholder wilh a deep faith in Hie supernatural In rypt of he may bo numberless tablets written cry language lo wonderful cures of body and ind which have been affected re ayers of tlAj Vir The learned lecturer clear that visitors to Die authenticity these remark happenings is now well ill beyond all shadow In connection with Die Twiy in sbrine a medical Inquiry bur- TolUp of Last W medical inquiry been des which is open lo all the members of he medical profes skilful physicians Jition of the patients fully These doctors qualified any change in the c of the palient They might bo attributed Couieism or mental ion etc but only to nolo clearly apply to lefined organic agree that the tlerful cures beyond all scientific explanation nest Tuesday at tj UD Vt by and the meeting will in charge of Mr Donald Allan this consecration meeting member is asked to be it Com Worth Gwifflmbury March Council for the Township- of as per of March in Smiths Hail Bel haven Meeting opened at oclock with all members present Minutes of last meeting read and approved dealt with as follows Mr as moving boat houses road at Heches PL being hand at part of agreement of Council of Mr A Morton to detriment to properly by Counoll putting out side water break at Crescent Benefit left to be seen Hospital bill for Thomas Barnett Roches Point passed with no decision considerable discussion bese matters Council adjourned for lunch at FORTUNE Out March Seventy- years old and stone blind for over a quarter of a century Archi bald Jackson may come Into a fortune after a lifetime of wrestling a toilsome living from his Paisley week there died in the little town of Jerome Arizona at the age years a man named George Jackson who left a estate in municipal properly This of the presence of a member of lhe Immediate family in the eland the curious stares of friends and the shudders of the folk when they saw his scar red and wellnigh wandering about Canada and lied over half a century he his thai fio You Suffer Backache and Kidney Trouble hat tried Dr Allens Juniper Kidney Pills Compounded especially for lhe rellel of Kidney Disorders and of the Bladder a Guarantee this remedy to give Try a box today BO Box 3 for For Sale only by Harrisons Drug Store MORTGAGE SALE sale contained interceaservl a Which will be I produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by Auc tion J Kester Esq Auctioneer I not yet passed and lh Ninth day of of these remark- 1027 lll houp following freehold properly north half of Lot Number Twenty In Concession There 100 I dwelling and log barn lance within Eubjei Vendor further terms and conditions of AVID SON Vendors Agent Albert J KESTER Auctioneer resumed at Moved by Mr Davidson seconded by Mr Glover that Collector to sign arid return vouchers sent by Sot- at Board re farm by W Robertson 1926 and seal of Corporation be attached to this resolution Carried Auditors gave Reeve list of unpaid taxes which were checked over Sev eral marked off when Collector came others fo be dealt with Immediately Reeve was appointed by bylaw to get in touch with an engineer and have him come prepared lo take soundings and make necessary etc for bridge near Joel A very interesting discussion as l tlie abolishing Labor beard and taken part in by A ByLaw to abolish same was pre- and passed first second and third readingss and carried of to Mr Glover A deputation of ladles was received who presented a petition or yards of signatures of ed who wish the Council of this Township build a Hall suitable for Municipal purposes and general good of the community alb Council Sheep valuators were appointed by ByLaw as follows James East- borne Harold Glover PoundKeepers were appointed as follows Keswick Walter Roches PL A Stephens Mount Pleasant Percy Reed Sutton John Smith Keswick M Connell Keswick Duke Stone- house Suiton Sutton Sam Jr John Draper Keswick Graham Sutton Winch Jos Wilkinson Keswick Perry Brown Hill Fence Viewers appointed fol lows Abraham Keswick John McNeil Jr Allan derman Sutton A Stephens Sutton Carl Morton Geo Sutton Draper Jr Keswick Thos Ardill Sutton Geo Hamilton Roches Point Arthur All ByLaws passing 1st 2nd and 3rd reading Moved by Mr Sprague seconded by Mr Davidson thai Reeve Treasurer for the amounts I folio I the I of the Corpor ation be attached to resolution Herbert Kay cutting trees at 8 Walter Thompson Pay Sheet No Globe Indemnity Co for Tp- Tremayne candles and formadehyde James Nelson valuing sheep Charles work on road SUckland work on road E express supplies M express on World supplies Hydro lamps and freight Election Board Judges bill for Dr Graham convention ex penses Angug Cameron refund dog tax A try locating grade At the home know well a nicely I you It was And of two Holes are very proud There was Jack and dear little Time And Mia Laura and our darting Willies ay Marshall was along with And very after our friend Violet West besides Dick and Vera so Hutchinson and Wesley Walls were there Then and Jack were In line And Jack and kept up With the From the Third came Jack the Dandy Then Miss Audrey was atoa In line I nearly forgetting that Janet You talk about just fine Carl Black supplied should But Just thought I Annie To whom we extend our Its tiresome writing so the ill We all got before the break Miss Mildred visited he brother Mr P in St Michaels Hospital Toronto las week- Mr is the molorman who had his leg broken in the dent at Hoggs Hallow last Mr Carl Black and Mr William Muirhead spent last weekend The club met on I evening at Hall la which Bethel Black off first In the and Mr In week In Toronto The Womens Institute met at t home of Mrs S J on day last Mrs Wilsons talk much enjoyed on her trip Pacific coast EGYPT HEIGHTS scribe took pinnacle and discovered signs here to stay ittlng First one the fence peanuts Ira Keeloh was out oiling and painting up his orders carriages preparing for a grand parade on May from to Baldwin On Wednesday night the scribe saw the best sign Ihrce pelicans were heard singing at frog Street Corners late In the evening After the song the pond of hear that Wesley 19 anxious join the benedicts lie in taking 1 Tho sawbuzzers season is over this year Great celebration on W night for lhe windup year we believe Ihere are pi for base boards for Star to carry when get In le mud holes Owl Junior Wonder what Is he cause so any birds around this yean Owls Blackbirds and Pelicans Idtimers say It never happened be ne In their day Wonder If Iner could answer our question King ready for a tinting expedition those birds be la looking hope he gets the pelicans llesults hero able Rayons 60c per yard A BRUNTON CO W C LUIMDY Thi Ladies Store Newmarket Easter Novelties Quality Wins What Does Easter Mean to the Feminine Mind Nevy Hose New Gloves Silk Lingerie Scarfs Neckwear Flowers Venus Pure Thread Silk Hose In all Newi Shades The 8prlng Needle Stitch gives close clinging fit Garter Top Inch Silk Gold Dollar Hose stylish serviceable Satisfactory Featuring 23 Inch Silk Boot and Special Garter Top Queen Quality Silk Gloves fancy cuffs double top Ladles like these Gloves because they wear longer Novelty French Flowers for the New Spring Suit and Coat Also for Evening Dresses Woods Lavender Lingerie In all the Newest Spring Shades New prices Vests Knickers Slips Night Hobos New Pouch Bags for the 8mart Dresses OH IN LIFE Dont worry when you ble remember a worm is about Please God send my only tiling that cant fall he Baby Chicks Big husky i knelt with his weeping- de hia Utile crib one evening hours earlier this same daddy Policeman Harry J I cry of tenement Strains ropolis Four turned flifftfc I thorns I district of he i i blazing struct sixteen families fifth limo ho fought his way through tho APRIL DELIVERY loo lie did nol chick off the KiVLK5 firemen found he body of Policeman Fan and safely his charred fingers still clutching he burned arm of another man had Hied lo save Since he hatched from your av I guaranteed i delivery every Monday Terms balance Sunday aifternoon at one oclock in the vicinity of Ka- Falls about Fort William Various come in from the dis trict and it seems to have been felt from the village of Kakabokn Is as far as Flint Siding on extension of ha Cana dian National tremor of he earth was and rattled dishes on he shelves of the houses and made nil ho windows in ho vi cinity vibrate shock was but It was sufficiently se re lo cause to flee their homos quake being ao- by a rumbling noise hat at firgt the impression hut hero been an explosion of dynamite in the vicinity section is not Wiry thickly sotfled and he area seems to have boon on miles In of unknown width Bogarttown Qogarttown Community will meet at bo Sohool on Friday April at The gentlemen of the club are supplying lhe program Como and bring your School Reports ARMITAQE REPORT Sr Marlon Pearl and Fowler Verity Cook Collins Harry Beckett Grace Jr Annlo Newton Wilburn Cook Thomas Ganton Roy Kenneth Shaw Marfan Doris First Hank Laurn Kathailne jkgGsnd Era to Abaertt glad he died said bis equally heroic comforting friends sought to lighten her burden Please- Clod send my daddy hack to me following prices too young lo his little stand Such is lif oily where wo are so often I men have only milk and wa in veins women are doll babies 30 Charles fourteenyearold son of Mr George Linclsay was shot and fatally Injured tonight a rifle In the hands of chum Ross Wright aged The boy died twenty minuted after the shooting lads were shooting targets PALACE THEATRE Friday and Saturday April 1 and 2 GREAT A TRAIN ROBBERY featuring Tom Mix and Tony wonder Monday and Tuaaday April ana TWIHKLKTOE8 York I We supply tho boxes space for custom hatching eggs per week lhoubators are set on Monday of eaofl week must be at the plant on the preceding Sat urday BANNER POULTRY HARM Phone Newmarket Markets Live Stock Markets Toronto Choice Steers Springers Lambs Choice Milkers Sheep Hogs fob NATIONAL and Thurady Apr yraiq for Toronto FOREVER AFTER and pm j Train leaves Toronto fop end Lloyd Hughs am and pm Loaves for Saturday t ZOO TORONTO

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