Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 1, 1927, p. 2

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EiSi Fisher and Ailken blood eggs two dollars thirty I dollars B P three dollars thirty for fly Hen records and Halls male dollars Pea No mated choice clay well fenced all cleared on the 3rd cod or East Hank Barn ft feet hip root Hen houses implement Shed Garage roomed House Hydro In house and barn All buildings and in Customs enquiry fa find ing many things that rather discounting the reputation of Toronto the good is time something was done op the thieving of chickens AH magistrates have now teen in truded to impose prison on alt found guilty of this he death of Hon Sir Tupper son of HI Hon Sir Chas one of th Fathers of Confederation re moves ifrom Federal polities very prominent Conservative Hi died quite suddenly from market All conveniences except fur nace Garden and fruits Bargain quick sale Apply David Soper J6i One Cook Stove i water front and high warming el This stove is splendid baker has had new bricks and grates in tails year Apply to For Sale New Star Six Sport Model Touring Spare Tire License Eleotrlo Wind Shield Cleaner Snubbern Bar- Terms Apply Kirk About bushels of Government tested per bus in small lots Apply Mr Moore Superintendent Stephens Farms Stop Street For Sato House and Lot 66 Electric Lights and all conveniences Garage Chicken Pen Several Shade Trees Fence all around lot Apply to Kirk For Sale Secondhand Moffat Ele trio flange In perfect working condi tion Has three burners on top and low oven Thirtyfive dollars ply or phone Support the Alt classes of work satisfaction guaran teed Family washing a Phone for prices I I Ihid and it was to form an J j of spending this week with her par Bill Tuesday night which abolishes the O iAl and the handling and sale of liquor as absolute a monopoly as the issuance or coinage of money Brewers and distillers may have the gov only Tbey tinder constant the way To sell lea tier means two months the choice at a oldc if the to form an for Improvements of Street and Districts ting will be held in the Lorn ichmond Hill on Hall of and ye Any procure is satisfied he will make improper use of it The may refuse a license explanation or appeal it may revoke a license with al being required to present evidence for so doing Peace officers are not required to warrants They may en ter and search suspected places at any time without delay that methods This must have good week for those who a in the operation By a decision handed out Hall Toronto in the so of Res vs Stark a charge of negligence instead of may be laid against motorist who has tilled a through carelessness while driving an auto The auto traffic made a new situation and is hesitate to convict on the jus consequences tinder the old charge traffic liquor control bill of the bands of or importers any with private dealers and every citizen of the Province in partnership Tor Hie sale of liquor which expected to give a return of profit to the Government every year That means several million dollars less for legitii trade and destitution to many homes We direct titled Yonge street improvements which em brace a number of desirable lures In order to make the effective here should he i targe representative attendant at the public meeting in Rich Hill on April the the meantime it would he for Municipal Councils in to discuss the to some definite conclusion will have for the Improvements of Street and District the unanimous opinion era of felt that we should cooperate and work together to obtain the needed Im provements to work out our J Mrs the Isaac Morton of Sunday with Mr Morton Huron gnt give opportunity to destroy f guilt Tourists or to be given permits ontfc and they can led liquoi Hotel liquor wanting liquor government sit be open only neither keep nor Their customers must buy of the res which are to hour The Sundays no public places or public drink Ono may take his hooch to Sale roomed House in Sew market good garden and fruit Bargain for immediate sale- Phone gale High Merit Gladioli and Dahlias three hundred varieties free Ave for Sale Acres with small Orchard between Newmarket and on Town Line Apply Box New- market his his hotel club but not to meals at a re hotel Liquor adve prohibited From the London Advertiser The bill though a private one has been dragged into party poll tics and all resolutions of kind passed by various public bodies in this province though voted for by many men of all par lies from the best of motives ar used against the Federal Govern which is unfairly repre sented as ready to alienate the i River po litical debt The Government has pronounced no judgment on the bill and there is no warrant for the accusation that it is willing to sacrifice Provincial rights The Minister of Railways and Canals merely proposes that the bill he given a second reading so that the details can be discussed and full reformation he laid before the House and the country He ex pressly says that indorsement of the principle of the bill Street and District It time for organization that no time should he lost seeking cur requirements Some of the Improvements dis used were High Level Bridge York Mills Sidewalks on from to oronto Lighting of Yonge St f T Traffic Regulations in he change of gauge as prohibiting pedestrians torn using the roadway where a is provided The enter ing and leaving of T T Cars from side and not from roadway The beautifying of Street and Distract It the i opinion of those present that the need was urgent and that no time should be lost in seeking to rem edy the defects By next year unless the York Mills bridge built Yonge Street will be the Main Highway entering To ronto that- will level approaches and it that it was the duty of eve of York County to as the wort of obtaining It Mills Bridge and by sc Mr and Whitchurch Street Rev J C Cochrane of North d on a few friends in Town last Saturday on his way to Toronto Mr and Mrs W Jack- in motored up from Toronto on Wednesday and made a short visit at Mrs A V of Owen Sound has beep spending a wee in Town with Mr and Mrs W Raglan fit Miss Walsh teacher in the Separate School had to close her room last afternoon on account of an attack of bron chitis Mrs White of Toronto spent a few days last week with her parents Mr and Mrs Frank Moody of Cedar Valleyformerly of Newmarket Miss Maud Wallace of Lind say has guest of Mrs E Marfning all the week and many market friends were pleased her again Mr and Mrs were in last Sunday and brought Mrs mother afforded the famous fed chassis Ettch operating unit Is sealed inside a housing to protect these vital parts from OF GEHKBAL OF CANADA York place Yonge Street on an equal footing with the other Districts There is ho pari of Ontario Ibat lias the natural requirements for progress that we have and all thai we require is to obtain the needed Improvements and we will have Progress Prosperity and Development not equalled by any other District It is hoped at every District will be well presented at the organization on April 14th Mayor J M Walton of Aurora is appointed Chairman and J Harry Elgin Mills Secretary Of the meeting failure Farm Acres well fenced water acres clear balance wood and timber Price Apply to Keswick the renewal of the contract the Georgian Bay Canal Co Conservatives been trying to prevent the Bill from going to a Committee of the House where the Government would have a chance to expla its views and talked Bill eleven times on the grounds of Provincial rights over and during the progress of the game the Toronto Globe has been very vindictive against the Government The House viled on Monday night and Ihe Bill passeil the second reading by It would be the public to hear the Gov side before judgment bred Jersey Cow due sound Willie sag Jack Knights Custom Ha all hatched at the A Motor Cylinder In firstclass lion will bo sold cheap See Newmarket Good Buggies Enquire A bargain for someoi vote to send it to great complaint about the Town that are not paved but they are no worse than any other or dinary roads in the County It is about lime that the people who patronize the bread truck that comes from Toronto are making everybody pay dearly for heir fancy besides sending money out of Town thai never circulates here again The Council last year spent a lot of money gravelling of the this 8 aid Coal Range good condition truck came along and plowed it alt virtually throwing the money away he lime of the year that paved vLry ere With the present auto ffic it is impossible to keep ordinary roads breaking up People in Town should petition the Council to pave their streets on local improvement plan save money In the end The Educational BUI intro duced by the Prime Minister was discussed in the Legislature last lied nit tee The public is entitled to know he facts as to the lease of the powers at Carillon lo Mon treal capitalists who are fore most in Ihe fight against tin present measure Mr Dunning let in a flood of light last week In the Borden Government granted a lease of horse power to the National Hydro Company the name of the Mon treal concern but on Deo a few days before the gen era election the eminent departed from the policy of the Depart ment of Canals by giving to private enterprise the right to lure development of power a Carillon It is estimated that horsepower can be dc- il that pom I ami great asset the Govern ment alienated until the year Again on Aug on the eve at another election the Government con firmed the lease with a supple ment by which the rent payable under the old lease was reduced by Mr Bennett of Calgary con tends the arrangements in were made with the sanction of- the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario whose interests Last Year The of- the Ontario ending October to for the 26 Is I report tabled providing for all fixed charges distribution of by horsepower the report In figure was to In Tho total revenue for 11 year was from and other power cc that of In tin whtoli Increased the by a steady growth The generating capacity of the plants were Increased by about power an Increase which somewhat exceeds the growth In load during the year and had given for the time being a reasonable margin between the capacity available and demand for power This has reunit ed In an service and enabled the varoua generating plant in a high nte The operation of all the ftYi been carried on very successfully and without serious trouble The class equipment provided In the For Travlas Newmarket Bale Registered Mr and Mrs Sherman Kirby motored down from Bracehridge Sunday returning on Monday spent the time with his par ents Mr ahd Chas correspondent of PacketTimes Mr Stocking has returned home an extended visit to friei in Toronto and Newmarket Mr and Mrs James Knott wish lo announce the engagement of their youngest daughter Ma jorie Kathleen lo Mr Willia of Marriage to take place in April Miss Louise Cunningham Miss Gladys Belfry of also Miss Peterson of troit spent a few days his with Mi Niagara St Tribune Mr am Mrs Allan Bartholomew have been living on the Barthol omew place on Church street moved on Saturday to Newmarket were he has secured a position as truck driver for the British American Oil Co A party was given by the Richardson at their on Prospect Avenue last Friday night in honor of Mr Gardiner the very popular in the Bank of Montreal who is leaving Town been promoted lo the position of Bank Inspector Mr and Mrs Glover Mrs Watson Mrs and Mrs Gilfitlan motored lo Toronto on Thursday of week and wore guests at a held by Gol den Star Over friends and members were pres ent and all enjoyed a good pro- T BLIZZARD Agent ONT WHO mill Will EH the interference caused by broadcasting stations the United States moving allotted wave lengths and uBing those granted for the exclusive use of Dominion the Cana dian National Railways Radio De partment Winnipeg broadcast has been changed to metres A feature Of broadcasting from is the Sunday musical programs played by and the Jasper Park Lodge or chestra Addison At Sharon on Tuesday March Addison In his year Interred at Mount Albert yesterday At Manitoba Mar John Beynon aged years J Doan Newmarket who Is Ine only surviving member of the family of Jonathan of He leaves a wife and two Ice thing about them Parlor Sofas is run out Gasoline and passed places to Bit ial liniu to Enquire Manga to I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Town of Newmarket HOUSEHOLDERS ship Boards and his idea is l equalize the school the whole township and cute schools in places that will beat serve school population Ho said there are rural schools In the Province with an attendance of less than ten pu pils each and the coat to the Province is a million dollars an nually The new system will the little weak schools effect an immense saving in equipment and give hniion al location of leachei tended that the To would provide a requisite of teachers a graded school and a home physical training on for boys and Mr Dunning nol a word in the It conditional an arrangement with the Province of Ontario or Ihe HydroElectric Commission He doubts whether the Georgian Bay Canal Charter Hill subject of controversy present Dominion Government had not cancelled the lease of Carillon to the Montreal company Here is a disput over a matter which is of supreme im portance but unless the arc brought down tho public not be in a position to judge let the Just to think less than a year ago the good people of Oshawa really thought that Canada was at the threshold of dog William thou but rumble from the hockey malch beloved SPRlNGTitii TONICTIME Pep Yourself Up Tasteless up that ttredout run down system and Purify Blood Every Bottle Vim Vigor Vitality A BOTTLI TODAY Sold only at Harrisons Drug Store R8ABH6USE ft ROSE Funeral Directors Mortgage Sale the powers a certain produced Hog be from ashf and other Garbage Collector obliged to deliver the wet garbage By order SMITH ho circumstances will not bo km fully unless the House goes into on thechartcr renewal The Advertiser does that the federal Gov it has or has had any de of crippling the OnlarloEIeclrlc enterprise or prejudicing the Province in th wera of the Ottawa When all the are disclose ill be plenty of time Under and of sate contained In hloh will bo time of sale by Public Auction on Wednesday tho Day of April at the hour of two oclock In tho afternoon at the farm by Fred Smith Auction eer the following property namely iALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises lying and being In ship East GwilHmbury in the Coun ty of being composed of fourth Bhlp of East two hundred less and described In the mortgage made by James Henry and protests if be desirable they are based upon nothing more substantial than rumor and party propaganda Cornwall A trio of youthful unmasked bandits held up Ihe local branch of Dominion Ltd at the point of revolvers ap proximately from the till They then made their escape In a highpow ered automobile believed to have been stolen In Kingston procced- tout TORONTO HUNT CLUB ANNUAL Winter Carnival AT THE EXHIBITION PAtiK Friday Evening April 9 Complimentary tickets Beaver Flour Mills and Coal Yards And Try Our Coal It Leads Dry Slab on Hand Baled Hy and Grain Corn Chop Bran and Short We Need Your Patronage Help Homo Mill Chopping done quick and fine WHEAT NEEDED H ROBINSON

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