Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 25, 1927, p. 7

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store handle it tend In name and address and hat they will order it by name Our News The latent sale of the Home to lhe iftemoon credit for the regularity his collections ho past winter his obliging manner THE BEST PROOF Ill reality of our product Is the in the local cemeteries You hive to tale our word for lb Alexander Home and School was held in the principals and Friday March oclock The meeting was by singing The Maple Leaf After the general the Club the following program was heard with pleas- Piano Solo Miss Rowland Paper Mrs ft have done la fttr cemetery and examine It This verify claim that we do fci grade of memorial wort W Cor Queen Mala Newmarket Weep no more my lady Oh weep no more today Send orders here and have no fear youll getcoal with out delay We may not rank high as poet but were mighli efficient as coal men I LITTLE WALL STATION the paved before the Hiving purchased laown Madden Hall Highway to Lake up business on of April Installing vrMe or supplying accented for POLLARD Night Reserve March 25th for at Trinity- United Church Rev Ferris general su perintendent of the Ontario Re ligious Council will be present and deliver an address A Day at Camp nth the aft complished at camp will The meeting is to comment with collection Come bring a friend ad Pie Child Miss Dorortby Brown Paper Mrs Groves How to Prepare and a Spring Garden citation Miss Dorothy The meeting closed with God Save the King Obituary home of his sister Lloyd Essex Av Thursday morning of last week of Lawrence 2nd son Mr and Mrs John Morning King Earl Deceased had bet onto and few days with plural pneumonia He was highly thought of by all who knew him He is survived by his mother and father three sisters and thret brothers The funeral took place on Sun day afle ducted by Rev J W Holmes of At the graveside the service was conducted by the members of the Aurora of which v as member The pallbearers wen Messrs Geo Ferguson Harry Ferguson William Cat vin Mitchell Albert an Proston Tustian Illustrated Lecture Rev Dr OReilly Professor of Theology at St Augustine March at ft oclock I town in southern France Me year 1858 a peasant girl de stared she had been favored with isions of the Virgin Mary as she in the hollow of a rock the mountain side She and beautiful yo lovel I In ported received with incredulity since a fountain of purest from the spot whe appeared and by the for Tag Day York County Hospital Come to the Palace Theatre on Monday and Tuesday April and see Coleen Moore in Twim- her latest and best pic ture Proceeds in aid of York Hospital Adults Christian Church and the meet- charge of Miss W A The regular mo the Young Womens Auxili of Trinity United Church will be held at the parsonage Tuesday March ing mite boxes a Oratorical Contest ere will be an Oratorical Contest in the Assembly Hall of High School at p on April 1st A musical gram will also be provided rents and are cordially Arrested foe Bigamy Kirk arrested Li Husband alias this week for before the County Magistrate Brown Poik Toronto this hie of the of town while the free use or the ha proprfelc of the Ira film pictures of he tak last year du ring cleanup woe a Police Dont Forge A young woman named Fisher was engaged as a do- by Mrs Huntley on the of Whitchurch during the with of May last year when she the proceeds of a milk cheque Mrs Huntley be table lhe afterward Fisher found it and left of Police notified ibut she man- last week but for Kirk aged to he located her County made- the arrest for Kirk and she ap peared before Magistrate Brown suspended III for Trinity United Church Supper the morning Mrs are requested to no present bo welcome Ordoi of A Fellowship III Sunday School room Subject Lifes Sweet Su P m Subject regular Sunday any trill I Madden Halt MORTGAGE SALE lined in a certain mortgage offered lor by t tie auction rooms of Limited Hi King on Monday the at the hour cloek noon that viluable property In the Town Street being part of Lot lo according lo Plan iwHtyTwo 22 having a of about thirtyfive i depth of about One Sixteen feet tic ft ivostorcy bodily diseases of lion have ieen instantly to health Conviction authenticity of he vision Building P On Monday evening at 8 oclock the regular young peoples he a special fight Committee vill novo charge Cedar Valley pic syrup seems he day Dont forget Club on Friday he Womens Institute Inn lnesdty number of til libers brought in their To find out which hen lays the best lie feeds them on best of wheat Those that do not hogs and cattle his new car does not rattle Amid toil and the He sometimes lakes along his wife Youll always find him Jolly new Industry hay come to town Managed by A Squirt can grow alt the mushrooms You and I will require Mr He is greater salary anything In of Ontario and If he eache ids objective the be disappointed And so already before the law enacted Mr Is busy of Hie Minister And there Is feverish hast to get the law passed and to get liquor stores opened so the may begin So the haste that the not to be given time or I to say whether they liquor stores or not The Treasury is be the best tea find a cozy nook your In the brook The United Chuch day which is visited by million pilgrims an- Everybody welcome to a interesting illustrated March in his year The late Mr was horn in Almonte and before com ing to Newmarket conducted a Woodworking Factory at Newmarket Mr my l nderalgncd WchlJs7 lt III health polled him to retire from active work five years ago He was a member tff Tuscan Lodge A V and A M In re ligion he was a Presbyterian be ing the oldest elder In St An drews Presbyterian Church and in his earlier days book an active part in the Sunday School teach ing a class for many years lie was a Conservative and an ardent supporter of the Temperance Mrs W Cow Toronto and Margaret home Also surviving are Mrs Maw of Ton Mrs Thorn or Smith Falls and Mrs Thorn or al three brothers JAndrew of British Columbia George at Alberta and Rev of London Interment looi at Toronto Itie Masonic brim and Mrs A Al I Mrs P Hutch Mi ml Mrs oik after operation We wish bun success Moral found he veiy his way to Cedar Valley last Saturday He be when he tries again went to Ml evening home attraction eh and Saturday Mr George Levi visiting fiends in the Valley ne of our lmys say Hie is the way I Buttercup iceling of Iho as held on Thurs- last March The and showed that K had been was made of the and La dies Aid and a hearty vote of ap preciation was extended to the ladies for their good work A special feature of meeting was a retrospect prepared and read by Mr John A Watson giv ing the history of the churches coming into the union at he kept on record At six oclock all sal to a banquet and all enjoyed a so cial lime together Mr Will Baldwin has recover ed from bis illness and has re sumed his studies Medical Col lege Miss Winiiie Boys of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Harold Boys of Whitby spent the at the homo of parents We are pleased to Mrs George is recovering from her recent accident and will soon be able to return home The P of the United Church are holding a social even ing on Thursday of this week THE DAWNING OF HOPE A wellknown man was the inmates of a asylum says Hie Taller and after he had been speaking them for three quarters of hour one of the In mates got up and walked out of the The speaker said to Hie super intendent he hoped had hurt anyones feelings Ob not all replied the super intendent that man has been hero Tor twenty years and tills Is first sign of Intelligence tie has shown or market land JuM of lhe corporation of This property Is beautifully for building site Apply to CHARLES PO Newmarket Injury from Mine In night attire The country may bo going the dogs but people are logger living Just years longer wore in At least thai Is what the of a large life company reveals the BUI liquor stores in towns wil people the before the y be i and without any power of liquor permits to be Issued by the tlio Liquor Control Board to people of good reputation The Goverenor of New York is credited with the obser vation that bunk were electricity some men would be power houses Saskatchewan the last province to Government Control saw the workings of liquor permits In Mani toba its next neighbor to the east and in Alberta and British Columbia its a pleasant job as a public fore half the ye consultation With lliem dismissed lhe licensed who hid the nils fortune to be Liberals and appointed places and then Sir Joseph and Col Davidson and Mr Murray eat down and wrote out their rvslgivttli compelled historic think the House will be reminded of what the commissi mi said in statement which Is dated lhe of November mole in part The commissi oners accepted office as public duly or the assurance of the premier i te a feature el the Sas katchewan Law The more elaborate your machinery and subterfuges or one kind or another A friend of mine who investigating the British Columbia In said to him permit uso mine old him lhat In to a government The taxi driver bother buying a A drier of municipality which he had investigated cent of the permits were fraudulent It will laken an army of officials to look after their friends of men who are not now drinkers will be tempted to take out permits and purchase whiskey for Illicit trade AttorneyGeneral Craig tells about Liquor permits will be as useless to control the sale of liquor as they will he to control the use of a sound in the trouble Mr t and lhe nothing Iho House have been getting He be beset with with difficulties enough If he Is given a free band the choice of Ids subordinates If he yields an inch to the patronage hunt ers lhe whole all will disappear In a twinkling Once the camel gels his head Into the tent Hi wHiole body will be Ihurc before he can say Jack Let him enquire of Sir Jos Kit her we are to have a business Stores or they are to be link ed up with the political which functioned so smoothly during fompolgn Either Mr hand bo In charge of the liquor stores And there will bo no possibility or con cealment Just as soon as the ven dors and their assistants arc appoint ed Ihe people will know whether they have been chosen as any man would choose his subordinates or whether they are being rewarded for services to lhe party It seems quite clear that It Is nol Iho Intention to give Mr a free hand hi the first place he has two fellow commissioners who however respectable liicy obvious ly political already is Bald that of looking with the Ontario civil that the govt ill lied a fair fearless and partisan administration of the ining of the chief inspec ts The fixing of or sale by the Liquor Stores content beer Quantities thai may be by individuals of special permits els picnics dining anything or anybody or Advertising by the liquor Division of fines between tha Municipal lues Every one or these matters a matter of importance lhat ought to be covered by the Bill Itself and lhe handing of these subjects over to a Board of Commissioners Ib an un precedented In the history of liquor lawmaking In this province- No argument should convince the Government that lo bring down sections of the cover these important legislative mlastonors dismissing Another vicious detail of the Bill Is lhe encouragement for drinking In guest rooms in hotels and In tents Any hotel room may be a guest room un der the definition of residence con tained In the Bill drinking parties In guest rooms and tents may gel as drunk as they please and they will be free from Interference by the law so long as there Is no breach of the the old days bar rooms board In carrying out its policy gave were rendezvous of rowdyism Under such plain evidence of a deliberate license law rooms and tents pUrpo to render abortive the of partisan policy of the commissioners bauchery and Interfere with the course of finally and dominating the en- body of Independent men who bad no measure Is lhe financial objective em but ii impniial admin t whiskey to make a of the law that no course it the Government of was left to them to resign and to year and to popularize It beer of responsibility for their j any alcoholic content Is to be sold at at dull made by the premier and hi minislML tin- that desired an honest nonparti san enforcement of the License Act and as no other administration could be possible while the office was held by the present board they step aside importing the ploys il- without dicta- committees so and Railway com mission There Is much greater reason for keeping the Liquor Control Board out of politics And why docs this Government pro pose to lo Itself authority to fix salaries of members of this Liquor Control Hoard Is this Legislature not competent to do that We fix the salaries of the Hydro Commission ers and Just the other day we rear ranged salaries of the A Commissioners The Legislature fixes salaries of members of lhe Workmens Compensation Board and Ontario Mu nicipal and Railway Board How is It that Hie Prime Minister trusl the Legislature I think lhat Is not an way to put to fix salaries these Commissioners Then there is Intension to appoint a menuY Dominion Parliament to be a of Control Board I make Manlon but I do mcnl of a member of the House of Commons to an Important and lucrative post under govern ment The principle is vicious Now what are the outstanding I thai liai herald t essential vice of the Bill is the breach of the Prime Minister to give the people or a true temper ance law Hint would bo the of the youth of the province who were he said the especial ob jects his care in his character Minister or Education Slated posi tively Its essential vice Is the Act will give to the drink habit and the Intimate association it will create between the Government end great financial lhat Interested In the drink or Control in- lie lepMlliliilll til rtirv But If that be so how much great er the responsibility of members of lhe Legislature and especially the hem by Hie promise would pi iiunlly against lhe classes of the of lntepvper- repeated rormal resolution of A barrister at Saskatoon Willi misappropriation of funds bis life Just before being Stop and lei the train go lakes a minute your car S off again intact and belter si JONES PAID Three friends who had been ponding the evening at their agreed hat the one who did Dr not do as his wife told him when the Prime Minister as a repeated the en- he got homo should pay for oyster supper Smith ir to find the matches trod fry in ho Weil Iboughl have 0 do it or pay family pet Why dont you break the no demanded his wife once broke the piano Jones got home stumbled on top step of the Waiving for the moment the objection to all autocrats benevolent wise Mr la part of lhe law lie may not remain Chief Com- 1 Go his tumble for three months And this Liquor Board is given authority to Ml OF

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