Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 25, 1927, p. 5

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DR J BOYD Graduate in Medicine of Toronto University also Licentiate of the Colics of Physicians and mem ber of Ihe Royal College of Surgeons England- Former clinical assistant In Eye Ear Nose and Hospital London England Eyes Tested Qlassea Supplied Telephone J H WESLEY Laboratory Associate Coroner of County of York Office Hours am p or by appointment ST NEWMARKET DR CECIL 8 GILBERT Dentin Diagnosis by Transillumination Telephone Newmarket rB J BARTHOLOMEW Dentist Over Pattersons Drug Store Newmarket Appointment Phone Open evenings by appointment Gas for Extraction Phone to Dr H Wilkinson DR VANDER VOORT Graduate University of Toronto fifteen Years Practical Experience in all branches of Dentistry Gas for Painless Extraction to Childrens work Office over E Lyons Candy Store Phone Evening appointments A Newmarket Teacher of Piano Singing and Violin Dealer in New and Used Pianos Pianos Tuned KENNETH M B L MATHEWS Late H Ciioppln Block Main Newmarket Phone J C SAMSON for York County XRAY PHYSICAL THERAPY Men and Clothes Our New Selections of Sult- Suggestion that you boo them white the F WILLIS Mens Tailor Main St Newmarket SPRING TERM March merges into Session In School mpleUng any course without News Oddfellows The annual dance of itfe Odd- Lodge took place in their on Thursday night of last week and was well Music was supplied by the Gib son and those present enjoyed themselves till the Messrs Robertson lalley and Mrs Hewitt High School Dance The pupils and expupils of Newmarket High School are al- Hail every season and this time it took place last Friday night Quite a number were present and music was supplied the Orchestra The lid that the country roads awful syrup will tie scarce this Tell it well and it will sell advertise Good market last Saturday The prices of butter eggs had a lower tendency The buyers were paying for and for butter The weather man is certainly doing his beat to make March one long be remembered for nth and beauty It has helped out the coal inn wonder fully Dr Stevenson of Aurora won in the Mail picture puzzle contest and Miss Ethel of Newmarket won I character largely attended The I grids had charge Miss Erla presided and Miss Jessie Marshall the very efficiently girls in uniform composed the and led the singing The gave the sermon theme being a virtuous woman touch of beauty adorned the al tar which was docked with a dozen primroses The service through out was inspiring At the evening hour of worship pastor delivered a gospel ser in the regular church choir led the praise and Miss Jean Hunter contributed a solo Fellowship service at next Sunday morning and Communion It oclock The Adult Department will lave an open session at p m Sunday with musical and lit erary program Gome and enjoy the service Wedding Anniversary Last Saturday was a memorable day for Hie Wesley family of this own Sixtyone years ago Mr Mrs Joseph Wesley were wed the anniversary was cele brated in fitting fashion by the family and friends of the aged pair Joseph Wesley will be years on the of this month and is bora in the Township of Whitchurch His forefathers from York Stale In In and settled on land in the of Newmarket Mrs Joseph Wesley is 84years of age and was born on lot treel the daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert who came from Scotland They came In a sailing vessel and were six weeks on the water Mr and Mrs Wesley have liverl in 1 lie vicinity of Newmarket all their lives and have raised a fam ily of eight Dr J Wesley of Mrs William Thom son of Orlllla Dr W J Wesley of Mrs A Thomp son of Mrs Win llaigii of Senilis Man Rev T M Wes- lakeficld Out W Wesley of Toronto and Mrs at the entertainment in the Hall on Thursday night of last week given by the Separate and High School pupils of St John Church Mrs Goldsmith with the in dividual star entertainer in piano selections and vocal solos In Gypsy costume accompanied on the piano by Mrs J Rollings- head Miss Hilda Tumelly made great hit in the friendly in which she entertained her sis ters beau but the elocutionist of the evening was a pretty little girl named lIonfnce Goldsmith In the School Debate Teddy Gould was remarkably good as President of Club the others in the dialogue being James Mc- Burglar Alarm a comic skit by four girls Ruth Nolan Margaret Hilda TJie Juveniles in the audience and they were numerous were greatly delighted with The Wonderful Dream which Francis Kennedy and Frank Harrington related as negro characters The cloning comedy A Rum pus on Hill by eight young ladles over a broken lie washer was comical in he extreme ami brought down the house Miss Gold smith was particularly good The others in the play were Miss Tumelly and MJiss Doro thy Miss Margaret Flanagan Phyllis and Miss Jean The stage was well arranged for each play kindly loaned by Messrs Rose A Remlnlsconoe The of John Whyle wellknown throughout Canada and the United Slates as a singing evangelist which occurred at his residence in Toronto on Thursday night of last week well remind many of the older residents of Newmarket of the revival meet ings conducted in the Methodist Church here about years ago by the Whyle Brothers who were guests of Ihe editor Tor three or four weeks One played the banjo and guitar and the other a harp and drew immense crowds night after night Besides his evangelistic work Mr was the author of a number of sacred and temperance selections to his own music He was born near Grimsby and the tiro tin turned many to righteousness Mother and Daughter Banquet About mothers and Church Friday night and spent a most profitable and enjoyable evening The tables were prettily dec orated with green streamers and shamrock leaves together with flowers and the young it S ft acted as walk Miss Jessie Marshall dent of the G I presided in a verj efficient manner am gave a beautiful address of come to the mothers and invite Having honored the King by singing the national anthem Sarah Janes proposed the toast Our Mothers in a neat little speech including a brief recitation to which Mrs Janes made a very suitable reply Miss Edith propos ed a toast to he health of Miss Cole of the G I T brilliant fashion to which Miss Cole replied in her usually modest Mi posed a toast to he Sunday otto plied Loyal to Christ Miss Erla modestly pro posed a toast- to Boys Work which Eldiidgc replied very fittingly He said that Boys Work is progressing this District with wonderful ra pidity and he made the announce men thai out of contestant in the Bond Selling campaign Jack Hamilton of Newmarket wor the gold medal and there wen other medals won in this The speaker of the evening Mrs Adams of Toronto was beautifully introduced by he pre siding officer and heartily Mrs Adams delivered a most excellent address comprising lit erary and yet prac tical in every respect She had attended many similar banquet a very effective great is life is seeing the strange and laugh- Ipis should cultivate seeing tin details This was exemplified by the things to be seen in na ture giving a sense of Gods cre ative power Today offers rieli gifts to those who sot a goal and fry to accomplish it was given by stories of life old in a fascinating manner drawing the conclusion that lb game of life Is won iby seeing the broken sword To mothers she spoke of the patience and anxiety over the material develop ment of their daughters and em phasized the of safe guarding their spiritual develop ment The power example wholesome literature not ne glecting the bible transferring mothers talent to the daugh ter in every way even in the com mon things or life such as sew ing baking house management social ethics the beauty of in dustry and uplifting service cre ating bond of companionship and above all communion with the Master In a dew sentences Miss Mary Marshall moved a vote of thanks to Mrs Adams which wai seconded by Miss Florence Chant ler arid carried enthusiastically Miss Frances Saunders moved a vole of hanks to the boys who served and Ihe ladies who pro vided the banquet which was also heartily applauded During the progress tin Banquet some five or six sections of the I T broke out with their several yells and the sev eral speeches were interspersed Miss faciei Rae recita Miss Olive Miss presided at he plan proceedings were brought to close by singing from the son sheet and by the pastor I Boy who dived feet from Bridge London and saved a from drowning was for gelling home Info Tor dinner He is o receive medal Johns Anglican Oak Ridges was he scene of a pretty wedding when Marys daughter of Mr and Mrs George Jefferson he of Russell son of add Mrs T of Square The Rev B A officiated The I who was given away by her was dressed in white Can- crepe with silk embroidered with coronet of orange and carried a shower of roses and lily-of-lhe-val- only attendant was her Babys breath The grooms brother Nelson acted man During the signing of ihe Re gister Miss Constance sang Love Miss Alexins presided at the organ After the ceremony a buffet lunch was served at the brides parents Later the hap py couple left for a short trip amidst showers of confetti and good wishes On their return they will reside in King Town ship On the Monday evening previ ous the marriage after the Bible study at Victoria Square the adult members of the Sunday School spent a social hour to gether Miss Myrtle Watson of Goodwood and Miss Ella Nichols rendered an instrumental duet The chief event of the evening was he presentation of a Gaso line table lamp Mr Russell The address was read by Miss Ella Nichols and Mir Ross Klinck made the presenta tion Mr Boynton gave a brief reply thanking the school for the present and expressing a wish that the school might eyes be a means of bringing blessing to our community The chairman Rev A A Wall called upon men of the Nich ols and Harvey Col- lard to give short addresses At Bladder Troubles Bother Many Past jferred upon Captain CBS of Canadian recent ly when ha appointed Camp to His King George All golfing records were shattered recently when local Jap anese golfer playing on the Cana dian Pacific course Bear ed a hole in one twice In one round of the efghteeohole The first wag obtained at the fifth hole which Is HE yardi and the second at the sixteenth hole which la yards Daring the month of January of the present year automobile produc tion In Canada has increased per and above the production for the cor responding month of last year being cars as compared with for the previous year Al most half of the cars produced were for export according to the Domin ion Bureau of Statistics In memory of the late Col George Ham of Montreal dean of railway publicity men in North America a beautiful memorial porch is being Church at Whitby by the members of the Womens Canadian Press Club The late Col Ham died in Montreal Japan Eleven passengers the Canadian Pacific flagship squeezed through In a pillar just Temple here achieving according to tradition the short road to With I the one knows horror of Joyless days nights There have been wHen I fell hopeless and helpless and when my weakness caused me moat intense humiliation Only those who gone through such tortures can realize my great satisfaction arc truly and give them full praise Such amazing evidence serves fla convincing proof of the power of to relieve those distressing ailments so often a handi cap to In middle life sluggish Kidneys Bladder Weakness and Prostate Gland Trouble bring on so many distressing diseases that every from Lameness Pains In back and down through groins scanty but frequent urination Ner vous Irritability and Lack of have formally accepted the offer made by Sir Harms worth English Baronet of por trait of General John Graves after whom the County of Bun cos was named General Bet now Toronto The painting will be hung in the Toronto City Hall al ready adorned with a collection of historical paintings recognized as one of the finest of its kind in America Ave Vale Hall and Fare well echoed through the austere precincts of the Canadian Pacific offices Board Room in Mont real recently when the Westminster elation and thanks for the care and the thought taken In their behalf during their tour of Can ada which they completed on March liner a parting sons Beatty chairman the Company In Their General mdLady WUHngdoi Canada the many through which the ready preparing They will leave are scheduled to TO HAND OVER Mich March it A il down seven flights stairs 1 Crowley and Company de be bad the Man of Helped By Simple Mixture bet ter than for years At my age it Is Ideal different from other medicines signed Garter Is a simple mixture of buck thorn bark glycerine which I brings surprising relief to the stom ach Brings out wastemailer you never thought wag In your sys tem for by special March and Ive at Vancpu- a points of April manager of telegraphs of the rail way returned on C P steamship Montcalm and has taken up bis duties Mr MacMUlan stated that purchase for the Pacific Coast in connection with the new overland cable for the pleted during his trip This ma terial which represents a length of a hundred miles In two sections of wire was inspected Mr supervision and will shipped to country early in April l A YEAR AHEAD Training With an accumulated knowledge of banking as applied to business extending yean the Bank of Toronto offers a cooperation based on sane and practical advice Each of our managers in trained in business finance Bis un biased advice is supported by the experience of the bank its directors and its head office or ganization These services are available to all seeking finnnrlwl counsel NEWMARKET BRANCH A M Litter Manager for untroubled sleep for dollar- for- do liar value for longer life there has been nothing better for years than the built for sleep by SIMMONS 15 FOR SALE BY ROADHOUSE ROSE NEWMARKET EVERYTHING IN BUILDERS NEED8 FARM TOOLS OF ALL KIND8 OIL AND ELECTRIC STOVES SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS PAINTS OILS AND VARNISHES LET US SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE Phone SMITHS HARDWARE ROBT W JONES NEWMARKET WALL PAPERS SUPPLIED LARGE ALWAYS ON HAND OIL COATED AND DYED BURLAPS Practical Painter and PaperHanger FIRSTCLASS AND ART DECORATOR p O Box XT True D isti N piovide on As there the of the thorough- of transportation has bred in the appearance the Most of the Beautiful Chevrolet satisfy the motorists fin True distinction is of the Fisher New refinements added the smooth powerful Chevrolet the New A C Air Cleaner and Oil Beautiful Chevrolet and Most Beautiful Chevrolet in Chev If til Chevrolet let History the rich luxurious upholsteries In lb STfuS Stadrt for In his U in mas of the Canada Touring Coupe NEW Coadv7MOO Sedan landau Sedan Cabriolet Ddivety 6550O CcnmelalCbiaIij4 llapw PHIL HAMILTON Newmarket

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