Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 25, 1927, p. 4

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Simple Remedy For Bad Stomach Gives Quick Relief of strong but Old English Bloating certain relief by following this simple KtarvUon diets ot anything but within reason folks may eat what keep stomach clean from the ssuring paralyze the of Ear thrown off Ms balance being Chances arc tint some of the have heller hank balances than thai I I which any druggist easily at old English be obtained ruggist at small cost Convince you of the great MARBLE MID GRANITE WORKS Building icno Out to Order JOHN 0 MOSS Huron St Box Nowmarket Phono w PERRIES GREENHOUSES St Newmarket FLOWERS For Every Roses Carnations and Lille of the Valley Always on Hand PenIn JWMM WORK PLUMBING EAVETRQUGHING SPECIALTIES THE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SON Herald Office The Ion Government In extending the United Slates Into Canada to days la eloping lerlal benefit further are likely as a result to lens stay on this side of the bo consequent general benefit tax on gasoline he logical method for meeting way expenditures and if more is needed for roads the fakes to raise It Is by the tax With license fee the motorist who bis ear only six or eight months vise playing re than his share or the amount he uses the roads were added the gasoline Ins be Increased by one million permit r reduction in tin- to Go Alii ton Herald A statement made by an official of the of finance at Ottawa new Canadian five piece is- staled that the small five cent piece is to he withdrawn circulation This action Is be ing taken because of a request from Ah i i please every body but evidently in this it Is not up speculations The hotel keepers first to complain and the loudest in Iheir complaints They liquor but their bedrooms be into theirs without any Temperance workers see weak spots notably that which makes the medical profession the bartenders of lie province and Hut provides ir the flooding of dry areas by plieti of wet goods through Hie per mit system Own Up Mr Gazette Those who men who have attained rank as Cabinet niftier either In Dominion or Provincial Uaiiunt as men of outstanding honor must feel a shock of disappointment when mean things Such a display was made in the Ontario Legislature re cently when Hon James Lyons anting Hon in the history of the dually iiiijv been slaughtered smashing plat ftKil his i the his gardening operations thai he lost money He- Would have saved hard cash had he bought his vegetables at the grocers figures toll him like most conclusions reached In this manner are wrong because based on of positive value Intangibles The city business man with all the money in the world could not buy In the market the quality he raised in his own garden If a grocer sold picked from tho he figuring and might he done be overwhelmingly in favor of the home garden In this ease Added to this is the fact that gardening is a pleasant hobby the greatest mider of health and the only source of the very highest of vege tables for the tables Suitable Vegetable Vartettaa The Central Experimental Farm at Ottawa recommends the following 1st of vegetable varieties eg suitable for planting In thl3 part of Canada Asparagus i satisfactory from the standpoint of disease resist Pencil Pod Wax Round Pod Kidney- Wax Stringless Green Pod with Ken- lucky Wonder Wax and Wonder Golden Pod as pole sorts Flat Egyptian Early and Detroit Dark Red later Cabbage Golden Acre as a roundheaded first early followed by Copenhagen Market Glory as midseason with short stem Danish for winter storage Early Snowball and Early Dwarf Erfurt Carrots and Danvers Corn Extra Early- Cory Golden Bantam and for later use Evergreen Cucumbers Perfection Celery Golden Lettuce Grand Rapids Ice berg Hearts of Gold or Miller Cream or Bender Surprise and Emerald Green Onions Yellow Globe Darners Prize Taker Globe Red Globe Peas Thomas Blue Bantam Hun dredfold Stratagem Parsnip- Hol low Crown Radish Scarlet Turnip Whit Tip French Breakfast Spinach King of Denmark and New Zeal and which Is a variety Squash Golden and Green Hubbard or Vegetable Marrow be used for early use Tomatoes Avon Early as first early followed by with John Baer and Bonny Best as the main crop any table turnip It Is well to remember that the quality of the seeds Is even more important than variety After all few but the most suitable varieties of garden vegetables have survived and If high quality fresh seed is pur chased half the gardeners It he entered by table garden without previously drawing up a plan on paper the soil will crumble after being pressed between the hands it ready to dig If it sticks in a ball too wet and should be left for a Hay MEN FELL INTO ICY WAITER Pickering March George and E Watson both residents of had a narrow from death wlrcn Ihey fell from a milldam on Creek and were carried over falls about twenty feet high into swirling waters congested with driftwood and ice After many unsuccessful efforts they finally managed lo climb lo climb fo safe- for their liar- ftilmi- days kill Eight steamers shared slaughter Woodstock March Jackson ton of Mr and Mrs Thomas Jackson of this city is In the Woodstock General Hospital in a serious condition having been phot through the abdomen as the result of lb discharge of a shot gun the hands of companion yes- And Rheumatism of Canadian Sufferers P Q March Special Last winter I suf fered very much with my kidneys rheumatism and sciatica writes Madame P a well known and respected resident of this After having taken two Kidney trouble is all classes or id usually lot of valuable tin the kidneys and keep them healthy Kidney stimulate and weak Kidney Pills have rc- sound health thousands of troubled women and men Obtained from all druggists or The Dodos Medicine Co Ltd reward initiative by sharing in the general Recorder and Times I or business and save in Canada there affairs It has been Inutru- lo be unrest and uncertainly mental in bringing about The good ich troubles as those which concern newspaper deems It a pleasure tin people nothing In comparison with those whiclr afflict Hie older and more con gested countries of lha world We ave our Utile domestic squabbles and Utile sectional grievances hut icy do not amount to much It Is many years since anygrcal ills iter has overtaken us We have no to fear and all of the minor that wo feel have their fc nigiil acquire We lo maintain our frontlets A Towns Bast Bootter Reformer A writer in- a If the ftspaper Is just a little better than town the latter Is the gainer Towns and their news- usually lag or lead together Journalism is the tonic of the lethargic community unity and lis readers and Is fully aware that it Is only through giving a full measure of ser vice thai It can progress and prosper Hie last If i there centrifugal from country to file big town Hie Today banks to our intjlliofs of transit a del icntiipetj movement is scatter liie people of the to the countryside Industrie operation in the big city the the Infallible line of communication between local government and Is to the newspaper that all organ isations turn in needed to own city and ih higher wages demanded because Iheso mounting costs of running city prohibitive and Intolerable They are seeking Hie small town a the more profitable field for Ihei operations The workers loo and places in which healthful lniill- Now lowns that awake up firs changing conditions of mt must- If they are to these changes that beauty order planned de and the provision of social are absolutely- necessary lo prosperity that is there for those who He stood six feet three Inches In height was built In proportion and must have weighed at least two hundred and fifty pounds As he down between eat up the house He look a seat beside a diminutive fussy little man with a bald head and chop whiskers who successfully polishing a steak with onions The Utile fellow with his napkin tightly wedged under his and his month full of dinner looked at gigantic side down at the frail cane- and groaned under its immense But the big fellow took no the one When the him he give ins cup MOST OF NEW PHONES IN HOMES To gain telephones last according the Animal Report of the Bell Telephone Company it to in- lal 123706 instruments In of the telephones taken out this net gain of regarded as a very satisfactory urease Over per cent of the new telephones were residence WELL TRAINED faithful in i woman of experience whose appears in Harpers ine but they are strangely un sophisticated They have an helming desire to call you saying to my husband Yes Frank or Air and to me To be Mabel or Im going out Mabel Finally it got such an that I discharged him and when ed I told my bus my first hen per baud not to and always addressed deary or sweetheart he new cook a prudent fellow aye me no title One night we gave a dinner large party of friends I was elling them how I had success fully overcome in my new he servants abuse of their employers- imes I could depend ot least i tljif M cook entered the to me respeclfully and said Sweetheart dinner is served TEA QUALITY STANDARDIZED cannot gel good tea wit a fair price for it i lacks strength freshness HO SUCCESS WITHOUT WORK Do not try to find fc are some periodicals of the day filled with advertisements which easily lead a youthful reader to the mistaken Idea that there mils to almost thing that a low hours weekly given through thi place of a personality and originality easily acquired If only tell you how to do it As for for- s If you wilt believe the the easiest things thing I to In Nothing takes place The man who says that In be can fit living room by making newspaper cartoons But the reason he and others like him make a good living out of foolish many of get for not succeed wllhou what promises floiili blew shut and found he horse had choked o Speedy Relief From Bunions Soft Corns No sensible person continue to suffer from those Intense agonizing throbbing bunion pains when the new powerful penetrating yet harmless Emerald Oil can readily be obtained at any well stocked drug Apply a few drops pain disappears plications and Joint Is So old Oil that soft riglil up and drop J Patterson guarantees It and Is dispensing It to many foot Buffer bat man at a ant fell suddenly took his told not give away any hat prop the account the Washington Star when old gentleman demanded hi and explained that he had lost his heck there was a great todo on he part of the substitute But thats my hat the shabby one said the old gentle man Its got my initials in it The substitute looked inside the hat and sure enough were there Humph 1 he said suspicioua- But here they are on my said the old gentleman un buttoning his vest See You might have swiped the said the substitute God heavens shouted the old gentleman and he tore bis undervest Maybe this Hey And he The substitute stared at the ttooing closely then last he they must ACCIDENT FOLLOWED BY Hanover Mi h li f ny or an Into It s or II accident In It of Mrs General Hospital Feb he Injuries came when a sleigh was returning from an meeting at the home of Andrew Township on of Thursday Feb HI illy Injuries in a red at a dangerous corner Mrs succumbed in the Toronto tios some ten days later from the ef fects of a splintered shoulder The driver police say was Clayton Filslnger a young man about years of age a son of Andrew Maic Thursday Police claim hat the was was not iied and that sufficient iave been token In turn- lag the corner It has been report- pants had to stand up he THE SENSE OF HEARING part of the human body is more than the car not so much outer ear as the unseen middle and Inner ear It la a delicate and plicated piece of bodily so minute a scale thai only the roscope can Its wonders In addition to the drum of he ear and ho three little bones that may be to hammers OP the needle and stylo that touches the hard rubber of he phonograph thus ing arrangeuie liny tubes filled with liquid tiding in a sort Of snail spiral In- his tiny Jointed bat little strings i it Of of the sound which in lurn carries them to I brain It Is ft marvellous org equalled only by ihe marvels of Ing of which It is Ihe means of Inn mission Often we are impressed the mechanical wonder of such BtrunientB he organ or he phut graph or radio forget ling that hi a Insln WHEN I GROW UP Of all the kinds of folks I What sort I wonder will I Not cold and careless full of Id be a sunbeam bright and So now Ill shine around Willi smiles an songs and kind Learn how to comfort them that Or how to lift some burden They most are loved who oilier bless They loo most happiness pos The young lady who asked a of red oil light bad gone out was quite Brant ford March Norma Toronto is hold hoi under remand on three charges passing a standing street car while the latter was disgorging passengers being intoxicated in change of a motor vehicle and wantonly and driving a car causing bodily harm to nTiss whose foot was amputated in the Brant ford Gen eral Hospital after an accident in hlch he is said to have figured WITH i r tin Sis with bwbW of ito- da Bucket fcihooa DUNN Newmarket Ontario FULFILLED When reading Hall is struck with certain passages a prophet Tennyson has in For I dipped into the future fa human eye could see wonders that would gosles of maglo salts purple twilight droppin there rained a ghastly From the nations navies grap pling In he central blue Far along the worldwide whisper Willi the standards of peoples thro the Till the war drum throbbed no longer and the battle flags were In the Parliament of man the Feder ation of the world Surely his prophecy has com pass with our wonderful air carrying costly bales and the of ghastly dew certainly to- If You Want to go to the Country on Pleasure or Business CALL UP BOYDS LIVERY Let us make you Comfortable Prompt Service Charges Reasonable A BOYD Prop Night Calls on Phone 172 Promptly Attended to NEW C N R LINES FOR ALBERTA Proposed New Lines Existing Lines CNR Provincial Boundaries OF

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