Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 25, 1927, p. 3

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Our of Word has been received of the death of Emma Fletcher whose name was Mrs Isaiah Johnson previous io her second marriage and resided Avenue well known to the con gregation of the Christian of which was a She died at Niagara Falls and the remains were motored here on Sunday accompanied by her son and daughter and a few friends and interred at Newmarket Rev Dr Harper of Aurora conducting he burial service Chicken Thieves Abroad On Monday Mr Harry Hill moved from Lake the farm adjoining St Johns north of the Town Dur ing the night somebody entered Ihe premises and stole 30 hens The thief or thieves travelled in a car the tracks of which were iiscovered when the owner went of tile house on Tuesday morning but were lost on the travelled road It is loo bad hat people persist in faking what dont belong to hem Wedding Anniversaries Mr and Mrs K Penrose were at home to their many friends on Friday evening it be ing Ihe happy occasion of he anniversary of their wedding It was also he twelfth anniversary of Mr and Mrs G A Penroses wedding The family were all home for the evening Mrs I E Davis Mr Penrose Mr Penrose all of Newmarket Mrs Henderson of Toronto Mrs of Thornbury and Laura and Dorothy at home The bride and groom were the recipients of many beautiful bouquets of Hookey Banquet and Presentation In order show their appre ciation of splendid efforts of our Hockey Teams during Ihe season the citizens of New market will tender Ihe members a Banquet the Hotel Toronto on Thursday evening of nest week March 31st at oclock Tiekels for Banquet including IraQSportatibn both ways by busses are only must purchased at Duncans Store by Saturday night March so that that the Committee may know how many to provide fop This will be a Slag Banquet and will include a fine program The Hockey in the past have been held at the King George Hotel in Newmarket but accommodation of he dining hall being limited to 75 a number who wished attend were 1927 ready at the The beautiful Springlike wea ther last week has been followed by showers that pretty well clean ed up the snow and ice The sounds or Ihuucler last morning betokens cold weather in near future Seldom lias the snow passed away so quickly with as little Campmeeting a Trinity United Church tonight Annual moling of Trinity Sun lay School next Tuesday night There are always and end- f to clean up before Spring name and business into public mind BO thai when people think of anything in your line they it Sale and Tea Ladle Auxiliary of St Paul Church are holding a Sale Baking and Afternoon Tea on Saturday afternoon April Obituary Tire late William Wooding died at St Petersburg h March at the age The lule Mr Wooding was formerly engaged in the lumber at Muskegon Michigan later doing business in the same line n Marie Michigan and Georgian Bay the last eight in the lumber igO with an office in lluilding- He SuQday Services March Subject- The Holy Catholic Church Subject Is Life Worth Living Potter and Ihe Clay tin evening Do We for An other The choir rendered twoj anthems am He that Con Mr in the taking the Frio X 1 Vor day in 111 of Ml a Crittenden M iads was by Moore ileh ill wo hat thoughts Mil IIS be as pure be and is lie lira greatest la Com and So- Death of Mrs Sam After an illness of only five Mrs Sam parsed ay al the family residency on Lake east of Island Grove Thursday of last week in her year They were married ears ago last Christmas her name- being Miss King her husband four laughters and two sons survive til married The funeral took place last Saturday afternoon inducted by A Belfry of West Interment at arket Cemetery is a brother of Ihe Messrs George Peter Timothy and Trivettt of Newmarket 1 formerly resided in East Friends Church The Sunday services were well attended The morning lex was taken from Malt Are we able under God to bring souls from captivity to liberty You can not live in the atmosphere of the world and in the atmosphere of Jesus Christ at the same time The day of revival is past because of unbelief The for Ihe evening was fou arlel ill Is the bound in the window of your heart and your household The scarlet is Heavens redeem ing gift to the world The choir sang One Day for Thee P in Trinity The meeting on ing is no ordinary one about 100 people being present TiO interest centered in the address of Dr McLaughlin of Toronto on the temperance siluation in this Province For nearly an hour he Dr was listened to with great attention while he unfolded Hie present not only throughout the Dominion but in cut to have entered the struggle nut we must begin Still here we were are laying foundation ii ghtnuiisneuh and the strong debt to the weak In British Columbia they wan beer In Alberta a cam is on Tor pledge signing Ii Saskatchewan areas have voted dry In Manitoba the liq uor interests are using false sig natures to obtain beer toy the glass Ontario has gone back on her temperance record but largely through misconception of Government Control Quebec is Edward Island Bin rick for a looks none loo good To save Ihe boys and girl from sorrow poverty crime we must pay the price A campaign of education must be launched in every and rfll be greatly missed leaving any warm friends both in the dy and in the North Diseased was unmarried Three and two sisters survive John in the North West Mark Toronto Joe Whitby Out Mrs Brack and Mrs Alice of Newmarket body was brought to Wednesday and the Jnlermenl at Cemetery The A Wm Murk Wooding brother and Arthur Thompson hd Brock nephews and Iflorature le them understand why they mus abstain from intokicating bever ages In Ibis province liquor in I crests are already trying muz zle the and with the Government Control coming in fo force temptations will them in the homes Ihey en ter The young people are com- ing on the voters lists at the rate Of ft year and per of these young people between I and years of age have no vil connection the church Tl women must use heir and not be Indifferent to public Issues Our task Is to do per work for prohibition in cry possible way and protect tin boys and girls from Ihe growtn The President Dr Gilbert op Mm meet Mr Murray read the lesson and The program was in the hand of Mr Lawrence Taylor and com prised a reading by Miss Starr violin duet by Ames and Olive Eves J accompanying on the piano and solo by Miss Margaret Robinson The next Monday ev ening will he In the form of a Missionary Baseball Match in of Miss lo fol lowed by refreshments A lurgo attendance la anticipated Town Council Regular meeting of the Council last Monday evening Members present Reeve confirmed Account Presented and Passed coal umbering Machine American OR Co R medical Deputation Paul for a hearing and explained the condition and work of the Hand during last year and prom ised they would lie as faithful this coming season as last- Stephens on behalf of some of Ihe ratepayers presented to the coun cil reeling many re the granting of toward a banquet for lli hockey boys In summing It up Dr Ames would only mean aboul for any man for and lhat Ihese boys deserved for all Ining honor to our town besides risk ing Mi nil and life Air pointed out rights of working people and those who were not interested In and that should be considered This money would go a considerable way pay for who arc out explained the Council were not lo blame for taking the banquet to Toronto as was in the hands of hockey boys Bylaw granting passed all readings later Mr wanted lo know where to dump garbage this year The matter of was referred lo Hie Property Committee Communications From A asking or new uniform Referred lo the Mayor and Finance Committee Prom Archie re cleaning streets for the summer months Prom Sheard re cleaning streets the coming season The expression of Council was that other men had been asking for the Job and It was the feeling that a returned soldier should have pre ference Also so many men were out of work and owing for axes and wa ter should be engaged Both referred lo Mr Mr wanted lo know Ihe feel ing of Hie Council re Dominion Day Oilier places around were celebrating this Jubilee Year why not our Town He thought the cooperation of the Athletic Club and Council might It Messrs McCaulcy and the Mayor were appointed look Into this mallei and bring In a report Stouffville Richardson Lodge A F Friday when Worshipful Brother Dr Smith assisted by past masters of the lodge conferred the third degree upon his son Dr Noll Smith This is the first occasion a Iher has conferred a on his son the institution of the lodge years ago A play entitled The Path Over the Hill is announced to be staged our Community Club hi the school house here on Friday April 1st This play is given by a young peoples S class at Its first presentation promises to be of a very high type linterestlng amusing and educating People will be endeavoring to seals as soon as possible so dont rely on a last minute decision decide now to re serve the date and enjoy evening Friday night at Club la Social Night Lois of eats lots of program good speakers and entertainers will be present and It Is every persons duty to There was a good congregation church on Sunday evening although weather was somewhat disagree able Mr a splen did sermon which was vry Inspiring next- as The Club at the of Mr and Mrs Frank last Tues day night and enjoyed a evenings program There were lol of business and everything points t a successful year providing every meeting be held on Mar he home of and Mr and- are Cordially to be Mr Harold Murray has fium Ins Mrs of Dewar Lake are pleased to report lhat Mrs cent serious illness On Saturday March ID Mrs received a Birthday Card Shower from many friends the Womens Guild We learn has Junior Hunt Club and that they were in Aurora on Saturday ening On evening a farewell parly to Mr and Mrs tieorgc Holt at their home Dancing and paid playing were much enjoyed until a very late hour Miss Violet West spent last week in Aurora Mr J Mounts A very pleasant lime was spent on Friday evening when Mr and Mrs genially opened the birthday on Saturday March J Dili The amusement of After the cards wore finished In which Mrs Archibald carried off first in the ladys and Ross Black first In the gents Mr in a happy appropriate speech informed Miss head and Miss Fop on behalf of the Womens Guild of Chi Church that they were given In or life membership in Society as a slight token of for their faithful ser vices The ladies made suitable replies and all For They are Jolly Good Fellows those present were Mr Robin son I Masters Fred and Ker ry Robinson Miss Miss Fox Mrs West of Toronto Mr and Mrs Muirhead Mr Brown Mr and Mrs Archibald and son Mr Mrs Murray Mr and Mrs of Toronto Mr and Mrs Hunter and daughter of Toronto Mrs Kd Haines Miss Greta Cut ting Mr Culling Mr and Mrs Edwards Miss Ed wards Mr and Mrs Edgar Ifngshead and family Mr and Mrs James Murray Mrs Clap son Miss Lulu Mr and Mrs Bennett Mr Sid Lawrence Mr and Mrs ami family Mr and Mrs Black Mr Edgar Black and daughters Mr and Mrs Ross Black Mr and curing twenty of prairie lands for Mends farm- era are going to flock to Canada Winter weather again this The basket social was a good The bad roads stopped number from attending- but hose present enjoyed an evening of music and games The lunch ended in the wee small hours of morning George Cutting returned to this week he Ladies Aid will meet at home of Mrs Cecil on Wednesday j Mr and Mrs J Jefferson spent nday with Mir and Mrs Bert Good attendance at Church on Sunday Everyone enjoyed the by Mr George Davey- Some of the young folk took in he HardTime at Kettle- on Wednesday night last Miss Ruth has started lack to school again after having iier arm broken Mrs Aubrey has return- so home after spending a few days with her parents In mrg Sawing wood is the order of the lay Mr was thrown off i horse on Tuesday night and had us back hurt We see Jims car much days Bradford Mr and Mrs J r y and Miss of Newmar ket visited hero on Sunday At ho trial of Frank Rogers held here on Tuesday of last week before Magistrate Jeffs of Rogers was found guilty of having a quantity of mash in his and the sentence passed was a fine of or ten months in jail Repairs are under way for the dock near the Bradford bridge on the Holland river New Silk Finish per yard W A BRUNTON CO Mr Arnold has moved to his farm he bought on street and Mr Turlon of Fishers Cor ners has moved to Arnolds Mr Ernie Hutchison of the twelfth line is not improving very much He is under the car of a physician Circling wood has been the or der of the day in and around her Mrs F of Sohomborg and Miss Mary TreaCy of Lint spent Sunday with Mr and of the tenth home Mr Fuller of the elevonth lino has moved to his Tottenham Christie Graham Oil Wednesday last Schomberg St Patricks Club held a eu chre and dance in the town hall on the Hendersons Or chestra On Thursday the regular meeting of the Womens institute was held in the club room There were twentyone members present A rtiotlon was passed protidc clothes for who is In Ihe san itarium Weston A splendid program was given singing ted by Mrs Kearney two splendid papers one by Miss Skinner graduate nurse on Wicked Waste of human life that might he avoided ity a little care and expense provided ahead and showing tho people of Southern Ontario how bless ed we wore with hospitals doc tors and nursing homes at- our do very much approved of Un fortunately there were no men Miss Armstrong gave a splendid a ucii Canadian father getting advice from a bachelor how to train up from Henry This was well ren dered The hostesses for day Mrs B and Mrs Farquhar had tables beauti fully laid in preparation for the luncheon which followed A most enjoyable time was the de cision of all present Next meeting will bo held at he home of Mrs James Pearson on the of April Mr and Mrs R Palmer of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Mrs E and her daughter Joyce are spending a for he weekend Mr and Mis Fred Ellison spent the weekend Mrs J Brown Mrs Blair and of Saskatchewan are visiting Mis Mr of Toronto a few days with Mr Mrs John lAmoy girls class or he FnHed Churoh gave mothers banquet on Friday night A dance was held in the own Friday There was a largo crowd present and a very enjoyable evening was spent W C LUNDY The Ladies Store Newmarket March House Cleaning Madras Curtaining Reg 71k Sale Price 48o Yd Check and Striped Scrim Cream Reg Now Yd Casement Fancy Edge Sale Price Fanoy In Cream and White Ecu Fanoy Heavy Panels panel In Wide Yd Long Ea Rayon Silk Panels Ranging In Price from to GET YOUR Butter Paper Printed at the Era Office The Drop in Price Still Prevails TESTON of King City visited our last Tuesday evening sixty were present notwithstanding the condition of roads Vcrna Carson Missionary VlcePrea look and the program Rev Herbert Archibald and her i Shu iihijcil many from A sang a suitable olo ftefreshments were ved at close of meeting and ilcasant social hour was spent The annual meeting of the United will be held tills Wednesday evening A banquet for all the con gregation Is to be held at oclock Master Washington Dtcenian of Mr and Lewis Dtceman is taken to Ihe Sick Childrens HOB- I and operated on for making a good recovery and Is peeled home this week Ladles Aid held their regular monthly meeting at home of Mb King Clly last Friday afternoon It was the annual and The tend ed Mr and Oscar Lloyd and fam ily Intend leaving April 1st to live la Maple We ore sorry to lose them nit our community Mrs J and Mra Adam Dice- in spent lust Friday with friends In Charlea Dates of Chatham sent to Kingston for five years armed robbery Baby Chicks Big husky from bredtoiny APRIL DELIVERY per Two cents per chick off the prices for May delivery llvu arrival guaranteed Chicks ready for delivery every Monday Terms with order balance CUSTOM HATCHING Chicks batched from your own eggs In a mammoth coal burning Incubator at tha following prices eggs per egg 30 cases per egg- be at the plant on preceding POULTRY HARM Phone Zephyr Ont 158 now eases of typhoid fever have been reported In Montreal The now stands at since out break began on March last Twentynine deaths have been record- to- typhoid since Jan 1st PALACE THEATRE Newmarket Mar Stock Market Friday and- Saturday Much and fid UtlNNtHs DRESS SUIT featuring Reginald Danny La Plant- J Monday Tutaday and featuring Doris- Kenyan and Warner and THK OVERLAND LIMITED featuring and CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Train leayes Newmarket for and pm Train leaves Toronto Sot Newmarket and pm Train Newmarket for North am and lice fci

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